No Reservations

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No Reservations Page 22

by Lauren Dane

  Kate stood and brushed down the front of her pants before looking at Eve again. 'Don't hurt him again. I love Charles very much and you're hurting him with this petty shit. You're making him feel this way towards his child. It's you, not her. Have some dignity. Stand on your own two feet and stop acting like a fourteen-year-old girl. Next time I will bring that pillowcase, you get me?'

  She sailed out the front door with a wave as Eve stood, openmouthed, watching her leave.

  Arrested by the sight of his wife standing, steam rising from her body as she reached out to grab the champagne, Dix simply stood and looked at her. Her body was long and lithe, the water sliding down her skin, hair slicked back to enhance the beauty of her features. She took his breath, stole any other thoughts but the ones he had of her.

  She saw him and smiled, that smile he knew was only his. That side of her he knew she rarely revealed to others.

  The smile drew him in, brought him into motion as he climbed back into the hot tub with her, putting the tray of food down and taking the glass she handed him.

  He clinked it to hers. 'Happy wedding day, ma'am.'

  She laughed, settling back into his arm, resting her head there as she looked up to the stars. 'Happy wedding day, sir. This place is awesome. I vote we always stay in hotels with hot tubs and private patios.'

  Their honeymoon would be spent at a beautiful luxury resort, in their own private villa complete with steps straight down a cliff to the ocean and the aforementioned hot tub right outside a bedroom the size of a small city/state. He planned to take her in every room, on the floor, against the walls, in the huge shower and tub, on the bed, wherever struck his fancy.

  'If it means you'll always be naked, I'm totally up for it.'

  'What I like about you, Charles, is how very easy and simple you are. If there are exposed boobies, you're happy.' He laughed. 'Especially if they're your boobies. Not that I'd write off any old breast sighting. But yours are my favourites. By far.' They looked pretty damned good there in the water. Good enough to touch, he thought as he moved a hand to idly brush the back of his knuckles across her left nipple.

  It sprang to life, which pleased him inordinately, pleased him to know he evoked such a response from her.

  She arched her back, floating a bit and he licked a line up her neck to her ear, tasting salt and that essential whatever that made him crazy to always have more.

  'Thank you for the wedding present,' he murmured before nibbling her ear. When he'd seen both his daughters walk into the small restaurant where they'd had the wedding and the reception afterwards, he'd known it had been Kate's doing. Had known whatever the hell she'd said to Eve had struck home because Eve had been more reserved of late and Adrienne had taken to spending at least one night a week at their house.

  'I know you don't wear much jewellery but you really do need a watch. Not that I'm commenting on your propensity towards being late. Wait, yes I am.' She chuckled softly.

  'Not the watch, although that was quite nice and I already promised to make an effort not to be late all the time. It's just that you're so tempting and right as we get ready to leave you get all sexy and then I have to fuck you. You can't blame me. I'm a man in the prime of his life. I gotta get all the fucking in I can. You heard your mother on that score. It's only a matter of time before I'm taking the little blue pill and peeing on myself.'

  Delightfully, she began to giggle, all her best parts jiggling as she did. She pressed her face to his neck and embraced him.

  'I know I shouldn't laugh. God knows I had enough of her before you came along. But you make such great fodder to toss her way when she starts sniffing around for things to hate about my life. You're so great at handling her. Do you forgive me?'

  'Ha. She tried to make a grab at my cock today. Did you see that? I needed a drink or three after that moment.'

  Kate sat back, eyes wide as she tried not to smile. 'She did not! Like sexually?' She wrinkled her nose and his cock deflated a little even just remembering it.

  'She did. She was regaling your sister with tales of how old men like me can't get it up. Your sister dutifully refrained from rolling her eyes, but reassured your mother I was keeping you happy so she should just stay out of it. That's when your mother lunged towards my junk to emphasise erectile dysfunction. It was not my favourite moment.'

  'Did she grab anything? I'm betting you were still young enough to be spry and evade her grabbing hands. If she did get a handful of what you're packing she wouldn't be bugging me about marrying old men with flaccid peens and pee problems. Maybe you should let her cop a feel to end the argument once and for all.'

  'No! I jumped back. I'm glad to see you so amused by my misfortune.'

  'Whatthefuckever. Eve, Charles Dixon, her name is Eve and she's a giant, hairy, pus-filled carbuncle. With wrinkles because of all her looking down on things. She's so judgy she's made herself even older looking. My mom could have popped out a nipple and it wouldn't have been approaching the street of insanity your ex-wife lives on.'

  He groaned. 'Back to my original point. Thank you for the watch, it's great. No, what I meant was thank you for getting Adrienne to attend the wedding. I'd made my peace with her not being there, but it sure would have hurt.'

  'Oh. Well. It's all up to Adrienne. She still hates me so don't get excited. But she loves you. You're her father and I just assured her she's allowed to hate me and still love you. I don't think she really understood how much it would have hurt you for her not to come to the wedding.'

  He brought her to face him, straddling his lap. 'Thank you.'

  'I love you. It made you happy.' She shrugged. 'You do things for people you love.'

  You love my daughter even though she's being an ungrateful brat?' His words were teasing, but there was no denying the truth of what he'd said.

  'I do. I'm not their mother, they have one already. But I'm their father's wife, they're part of you, I love them for that if nothing else. Now, this is my honeymoon and I say we give up talking about any other women but Angelina Jolie for the duration. We haven't had sex in hours. Are you neglecting me already?'

  He stood, bringing her with him.

  You're right. I've been remiss.' He sat her on the edge of the tub and stood back, just looking at her. The air was cool, but the heat of the hot tub would keep them comfortable.

  She was his happy ending. His slice of something far more than he'd ever expected to possess, to love, to wake up to and he'd lured her into his life and never planned to let go. She hadn't had to stay in his life. Hadn't had to open her life and her condo in the city to him, didn't have to move in and accept his proposal. He'd come with more than his share of baggage and yet, she chose him. Chose to stay, chose to love him baggage and all and all throughout, she'd kept her head, remained a strong and independent woman with her own mind. It was so sexy it made him crazy. He hadn't been something she needed to do, hadn't been a reluctant burden she'd taken on. Katherine had chosen him and had become part of him in ways he couldn't even quantify.

  Few people had such gifts.

  'Nothing but you.'

  Kate opened her eyes and looked into his. Took in the features of this man who'd come into her life like a seductive whisper and had managed to burrow under her skin and hadn't let go. Noble, more noble than he'd ever let on, but he was a good man. An honest man who loved his children and now her. Mischievous, silly, intelligent, funny and gorgeous. Not a bad way to spend the rest of her life.

  His mouth found that spot just below her ear that brought her entire body to life, her hormones surged.

  'Outside, beneath the full moon, the rush of the ocean in the background and my naked, willing wife at my beck and call. Sometimes a man has to just flat out admit when he's got it good.' He quirked a grin at her and she leant in to kiss him at the corner of his mouth.

  You're such a surprise to me sometimes.'

  He paused before kissing her again. 'Good. It's good to keep the mystery alive. When you're a hundr
ed I'm still going to fuck you. Just a warning. I should have said so before the wedding, in the interests of full disclosure and all.' She wrapped her legs around his waist to haul him closer. Til hold you to that.'

  His mouth on hers teased at first. Featherlight touches of his tongue against her lips as she opened to him.

  Urgency rode her. She wanted more of him, didn't want the teasing or the seduction. Only wanted the hard and fast possession of cock in cunt.

  'In, in, in, in. Now.' She urged him closer, her nails digging into his shoulders, widening her thighs to rub her pussy against his cock.

  Impatient. I want to eat you.' He spoke, lips against hers, she took in the breath, the need and it sent a shiver through her. No. No. Fuck me. Please, please, please. I want you in me.'

  He groaned, the sound raw against her mouth, tilling her with it. Stepping closer, he slid his fingertips through her, teasing for a brief moment around her gate and then moving to her clit, a quick side to side and then his cock was there, pressing inside, the pleasure so good it forced a loud moaning please from her lips.

  There was nothing but the naked sky overhead, the way the sweat on her back dried against the blanket of cold evening air. His body forced the cold back, his skin radiating heat as much as the water did.

  Once he'd seated himself fully, her cunt wrapping around him, her calves holding him tight, he took a deep breath and raked his gaze over her face, over her features for the briefest of moments before settling back on her eyes. And then he began to fuck her.

  No nuance. No seduction. No finesse. Just barely leashed sexuality, a man who owned his pleasure and loved to give it to her. He thrust hard and fast, his hands to either side of her hips, braced to keep the rhythm steady and intense, slamming into her body, but holding just this side of pain. Pleasure so intense it crawled over her nerve endings, built until she wasn't sure she could stand it. But she hovered, just shy of coming.

  He groaned again when she brought her fingers to her mouth and then down between them. It didn't take much at all, just a soft touch, two strokes of her middle finger against her clit and she fell off the edge then.

  Her body seized around his cock as she writhed, knowing he was close, wanting him to let go and follow her. The sound he made, when he did climax, tore at her, sent little echoes of pleasure through her system that this man felt that way to be in her.

  Holy shit.'

  She managed a weak laugh as she wrapped herself in a towel and they headed back inside.

  He grabbed her hand and brought her into a hug. 'I want that, every day for the rest of my life.'

  You got it.'

  They ended up on the bed, their legs entangled. 'You know that first time?' She rolled and leant up on her elbow. 'First time?' The first time we were together.'

  'How can I forget a knock on my hotel-room door while I'm attending a seminar and, when I open, it's you? That's pretty unforgettable.'

  i knew you'd be there. I wanted to meet you in person. I wanted to fuck you. It was all I'd been thinking about for months. I signed up for the conference because you were there. I wanted you from the first time I heard your voice on the telephone.

  And there you were, all sort of breathless when you saw me. Stayed so veiy professional and cool while we were in public and then I showed up at your door and you pulled me inside and fell to your knees. You sucked my cock as I stood there, filled with wonder at the reality of you.'

  Kate was quite certain no one in the universe saw her the way he did. It filled her with wonder, to be loved the way he loved her. 'So you set out to seduce me?' She grinned.

  'Yes. I went there with the express purpose of getting you alone and naked. I had no idea then, what it would do to me. How you'd change everything in my life. I just wanted you to know that even from the start, I've wanted you and I've done what I needed to to keep you.'

  'That's so flattering.' She kissed him quickly. 'When I saw it was you, I did a little jump, just a little one so you couldn't feel it on the other side of the door.' She laughed at the memory, i hoped to God you were there to fuck me. I figured if you weren't, once your cock was in my hand, you would.'

  He shook his head while he laughed. 'You're very devious. Thank God.'

  'I didn't expect you.' She licked her lips. 'I didn't expect you or anyone like you. You were just suddenly there and I realised how much I never wanted that to change. I didn't even have the time to fight wanting to be with you.'

  'I love you too.' He kissed her and pulled her atop him again. Even as she protested that she couldn't possibly have sex again, he proceeded to show her just how very wrong she was.

  Chapter 22

  The list came in, one item at a time, via text message. Drop off dry-cleaning. Pick up eggs, bread and milk. MaU birthday package to your mother.

  And the last one, his favourite, the one that made him grin, then shift in his office chair to ease the sudden pressure: Think about eating my pussy until I can't even speak.

  God, he loved that woman. Brandon shut down his computer and gathered up the armful of dry-cleaning he'd earlier hung on the back of his door. He'd already taken care of the birthday package and he'd stop at the store on the way home for the few groceries. He'd probably pick up some takeout Chinese, too, so neither of them would have to cook dinner or wash dishes.

  Who wanted to waste time in the kitchen when he could be spending the night with his face between her thighs?

  Just before he flipped off the light and shut his office door, his phone rang. It was the trill of an inner-site call, which meant it was probably someone with a fire to put out. But damn it, it was already past five, he'd taken care of everything that needed to be done, and he was tired. Yet with a sigh, Brandon answered anyway.

  'Hi, Brandon. This is Ed Daniels.'

  Ed Daniels from Corporate, Brandon's boss. Hell, Brandon's boss's boss. 'Hi, Mr Daniels. What can I do for you?' 'I'm sorry to catch you so late.'

  'Not a problem,' Brandon said, just barely gritting his teeth. He doubted Ed gave a rat's ass how late he was keeping him. Ed probably had nice, boring wife who wasn't waiting with a blindfold and a belt.

  'I'm sure you've heard about the recent restructuring in our national hospitality division.'

  Yes, sir, I have.' Brandon sat heavily, chest going tight. He was about to get laid off, just months before his wedding. 'I'm not sure if you've heard about Chaz leaving us?'

  Chaz Solone, one of the three heads of the Tri-County division. Brandon's boss. 'No, actually, I haven't.' 'Well, he is.' Ed offered no explanation. 'We'd like to offer you the position.' Brandon blinked and sat up straight. 'What?'

  'We want you to take over for Chaz. You'd be overseeing all the units in his division. There's a lot of travel involved but the pay and benefits more than make up for it, I think. Are you interested?' Yes, of course.' Brandon cleared his throat. 'Absolutely.'

  'Good.' Ed sounded firm. 'Chaz himself recommended you, and we just don't have time to go hunting around for someone to step in. You'd start at the end of the month, give you time to find and hire a replacement and get started on your own training. We'd aim to have you in place a month after that.'

  'That's some timeline.'

  Ed laughed. 'I'll have my secretary send you all the important documents on Monday. You can look them over, make sure you're still interested, and get back to me. How's that sound?'

  'Sounds good.' Brandon sat back in the chair, his eyes closed, until Ed said goodbye and hung up. Then he replaced the phone in its cradle and gave a slow, one-two fist pump in the air.


  A new job would mean a lot of things could change. For one thing, he could pay off his college debts sooner. For another, this more important, Leah could stop feeling like she was 'keeping' him. And Brandon had to admit that more money and a fancier title wouldn't exactly make him feel too shabby, either.

  He dropped off the dry-cleaning as ordered, and, while the woman behind the counter had no idea why he was g
rinning like an idiot, she laughed along with him as she filled out the pickup tag. Then he went to Wegman's, where he loaded the cart not only with the items on the list but a bouquet of fresh red roses, an extra loaf of fresh French bread, a hunk of wasabi cheese, some grapes, and a package of Leah's favourite mint-chocolate cookies. Then he hit the prepared-food area and grabbed a couple containers of everything else she liked, too. She'd scold him a little for going overboard, but so he'd eat it for breakfast. And lunch.

  After he was finished eating her, Brandon couldn't help thinking with yet another grin as he flung the bags into the back of his car. His prick was already trying to stand at attention. He could already taste her, smell her, hear the sound of her breathing change as she got closer.

  He couldn't wait.

  'Hey, asshole.'

  It took him a second or two to realise the voice was directed at him, but when he turned to face it, Brandon recognised the man right away. 'Hey, Dickweed! What's up!'

  Darren Weedman, also known as Dickweed, grinned and pumped Brandon's hand. 'Haven't seen you in for-fucking-ever man. What've you been up to?'

  Brandon ran down the short list, including work and ending with '. . . getting married in a few months.

  'No shit. You? Really?' Darren clapped Brandon's shoulder. 'Good for you. I got married last year. Worst fucking thing I ever did.' Brandon raised a brow. 'Yeah?'

  Darren's grin didn't falter. 'Nah, I'm shitting you. Hey, let me take you out for a beer. Celebrate.' 'Nah. I should really get home.' 'C'mon, dude. It's been -'

  'Forever, right.' There'd been weekends spent with Darren and other of their friends that Brandon was half-glad he couldn't completely remember, but he was a good guy for all that. And he hadn't seen him in a long time. 'Sure. Why not? One beer.' 'Great. I'll text some of the other guys, see if they want to hang. You still see Chris and Jerry?'

  'Oh, yeah, saw Jerry last week.' While Darren tapped out messages to other people, Brandon pulled out his phone to send Leah a text. He already knew she'd been planning on getting her nails and hair done after work today, so an hour or so shouldn't be a problem.


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