No Reservations

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No Reservations Page 18

by Lauren Dane

  Agreed. Although it'd be nice if I could just slap the shit out of her. I change my mind about the "no Eve calling our house" rule. I only want her contacting you that way. She's like one of those yappy dogs who needs a very hard lesson. The lesson is this.' Kate stopped and took his face in her hands. People walked around them but she heard and felt nothing but him. 'You're mine. She is nothing but the mother of your kids and that I respect. Otherwise, she better deal with the fact that / am your woman because I'm not giving her any way around that. I won't interfere in your parenting of your kids, but for all other contact, she has to come through me. Weil nip this little comprehension problem of hers right in the bud. Later, I don't care, but for the next little while, Eve will know who is in charge. And it's a woman who can open her own jars.'

  He leant down just a bit, brushing his lips against hers. 'And you'll still marry me next year sometime?'

  Kate laughed and jumped back, tugging him towards the hotel. 'God, you're like a dog with a bone.'

  'Here's what I know, I'd be marrying you in five minutes if you'd go for it, so yes, I'm not going to give up.'

  'All right. October. I want a small intimate ceremony. Less than twenty people. Your daughters will be part of it. Then that night we get straight on a plane somewhere lovely. I don't need pomp and circumstance. I want to make it legal, involve our closest loved ones and then party. This doesn't mean you don't have to provide me with a ring. That needs to happen soon. Let me advise you away from that monstrosity Pickles has. I like big, but I like tasteful too. Then again, I wouldn't wear my engagement ring nearly a decade after I got dumped. But we've established I'm an order of magnitude above Pickles.' She looked down at the ring he'd just given her for Christmas. 'This is beautiful, you can keep going in this direction.'

  He snorted a laugh. 'I'd tell you to just pick something out and tell me what you want but [ know that would be a violation of the code or whatever. I think I can manage something appropriately fabulous. October it is. I'll talk to my travel agent when we get back to have him start looking into honeymoon ideas.'

  'If we hurry I think we can catch that elevator before the doors close,' she said, pulling him along.

  Chapter 18

  A simple band of gold. Nothing etched on it or inside it. No words. This wasn't for anyone else, it was for them, and neither Brandon nor Leah needed a reminder of what the ring meant.

  He'd never worn rings, not even for a high-school class or a sports team. He'd pierced his ears in college and worn silver hoops in both of them for a short time, but now he wasn't even sure he could force an earring through the old holes. Brandon stood in front of the mirror naked, the hand with the ring on it on his belly. Staring.

  Leah, wearing only a pair of filmy black panties and a matching bra, came into the bathroom as she slid on a pair of dangling earrings she'd bought from the same guy who'd made the ring. She paused. Her gaze met his in the mirror.

  'You're not dressed,' she said.

  His cock stirred at the cool command in her voice and the no-nonsense look she gave him. Angry Leah was formidable to see, but she hardly ever got mad at him. Her discipline always came from a different place for Brandon. 'We're going to be late. You know I hate being late.

  He didn't point out that by the sounds coming faintly through the walls, Kate and Dix weren't exactly rushing to get downstairs, either. Or that it was still early evening, hours away from midnight. Or that they were in Vegas, where you couldn't be late for anything, because nothing ever ended.

  'You should get dressed,' Leah continued, circling behind him while he stayed still. 'Brandon.'

  He swallowed, his prick thickening further. He'd come from the shower, hair dripping, intending to dry off at once and get dressed for the party. The unfamiliar glint of gold on his finger — the right hand, not the left, had captured his attention. Frozen him. 'What are you looking at?' Leah stopped just behind him, looking around him at his reflection.

  He felt the slow tickle of her fingertip on his back, low, just above the crack of his ass. 'This ring.'

  She smiled. Her finger whispered along the fine hairs at the base of his spine. Then a little lower. Brandon's dick rose another half an inch and his balls tightened. You like it.' He nodded.

  'I like it, too.' Leah's hand cupped his ass for a moment, then squeezed. 'Go over there and put your hands on the counter.'

  He flicked her a glance, surprised, but there was no pretending she wasn't serious. He did as she said. The ring clicked on the marble, and Brandon swallowed hard at the sound. He kept his gaze on her in the mirror.

  She was so fucking beautiful it broke him apart. All the time, but now, with her hair pulled up to show her neck, the earrings brushing her skin with every step, she took his breath away. Leah's hand lay light on the small of his back as he bent forwards enough to keep his hands flat on the counter.

  'Spread your legs. Feet apart. Let me see that pretty cock.'

  He blinked and bit back a smile, but did as she said.

  'Do you think that's funny?' Leah pinched his hip, not hard enough to hurt. His cock, fully hard now, throbbed. 'No.'

  She reached between his legs from behind to cup his balls. 'I can see it in the mirror, Brandon. How hard you are.' Her voice had gone husky and when she licked her lips, his breath caught. A small shudder traced its way down his spine as Leah weighed his balls, then ran her thumb back and forth, stroking. She watched in the mirror, expression contemplative. I've been thinking what that domina said, downstairs. About the cock harness.'

  His entire body jerked and he made to stand, to turn and face her, but Leah's grip tightened on his nuts. Brandon didn't move. His fingers clutched on slick marble. His heart raced.

  'Shh,' she murmured. Her thumb stroked, stroked. She shifted her hand so her thumb pressed against his asshole.

  'Fuck,' he blurted, voice hoarse and raw, and bent his head so his hair fell over his eyes and he wouldn't have to see her face.

  He'd come in another few seconds if he saw the look in her eyes, he knew it. With her thumb pressing him so gently back there he almost couldn't feel the pressure, without even touching his cock at all. She owned him.

  'That ring,' Leah said in a low, hot voice, 'was a very, very good idea.'

  He nodded, waiting. When her other hand came around to grip his cock, he groaned. She stroked him slowly from root to tip, her other hand keeping up the same gentle pressure. He fucked into her hand and she stopped moving it. 'No,' she said. He stopped.

  She stood so close her breath gusted against his shoulder and the heat of her body warmed his naked skin. 'There is so much, Brandon. So many things . . . there is so much we haven't done.'

  Leah's voice quavered, and Brandon turned to take her in his arms. He tucked her close, her head just beneath his chin. She hugged him.

  He loved her for being uncertain. For worrying. 'We'll figure it out. It's OK.'

  She sighed against him, then tipped her face to look up. Doubt crossed her face, replaced in the next moment by a sly grin. She reached between them and rubbed his cock slowly over her bare belly. But when he bent to kiss her, she turned her head. 'No.'

  His mouth stopped a breath away from her cheek. 'You sure?'

  Her body moved as her hand also moved his dick against her. i'm sure.'

  Frustrated, he dosed his eyes but didn't kiss her. He kept still, even though he wanted to push against her. Inside her.

  Leah laughed, low and throaty, and stepped back. 'Get dressed.'

  He opened his eyes and looked at his cock before he looked at her. 'Now?

  'Yes, now. I hear Kate in the living room, and I'm hungry, Brandon.'

  He groaned and swept the hair off his forehead. His balls ached a little. So did his prick. 'Can I have a minute or two?' 'No,' Leah said sternly. She tossed him the pair of briefs on the counter. 'Put these on.'

  He did. The front bulged and the fabric rubbed him without mercy. Heat flooded up from his chest to his face. 'Leah . . .'
Again, she laughed, teasing, i want you hard, or half-hard, until I'm ready to do something with that gorgeous prick.' He sighed and adjusted himself. 'Yes, ma'am.' Her eyes gleamed. 'Don't get saucy with me, Béarnaise.'

  He laughed and she stood on her tiptoes to brush a too-brief kiss over his mouth. When he reached for her, she stepped away, shaking a finger. Brandon dropped his hands, giving in to her.

  'Be good,' she admonished, 'and I will let you lick me, later.' 'I could lick you now . . .'

  'No,' she said serenely, and paraded out of the bathroom, calling over her shoulder, 'get dressed! Now!' He snuck a quick rub through the briefs, but Leah ducked back through the door and caught him at it. 'Cock harness,' she warned. Everything inside him pulsed.

  'Ah,' she breathed, watching him. i think we might have to stop back at the vendor exhibition tonight, after all.

  Leah had never been enamoured of Las Vegas, but she had to admit this trip had been a fabulous idea. Impulsively, she reached to squeeze Kate in a sideways hug. 'Thank you.'

  Kate, wearing a gorgeous, short red dress laughed and hugged Leah, too. 'For what?'

  'All of it.' Leah waved a hand at the ballroom. 'The trip. The party. The suite.'

  Kate smirked, it has been pretty damn great, huh?'

  'Yes.' Leah sighed, searching the crowd for Brandon who'd gone off with Dix to find drinks, i'm going to marry him, Kate.' Kate raised a brow. 'Duh.'

  Leah laughed and smoothed the skirt of the simple black dress she'd picked out earlier. Thigh high, strapless, spangled with the subtle gleam of iridescent black beads, the gown had looked like nothing on the hanger but fit her perfectly and made her feel like a goddess the way a good dress should. She shifted, feeling the whisper of her lace stocking tops against each other.

  'What about you?' she asked pointedly. 'Have you and Dix figured out the housing situation?'

  Kate nodded to the beat of the band on the room's far end. i'm moving in with him, wedding bells to follow in October. Something simple. Not like your White Wedding extravaganza.'

  'Hmmm, I'm not sure I can get away with wearing white,' Leah said dryly, 'although I'm going to toss out a guess that it will end up being quite a show.'

  'You'll be OK with that?' Kate asked.

  Leah nodded. 'Brandon will do whatever I want, I know that. But... I know he'll want the whole thing. The church, the dress, the roast beef reception. Well,' she amended, thinking, 'maybe something classier than that. But yes, I think it will be traditional.'

  'Good,” Kate said firmly. 'I'll practise my Chicken Dance. But I'm not doing the Macarena, so don't ask.' Leah laughed. 'Oh, God. No.'

  The crowd moved around them, a horde of fancy dresses and tuxes and pretty people drinking from champagne flutes. Yet even in the crowd, Leah had no trouble seeing Brandon and Dix cutting their way back from the bar, drinks in hand. 'We are two very lucky women,' she said. 'Dude, you know it.'

  The women shared a high-five that morphed into the secret handshake they'd made up in eighth grade and could still bring out when the occasion called for it. Breaking up into laughter, Leah added a hip shimmy. Kate threw up rock horns with her fingers.

  'I see you're behaving yourselves.' Dix pulled Kate into his arms and kissed her soundly. 'My darling Kate, I brought your drink the way you like your man.'

  'Fruity with an umbrella?' she asked archly.

  Strong enough to buckle your knees,' he told her.

  Brandon handed Leah her glass as he moved behind her to pull her close. 'Margarita with salt.'

  She felt the lump of his semi-erection and rubbed her ass against him, just a little, then turned to smile up at him. 'Thank you.' They moved together for a minute to the beat, but they were in the wrong place for dancing. Too many people with drinks, and a little too far from the band. And Leah's stomach was growling. "Where's the buffet?' she asked Kate.

  'Other room, I think. Hey, hey.' Kate slapped at Dix's roving hand, but not seriously enough to stop him. It's your fault for looking so delicious. Kate snorted. 'Do you want to eat?' 'I want to eat,' Brandon said matter-of-factly. Leah linked her arm through his. 'No surprise there.

  They wove through the crowd and through the arched doorway to the smaller ballroom, where a buffet of truly spectacular proportions had been arranged, along with a number of tables and booths close to both the food and the music. Ice sculptures, lights, platters and trays of food and drink, all laid out in true Vegas style. Brandon let out a low whistle.

  'Everything looks so good.' Leah studied the long tables set up with steam trays. 'C'mon, let's eat. I want you to keep your strength up. For later.'

  She wiggled her eyebrows at him, and Brandon laughed. He got in line behind her. They both took plates, still hot from the dishwasher, and moved along the line. Leah made careful choices. . . things that could be eaten with her fingers, small portions. Brandon, on the other hand, loaded up with whatever he pleased.

  Kate and Dix had filled their plates as well. Now the four of them stood around, hands full of food, while people all around them did the same thing. All the small tables on this side of the velvet rope had been taken.

  'Screw this,' Dix said. 'Let's get one of those booths. I'm not standing around nibbling and getting stuff spilt on me.'

  'That one's open.' Brandon pointed with his chin. 'We'll have to get bottle service.'

  'Worth every fucking penny,' Dix said. 'Ladies, after you.'

  'I could get used to this,' Leah said from inside the booth as the waiter brought them a bottle of champagne, the music started, and everyone around them who didn't have a VIP table had to juggle plates and glasses.

  Brandon dug into his pile of food but shot her a grin and nudged her knee with his under the table. 'Too bad there aren't any bagels.

  Leah reached to squeeze his knee and watched his grin get a little strained, though the humour stayed in his deep-brown eyes. 'That is truly tragic'

  The jazz trio playing in this ballroom was great, but not quite loud enough to cover up the occasional throb of music from the two connecting ballrooms. Even so, the booth shielded them enough to allow them conversation without having to shout, the food was great and the champagne flowed. It wasn't long before Kate and Leah were giggling over their own conversations while the men discussed stuff that had measurements and scores and point spreads and God knew what else.

  Kate shifted in her seat to the upbeat tempo. 'Charles, I want to dance.'

  'And I, darling Kate, want to see you shake that sweet —'

  Kate stopped him with a kiss. 'C'mon, before I give in to another plate of pasta or a piece of cheesecake.' She turned to Leah. 'Are you coming?'

  Leah looked at Brandon, who was still eating. 'Umm ... in a little while.' Brandon laughed but didn't put down his fork. 'I'll be done soon.'

  Dix shook his head. 'Christ, kid.'

  Kate took him by the hand and pulled him from the booth, calling oyer her shoulder at Leah, 'Weil be in the electronica ballroom, OK? Text me if you can't find me.'

  'Have fun.' Leah watched them go, then leant to drag a finger through the raspberry sauce on Brandon's plate of chocolate cake. She touched the tip of her tongue to it, then offered it to him. 'Yum.'

  He took her fingertip in his mouth and sucked gently in a way that sent tendrils of pleasure unfurling all through her. 'Mmmmm.

  Leah's hand slipped under the table and cupped the bulge at his crotch. 'Mmmm.'

  Brandon pushed his plate away and kissed her. i'm done.'

  'Ah ah,' Leah said, id hate for you to miss out on something good. You should finish.'

  His breathing quickened as his tongue swept hers and he pulled back just enough to murmur, 'This is better.

  Leah sat back against the booth's high leather seat. She stroked him idly as they kissed, interrupted only by the waiter asking if they wanted another bottle. Since the one they had was only half gone, she shook her head. Brandon filled her glass, then his. 'Good stuff.' She rubbed his cock again. 'This is better.'
  His tongue wet his mouth. He was hard under her fingers, and she took mercy on him. It had to be uncomfortable. But when she tried to withdraw her hand, he made a noise of protest.

  i can't get you off right here,' Leah said into his ear as she added a nibble that made him shiver, it would make a mess and would be uncomfortable for you. Really. It's for your own good.'

  He groaned. 'Leah . . .'

  'On the other hand,' she told him, 'you can certainly use your hand on me.'

  Brandon laughed and as the jazz trio struck up another song, a singer joined them. Her slow, sultry crooning was the perfect background for him sliding his fingers up her thigh and past the lacy stocking tops, to stroke her clit through her panties. 'Like this?'

  She nodded and settled back against him, facing the stage so she could watch the show. Most of the other people were still too busy eating and drinking to pay attention to the singer, who looked every inch the part of a 1930s blues singer, right down to the flower inher hair. Leah didn't know the words to the woman's song, but the music flowed over her, sweet and slow and sensual, a total ear-fuck.

  Brandon's hand moved slowly, too. Fingertip barely circling. Anyone walking by would see a couple intent on the performance, not a man with his hand between a woman's legs. Making her come. Not that she was close, anyway. Not yet.

  Brandon knew how to ease her into it, keep her humming. He paused every few strokes. His breath heated the back of her neck and his lips traced her ear. Her nipples stood out, sharp, hard points, inside her gown. Leah arched slightly, pressing herself back against his cock.

  'You're so fucking sexy,' he murmured in her ear as his fingers moved again. He shifted to dip inside her panties and find her slick arousal. Her cunt clenched and Leah bit back a moan, i want to put my fingers in your pussy and feel how hot you are.'

  God, she loved it when he talked dirty. It made her mindless. Made her want to writhe, to sink down on his prick and ride him. Instead she kept still, opening her legs to let him get inside her as far as he could the way they sat.

  Brandon took her clit between his thumb and finger and rolled it gently, then tugged. Just once, then again. Stopped. Her muscles quivered and her hips tilted, just a little, pressing herself towards his hand. A couple, drinks in hand, stood just a foot or so away from the table to watch the show. Leah could hear every word of their conversation and knew without a doubt they'd be able to hear her if she cried out.


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