Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1) Page 3

by Erin Osborne

  “You left me and shattered my world. Not even a reason why as I lay here broken hearted and lonely . . . ” the voice sings as I creep into the laundry room.

  The sight before me stops me in my tracks and traps the air from my lungs. There’s a girl standing in front of the washing machine with her back to me. Her long, black as night hair hangs down her back. She’s dancing slowly to the words coming out of her mouth, hypnotizing me with her movements.

  As soon as she turns around, I’m consumed all over again. There’s not a stitch of make-up on her face. Her eyes burn like coal as they take in my appearance and her emotions scroll through her eyes at a rapid pace. It barely gives me time to see anything other than the shock keeping her locked in position.

  “I’m, um, I’m sorry,” she murmurs before letting her hair hang down over her face.

  I’m immediately consumed with a burning rage, wanting to know who made this woman so afraid of things she feels the need to hide herself away. There’s an innocence about her that brings out a protective side in me I’ve never felt before. But, the one thing still holding me captive is the sound of her voice as she was singing. She brought a haunting quality to the song I’ve never been able to capture before.

  “It’s okay. I’m Knight. You must be new here,” I say, taking a few cautious steps closer to the woman.

  “Yeah. I’m Onyx. I’ll get out of your way and bring more down later,” she says, keeping her face away from me as she grabs the two laundry baskets overflowing and proceeds to leave me standing alone in the laundry room.

  I’m still standing in the same spot when one of my neighbors walks into the room. She’s been trying to get with me since she found out I lived a few doors down and doesn’t know how to take the hint. It’s then I make my way to the nearest washer and fill it with clothes before adding the soap and money.

  I don’t even acknowledge the woman waiting to talk to me as I hightail it back to my apartment and lock myself away. It’s time to clean as I put Pressure by Rains on while I get the cleaning done. As always, my music blares while I’m doing my thing.

  Before long, I’m heading back down to the laundry room to switch my clothes over to the dryer. I want to catch another glimpse of the woman and talk to her about the song and her voice. She’d make a perfection addition to the band and I know the guys will agree with me. There’s something so haunting and captivating about her voice and I want to hear more of it.

  “Where you going?” Diesel asks, walking up to me as I leave my apartment.

  “Laundry room. Go in or walk with me,” I say, dismissing my best friend.

  “I think I’ll follow you,” he replies, knowing something has my attention.

  We make our way to the room and it’s empty. Onyx is nowhere in sight and I’m not even sure what apartment is hers. I’ll have to find out . . . fast. I want to hear her voice again and see if it’s a one off or if she can really sing like that. Making quick work of my clothes, Diesel and I make our way back up to my apartment.

  As we get close to my door, I see Onyx opening up the door next to mine. She’s got another overflowing basket in her hands as she closes the door behind her and turns. Once she spots Diesel and I, she turns a fiery shade of crimson, hangs her head down low, and rushes past us.

  “New neighbor?” Diesel asks, looking after where Onyx disappeared.

  “Yeah. D, you need to hear her sing. She was singing one of our songs in the laundry room and I’ve never heard anything like it,” I tell him.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks, knowing I’ve got something up my sleeve.

  “I want to find out what she’s so scared of. Then I want you guys to hear her fucking sing. As long as we all agree, I want her in the band. She’ll add something to the shows we’ve been looking for,” I answer honestly.

  “You want to fuck her,” he counters.

  “It’s not about that. She’s hiding from something and someone has her trained to hide from the fucking world. That long ass hair she has, she uses as a curtain to cut herself off from everyone around her,” I tell him, grabbing a few beers from the fridge and handing him one.

  “Keep an eye on her and figure out how to approach the subject. We’ll be here to listen whenever you arrange it,” Diesel says, making himself comfortable on my couch and turning on the TV.

  As usual, I turn to find porn on my TV screen. Diesel is always looking for the next piece of ass and always has porn on when no females are around. Hell, I’m sure he’s got it on when he’s at home as long as his sister can’t watch it. I take my time cleaning up the kitchen and throwing away the food that’s gone bad before ordering us a pizza and wings for dinner.

  Diesel and I play a few games of pool while waiting for our food. I make the run back down to the laundry room to grab my clothes, but Onyx isn’t there. She’s hiding herself, I know it. I’ll catch her out again and when I do, she’s going to know I want to hear her sing again. I want my bandmates to hear her voice and capture them like she did me.

  Chapter Five


  YESTERDAY I FOUND out Knight Wheeler is my neighbor. Not only has he heard me singing one of his songs, but he also knows I live right next to him too. This can’t be good for me. Not with the big crush I have on the man who’s always seemed out of reach for a girl like me.

  Now, when I leave the apartment, I check to make sure no one’s in the hall before scurrying to the laundry room or leaving the complex altogether. I’ve been out once more since leaving my father’s house two days ago. I don’t want to push my luck and I don’t know who all is searching for me, so I’ve been cautious and playing it safe. For now.

  There’s still a ton of things I have to do in the apartment. The only thing I see to be getting accomplished is washing and drying my clothes, the towels, and my bedding. There’s still a ton of decorations to hang up, washing all of my dishes, and putting everything for my bathroom away. I don’t want to do any of it as the weight of running from my dad seems to haunt me.

  I’m happy to be away from the man, but I have a horrible feeling he’s not going to let me leave him for very long. He wants the money I’ve been left, and he’ll do anything to get his hands on it. There’s honestly not much I would put past my father to have his associates do to me in order to get five million dollars.

  Getting up from the comfort of my bed, I make my way into the kitchen to start some coffee. While I’m waiting, I take my dishes out of the boxes and begin to load the dishwasher. Once the load is full, I turn it on. Walking to the living room, I turn my TV on to YouTube so I can listen to music while I get some work done out here. Choosing What If I Was Nothing by All That Remains.

  This song captures the way I feel every day of my life. My dad has always made me feel as if I’m nothing more than a pawn in his life. Someone to do as he tells me and if not, I’ll suffer whatever consequences he deems necessary. Then my mom decided to walk away from her marriage and leave me behind. I’ve never been an afterthought to her. No, I was simply someone she chose to leave behind while she makes a good life for herself.

  Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I grab a piece of toast and that’s my breakfast. I need to go to the store for groceries today and I need to finish a few loads of laundry up. Plus, I need to get some nails and a hammer to hang up my decorations. There’s a few more things I want to get as well. I’m not looking forward to going back out, but I need to do it and don’t have a choice at this point.

  My only other goal is to avoid Knight at all costs. He caught me in a vulnerable moment, singing one of his songs. I’m so embarrassed. At least I know he lives next door and I can take preventative measures to make sure I don’t run into him. It’s not like the walls are soundproof. I heard him and his friend over there yesterday. So, as long as there’s no movement, I know he’s either sleeping or not home. Those will be the times I venture from what’s becoming my safe haven.

  I’m finishing up my coffee when there’s a knock on my
door. Terror and dread instantly fill me. If my dad found me this quickly, I’m only a few seconds from him forcing his way in to hand out my punishment.

  Slowly walking toward the door, I peek through the peephole and take a shuddering breath when I see Knight standing there. He’s got a tight tee-shirt on, stretched across his lean, muscular chest, and a pair of faded jeans which hug his hips and thighs. Just looking at him causes wetness to seep from my pussy and dampen my panties. A reaction I think most women have when it comes to him.

  I open the door just enough for me to poke my head out.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, my voice almost a whisper.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to go to town with me?” he asks as if this is something we normally do.

  “Um, well, I’m trying to put my apartment together and I have to go out later on. I wasn’t planning on staying in Blue Springs to shop though,” I answer him.

  “It’s cool. I’ll wait until you’re ready and go with you,” he tells me, leaning up against my door frame.

  Damn! I’m not gonna get out of this.

  Opening the door further, I let Knight into my apartment, not fully realizing what I’m wearing. I feel his eyes on me as I make my way into the kitchen and place my coffee cup in the sink after rinsing it out.

  Turning to face Knight, I see his eyes firmly on my chest as I look down. I’m still wearing my tank top and shorts from sleeping. My nipples are hard and visible since I’m not wearing a bra. I immediately cross my arms across my chest and try to hide them. Looking down further, my shorts do nothing to hide much of anything. They come just below my crotch and if I bend over, Knight will be able to see everything.

  I squeak and run to the bedroom so I can put clothes on. Knight’s laughter follows me, and I want to hide under my covers for the day. Or until he goes back on the road. I’m not sure which would make me more comfortable at this point.

  Choosing a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt, and my new sneakers, I quickly dress. In the bathroom, I brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair before throwing it up in a messy bun. There’s no point in hiding from Knight when he’s already seen me at my worst this morning.

  “I’m ready,” I say walking back to the living room.

  Knight is standing in my living room, looking at everything I still have to do in the place.

  “Do you need some help?” he asks, returning his gaze to the mess of the room.

  “Oh, no thank you. I’ll get it done. I just need to get some more things so I can accomplish everything,” I answer, grabbing my purse and keys.

  “We’ll take your car,” he says, following me through the door and placing his hand on my lower back as we walk down the hallway.

  A tremor runs through my body as his hand remains on me. I’ve never had a reaction to the opposite sex like this. Usually, I plaster a fake smile on my face and pretend to listen as they drone on and on about whatever they’re talking about. Knight has my attention and there’s nothing I can do to distract myself from his looks or southern drawl.

  When I lead Knight to my new Durango, he whistles in appreciation. We get in and I’m surprised when he lets me drive. My dad never lets anyone drive him around. He wants to be in control at all times. Knight is perfectly content to relinquish the control and let me have it. A small smile graces my face as I realize he’s not pushing me too much.

  Knight and I have been out the entire day. We’ve been to the hardware where he picked me out a new hammer and some other tools I’ll need for the apartment. Then he took me to the section where the picture hangers are, and I grab several containers before cashing out. From there, we went to a super center to get more clothes and household items. I even got my groceries. Four carts later, I have everything I need and won’t have to go shopping for a while.

  He never once complained about my shopping or tried to rush me. Knight followed me around the store and cracked jokes and tried to get me into conversations with him.

  It didn’t take long for me to begin to warm up to the man and see him as more than a singer of a famous band, but as a man and friend. I’m still crushing on him, and I don’t know if that will ever stop, but today has been fun. Especially lunch.

  Our waitress hit on Knight until he point blank told her he wasn’t interested. And that she was rude for hitting on him while I was sitting at the table with him. For all she knew, I could be his girl and that’s messed up for her not to care. A blush covered my face as I hid behind my menu while she ran away in tears. Damn, this is what it’s like to be seen in public with someone famous. Not sure I like it.

  “So, Onyx,” Knight begins once we’re back in the SUV. “I want you to sing for the guys. Your voice is mesmerizing, and I can’t get it out of my head.”

  “Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I answer, keeping my eyes on the road.

  “Why not?” he asks, turning in his seat to face me.

  “Because you’re a group and my voice doesn’t matter,” I tell him.

  “Have you taken lessons?” he questions.


  “Onyx, your voice is something we’ve been looking for and I want you to think about it. Please?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, confusion taking over.

  “I mean, your voice adds a haunting quality and I want you to record with us. It’s a sound I can’t get and one we’ve been looking for. No one I’ve ever heard captures what you do. And now I know it’s natural talent, I’m jealous as fuck,” Knight responds.

  I laugh at the thought of Knight Wheeler being jealous of anything about me. If he only knew my story, he’d wish he never said that. There’s nothing for him to be jealous of, but I don’t know how to tell him that.

  “Just think about it,” he pleads as I pull into the garage of the apartment complex.

  “I will,” I answer.

  Knight helps me get everything into my apartment and bids me goodnight before heading to his own apartment. I’m sure he’s got plans tonight and he just spent the entire day with me. Looks like my plan to avoid the man isn’t going to be as easy as I’d hope for.

  Chapter Six


  I’VE MADE THE calls to the guys and they’re all heading over here soon. One way or another, they’ll hear Onyx sing. I don’t care if we have to listen through the damn walls of the apartment to hear her. Yes, I know that sounds like a complete creeper thing to do, but I want them to hear her voice.

  So, I’ve ordered dinner, got beer for them to drink, and I’m just waiting on them to show up. Diesel and Damon were together already, and they were the closest to my place. While I’m waiting, I grab a quick shower because I never know what we’ll end up doing tonight. We may stay in, but one of the guys may get a bug up their ass and want to go out.

  I dress in a pair of dark jeans, a black shirt, and my boots. It’s what I wear almost daily and what I’m comfortable in. When I’m on stage I maintain a larger than life personality in my ripped jeans and tank tops. When I’m not on the road, I dress comfortable and prefer to stay out of the spotlight. I’m honestly surprised Onyx and I didn’t get followed when we were out shopping yesterday.

  The last thing I want is to scare her away by the paparazzi and fans. She’ll have her own chasing her if I get my way and she joins the band. The guys and I will protect her as much as we can, but it’s something she’ll have to get used to. We all do.

  Onyx hasn’t been far from my mind since seeing her in the laundry room. She’s completely captured my attention and I’m enchanted by her. It’s not just the way she looks, like a little fairy or Pocahontas, it’s the way she hides herself because she thinks people won’t notice her. Men and women are going to notice her because she’s so striking and drawn to her in a way I’ve never felt before.

  Last night I couldn’t even get her out of my mind as I dreamed of her sharing my bed. I’m not a one woman man, never have been, but I’d give up everyone for her. I don’t think I could get hard from
another bitch after seeing her. The images of her body covered in sweat and laying under mine is enough to cause my cock to harden now and she’s nowhere near me.

  Turning my thoughts from the woman living next door to me, I sit down on the couch and grab my notebook. There’re a few songs I want to finish writing before the guys get here. They’re going on the next album and need to be ready when we go into the studio in a day or two. It doesn’t give me much time, but I thrive under pressure.

  I’m halfway through the first song when Diesel and Damon show up. The men are twins, but don’t look anything alike. Damon favors their father with his dark hair and facial features. He’s got muscles from working out, but he’s not jacked up like a meathead. Diesel is bigger than Damon and a complete comedian. He’s always cracking jokes or playing pranks on us. Damon prefers to be serious. Diesel also has more tattoos than his brother. The two men are my best friends and I don’t know where I’d be without them.

  They grab a beer and sit down on the couch, waiting for me to put my pen down. All the guys know I’m usually in a zone when I’m writing, and they won’t be able to reach me until I hit a breaking point. As I finish up the song, I lay everything on the table and turn my attention toward the brothers.

  “Why are we here?” Damon asks, knowing I didn’t give them any information over the phone.

  “Wait for the others to show up. There’s something we need to talk about and I want everyone here before I say it. Then we need to come up with a plan to make it happen,” I say, walking to grab my own beer.

  Memphis and Tyson show up not long after the other two. These men have been in the band since the beginning and we’ve got a good thing going. Yes, we all want to add something more to our sound, but I’m not sure how thrilled they’re going to be with adding Onyx. Nerves start to get the better of me as they take their seats on the couch and everyone turns their attention toward me.


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