Pema's Storm: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 1

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Pema's Storm: Rowan Sisters' Trilogy Book 1 Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  Cele grabbed her wand off the counter and leveled it at her daughter’s chest. “Tinneasium,” she spat.

  Claire crumpled like an accordion and writhed on the ground for several long minutes, crying and begging for mercy. Cele finally relented and waited for her daughter’s contrition. Claire pulled herself up from the floor and met her gaze squarely. She appreciated her daughter’s pride and recognized the stubborn tilt to her chin. That wouldn’t stop Cele from doing what was necessary to reach her goals. Whether Claire recognized it or not, Cele was doing this for her. One day, she would inherit the power from Cele.

  “I will not allow Pema to have him. I have lived in their shadow for too long, and I won’t do it anymore! I am your daughter. You should acknowledge my power, too, even if I’m not one of the prophesized three.”

  That was true and Cele had struggled with Claire and her ability for her entire life. Claire was powerful, but stubborn. It took a lot of persuasion to convince her to hone her craft and when she became obsessed with Ronan, she moved away and didn’t portal home often enough. But, from the moment she had learned of the Rowan triplets’ birth, Cele had dreamed about negating the prophesy before taking over the Tehrex Realm and unseating Zander, the lofty vampire king and his precious Dark Alliance council.

  The realm needed her to reach its full potential. In her opinion, they should stand over humans, not cower in the shadows from them. Zander followed the Goddess’ edicts too literally. Cele believed that they were meant to rule the humans and offer protection from evil in exchange for vows of servitude. It disgusted her that such transitory creatures were in charge of the planet.

  Cele smiled darkly. The Dark Warriors would be hers to command, and all creatures would bow to her. She would be the most powerful being ever to exist…if her daughter didn’t destroy it for her.

  “You are my child and need to trust me when I tell you that I will handle the situation. The Rowan triplets aren’t to be touched. I will eliminate the shifter before I permit any harm to befall them.”

  “Don’t you dare touch him. I told you he is mine! You taught me that we can’t allow an enemy to have anything, that it only gives them strength! And trust me, mother, the Rowans are our enemy,” Claire retorted as she plopped down in the high-back chair in Cele’s office.

  Cele hated that this situation was hurting her daughter, but she wasn’t about to give up on obtaining their power. Claire needed to get control of Claire. “Darling daughter, you need to stop. I have explained my plan to harness their magic. I will remind you once more that this plan involves rendering them powerless and completely under my control. After that, Pema is yours to do with as you please. For the time being, none of the Rowan triplets are to be harmed in any way. Do you understand me?”

  Claire refused to answer and only glared at her. She saw no respect in the face she loved so much. If Claire didn’t respect her, she would certainly fear her. Cele lifted her maple wand again and pointed it at her daughter. “Tinneasium,” she muttered and felt the vibration of her magic and watched Claire cry out in pain. Cele hardened her heart and watched her daughter hunch over screaming. “I love you daughter, but you will continue to suffer if you refuse to obey me. Do not touch any of the Rowans!” Cele knew her eyes were blazing with her fury and reveled in the way Claire cringed away from her. Her daughter would think twice before disobeying her again.

  Claire pleaded with her, tears streaming down her cheeks, “Mother…stop…please.” She was sobbing and struggling to sit up. When she saw blood trickle from the corner of Claire’s nose, she lowered her wand, and finally ceded.

  She circled the desk and cradled her daughter’s head, stroking her hair. “Sweetheart, you must listen to me. I know you want Ronan, but you have to leave the situation to me. I don’t want to hurt you again, but I will if you force my hand.”

  Claire’s tears continued unchecked and she could feel her trembling beneath her palm. “Yes, mother,” she agreed easily, all fight having left her. Cele wondered how long that was going to last. She knew her daughter wouldn’t stand by and watch Pema take what she had claimed as her own. Cele needed to find a way to keep Ronan and Pema apart, and force the triplets to give her their powers before that happened.

  She gathered her daughter into her arms, cooing in her ear. “Don’t worry, my plan will work, darling. I will garner their power and combine it with my own. Pema will be left with nothing.”


  “No freaking way! That is the best news I’ve heard since mom’s mating,” Suvi said in excitement.

  Pema sighed, Suvi was such a hopeless romantic. “Yeah, not so much, Suvi. You aren’t listening to me. I did not ask for this. The Goddess needs to take this back.”

  Suvi gasped and placed her hands over her mouth. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. Fate will make you suffer for such blasphemy. I know you think of this as a curse, but it is a blessing. To be given the chance to find a love that is bigger than the universe, to have that one person who makes you want to unpack your baggage and settle in, is the greatest gift you will ever receive.”

  “When you think about it, this news isn’t really surprising. The signs were all there from the beginning, and I’m shocked we missed them. The chemistry between you two was explosive. Set the drapes on fire explosive. And, Suvi is right, this isn’t a curse,” Isis added.

  “Mom’s mating was the worst day of my life. It killed me to see dad so devastated and I vowed to never be a part of anything that would cause someone so much pain. Even if it wasn’t intended. I’m having a hard time reconciling how I felt then with how I’m feeling now,” Pema responded as she turned and threw out the small stub that remained of the burned incense.

  It was hard to disagree completely with her sister when her body was humming with satiation, despite the fact that her head was killing her. The internal battle over this refused to let up and it was giving her a migraine. She was a witch and never got migraines. Fate was surely laughing at her with this one. Rather than steering clear of Ronan, she gave into her desires, and was rewarded with a mate, a mate she didn’t want.

  She had told herself she would have sex with him the one time and get him out of her system. Now, the male was as deep in her as any ever would be. She wanted him more with every second that passed, he consumed her every thought. She was in a constant state of arousal and discomfort as a result. His soul rustled in her chest and she glanced down at the brand on her left forearm.

  Her mate mark burned painfully and didn’t diminish when she traced the outline with a cooling spell. She knew the pain would only worsen until they completed the mating. It was the Goddess’ way of ensuring they couldn’t deny one another.

  She felt the connection to him growing by the minute. In fact, when she concentrated she was able to discern that he was driving through traffic and was as upset as she was over their mating. He hadn’t wanted it any more than she did initially, because he had wanted to win Claire back. They hadn’t discussed anything before she hastily redressed and found her sisters then left the club so she wasn’t certain of his exact stance. But, through their bond, she sensed he was trying to come to terms with being her mate.

  It was astonishing to think of how complex the Goddess’ plans were. It took many different factors to occur and bring him to Seattle and her doorstep. It proved to her that their meeting was inevitable. She may not have wanted this, but she had it now and needed to find a way to come to terms with this whole situation.

  After she ran from Ronan’s bed, it had been a long night followed by a long morning. Jace had called with the lab results. His scientists had sampled the remaining drops of liquid left in her glass and confirmed that it had been contaminated with cyanide. The dose had been so concentrated that if she wasn’t a supernatural, she would’ve died before Jace was able to help her.

  Claire had poisoned her and if Jace had not been there then she would have died. Pema’s anger ignited at the thought and quickly turned to rage
. Almost immediately, the ground began to shake as Isis absorbed Pema’s emotions. When she spotted a crack appear in the concrete flooring, she employed every calming technique their mother had ever taught her. Steadying her emotions was vital before any more damage was done to their store. Grabbing a stick of incense, she lit the end, praying to the Goddess that it would bring peace and tranquility to the atmosphere.

  She checked the time and realized that Ronan would be there soon. That claimed all of her attention and had her blood humming with anticipation. She was happy that the closer he came to her location, the more her anger turned lascivious.

  She could try to deny her feelings all she wanted, but she couldn’t forget that it felt right to be with him. Her body and both of their souls were crying out for her to go to him and finish the mating. She knew all too well that the torment would only increase until they completed the ceremony.

  She rubbed the mating brand on her forearm which burned like acid. The pain increased with her arousal and the question ran through her mind if she could live with the discomfort for the rest of her immortal life. The reality was that if she didn’t go forward with this mating, she would never find relief.

  She heard the slam of a door and looked out the window to see Ronan crossing in front of his truck. He was sinfully good-looking and even his truck was sexy, she thought ruefully. What was it about a male and his truck?

  He walked with confidence and determination. She shivered, even that was a turn-on. She wanted him desperately. There was nothing about him that didn’t make her weak. As an independent female, she typically found male power domineering, but the way it seeped from his pores was making her want to give him whatever he demanded. Okay, if she didn’t stop mooning like a lovesick puppy, she was going to kick her own ass.

  The scariest part about it was that she wanted this shifter more than anything. She chanted a string of denials as she shook her head. They had to talk and if she had her way there would be no conversation. She turned to her sisters and quickly spat, “Get in the office. No, wait, stay here.” She was already in way too deep. “I know I sound crazy, and maybe I am.”

  “We’re going to the back. I don’t want to see your pink parts, or his. Call us if you need help turning him into a toad, sis,” Isis offered then hugged her hard and quick.

  “Grab hold of him and don’t let go. You deserve happiness, Pema,” Suvi whispered into her ear before following Isis to the office.

  “Yeah, thanks,” she murmured as they stalked to the backroom. She had her back to the door when she heard the wind chime. Her heart began fluttering rapidly like the wings of a hummingbird. That was the sound she had heard the first time he had walked into her life and changed it forever. The sound would forever make her insides melt.

  She recalled his woodsy scent, and the way one curl hung over his eye as the sunlight haloed his frame, making her long for completion. She was unprepared for the emotion the memory brought forth. She took a deep breath and steeled her nerves before she turned around.

  When she saw him standing in front of her, her breath left her in a whoosh. No male had a right to look so edible. One thick eyebrow rose over his warm, chocolate-brown eyes. He nervously ran a hand through his thick, curly, brown hair. That stubborn curl dropped back down into his eye and she wanted to brush it away, cup his cheeks then kiss his luscious lips.

  Her gaze traveled south in a slow perusal. She hadn’t yet allowed herself a good long look at him, and with all she had been through, she figured she deserved it. She was five-foot-nine inches and preferred tall males. Ronan didn’t disappoint. He was six feet of muscled glory.

  The image of him surging in and out of her as he caged her beneath him flashed in her mind, making her ache. Her mate mark began burning and her abdomen clenched with need. Nothing in her life compared to the way the mating compulsion forced her to recognize what belonged to her. She couldn’t deny what her body wanted. That didn’t bode well for her willpower or that talk they needed to have. She had questions. Did he still want Claire? How did he feel about their mating? What did they do from here?

  Yet, she couldn’t make any of that matter at the moment. He had been in the store for all of ten seconds and she wondered why he wasn’t already inside her. She prayed to the Goddess for strength. Oh right, the Goddess had placed her in this predicament. There’d be no help from that direction.

  She caught him checking her out, too, and suddenly, his nostrils flared and he growled low in his throat. No doubt, he had picked up the scent of her arousal. It was thicker than the sandalwood incense. She’d be embarrassed if she wasn’t so busy watching him lick his lips. The sight of his tongue sliding across his full lips had her thinking of what he’d done to her with them the night before. Focusing would be easier if the orgasms he’d given her hadn’t literally transported her to the stars. She wanted more of that, what female wouldn’t?

  Everything about him was animalistic and raw. His glowing stare saw straight to her soul. “Do you still want Claire?” she asked, wishing she didn’t sound like a jealous teenager. Tendrils of his arousal, which only enhanced his musky evergreen scent, weakened her resolve and ability to think coherently.

  When he didn’t answer but only stared at her, she turned away, needing to break the growing tension. He grabbed her arm and spun her back around. When he wrapped his arms around her waist, she went rigid against his chest. Her heart told her that this was where she belonged, but she wasn’t sure how he felt.

  “Why would you even ask me that?” was his response as he licked his lips hungrily.

  “We can’t keep doing this.” She wasn’t going to play this game. Of course, that meant she was leaving him to another female and damning herself to a lifetime of pain. Pain, she realized, she could live with. It was the thought of him being with another female that her soul rebelled against…she’d be damned if she allowed that to happen.

  “We will be doing this for eternity…mate,” he promised and kissed her cheek. Immediately, all thought evaporated as she sought his lips with hers, clawing to get his shirt off. He helped by pulling it over his head and tossed it to the floor. It was like a ravenous beast had taken control over her body.

  “Your sweet strawberry scent intensifies with your arousal,” he murmured. “I need your taste in my mouth.”

  She cut him off, “Don’t say things like that. You have to leave, we can’t do this,” she mumbled against his neck where she was licking and kissing and nibbling his flesh. She told herself to lift her head and step back, but her hands had a mind of their own and began a leisurely perusal up and down his muscled back. His groans filled her ear as he turned his head and licked the shell of her ear then began sucking on her neck.

  She almost cried out when he paused to whisper in her ear. “I’m not leaving. I’m as confused as anyone, but there is no denying how I feel about you. On that subject I am perfectly clear.”


  “You are mine and I am yours. There is no one else, our souls can’t deny that truth,” Ronan swore. Pema’s heart raced from panic and fear as much as it did from arousal. It was like her brain had decided to take a vacation and allow her traitorous body to run the show for the time being. Helpless, she leaned into him as he ran his hand down the curve of her breast, teasing her.

  “And, I plan to bury my cock so deep inside you that we don’t know where I end and you begin,” he rumbled as he ran his hot tongue up her neck.

  “Goddess, help me…” Pema never finished her plea. Ronan crushed his mouth over hers, with a kiss that was so hot and forceful that she was entirely at his mercy. He took control, owning her in a way she’d never experienced. It was forceful and demanding with a clash of teeth and tongues, and it thrilled her like nothing else. Her reservations flew out the proverbial window as she gave in, moaning her pleasure, kissing him back. She ran her fingertips along his bare back and sank her fingernails into his flesh.

  The sensation of his soul wrapping around he
rs echoed the way his body encompassed hers, stealing her breath. Through their connection, she felt the bear prowling beneath his skin and it was erotic as hell. She had never had a male come so unhinged over her, and it emboldened her actions.

  Without conscious thought, she ground her hips against his erection, bringing his animal even closer to the surface. She wanted to connect with the bear as well, and to do that, she needed to feel him right under his skin. Most shifters buried their animal deep inside while they had sex, for safety reasons. An out of control shifter was dangerous and unpredictable. She didn’t want his bear in any corner; she wanted him right under her touch.

  She pulled back and saw his eyes clearly this time, they were glowing a brilliant cognac, heavy with lust. Pema arched her back, pressing her body against his hairy chest. He ran his hand down the side of her throat and bare shoulders. His fingers slid into the top of her peasant blouse and slowly pushed it down, revealing her to his gaze.

  Her nipples tightened under his scrutiny, a silent plea for attention. She pressed back against him needing the contact, the friction. Each breath she took made her breasts heave, rubbing her nipples tantalizingly against his skin. It caused a flood of wetness to seep from her core. Her craving was intense and undeniable and he had barely touched her.

  There was no way she could have been prepared for how intimacy was between mates.

  He pulled back and stared at her in shameless hunger. His eyes told her that he wanted her and only her. She loved how her body captivated this male. His fingers danced from her shoulders to her pebbled tips, then pinched and pulled, elongating them further. “Goddess, that feels so good, Ronan. So damn good, it has to be a sin.”


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