Winning Her Forever

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Winning Her Forever Page 8

by Harmony Evans

  “Because of the memories we’re making in it right now.”

  He gulped at the raw need in her eyes, and he understood, even before she said the words.

  “I think I’m ready for that tour of the second floor. Are you?”

  The stairs reacted noisily under their feet as they began to climb. It took all of Trent’s concentration not to stare at Sonya’s curves, and all of his efforts went south because he was hard all the same.

  When they got almost all the way up, Sonya suddenly stopped and leaned against the faded blue-and-white-floral wallpaper.

  Trent kept his eyes focused on her as she gripped the railing.

  “I used to lie awake at nights, listening for my father’s footsteps. Even when he was angry, he wasn’t a door slammer. One thing I like about this home is that all the walls are made of plaster, so there’s very good sound insulation. Often, the only way I knew he was home from the store was when the stairs creaked. Sometimes, he’d been here for hours. When I couldn’t hear him, it was like he wasn’t here at all.”

  She turned to face him. “I guess that pretty much sums up my relationship with my father.”

  He nodded and followed her the rest of the way. Her voice was quiet as she pointed out what had been her father’s room and her aunt’s room. Then came the small bathroom, and he told her that he wouldn’t update a thing except the worn linoleum. He tried to push away the image of Sonya bathing in the claw-foot tub, letting all her troubles float away in the scented soapy water.

  There was a small door next to the bathroom that led to the attic. He went up alone, noted the rusted red tricycle, a pink dollhouse with dusty green shutters and boxes of various shapes and sizes.

  When he descended from the stairs, Sonya wasn’t there, but he smelled a hint of smoke. Had she gone downstairs to light a fire in the fireplace? But he hadn’t heard the stairs creak, so he walked to the only room that was left.

  When he sauntered in, the first thing he saw was a stone fireplace. He hadn’t realized she had one in her room. There were a couple of logs on the grate, just beginning to spark. But what he didn’t see was Sonya.

  “You should replace the insulation in the attic,” he called out, unsure of where she was, or whether he should step farther into the room without her permission. “You’ll stay warmer in the winter and save on your energy bill.”

  The embers were just beginning to spark. One popped, sending a small firework up the shaft, and he nearly jumped out of his shoes at the sound.

  He took a chance and walked deeper into the room and was about to turn around when Sonya stepped out of a dressing alcove hidden behind the door.

  “I think we can create our own heat right here, don’t you think?”

  His mouth fell open and he had to resist the urge to fall to his knees in front of her naked body.


  It had been a long time since he’d reacted so viscerally to a woman. The hard-on he had been nursing since he first comforted her in his arms became an uncomfortable arrow in his pants that needed relief soon.

  His voice came out as a choked whisper, and he pressed his back against the door to close it. Arms at her sides, she came closer but he held out a hand to stop her.

  She tilted her head, seeming confused, and a little part of his heart broke and hoped he hadn’t hurt her by the gesture.

  He held on to the crystal doorknob to steady himself.

  “I just want to look at you. Please?”

  She did not cross her arms in front of her chest, or hide herself from him in any way. In fact, he got the sense that she was opening herself up to him, even as he realized deep down that she was used to being stared at, and that made him sad in a way.

  God, she was beautiful. He wanted to tell her, but he didn’t want words to break through the lust that flowed through his veins. He’d never seen a woman so toned and lean, and yet so sensual.

  “Baby, I’m going to cherish you.”

  The room was not cold by any means, and her nipples were dark flat nubs on perfectly shaped breasts. There was very little hair in the vee between her legs and he licked his lips in anticipation of the moisture he expected to find there.

  He shed his clothes quickly, until he was exposed, too. Her eyes flitted down and took all of him in, her eyes roaming along his length so slowly, so carefully, that his mouth went dry for a moment.

  His penis throbbed amid a bush of dark coarse hair he’d long ago stopped trimming. His balls ached and felt like they weighed a million tons.

  He lifted his chin, and she smiled. Somehow, she knew that was her cue to come forward.

  He ran a finger down the middle of her breasts, and she sighed. He flattened his palms and pressed them lightly against her nipples, and they came alive.

  “What am I doing, Trent? Sometimes I don’t know where to start, or how to begin.”

  Trent cupped one hand behind her neck, and lowered his mouth to hers. He was so close he could feel her breath on his lips.

  “It begins with one kiss, and then, it’s up to us.”

  “Show me, Trent,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

  The fire crackled in counterpoint to their elongated kisses as he encircled her waist with his hands, melding her to his body in a fluid dance that was only just beginning.

  Chapter 7

  Sonya held on tight as Trent walked them over to her bed. Her silk comforter felt like a cloud against her back as he gently laid her down. She stared boldly at the engorged length and girth of his masculinity, and felt an exquisite tug between her legs. He was perfect, and she could barely wait to feel him moving inside her.

  She turned on her side and propped herself up on one elbow. She stroked the hair above his erect penis with her manicured fingertips. His abdomen caved in slightly at her touch.

  “Are you trying to drive me crazy, Trent?” she cooed. “Because if you are, it’s working.”

  Unable to stand it any longer, she flicked her tongue at his penis, but didn’t make contact.

  “You’re teasing me,” he groaned. “That’s not fair.”

  He pushed her back gently on the bed, and her laughter morphed into low moans when he proceeded to lick each breast, one and then the other, until her nipples glistened.

  “Are we going to have our first fight?”

  He looked hurt. “Didn’t you like it?”

  “Oh, I loved it. I didn’t want you to stop.”

  “Baby, I won’t stop.” He anchored her hips between his muscular thighs and bent over her body. Keeping his eyes on hers, he cupped his hands around her breasts, and she felt her mouth begin to water in anticipation.

  “Make sure I don’t stop, okay? Keep me honest. Keep me pleasuring you.”

  Sonya held his gaze as he began to suck on her nipples, and his actions were made even hotter by the temptation of his hot flesh resting on her belly.

  She wanted to open her legs to accept him, but he had them pinned between his. Giving him that level of control excited her, because she knew she could turn the tables on him at any time, and take control back.

  “How am I doing, baby? Am I stopping yet? Do you want me to?”

  “D-doing fine,” she moaned as he licked the undersides of her breasts. His tongue was a hot flame that never left her skin.

  “D-don’t stop.” The sounds of him suckling on her breasts made her juices flow, and the heat in her lower abdomen began to swirl.

  She tried to spread her legs again, and she felt his penis throb against her.

  “But you’re fighting me, Sonya,” he soothed and buried his face in her neck, nuzzling her there. “Stop fighting me, baby.”

  Sonya wanted to tell him that he was holding her in place, by the power of his muscular thighs. She tried to reach to touch his penis, but he held her arms at her sides and kissed her
with even more passion than before.

  When he lifted his mouth, she saw more than lust in his eyes: she saw a tenderness so real that it speared her heart. At that moment, she knew Trent was the one she’d been waiting for all her life.

  He released her hips, then slid his body upon her and threaded his fingers through her hair. “I’ll only let you fight me if we can take our time making up.”

  “It’s a deal,” she whispered. “Let’s take as long as we want.”

  “Want?” he asked, bringing his mouth to hers. “I more than just want you, Sonya.”

  Their tongues intermingled briefly, his heart melding into hers. She spread her legs and wrapped them around his buttocks.

  “Tell me, Trent. Whisper it in my ear, so I’ll hear your words long after you’re gone.”

  His mouth left her lips and settled at the tip of her earlobe, and the low vibrations of his voice made her tremble.

  “I need you, Sonya. Like I’ve never needed anyone before,” he breathed, his voice hoarse with desire as he prepared to enter her. “Can I prove it to you? Can I make love to you?”

  Her eyes crinkled at the edges as she held back tears. He was so big and so deliciously long. He was all the man she’d ever wanted, and then some. She dug her heels into the mattress and spread her legs even wider.

  They groaned together as his flesh entered hers, ever so slowly. It was as if they both wanted to preserve the moment. She started to move her pelvis, but he stopped her with his hand, and pushed in a little more. Her thighs gripped his hips, and she steadied herself as he plunged into her fully.

  Their eyes met and he braced both hands, palms flat on the mattress.

  When he started to rhythmically move inside her, she closed her eyes and saw stars. His flesh bobbed against hers as he entered her again and again. She dug her heels into the mattress and swirled her pelvis against his, as they challenged each other. Their movements grew more frantic with every thrust, punctuated by his sharp grunts. Her fingernails pressed into his clenched muscular buttocks, and she held on to him as the first orgasm rolled through her body.

  He kept moving and moving, beads of sweat gathered in the small of his back, as the scent of their intense lovemaking filled the air between them.

  She opened her legs even farther apart, and he rested his body upon hers and slowed his movements until he stilled.

  Breathing heavily, he withdrew almost fully and then plunged back into her body again, and grunted out her name as they climaxed together. A long time later, when their hearts had stopped pounding and their breathing was calmer, he fell back into the pillows and cradled her in his arms.

  “I’m not tired yet,” she announced.

  He laughed, and then saw the serious look on her face.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and tucked her chin to his chest for a quick look at his current state.

  “Oh, baby, that was a total knockout.” He laughed, idly playing with her hair. “I don’t know how I’ll go another round.”

  “Don’t worry, Trent. I’ve got just the cure.”

  Before he could protest, she enclosed her hand around his slippery penis, wet with her juices, made a tight seal and ever so slowly brought him back to life.

  * * *

  The next morning, Sonya yawned and stretched her aching muscles. A shiver of delight traveled up her body, from head to toe as she recalled the pleasure of Trent’s tongue slowly licking her flesh in her most intimate areas.

  The fire had burnt down to embers, but she was still glowing red hot for the man who’d pleasured her long into the night. For the first time since she’d been home, she did not have a pit of loneliness in her stomach, and it was a wonderful feeling. She was falling in love.

  “Trent, are you still here?”

  The house had settled into a solitary silence, but not the lonely kind. With Trent in her life, she would never be alone again.

  She glanced over at her alarm clock, and saw it was 9:00 a.m. She was usually up by five, and in the dance studio by six. Even though she wasn’t dancing, old habits died hard.

  She’d overslept, and it was the best feeling ever.

  The truth was she’d been craving a relationship for some time now, one where she was as invested in it as much as her partner. It hadn’t been that way with her ex. She’d never had any time for him. Between dancing, lessons and performances, and healing between performances, there was never any time just for her, let alone a man.

  Trent entered the room, breakfast tray in hand and a smile on his face.

  “Is it morning already?”

  She flopped back onto the pillows. “That was one night I wish had never ended.”

  “My lady was pleased?” He set the tray on the bed and gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead.

  Sonya cupped his face between her hands and gave him a passionate kiss. “More than pleased. Couldn’t you tell?”

  “Hmm... Good thing you don’t have any neighbors close by.” He ran his hand up her thigh and she felt the heat of his skin through the blankets. “Should we skip breakfast?”

  She sniffed the delicious aromas and patted his cheek. “Sorry, darling, but nothing gets between me and my bacon.”

  “I feel the same way about my first cup of coffee,” he tossed back. “I’ll put another log on the fire, and let’s see if we can make it through breakfast, without tearing each other’s clothes off.”

  He slipped her silk kimono robe on to her body. She turned around and as he tied the sash around her waist, she trembled at his touch.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Was last night as incredible as I remember?”

  “It certainly was, and don’t worry, we’ll have lots more nights together.”

  “Will we?”

  “Why do you doubt me?”

  “Not you, me. All I know is the stage and preparing to perform on it. It’s been a while since I’ve had a normal life and a normal relationship.” She glanced around the room, and then at him. “This is like a whole different world.”

  He reached out and cupped her cheek. “I know it must be a difficult transition, but as I said last night, we can go as slow as you want. I’m here for you, Sonya.”

  She gave him a kiss that was slow and sweet. It was too soon to talk about the pace of their relationship, but she was glad that his words were not just pillow talk.

  He poured her a cup of coffee, and then one for himself. “How did you get interested in dance, anyway?”

  “My mother was a former dancer. She was born in Brooklyn and dreamed of being a Radio City Rockette.

  “Unfortunately, her cup size was just a shade too small, her hips were just a smidge to wide and she was African-American, so she didn’t make it.”

  She rose, went to her closet and pulled out a medium-sized paper box. There was a black-and-white picture of her mother when she was a teenager.

  “Wow, she’s beautiful. You look just like her.”

  “I found this box a few days ago in the attic. I haven’t had a chance to go through them. There are lots of newspaper and magazine clippings of me.”

  “Who kept all these? Your aunt?”

  “Actually, it was my father. Nelda is the least sentimental person I’ve ever known. I was so shocked that I sat down on the attic floor and cried.”

  “This proves that he cared what happened to you, even after you two had a falling-out.”

  “Does it? Maybe he just kept hoping that I would eventually fail.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to. I really want to believe that he only wanted the best for me, even if it wasn’t exactly what he had planned for my future. I wish I could say that I would do things differently, in order to have a better relationship with my father, but I wouldn�

  She hid her face in her hands and for the first time in a long time, she didn’t want to cry when she thought about her dad.

  “He never understood that I had to find my way to the stage. I had to dance, or else my heart would have crumpled up and died.”

  Trent gently took her hands in his. “I’m sure, if we’re ever blessed enough to be parents, that we’ll make a lot of mistakes raising our children, too. I think the important thing is to learn from them and move on.”

  Sonya felt her heart beat faster and she told herself that he was probably just speaking rhetorically, not necessarily indicating that he wanted to have kids with her. Still, she was glad that he was open to being a father someday.

  She slowly untied her kimono and let it fall off her shoulders. “I don’t want to talk about the past, or the future. I want to act on the now.”

  She gave him a lingering kiss, and then reached down for his boxers. He slipped them off quickly, and his penis was already hard, thick and throbbing for action.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked.

  The desire in his eyes as he watched her crawl onto his lap made her even hungrier. She sat on her haunches and positioned herself over him. Her outer loins, already slick and moist, were ready as she clutched his thick shaft in her hand.

  Their eyes met and she held on to his shoulders as her flesh slid all the way down his length, gripping him inside her. He uttered a long satisfying groan that roiled into her ears and made her swell with anticipation.

  “Take me for a ride,” she begged into his ear. “I want to go for a ride, Trent,” she whispered.

  Pelvis to pelvis, his thick flesh filled her up so much that she thought she might burst. She bit her lip and started to move with urgency, and he stopped her.

  “Closer,” he muttered and squeezed her buttocks, inching her forward until there was no space between them.

  “Now, slower, baby,” he commanded, guiding her hips in a circular motion. “Let’s make it last.”

  She moaned, tilting her head to the side as she moved up and down, while he controlled the speed of her hips, with his hands around her waist.


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