The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana)

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The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana) Page 6

by Vanak, Bonnie

  “I can invite my sister,” the blonde breathed. “Hell, I have a few girlfriends. We can do anything you want.”

  Anything he wanted would be solo with his mate. Not meaningless, anonymous sex in the dark night, moments of intense pleasure, quickly forgotten. Suddenly exhausted, he longed for home and a crackling fire in the stone hearth, a glass of wine and his arm draped around Sam’s shoulders as they cuddled.


  He, the infamous player known for blindfolding women and teasing them into multiple orgasms?

  His wolf perked up again. Cuddling? This means touch, yes? Touch is good. Let’s cuddle with Sam, and then can I lick her all over?

  A rueful smile touched his mouth. Shelly took this as an encouraging sign and slid her long, tapered nails across the back of his hand.

  “So, it’s a date?” she purred.

  Darius stared at her hand, then dragged his gaze up to her face. She was quite lovely, with flawless skin. As beautiful as a magazine model. Then he studied her slim figure and slim breasts, nipples poking through the silk sheath. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

  He felt nothing. Not even a flicker of interest.

  What a total ass he’d been, screwing around with other women to forget the love of his life. Just like his father. Darius dragged in a deep breath and spoke in his gentlest tone. “Shelly. It was an amazing night.” True enough. “But I am sorry if I didn’t make it clear. It was one night, no commitments.”

  A sultry smile touched her pouty red mouth. “No commitments. But we did have fun.”

  Yes. Fun. “I can’t see you again. I’m committed now to someone else. You’re an amazing woman and your skills…” He gave a wry smile. “Are beyond compare. But not for me. I don’t do one-night stands anymore.”

  A sullen look tightened her face. He wondered what he’d ever seen in her.

  “Your loss, sport. One night stands are my specialty. All the men in this bar would die to fuck me,” she whispered, stroking a red claw over his hand.

  Withdrawing his hand, tempted to wipe it on the linen napkin, he offered a cold smile. “Line up the coffins. Good-bye, Shelly.”

  Sulking, she left his table and returned to the bar. Perched on stools on either side, men began chatting with her. Darius could almost see their chests puff out.

  “Watch out for that one. She bites,” he murmured.

  Arousal seared him as he remembered biting Sam, sinking his teeth into her neck to claim her as his mate.

  He would see her again. He would find her, and claim her. Because no one ever stood between Darius Bryant and something he wanted.

  Already forgetting the blonde at the bar—Sheila? Shirley?—he slipped away from the table and headed to the elevator.

  Chapter 3

  Sitting at a secluded banquette at the Heathman’s restaurant two days later, Darius sipped his coffee and studied the dining room. By the wide bank of windows overlooking the street, a couple ate breakfast, their manner animated and attentive. Longing pulled at him. He craved that kind of intimacy with his mate, the kind that shut out the world around them.

  Hard to achieve when your mate wants a divorce before you even consummate the bond.

  Nearby, three men were having a power breakfast. He liked analyzing potential vendors before making a deal. And this vantage point offered the perfect opportunity. Lupine hearing enabled him to eavesdrop on their conversation. They were talking about sports.

  One had shoulder-length dark blond hair and round glasses that made him look slightly like John Lennon. HG Jenner. Darius studied the man’s body language. His wolf caught the scent of expensive cologne and the aura of power and utter confidence. The blond man in the conservative red power tie, starched white shirt and dark trousers with pleats sharp enough to cut toast was James, some kind of software engineer. Ken had receding hair and sharp features, but he already sported a stain on his tie and had an apologetic manner. He did not look like a business manager.

  Darius caught a faint whiff of Other. Odd.

  At 8:45, the revolving doors below the restaurant whooshed and high heels clicked across the marble floor. The intoxicating scent of freesia and crisp snow teased his nostrils. Darius sat up, snapping his gaze toward the arrival.

  She climbed the steps to the landing. Her hair was swept up into a tight bun. She wore a no-nonsense gray suit.

  Sam scanned the restaurant and went to the table of men near him.

  Darius ducked his head to hide from her. This will be interesting…

  He glanced at his watch. Timing was important.

  At precisely nine, he signed the check, added a generous tip, picked up his leather briefcase and left the banquette. He approached the table and stopped. Darius focused his attention on the balding man: HG Jenner, president of Comairise Energy.

  “I’m Darius Bryant, executive vice-president of the Mitchell Ranch.”

  Everyone at the table sprang to their feet, even Sam. Oh, he’d done his homework when making this appointment yesterday morning. Always did, sizing up a potential client, business partner or his mate’s employers.

  Jenner pumped his palm. “Mr. Bryant. Thank you for meeting with us.”

  Oh, I didn’t come here for you. I came here for Sam. But as long as I’m here, shall we mix business with pleasure?

  Jenner made introductions. James was James Vincent Monroe, software developer of the water system. Ken was vice president of operations.

  When introduced to Sam, Darius shook her hand, relishing the contact. “Miss Smith. A pleasure to see you again. I’ve been told you have a business proposal for my ranch?” Fury sparked in Sam’s eyes as a tight smile stretched across her pretty, wide mouth.

  “Miss Smith is prepared to meet your every need,” Jenner assured him.

  “Oh, I’m sure she will,” he murmured.

  How dare he trap her like this?

  The golden opportunity to get promoted finally arrived, only it was through Darius. He’d called the firm and specifically requested her to present a proposal, telling the company president they’d met casually at the hotel lounge and he wanted to see what her firm had to offer his ranch.

  If she blew this, Ken would regulate her to cleaning the bathrooms. Or reading marketing copy and remaining an assistant until the next Ice Age. Or until Elvis finally returned to planet Earth.

  Part of her was touched at his thoughtfulness in giving her this chance. But the other half, the half that tried all these years to forget him, was infuriated he’d interfered in her life, the life she’d worked hard to make for herself without him.

  Samantha had spent all day preparing a business proposal for the Mitchell Ranch, a 50,000 acre cattle and horse ranch in Montana. The Mitchell Ranch, a multi-million dollar business managed by Darius. She’d researched the need, calculated the figures, consulted with their tech people. Everything was precise.

  As she opened her briefcase, a tall, slender blonde stopped by the table.

  “Sienna,” HG greeted the newest member of the firm.

  “Hi. I don’t mean to interrupt. I have a meeting here and just wanted to say hello,” Sienna said.

  HG introduced Sienna to Darius, and Darius gave Sienna a charming smile. Remembering his past, Samantha made a small sound in her throat. Startled, she realized what it was. A tiny Lupine growl.

  Glancing at her, Darius looked amused. He’d heard.

  “Sienna is our newest member of the firm, and an extremely talented sales manager. She just landed a multi-million dollar account to build a solar wind farm.” HG beamed as if he’d personally handled the deal.

  Samantha’s chest felt hollow. Sienna had joined the company only a month ago and already had been promoted. She was stylish, attractive and a mover and shaker, the kind of polished, perfect woman you wanted to hate, except Sienna was too nice to hate.

  The woman waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. “I had a lot of help, HG. Samantha was pivotal to getting this account. Those cost analysis spreadshe
ets you did for my client were exactly what he wanted, Samantha. Because of your research, we closed on the deal. You should get the credit, too.”

  Warmth spread through her at Sienna’s praise. “Thanks.”

  When Sienna left, Samantha passed out copies of her proposal. Darius fished the booklet out of his briefcase. “I received Ken’s email last night with the PDF and printed it out already. But I’d like a few moments to review my notes.”

  Her stomach tight with anxiety, she watched Darius flip through the pages, a line denting between his elegant brows, his full mouth pursed in concentration. She’d always loved watching him read, because he had such absolute focus. A woman subjected to that focus would have a very, very good time in his bed.

  Darius had the sexiest mouth, just wide and firm enough. She remembered the soft pressure of his lips when he’d kissed her, how she yearned for more. Her gaze traveled down the cut of his very expensive suit. She knew all about style and clothing. The suit fitted him well and hinted of power, illustrating the portrait of a businessman with a ruthless streak. And yet when they’d been together in the pack, he’d been only gentle and tender.

  All that male strength, tempered with tenderness. It was sweet that he’d wanted to help her, but drove her to fury that he thought she couldn’t make it on her own.

  Drawing in a deep breath, she fought her desire. This job was far too important to let her hormones take over.

  I need this account. That promotion is so close, all it will take is his signature. Oh, but Darius smells soooo good. What is that cologne? All spices and pine…look at the way he frowns as he reads. He’s so sexy. I love how his lower lip puffs out, it looks so soft and warm and firm.

  Samantha clenched her fists again. Stop it! What the hell was wrong with her, thinking about his mouth when her career was at stake?

  Darius glanced up, blinking, and then a knowing smile curled his lips. Dear gods, he scented her arousal. Horrified, she fisted her hands and thought of Todd’s rejection and her humiliation. Arousal faded.

  Darius returned to reading, running a hand through his thick curls. He wore his hair shoulder-length, the ebony strands wavy and curled at the edges. Shiny and thick, it framed his lean face. She wondered what it would feel like to run her fingers through his hair as he moved deep inside her…

  Stop it!

  Finally he finished reading and looked up at her, his blue gaze thoughtful. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  Once she’d known every single thought passing through his mind.

  The last time they’d met here, she’d walked away from him. Now he held the power to make or break her career because if he rejected this deal, chances were she wouldn’t get promoted until hell froze over.

  “It is expensive.” She hesitated. “It can cost more than half a million dollars, but the project eradicates about a million pounds of carbon dioxide a year. That’s clean air for your stock, your people and the community.”

  Darius said nothing. Sweat dampened her palms.

  “There are government incentives,” she began.

  “Our ranch is completely self-reliant. We don’t believe in assistance from others.”

  She barely restrained herself from saying, “I don’t either.” She didn’t want his help. And yet this could be so good for the company…and good for her as well.

  Do something, she scolded herself. “How efficient are you performing your duties on the ranch? When you’re out riding?”

  His mouth quirked upward as his eyes glinted. “Extremely. I’m quite skilled in my delivery. No one has complained about how I ride.”

  She felt herself flush. “But your ranch has challenges, and maintaining all those head of cattle,” she added hastily. “I imagine it takes quite a bit of water for free-range cattle.”

  Darius toyed with his water glass. He’d politely refused an offer of breakfast

  “Water is always a challenge and pumping it has proved difficult on electric power.”

  “Solar-powered pumps for wells can solve that. No need for electric, since the pumps run on the sun’s power.” Sam leaned forward, feeling her confidence soar. “Comairise Energy’s tech solutions can not only offset the high cost of electricity, but make your ranch even more self-sufficient. You did say the Mitchell ranch tries to be as self-reliant as possible.”

  Darius glanced at his watch. Despair curled in her stomach.

  “I’m afraid I can’t make an immediate decision based on this one meeting.”

  Samantha mustered her brightest smile. “Of course you’ll need time to consider all options. But I assure you, other companies will not have Comairise Energy’s record of environmental efficiency and low energy consumption. James here…” she waved at hand at the blond man wearing a red tie, “is experienced with software to analyze the most efficient energy delivery to remote locations. His new programs to find and deliver water are excellent.”

  James touched her hand lightly as if to say thanks for the recognition and smiled at her. A good friend, nothing more, he’d been her biggest champion at the office, encouraging her to go for this opportunity.

  Darius glanced at James’ hand, and his jaw tightened.

  Leaning back, her childhood friend drummed long, lean fingers on the table. Those fingers had been so gentle brushing her long hair away from her neck as he’d bent over, nuzzling her skin to give her his mating mark…

  She reached for her glass of water and gulped it down, then called the waiter over for a refill. Refill? Oh hell, a bucket of ice water wouldn’t suffice, not with this heat curling through her body, sending major tingles to all her female parts.

  “Are you warm, Miss Smith? You’re flushed,” Darius questioned softly.

  “I’m fine. Just giving you a little demonstration, Mr. Bryant. Comairise Energy can make delivering water to the outlying areas of your ranch as easy as ordering water in a restaurant.”

  He smiled. “I have a plane to catch.”

  Dryness coated her throat, her mouth turning to sawdust.

  Darius turned to Jenner. “But I can cancel it, arrange for someone to cover my duties at the ranch for a few days. I’d like to see what your company can do. Is it possible for you to arrange a real demonstration?”

  Samantha stared. What kind of demonstration? Did it involve a bed and a naked Darius?

  Oh yeah! Her long-dormant female wolf wagged her tail at the prospect. Naked Darius, all those yummy muscles you’re dying to lick all over, and his big strong body…

  Horrified at the sudden emergence of her Lupine self, Sam forced a tight smile.

  Jenner considered. “We have a water recovery project on the coast. However, tomorrow we have a company business retreat nearby for senior staff to brainstorm ideas and analyze the productivity of the coastal site.”

  The president tapped a manicured fingernail on the table. “I’ve booked a beachside house for our retreat. Plenty of room and only ten of us are attending. Would you like to join us, see how we work?”

  “Will Miss Smith be there? Seeing as this is her deal…” Darius hinted.

  Jenner glanced at her. “Of course Sam will be joining us. We couldn’t do without her on this account. This is her baby. Right, Sam?”

  A dozen bricks settled on her chest. She’d yearned to attend this exclusive meeting, but only senior staff were permitted. It was a company perk, combining business with pleasure. Sam had even asked Ken Johnson, her manager, but he’d turned her down. Maybe next year, he’d said.

  Now the president of Comairise Energy expected her to go. Not because of her work performance, but only because Darius wanted her there.

  For a moment, she wondered if Jenner wanted her as a sexual lure for Darius. Then she dismissed the thought. No men in the office ever bothered giving her a second glance. They valued her research and her hard work, not her sexuality. She could walk into the office naked, and they’d ask when she’d have the next report ready. Even now, with Darius’ mark gone, they r
emained disinterested and professional.

  Squeezing her water glass, she gave Jenner a cool look. “Of course I can clear my schedule.”

  But in such proximity, within sleeping distance of Darius…their bedrooms close together…

  Hell yeah! Her wolf howled. Let’s go now!

  Darius’ warm gaze centered on her. “I’m staying here at the Heathman tonight. I’ll take care of business in the city this afternoon and meet you there tomorrow.”

  “But until then, we don’t want you to be alone, seeing that you will be our guest.” Jenner’s keen gaze shot to Samantha. “Samantha, could you take Mr. Bryant to dinner? You could expound on your theories about solar and wind power being key to tomorrow’s energy sources.”

  Sam struggled with her rising temper. Thanks for tossing me to the wolf, HG!

  “Of course.” She gave Darius a cool look. “I don’t have a car, but there are plenty of good restaurants within walking distance.”

  “I’m renting a car to meet with a client,” Darius offered, the smile never leaving his face. “Shall I pick you up at your apartment around six?”

  “How about meeting me here in the lobby? I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you.”

  Safer, and neutral. No way in hell was she granting him access to her quiet haven with its miniscule space and tiny sofa bed…

  Don’t even think about the bed, tangled sheets, Darius nude…

  Nude! Yes, yes! Her wolf whined.

  His delicious scent, much stronger now and holding hard notes of sensual musk, engulfed her in a cloud. Long-dormant Lupine instincts kicked into life inside her, like an old car’s engine finally turning over. Sam slammed down the surge of pure lust.

  But his smile widened, as if the damn wolf knew, or had deliberately sent out a wisp of scent to allure her…

  Then he became all brisk business. “Here’s my card.”

  Darius reached into his jacket pocket and removed a leather business card holder. He fished out several cards and handed them out. As he gave one to Sam, their fingers touched and heat crackled between them. His eyes searched hers, the look shifting to something deeper and more intense.


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