Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 26

by Sheri L. Swift

  “Dad, what is it? Who is Ahanu?”

  “Well Lana, Ahanu is Makoa’s father.”

  “Makoa’s father?” she asked more confused than ever.

  “Yeah, you see when some of the dark ones left with Darious, Makoa’s father was one of them; Makoa’s mother had died shortly after giving birth to him.”

  “Gosh that’s awful; I never realized that Makoa didn’t have any parents in the pod.”

  “No, his father had taken it pretty bad after Nuttah died and he seemed to distance himself from Makoa. You could say that Prince Terrance and Princess Cassandra became his parents after that.”

  “Wow, now I know why he and Titus are so close.”

  “Yeah, they’ve become brothers. How many of the others were with King Thaddaeus?”

  “I only saw two guards with him, but we passed King Titan and many of his guardsmen on our way here, I just pray that Titus is alright.”

  “You should know by now that your husband’s a pretty tough guy.” Cole grinned trying to encourage her.

  “Yeah I know, but I’m still worried.

  “If I know Titus, he’s none too happy that their King has seen you.”

  “No he’s not, but why Dad?”

  “Lana, you don’t realize what an unusual person you really are. I don’t even think there’s another merwalker in the whole world except for Talei. You’ve seen yourself how much the mer enjoy you being able to get them things on land; only I think the others would have different intentions.”

  “I guess I just never realized.”

  “Don’t worry, Titus will be fine.”

  When King Titan reached the others, Titus was relieved and loosened the grip he held on his spear.

  “What have you come to say?” King Titan asked King Thaddaeus.

  “We have come to ask for a truce; I am sure that neither of us wishes to have war,” King Thaddaeus said while grinning to Titus.

  “No, we have never wished to fight you; however, now you know that we will defend ourselves against any and all that come against us,” said King Titan boldly.

  “Then it is agreed that we have a truce?” said Thaddaeus, but still staring coldly at Titus.

  “It is agreed,” said King Titan; realizing that Thaddaeus was taunting Titus. King Titan firmly gripped his golden forked staff and Thaddaeus glanced towards him and gave a bow of his head and turned, giving Titus one more cold stare and then swam away.

  The one guard did the same, but the other named Ahanu glared at King Titan, then Prince Titus, and then he let loose of some of his anger as he looked towards Makoa.

  Makoa only glared back at him with disdain.

  Then Ahanu also turned and swam away.

  “We will always have to be on our guard; I am sorry King Titan, he has seen Lana,” said Titus sadly.

  “It is well; he knows that we are strong,” said King Titan and then they all turned and swam back to the pod.


  Lana was sad to see their journey spoiled by the appearance of the others and now it seemed to end so quickly; it had been a fun trip before that.

  Now that they reached Tullius; everyone was tired and went to their own homes.

  Micah took the yacht to Kaloki Island where he, Tarra and Fianna greeted his family and his new little niece Faith.

  Andrew was so happy to see Fianna once more.

  Cole anchored near the city of Tullius.

  Lana and Titus said one last goodnight to them and took their children and Tempest home. When they entered their small home Titus said, “You know, if we have many more children, we shall need a bigger house.” He smiled and kissed her.

  “Yeah, it’s starting to get a little cramped; but I like it. I love having all of you so near. Remember, I never had a lot of family when I was growing up.” She smiled as she looked into Titus’ eyes.

  “Yes, I remember. I also remember that you did have a large family that was waiting for you to come home to them,” he said as he ran his fingers through her long white hair.

  “I’m so glad they waited and I’m so glad to be home.” She smiled even brighter and tenderly kissed him.


  The next morning, Lana surfaced to the smell of breakfast cooking. Titus knew that Cole had promised Lana a big breakfast because it was Sunday and it had become their tradition once more. Titus wanted Lana to be able to have the food and the fellowship that she came to love. He also knew that it was good for Cole and Rose to visit with her as well.

  “Good morning Dad and Mom and little Brother,” said Lana as she climbed up the rope ladder that her father had put out for her.

  “Good morning, just in time I see.” Cole grinned.

  “Yep, I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I even left Titus with the children and Tempest won’t leave them for anything.”

  “Well, sounds like you’re on your own.” Rose smiled.

  “Yeah, I can’t talk Titus into trying human food; I’ve pretty much given up.”

  “You never know, those kids of yours might develop a taste for it someday.” Cole winked.

  “You know, they just might at that.” Lana smiled as she sat down and began to butter her buckwheat pancakes that were one of her dad’s Sunday specials, along with sausage, eggs and hot coffee. “Do you know just how good hot coffee tastes when you’ve spent the night underwater?” Lana giggled.

  “No, but I can imagine,” laughed Rose.

  “Yeah, I can too,” chuckled her father.

  “More pannycakes!” Jedediah cried out to his father.

  “I can see he’s definitely taking after his big sister.” Smiled Cole.

  “Yeah, how can he not, when he gets the best breakfast in town.”

  “I’d have to agree; I’ve become pretty spoiled over the last three years. I love a man that can cook me breakfast,” said Rose as she kissed Cole on the cheek.

  “With thanks like that, who wouldn’t want to cook.” He smiled and kissed her back.


  Later that afternoon, Micah came in his little fishing boat to Mer Island where Cole and many of the mer were visiting.

  Rose and Jedediah were napping on the Bonnie Rose.

  Andrew had come earlier and he and Fianna sat on the rock next to Lana and they flirted with one another. “Hey Micah, what brings you out here?” Andrew asked.

  Micah smiled to Andrew and then to Cole and said, “I came to send Cole an invitation from father. We are having a luau homecoming celebration with roasted pig and sweet potatoes and all sorts of my favorite dishes. He wishes to meet you, Rose and Jedediah. He has even sent an invitation to any of the mer that might like to come.”

  “That sounds wonderful; I know that Rose, Jedediah and I would love to come.” Then Cole looked to all the mer gathered around the rock and they all smiled.

  Titus looked to Lana and let his thoughts tell her that she could go; he knew how much she loved roasted pig and sweet potatoes.

  “I’m coming too!” Lana shouted as she jumped off the rock and into Titus’ arms. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big thank you kiss.

  “I will miss you; but I understand.” Titus grinned.

  “Titus, you can come too. You know that your parents would watch the kids.” She smiled teasingly to him.

  “I suppose I could; Tarra might like the company.” He grinned once more.

  “Fianna will be coming too.” Andrew smiled to her and she kissed him.

  “I guess I could come too,” said Makoa with a half grin.

  “Then we will come also,” said Sirene as she smiled to Tristan and he smiled back and shook his head in agreement.

  “That would be wonderful; my father and Tarra will love to hear it. We will eat at sunset; see you all then.” Micah smiled and waved, then drove his boat away.

  “Thank you Titus; I know it means a lot to Micah,” said Cole seriously.

  “You are welcome; but do not try and get me to eat your foods, unless they are having co
conuts of course” He smiled.

  “Yes, I agree.” Makoa grinned.

  “We shall have a feast like you’ve never seen,” Andrew announced proudly.

  “Speaking of; I’ve not tasted any of those coconuts myself,” said Cole with a grin to Andrew. Then Andrew and Cole headed off towards the trees to get some.

  Lana went to go and Titus wouldn’t let go of the grip that he had on her.

  “Titus, I have to go and help my dad.”

  “Your father does not need your help.” He smiled.

  “Titus, you know that I have his knife,” she said a little agitated that he was still not releasing her.

  “Your father does not need your knife.” He continued to smile.

  “Titus, I wanna at least help him open the coconut.”

  “Lana, your father does not need your help,” he said as he smiled even brighter and kissed her.

  Lana turned to see her father heading back with a coconut in his hand that he began crushing and then drinking the milk.

  “Dad, how can you do that?” Lana asked surprised that her father seemed to have the strength of the mer.

  “Well Lana, I guess you could say that’s another secret that we male Prentis’ have to hide. The men of our line inherit some of the strength of the mer whereas the women; well, they seem to inherit some of the slower growth,” said her father with a wide grin.

  “And mom and I were worried about the mer playing too rough with you. Is there anything else you wanna tell me?” Lana said with a grin and raised brows.

  “Yeah, well I explained it to her that night and no, that’s about it,” Cole chuckled as he continued to rip apart the coconut and began eating out the meat.

  Lana looked to Titus as she realized that he knew all along; he only chuckled and kissed her once more.


  All of the mer and the Bonnie Rose arrived as the sun was beginning to set.

  Ratu Daniel and Kalea welcomed them all to Kaloki Island. They had their drummers playing and their torch dancers put on a show for the celebration. There was so much food brought out; Lana was in heaven to have so many choices.

  Rose loved all of the native culture; she had Cole take lots of pictures so that she could show them to her kids at school next year.

  Micah enjoyed telling them all about Kaloki Island. “You see our island has many of the Kaloki trees. They are also known as the butterfly trees and that is what our island is named after,” he said as he pointed to the many nearby trees.

  Rose and Cole couldn’t believe how many delicate flowers with brilliant colors there were; now they understood why they were known as the butterfly trees.

  After dinner, Ratu Daniel gave Cole a tour of the meeting house with some of the men.

  Rose visited with Kalea and some of the women. She was especially glad to meet Micah’s Grandmother Nalani that she had heard so much about from Lana and Micah. She was a dear sweet woman and Rose could tell that she had the wisdom of her years.

  The mer played in the lagoon with many of the island children. They were so fascinated with them. Levu had told the children many stories of the mer once Micah and Tarra had married. He knew much of their history for the many years of talking with Prince Titus. He told them how the mer once lived in the Mediterranean Sea over two thousand years ago.

  Tarra knew that it was important for little Talei to get to know the island children. Many were distant cousins to her. Talei loved running in and out of the water with them. It made Tarra smile to see it and that she was happy for her daughter and her new growing baby to have two large families to be a part of.

  Andrew and Fianna swam together and all knew that they were falling in love.


  Later that night, after Tarra and Micah had returned to their grotto, Tarra put little Talei down on her seaweed bed. This was the first night that she and Micah had together that it was still early enough, and they were not so tired, to have time to talk. “Come here my wife; I have missed you.” Micah smiled as he held her tightly.

  “I have missed you also my husband; I have longed to have this moment with you alone.” She smiled as she looked into his eyes.

  “Tarra, what is it? Is something wrong?” Micah asked seriously.

  “No, everything is right and perfect. I have been glad that you could not read my thoughts so that I might have this surprise for you.” She smiled even brighter.

  “Are you pregnant?” Micah asked with a wide grin.

  “Perhaps you can read my thoughts after all,” she giggled and kissed him deeply.

  “That is wonderful, how far?”

  “A few months now; I did not wish to give you an added burden while we traveled.”

  “Tarra, please do not keep such things from me in the future. It would not have been a burden; I would have loved knowing,” he said as he looked lovingly to her.

  “I am sorry; I will tell you in the future. Please do not be upset with me.”

  “I am not upset; I am happy,” Micah made the sign for happy.

  It warmed Tarra’s heart to remember those days of getting to know each other and she made the sign for baby with the rocking motion of her arms and they both smiled and kissed once more.


  Chapter 24


  Titus swam to the back of the Hall, which was where the home of King Titan was, like he had many times since the death of his brother Tarrock. He would come in the early hours just before dawn to give the King his report.

  Titus gave a nod to the guards at the entrance and went inside, he saw the King rousing from his sleep with a smile on his face. “I see that you are dreaming of Queen Horaios once more.” Titus grinned.

  “Yes, this was a good dream. We were both young; when our children were only babes.” King Titan smiled widely.

  “I know how sweet those days are; for Lana and I are living them.”

  “Yes you are; you must treasure each moment, for time passes so quickly.”

  “Yes it does; it seems only yesterday that little Rose was born, not to mention Tarrock.”

  “It is after one loses their mate that time seems to slow,” said the King sadly.

  “I know that you miss her and I can only imagine how hard it will be for me to live on past Lana.”

  “Yes, there has never been before or after, a love like that I have for Horaios. As you know, we mer mate for life. I look forward to the day that I shall be with her once more, after I am gathered with those who have gone before me.” Smiled the King.

  “May it be a long while yet,” said Titus sincerely.

  “I do not have the strength that I once had. I can tell that my many winters are now wearing upon me. I am glad that I have chosen you my grandson to reign after me. I know that you will make a fine King for our people.”

  “I am honored by your faith in me. When that day comes, I shall try and lead as you have, though it will not be easy. You have shown me that over the winters I have served you.”

  “No, being a King is never easy; you must put the whole of the pod above everything else, even your own will.”

  “I know that I need to grow in patience and understanding of such things. I pray that you will have many winters more to teach me,” Titus said with a half grin.

  “You will learn; just as I have.” King Titan smiled encouragingly.

  Titus went on to tell the King of the nights report.


  Cole and Rose enjoyed living among the mer. Cole spent many hours talking with Prince Terrance. He’d always been like an uncle to him before and it was good to regain that relationship.

  Prince Terrance and the other older mermen, shared with Cole about the battle of the mer. They told of how Titus and Tristan fought bravely and never left the side of the King. They told of how Micah and his men greatly risked their lives to come and help them, and if it had not been for Titus and his guardsmen relentlessly pursuing the others, they would have surely lost th
eir lives. Then they told of how Damon had slipped past all and entered the city. They were all grateful for Prince Makoa staying behind.

  Cole couldn’t believe it when he heard how close Titus came to losing his life with Damon’s poison ring and how Tristan’s quick action saved him with Tarrock’s spear. Cole also found it hard to believe that there was a poison strong enough to kill a mer.


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