Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1) Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  We all nod our heads in agreement. For all the pictures plastered in tabloids about me fucking everyone with a pussy, Damon’s worse than me. He’s just a little more cautious about being caught by anyone with a camera. Yes, he still gets caught out, but not as much.

  Thinking of Onyx, I regret my past and all the attention to the women I’ve been captured with over the years. I can’t imagine what thoughts she has running through her mind about me. Especially after I took a taste of her the other night. No, I didn’t force anything on her, but I shouldn’t have pushed my luck with her either. I should have waited longer.

  Soon, we’re all on the dance floor. Each one of us has a girl dancing with us and before I know it, I’m lost in the music and movement coming from the woman in front of me. However, I’m not fast enough when I begin to see flashes capturing the six of us dancing and having a good time.

  Whoever is taking pictures disappears immediately and I can’t figure out what direction they’ve gone in to stop them. Fuck!

  The guys all look in my direction as I stalk off the floor and make my way toward the door. I’m not in the mood to be here any longer and I have no problem catching a cab home.

  “Where you going, baby?” asks the girl I was dancing with.

  “I’m leaving,” I answer gruffly.

  “Want some company?” she asks, trying to latch onto me.

  “If I wanted company, I’d have asked you to go with me. I didn’t.”

  “Knight, I can give you what no other woman has been able to give you before,” she says, trying once again.

  “Really? Then leave me alone and you’ll be accomplishing that,” I answer, pulling my arm free and leaving her staring after me.

  I walk down the block away from the music following me into the night and stop. Turning toward the road, I see a cab waiting and wave it over. Once I’m in the safety of the car, I let my body begin to relax. I’ll have to explain this to Onyx before she sees the tabloids and thinks the worst.

  Handing over the money for my fare, I walk into the complex and make my way to the elevator to head up to my apartment. I debate going to Onyx and talking to her tonight, but I don’t hear any sounds coming from her place. She’s either not home or sleeping. This will have to wait until tomorrow.

  Letting myself in my apartment, I flop down on my couch and let sleep claim me. Thoughts of Onyx are the last thing I see before passing out.

  Chapter Thirteen


  WAKING UP THIS morning, I don’t stay in bed like I want to. Instead, I take a quick shower after starting my coffee. Getting dressed in sweats and a tank top, I make my way to the kitchen to get coffee and make my breakfast. We’re in the studio again today and I’m ready to get this work done.

  I love singing and being around the guys. Isabella makes me want to hide in the background though. I’ve been pushing her out of my head so I don’t dwell on what she hates about me. My goal is to see the good in everyone, but there’s just something about the woman which rubs me the wrong way.

  When we’re in the studio, I leave my past at the door. I block everyone out and let the music flow through my body. I only think about the time spent in my dad’s home when I need to capture the truly haunting quality of my voice. I let myself be taken to a place I want to keep hidden and locked away. Those are the truly draining days where I want to run home, hide away in my bed, lay under the covers until the world outside leaves me alone.

  I know I haven’t heard the last of my dad either. It’s only a matter of time before he catches me again. Even if he doesn’t get back to my apartment, he’ll make sure he catches me out. Then, I’ll truly be screwed because he can do whatever he wants to me, take me anywhere he wants to, and ensure I get him the money he wants to get his hands on.

  Instead of living free, I’m back to wanting to hide in the shadows and never let anyone in. Knight is the only one I’ve let get close to me. Yeah, I joke and laugh with all the guys and I’ve started to get to know each of them as individuals instead of the rock stars they are.

  Knight is quiet and thoughtful. He always has the best interest of the band in mind when he makes each decision to bring before the group. He’s a natural born leader and the guys look up to him. They respect him. When we’re alone, he puts me first and doesn’t let me hide. And I’ve never felt safe the way I do in his arms.

  Diesel is funny. He likes to joke and pull pranks on all of us. Even I’m not immune to them. But when it’s time to work, he works his ass off. What a lot of people don’t know is he’s also learning to play guitar. There’s a few songs he and Damon will be switching out on and he’s excited for the new role he has. Diesel is also a big teddy bear. When he thinks something is going on with me, he hovers and doesn’t let me get stuck in my own head.

  Damon, Diesel’s twin, is the complete opposite. He’s serious almost all the time. What I’ve realized about him, even though the guys think they’re protecting me from it, is he’s the worst of the group when it comes to women. Whenever he sees someone checking him out, he checks them out. Debating and weighing the chances of getting in her panties for a night. Only one night is what they get. He’s a hit it and quit it kind of man. I can’t wait to see when he falls for someone and she doesn’t give him the time of day.

  Memphis is quiet and reserved. He keeps his thoughts to himself and only throws his two cents in when there’s a debate going on with the band. He usually resolves any conflict when the guys can’t agree on anything. Memphis is the voice of reason on a bad day and I know eventually he’ll be a confidant, someone I rely on when I need to talk.

  Tyson is brash and doesn’t hold anything back. If a thought enters his mind, it’s getting spewed from his mouth. He doesn’t care if he offends someone or we don’t like what he has to say. Yet, he hasn’t ever torn my singing apart the way Isabella does. I expected him to be the first one who would tear into me.

  Byron is aloof and doesn’t seem to pay attention to most things going around him. He knows exactly what’s going on though. He’s the watcher of the group. He pays attention to everything around him and I know he’ll be the first to spot trouble when it comes at the band. His eyes are never far from Isabella. At first, I thought they had a thing. It didn’t take long for me to realize he doesn’t trust her— he’s always watching to see what her next move will be and how it’s going to impact the band or Knight.

  At the end of the day, each guy is different but they’re all the same. They’re all out looking for the next piece of ass they’re going to have. I laugh at their antics and stories when we’re in the studio on break. This is why I’ll never go out with them if I can help it. I don’t want to get in their way or make things awkward for them. And I sure as hell don’t want to see something I’ll never experience.

  Yes, Knight gave me my first orgasm when he went down on me. I don’t expect anything more than that though. He’s been avoiding me since the night it happened. And I know he went out last night.

  Once breakfast is made, I eat up and head to the studio. Isabella’s car is the only one I see as I pull into the parking lot. Debating what to do, I finally head inside to wait for the guys to show up. This is the wrong thing to do.

  As soon as Isabella sees me, she slams down the tabloid on the counter and an evil smile graces her face as a large picture of Knight and a woman at a night club stare back up at me from the page.

  “I see it didn’t take long for Knight to go back to his old habits,” she says snidely.

  “I don’t care what he does. It’s his life and his dick,” I answer, turning on my heel to head into the booth.

  “You may as well go home, Onyx. The guys are all hungover and they won’t be in to work today,” Isabella says before the door closes.

  Shaking my head, I change directions and head back out to my SUV. It doesn’t make sense. If the guys aren’t coming, why is she here waiting. Before I can get my door open, Diesel’s own SUV pulls into the parking lot and all the
guys pile out. They smile in my direction as I shut my own door and follow them back inside.

  Knight hangs back with me and I can see by the look on his face he wants to talk about something. I don’t want to hear anything he has to say right now. I’m trying to wrap my head around Isabella lying to me and trying to get me to leave.

  When we all head into the booth, the look I’m getting from the manager is scathing and full of promised retribution. It’s almost enough to make me run from the studio. Instead, I stand my ground and put the headphones on while the guys get ready to work. I’m always ready before them.

  The next few hours fly by as I let the music take me over. I sing like it’s my last day on Earth and put everything in me into the songs. The first one we work on I only sing a few lines. It doesn’t bother me as I wait to listen to the playback of the song before Knight and the guys give it the final approval.

  My input is never given. I know what I like to buy as a consumer, but they’ve been doing this for a long time and I don’t voice my opinion. Ever. Knight and the guys aren’t happy with me not voicing my opinion, but they don’t push me either. I appreciate it.

  When they’ve given the approval on the first song, I step up to the mic, nervous as fuck as everyone but Knight leaves the booth. The next two songs are going to be just him and me. He’ll be playing guitar while I sing the words I wrote so long ago.

  The song, Left Me For Dead, is about my mom leaving. However, the words I wrote can easily be used to talk about the death of a loved one or a relationship ending. I’m honestly not surprised Knight chose this song as one of the two to put on the album.

  I pour myself into the song while Knight plays along. We don’t stop or take a break between either of my songs. Knight wants them recorded in one shot and that’s what he gets.

  While I’m singing the second song, I see Isabella step away from the guys and take a phone call. A feeling settles in the pit of my stomach for some reason and I don’t know why. Her business is just that— hers. However, I can’t help feeling as if her call has something to do with me.

  Ignoring Knight as I finish the song, I leave the booth while him and the guys listen to them. I don’t want to hear myself singing words I’ve written without ever believing they would see the light of day. The words I write are my own private thoughts and I always thought they’d stay that way. Knight doesn’t let me hide away when it’s the only thing I want to do.

  Getting away from my dad and having a sense of freedom is the only thing I’ve wanted for so long. Now that I have it, I’m not sure I’m cut out for a life I can make my own choices or control things I want to do or make happen. It’s hard to put into words what I want to do or need to do. The only thing I know is I’m ready to go back into hiding.

  Once we’re done working for the day, I make a quick escape. I’m not comfortable being there around Isabella now. She’s been giving me weird looks all day long and I’m more than ready to escape her hawk-like gaze as I work with the men of Wicked Angels.

  The only thought I have while driving home is to let Knight know I’m not going to be working with them after this album is done. There’s more than enough equipment used while recording they can keep my voice for the songs during concerts and other small shows. I don’t need to be there with them while they travel from city to city.

  It will sure make Isabella happy to know I won’t be around the guys or band any longer. I’m not going to remain somewhere I’m not wanted. And I’m definitely not wanted around the band or the guys she sees as hers. Years spent with my father taught me never to stay where I’m not wanted.

  As I park my SUV in its spot, I get out and am slammed into the side of my vehicle. My wide eyes take in the harried, frantic look in my father’s wild eyes. He’s got his arm against my throat and I know who Isabella was on the phone with today. Instinct alone tells me my father called her.

  “You think you can leave and keep the money I told you to bring to me? Now you’re whoring yourself out to a band? What the fuck is wrong with you?” he questions, pressing harder on my throat.

  “I-I-I’m n-n-not,” I stammer out weakly.

  “The guy inside threatened to call the cops if I didn’t leave here. You put my name on a list not to get in? You think you have it all figured out, don’t you slut? You’ve got nothing figured out. I’m taking you home where you’ll be locked in your room until I say otherwise. After I get my money. Whatever you’ve spent you’ll fucking work off,” he growls out, spit covering my face.

  I try to push my dad off of me, but his power is no match for me. I’m weak as I let my body fall against the SUV and wait for his next move. It’s not long before he removes his arm from my throat and wrenches my arm behind me. He’s going to pull it out of the socket if I’m not careful.

  “Think you can sing songs when I’ve always told you it’s useless and wasteful. You’re dumber than I ever thought fucking possible. You must not be my fucking kid,” my dad yells, taunting with information I know is true.

  Yeah, I may not be his biological kid. My mom cheated on him and it was soon after she found out she was pregnant with me. This is another reason I don’t know why my mom didn’t take her with me. I may not even be this man’s child and she just left me alone with him. How messed up is that?

  I follow along behind him, frantically looking around the garage to find someone to help me. There’s not a soul in sight as my dad leads me to his car, which is still parked by the entrance of the garage. Why the hell didn’t I see it when I pulled in?

  He opens the back door and tries to shove me inside. My fight or flight instinct kicks in and I ram my elbow back against his chest. Placing a foot against the side of the car, I push myself backward and fall on top of my dad. A sharp pain shoots down my arm as I land at an awkward angle on top of him.

  Scrambling, I try to get away from the man I’ve lived in fear of. He’s never touched me like this and I’m not going anywhere with him if I can help it. As I scramble away, he grabs onto my ankle and tries to pull me back to him. I manage to yank my ankle away and run into the building, pulling the door shut behind me.

  Taking a second to compose myself, I walk up to my apartment using the stairs. I don’t want to run into anyone in the elevator and feel trapped. All I want is to get inside my apartment and lock the world away. I won’t be answering the door for anyone today or until the bruises I’m sure are currently forming go away.

  The adrenaline coursing through my body is the only reason I make it up to my apartment. My arm is killing me, I feel like I’ve swallowed a ton of glass in my throat, and my ankle is starting to throb from the man grabbing it and twisting in a last ditch effort to pull me back to him. I’m not sure if I need to go to the hospital or not, but I know it’s the last thing I can do right now. My dad will be expecting it and waiting. Or having someone else waiting there for me.

  Heading inside my apartment, I make my way to the bathroom and soak in the tub. Once the water has run cold, I head to my room and don’t bother getting dressed. Instead, I pull the blankets up over my head and let sleep claim me. I don’t even have any pain killers or over the counter medicine because I forgot to get any when I was out buying everything for my place. The only thing I need to do now is worry about where I go from here and try to come up with a plan to ensure I never run into my dad again. Even if it means leaving town and starting over somewhere new.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I HAVEN’T SEEN Onyx for the last three days. No one has. All the guys have knocked on her door and tried to get her to open up, but she won’t answer. I’m not sure what’s going on, but something definitely is.

  When I’ve been home, I’ve heard movement coming from her place so I know she’s over there. Still, she won’t answer the door. I’ve tried calling and messaging her too. Nothing. Worry is beginning to take over and I’m about to get Darien to open her door if I don’t see her soon.

  Onyx hasn’t even been t
o the studio to record. The guys have assured me we’ll get her parts in on the last two songs we’ve been working on, but I’m not so sure. All I know is today is the day I lay eyes on her or Darien will be opening the door for me to get in there.

  Isabella has been exceptionally happy since Onyx stopped showing up to the studio. This makes me wonder if she had anything to do with her sudden change of mind. Or she helped put some sort of plan in motion to get Onyx to back away from the band and singing.

  After eating and showering, I make my way to Onyx’s door. I’ve heard her moving around, so I know she’s up and about. Knocking on the door, I wait and hear all movement inside come to a stop. I continue to wait and still nothing.

  “Onyx, either open the door or I’ll get it opened. One way or another, we’re gonna talk today,” I say through the door.

  I try to keep my voice low because no one else needs to know I’m trying to get this woman to open her door. It’s no one’s business.

  “What do you want, Knight?” she asks, not opening the door.

  “Let me in so we can talk,” I answer her.

  “I don’t want to see you,” she mumbles through the door.

  “Well, I need to see you. We need to talk,” I say, trying again to get her to open the door.

  “Just go away. Please,” she pleads with me.

  “Can’t do that. Now, open the door or I’ll get someone to open it for me,” I tell her.

  Within minutes, I hear the locks on the door unlocking and she opens the door a little bit. It’s all I need. I force myself through the door and walk past an open-mouthed Onyx. She follows me into the living room where I sit down on her couch and wait for her to join me.

  As she walks closer, I get my first good look at her in days. What I see has my blood boiling. Onyx is wearing a tank top and I can plainly see bruising on her arm. There’s bruising around her neck and she’s got a slight limp.


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