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by Sheri L. Swift

  “It must be so hard for Tarra to be separated from Micah and Talei.”

  “I am sure that it is, I pray that it will not last long and that we will have the advantage.”

  “Titus I can’t believe this is happening, it’s all so horrible,” said Lana as she began to cry into Titus’ shoulder.

  “We shall get through this and we will be stronger for it. One thing I have seen is that their mer do not have our strength. I think that they have become sick living so closely to the Bermuda Rise.”

  “I just can’t believe that Damon may be coming here again,” said Lana with a shudder.

  “I promise you Lana, he will never touch you or Rose; I will protect you both.”

  “Titus, I’m afraid of what might happen to you,” she cried once more.

  Titus gently ran his fingers through Lana’s her hair with his fingers and said in a soothing voice, “I will do my best to win this battle for us; for all of my people. I think I have always known that this day would come. I believe that King Titan knew it as well. We can only pray that Arius will give us the victory. Our way of life is worth fighting for; you and Rose are worth fighting for.” Then Titus kissed the top of her head.


  In the morning, Lana took Sirene to the home where Tristan was staying and where she knew that Titus would also be.

  Tristan was getting ready to go before King Titan once more in the Hall.

  “Hello my love,” said Sirene as she went to him and embraced him. She kissed him tenderly on the lips.

  “Hello my heart,” he said smiling as he looked into her eyes. “We were just getting ready to leave for the Hall to meet with the King.”

  “You cannot go like that.” Sirene smiled.

  Titus looked to Lana and neither of them, nor Tristan, knew of what she was speaking.

  Sirene went behind him and broke the band that had held his braid and she began to loosen his hair.

  Titus and Lana smiled to each other as they realized that he was becoming one of them.

  Then Sirene lovingly combed his hair and braided his bangs behind his ears and bound them. “There, now you may go.” She kissed him once more.

  “Thank you my heart, I will speak to the King about our joining today,” said Tristan as he kissed her once more and embraced her. Then he swam out the door with Prince Titus.

  “That was nice of you to do that for him,” said Lana with a grin.

  “He deserves to live here among our people.” Sirene smiled.

  When Titus and Tristan arrived in the Hall, all of the guard had already gathered before the King with Makoa at the head.

  King Titan rose from his throne and began to speak to all present, “I wish it to be known this day, that I have chosen a successor for the possibility that I may be killed in battle,” he looked to Titus and lifted his forked staff and pointed it towards him. “I choose my grandson Prince Titus!” King Titan shouted and all of the guard cheered loudly.

  Titus came forward and bowed his head and humbly said, “Mighty King Titan, I am honored that you have chosen me. I have but one request of you.”

  “What is it, speak?” said the King.

  “I also wish to choose a successor should I too be killed in battle. I know of only one that has been so brave and loyal to our people and would rule them well,” said Titus sincerely.

  “You may so choose, for it may be that we both die in battle.”

  “If you would allow it; I choose Makoa,” said Titus boldly and there were gasps from all the guard present, for never before had any of the dark ones been chosen for a Prince, let alone a King.

  “I see your reasoning; however, Makoa cannot be a King because he is not a Prince. Makoa, come before me,” said the King.

  Makoa was taken aback by all of it. He never expected Prince Titus to name him, much less the King to acknowledge him. Makoa swam before the King.

  “Let it not be said that King Titan does not recognize a Prince among his people, bow before me Makoa.”

  Makoa dropped to the mid joint of his tail and bowed his head.

  King Titan placed his forked staff upon his shoulder and said, “From this day forward, you shall be known as Prince Makoa,” proclaimed the King aloud.

  Princess Rema brought forth the golden tray with a strand of shells and the King took it up and went and tied it around Makoa’s head. Then shouts of all the guard went up for the joy they all felt.

  “Prince Terrance will be named Regent until Prince Makoa comes of age, should both Prince Titus and I fall in battle,” said King Titan boldly.

  Tristan looked to Prince Titus and said, “Now I know that King Titan is just and that there is hope of gaining my crown once more.”

  “Yes, I believe that there is hope.” Smiled Titus to Tristan. Then Titus went to Makoa and said, “I cannot believe that they chose a large enough strand of shells to fit that head of yours!”

  Makoa grabbed him and gave him a firm hug and said, “Never did I desire or ask for such a thing, but I thank you Prince Titus.”

  “You are quite welcome Prince Makoa.”

  Lana and Sirene had been watching from the back and Lana could no longer contain herself and she swam to Makoa, “Congratulations Prince Makoa, you know that Titus and I have decided against naming an intended for our daughter Princess Rose. I want her to have the freedom to choose for herself one day who she’ll join in union with. I’m also not so sure that it was fair to bind Titus for so long to me. But, if we had to choose a future husband for our daughter, then I’d have chosen you Prince Makoa. Because you’re everything I hope she’ll find in a husband one day.” Lana smiled.

  “I am honored that you have said so Princess Lana. I shall try and live a life that will be worthy of her one day.” He smiled and winked to her.

  Then Lana wondered if she hadn’t just in fact caused Prince Makoa to be her daughter’s intended, which was not her intention.

  Titus laughed as he had been listening to their conversation and now read Lana’s thoughts as Prince Makoa was being surrounded by well-wishers. “He will never be good enough for my Rose.” Titus grinned.

  “I doubt anyone would be good enough; and what is this about you possibly being King one day?” Lana said with a raised brow and a smile.

  “I pray that it will not be so, not for a long while yet,” he said seriously.

  Titus and Lana looked to see Tristan humbly asking King Titan for his permission to join in union with Sirene and they saw that King Titan was smiling to the two of them. They knew that there would be a wedding very soon.


  It was that very evening that King Titan performed the union ceremony of Sirene and Tristan. He did not wish to delay because of the coming war.

  They both agreed to settle in the home where Tristan had been staying. As Tristan held Sirene and swam through the doorway of their new home, he smiled and said, “I never knew that there could be such happiness.” Then he kissed her tenderly.

  “Neither did I,” said Sirene as she pulled at both his braids bringing him even closer to her and giving him a full and lingering kiss.


  Chapter 19


  Lana and Sirene gave as much comfort to Tarra as they could during the next two days, as well as the rest of her family. It was not an easy thing for Tarra to be separated from Micah and little Talei. She hoped that Micah and his villagers would stick to their plan and remain on Kaloki Island where none of the others could harm them. The waiting was hard for them all.

  Titus, with the much needed help of Tristan, trained the guard in ways of battle that the others would surely use. Their choice of weapon was the spear.

  Tristan knew that the others would try and kill King Titan first. He said that King Thaddaeus believed that if he could destroy Titan, then the city would fall to him. Though he could not beat Prince Titus, Tristan bested many of the guardsmen, with the quick thrusts of his spear and the strength and speed of hi
s tail.

  Titus could see that Tristan was a skilled warrior and knew that he surely earned his rank among the guard of King Thaddaeus. Titus was grateful for the help he was offering.

  After the last drill with the guard, Titus took Tristan to the storeroom within the cavern wall of the city of Tullius. There the guard kept their weapons. Titus swam along a row of spears mounted on the wall until he came to one in particular; he removed it and turned to Tristan and said, “This spear was one of many that my brother Prince Tarrock had carved. This was the one he had the day that Darious and the others killed him. I now give it to you Tristan. May it protect you and bring judgment to our enemies.” Titus handed the spear to him.

  “Thank you Prince Titus; I am honored that you have given me such a gift. I shall use it with the best of my ability to destroy those who come against us,” said Tristan as he took the spear and marveled at the craftsmanship that was used to make it. Tristan then went to speak further with King Titan and Titus went to speak with Makoa.

  When Titus found Makoa he told him, “I have one final request of you my friend; I know it will be hard for you to grant it.”

  “What is it?” Makoa asked with concern.

  “I ask that you, and twenty of the guard of your choosing, will remain within the city after the battle has begun,” said Titus seriously.

  “That is a hard thing; can I not serve you and my King better fighting beside you?” Makoa asked confused by it.

  “Prince Makoa, you will be our last line of defense should Damon or any of the others break through our lines and enter the city. You will not only protect all our people, but Princess Lana and Princess Rose as well,” said Titus hoping he would understand the importance of it.

  “Yes, I understand; I shall do as you wish,” Makoa humbly agreed.

  “Besides, if King Titan and I should fall in battle, you will be King. I will be glad that my people have one worthy to rule them.”

  “Do not speak of such, for I do not wish to be King; not for a long while at least.” Makoa smiled and winked to Titus.

  “I shall do my best to protect our King and return to our people,” said Titus as he firmly shook Makoa’s hand.

  One of the guards on patrol quickly swam to the Hall and reported that Prince Terrance had sent him to tell the King that the others were on the move towards the city. It was only a matter of time before they reached them.

  Titus gave the signal for all of the guard to fall into battle lines.

  Makoa quickly chose twenty of the guardsmen that would remain with him.

  King Titan and Tristan led the way out of the city.

  Titus then went and gave Tempest a black flag and told him to take it to Micah and the dolphin sped away with the flag in his mouth.

  King Titan lifted up his staff and called to all the guard as he swam along the front line, “This day we shall hold our city against our enemies. This shall be a day that you will long speak of to your many generations of grandchildren; the day that our enemies dared to stir up our anger and threaten those we love. This is a day of judgment for those who believe that they can take what they have not earned. Stand strong all you noble and fierce warriors of Tullius and Torbist; with the help of the mighty Arius, we shall be victorious!” King Titan shouted and all of the guard cheered and vowed that they would hold their positions and protect their city even if it cost them their very lives.

  Titus took his place beside King Titan and Tristan positioned himself at the other side of him. They were both determined to not leave his side.

  Makoa sent word with Uly to tell Princess Lana and her family that the time of battle had come. The mer began to blow on their conch shells warning all of the inhabitants of the city that the battle was near and for them to stay inside their homes.

  Lana and little Rose were now in the home of her mother-in-law Princess Cassandra. Rema, Tarra and Sirene were also there. They all huddled together awaiting the outcome. Lana made sure that she brought her knife and was determined to use it if any of them were threatened. She knew that she would do all she could to protect her little daughter and those she had come to love.

  Prince Terrance, with the last remaining guardsmen on patrol, came quickly to King Titan and told him that the others were right behind them. Then he and his guardsmen went to the entrance of the city where they positioned themselves.

  Titus waited with the King for any sign of the enemy. Titus knew that Damon would not be in front. From what Tristan had told him, their King Thaddaeus would most likely remain in the rear as well. They would send their full force to King Titan first. The mer braced themselves for what was coming.

  The first line from the others that Titus could see was their larger, more seasoned warriors. Many were scarred from previous battles. Titus held firm next to the King; Tristan also held firm as he saw his former guardsmen advancing. Titus noticed that some of them gave a slight look of fear as they recognized Tristan positioned next to King Titan. He knew that Tristan must be a great warrior indeed for them to fear him.

  As the enemy advanced, Titus could now read their thoughts; some were afraid. They had never before seen the fierce and mighty King Titan. He was a thing to fear with his massive size and piercing eyes that seemed to see within your very soul. He held firm to his golden staff and gave the enemy a taunting grin. Titus was glad that he was standing on the same line of battle with the King and not against him.

  The others rushed towards King Titan with their spears and he and his mer met them with staff and spears clashing and scraping. The others tried to send their wicked thoughts to the King and his guard of their intentions, but his mer focused on those that they loved and would not allow the enemy that advantage.

  It was a hard battle, but King Titan’s mermen proved to be the stronger and drove their spears within their enemies. As quickly as they had, there were others to take their place. King Titan would have as many as four at a time come upon him, but they were no match for his quick forked staff and the strength in which he wielded it.

  Titus fought two and three at a time; he felt like there was no end to those who rose up after the others had been thrust through.

  Tristan was having it somewhat easier because of his former guard not wanting to challenge him. He took it upon himself to pick off those that had gathered around King Titan.

  All of the mer were finding it difficult to see within the crimson water of the ocean as many of the enemy was dying.

  Prince Terrance and the rear guard had kept the entrance of the city secure from the oncoming wave of the others. Then the enemy unleashed its underwater hounds; the sting rays that Tristan had warned them about. They were nearly fourteen feet long and had the two sharp spines on the back of their tails near the center. They did not usually bother the mer, but these had been trained by Thaddaeus. The venom of their tails was like that of a snake bite. Although it might not kill a mer, it would disable them long enough for their enemy to take advantage of the situation. There were at least a dozen or so of the charcoal black rays swirling around the entrance as they whipped their tails back and forth. Some of the guardsmen were hit by them and had to retreat within the city. Prince Terrance thrust several through with his spear, but he was not sure how long they could hold them off.

  Titus fought off his many attackers and looked to the King. He saw that one of the others had managed to cling to the King’s back and was biting into his shoulder. King Titan was busy fighting off those coming at him from the front. Titus quickly went and pulled the enemy off of the King and ran him through with his spear. Then another wave came upon Titus and the King.

  Only once more did Titus get a quick glimpse of Tristan as he fought bravely all those who were now coming against him.

  In this brief moment, Titus began to despair. He wondered if they might not win the battle; there were still so many advancing. Titus was beginning to tire and knew that they could not keep back the many fresh warriors of the enemy for much longer. He prayed,
Please Arius help me to see Lana and little Rose again.

  Then Titus sensed the growing fear of the enemy. He looked up to see harpoons being shot down into the water from several small boats on the surface. He knew that it must be Micah. He must have come with his men to help us and not a moment too soon, thought Titus with relief. The harpoons hit their marks and many of the others were dying.

  King Thaddaeus’ guardsmen began to turn and flee. Titus saw their King in the back of his guard. He looked to be older than King Titan and much smaller. He wore a heavy golden crown upon his head. King Thaddaeus was trying to get his guard to hold their position, but Titus and his guardsmen began advancing quickly towards them and killing all that they could.


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