Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1) Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  My hands are still trembling as I begin at his strong shoulders and rub the body wash into his skin. He lifts one arm and then the other as I move the loofah over his taut, muscled body. Once I get to his chest and abs, my breath hitches and I take in the hardness of his dick while my hands get impossibly closer to that part of his anatomy.

  Looking up into Knight’s eyes, he takes my hand and wraps it around his cock. Since it was resting on his chest, there’s already soap on it as he slides my hand up and down his length. Knight’s eyes darken as lust takes over. There’s never been a question about him wanting me. My only question is why.

  Before I know it, my hand is being removed from his dick and he takes the loofah from me too.

  “Need to get out of here and in bed, baby,” he tells me, finishing his shower.

  Knight rinses off and turns the water off. Once he’s out, he grabs a towel and wraps me up in it. Since I’m covered up, he removes another towel from the stack and ties it around his waist. I grab another one and tie it around my head.

  “Bed, baby,” he tells me.

  I head for the second room, but Knight grabs me around the waist and leads me into the master room. As soon as I’m at the bed, he lets go and pulls the towel from my body. I’m standing next to him naked and trying hard not to cross my arms over my chest to hide my body from his perusing gaze.

  Once I climb into bed, Knight follows me. He nudges my legs open and settles his body between them. I feel his hard dick resting against my body between us as his head lowers toward mine. Knight kisses me like it’s our last night on Earth as his hands begin to explore my body.

  As I writhe and squirm under him, Knight pulls back from kissing me and I can feel myself panting as much as I miss the feel of his mouth against mine. He starts making a path from my jaw to my neck as I feel one of his fingers enter my wet center. I arch my back because it’s just not enough. Knight isn’t doing anything but teasing me it feels like.

  Before I can utter a protest, his head descends upon my breast and pulls a nipple into his mouth. He starts off just sucking it before gently biting down on it. Instead of hurting me the way I’d expect it to, it sends a shock of pleasure straight through my body, ending at my core.

  “Knight, I need more,” I pant out.

  “I know, baby. But I need to get you ready to take me. I know it’s your first time and I don’t want to hurt you anymore than it’s going to already,” he tells me, moving further down my body.

  Frustrated, I growl out my displeasure, but it ends on a moan as his mouth finds my clit and sucks it into his mouth. My back arches off the bed as I grip the sheets in a death grip. Knight is relentless as he devours my center using his mouth and fingers. I can feel my body begin to tighten and coil as my orgasm builds in me.

  “Knight!” I yell out as it crashes over me.

  Before I can comprehend what’s happening, Knight is lining his dick up with my opening and I feel him begin to press inside my body. My entire body tightens up and Knight stops moving.

  “You need to relax, baby. It’s going to hurt and I’m really sorry about that. If I could take the pain away, I would,” he practically whispers as his body begins to shake with the effort of holding himself still.

  Nodding my head, I force my body to relax. When Knight feels I’m relaxed enough, he bends down to capture my mouth with his. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me. As he’s kissing me, I’m so wrapped up in his mouth and our dueling tongues, I don’t feel him moving the rest of his body. Not until I feel the sharp pain of my virginity being taken away.

  Knight stops when he’s in me as far as he can get and just stays still. He stops kissing me and looks down into my eyes. I watch as he lifts a hand to wipe away my tears before kissing the path they were trailing down my cheeks.

  After a few minutes, the pain subsides and I just feel extremely full. It’s nothing I’ve ever felt before as the pleasure begins to mount once again and he’s not even moving.

  “Knight, you can move now,” I tell him.

  “Are you sure?” he asks, staring into my eyes.

  His gaze feels like it penetrates my soul as he searches for the truth. I nod my head and he finally begins to slide from my body. Knight pulls almost completely from me before sliding back in again. After a minute, I find his rhythm and begin to meet him thrust for thrust. He continues to move slightly faster as I feel my body beginning to tighten once again.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he murmurs, pulling a nipple back into his mouth.

  At the same time, he reaches between our bodies to rub and pinch my clit. That’s all I need to send me once again flying over the edge.

  “Knight!” I call out once again.

  It’s not long before Knight is finding his own release. For a minute, he continues to slide slowly in and out of me. Our breathing is ragged, and our bodies are covered in sweat. I’ve never felt anything like I do right now. My body feels limp and sated while I’m tired and re-energized at the same time.

  Knight finally slides from my body and gets off the bed. I watch as he walks to the bathroom. He doesn’t bother shutting the door and I hear him running the water. A few minutes later, he walks back to the bed and spreads my legs open. My eyes open slightly as he washes me up and tosses the washcloth back toward the bathroom.

  When he gets back in bed, Knight pulls me into his arms, places a gentle kiss on my mouth and I rest my head on his chest. I’m almost instantly lulled to sleep from the way he worked my body and the sound of his heartbeat in my ear.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  LAST NIGHT WAS the best night of my life. I’ve had my fair share of women, especially once the band started to get famous. But I’ve never felt anything the way I did last night with Onyx. She gave me a precious gift and no one else can take it from her or me. This is ours and only ours.

  It’s more than about having sex with Onyx though. We spent the rest of the night curled up in one another and talking. She picked a movie on TV and we half watched it while eating room service and just being with one another. It’s about her and me being together in the simplest of ways. Just us without all the fame and fans surrounding us. I love spending time with her and finding out what makes her who she is.

  Onyx is honestly the first woman I’ve ever opened up to in my life. Usually, I fuck whoever I’ve picked for the night and then kick them out of the room or off the bus. With Onyx, I want her to know me and who I am without the fans and media showing her who they think I am. It’s not real and it’s all an act for the fans who attend our shows. Fucking random women is the only thing I’ve ever done that I’m not proud of. But when you have an itch and women throwing themselves at you, you don’t worry about all that shit and take what’s being offered to you on a silver fucking platter.

  Waking up, Onyx is in my arms. She has one leg thrown over mine while an arm rests against my chest. Her head is laying against my chest with her hair fanned out around her head. My arm is under her and I don’t care that it’s asleep because the only woman I’ve ever wanted to keep as my own, to live the rest of my life with, is in bed with me after giving me her virginity last night.

  My cock is hard and ready to sample more of Onyx’s body, but I know she’s going to be sore as hell and not ready for me to take her again, so I get out of bed as carefully as I can and make sure the blankets are pulled up tight around her body. I jump in the shower so I can get ready for the day. We have a meet and greet to do before getting ready for the show tonight.

  After I’m dressed in jeans with rips and holes in them, a tee-shirt promoting the band, and I’ve taken care of everything I need to, I kiss Onyx on the head and leave our hotel room. She needs to sleep and I’m not going to wake her up just so we can have breakfast. She’ll meet us when it’s time for the meet and greet and then we’ll relax for a little bit before the show tonight.

  As I walk down to the dining room, I meet up with Damon and Diesel. We s
it at a table in the back that gives us the most privacy so fans and everyone else aren’t interrupting our breakfast.

  “Where’s Onyx?” Diesel asks.

  “She’s still sleeping. I couldn’t wake her up. We were up all night,” I answer, putting my menu on the table as the waitress walks up to our table.

  We place our orders and wait for the young woman to pour our coffee before I get shit from the guys.

  “Why were you up all night?” Damon asks when she walks away.

  “None of your business,” I answer, not bothering to hide the smile covering my face. I can’t when thoughts of Onyx enter my mind.

  “You went there with her, didn’t you?” Diesel asks.

  I zip my lips and don’t answer his question. There’s no point. These two men know me better than I know myself most days and I’m not surprised to know they know exactly where I took things with Onyx. They also know exactly how I feel about Onyx. I’ve never been as protective or shown my feelings about any woman before in my life. Not until her. Hell, I’m ready to change everything for the band because I don’t like how she’s being treated by Isabella.

  Speaking of the bitch, I watch as she walks toward our table. She’s on her phone, typing a message or email to someone. Once she steps up to the table, she looks at me and I know she wants to say something. Instead, she wisely keeps her mouth shut, sits down across from me, and orders her own breakfast when the waitress comes back over.

  “Are you guys ready for today?” she asks, not looking at any of us.

  “What are you talking about. We have a meet and greet and then a show at another venue in town?” Damon asks.

  “Oh, I added an interview at a radio station and then there’s a small photo shoot here in town,” she says nonchalantly. “Where are the other guys?”

  “The guys and Onyx are probably still sleeping. We weren’t planning on doing anything until closer to show time,” I tell her.

  Sitting back in my chair, I watch as the waitress sets our plates down and refills our coffees. Isabella shuts her mouth and glares at me as I start eating my food so I can get back to the room to make sure Onyx is awake. I listen as our manager and the guys talk about things while my mind wanders to Onyx laying up in our bed.

  The sounds of her moaning out my name as she came on my fingers, my mouth, and then finally my cock are sounds filling my ears right now. Pictures of her body writhing under mine flash through my mind. It’s to the point, I lose my appetite and stand up from the table. Pulling my wallet out of my pocket, I throw done enough money to cover my portion of the bill and tip before walking away.

  “Knight, we need to talk,” Isabella says as I head out of the dining room.

  Looking over my shoulder, I see her rushing toward me as the waitress leaves her plate at her empty chair at the table.

  “Don’t got anything to say to you,” I say, turning and walking toward the elevator.

  “We have to talk about the band and where this is all going for now,” she says. “I reserved the conference room for now. Let me grab my plate and I’ll meet you in there.”

  Isabella turns on her heel and heads back to get her plate, coffee, and juice. I have no choice but to go to the conference room in the hotel. If this is some bullshit ploy to keep me from Onyx, I’m done. I’ll pay whatever I have to in order to get Isabella away from the band and my woman.

  The day has been a long one. I’m worried as hell because I haven’t seen Onyx all day and no one’s heard from her. Martin has gotten the guys from the MC at the hotel while we’ve been out and doing our things. Everyone has been asking for her, so I’ve made up excuses about why she’s not here with us. Fans are disappointed, but they think she’s sick, so I hope that means they’ll leave her alone.

  Isabella has been standing off to the side of every place we’ve been and there’s been a weird as fuck look on her face. Something is going on and I have a feeling it has to do with my woman. I’m not happy at all, but I keep my mouth shut unless I’m talking to the guys and Isabella is nowhere around.

  “Anyone heard from Onyx yet?” Diesel asks as we finish up the photo shoot.

  “Nope,” I answer, pulling my phone out and trying hers again when I see no missed calls or messages.

  Now it’s going straight to voicemail and I’m getting worried. At this point, I want to blow off the meet and greet and go find out what’s going on with her.

  “Martin, you heard from the guys yet?” I ask our head of security.

  “No, I haven’t. They haven’t left the hotel though,” he tells me. “Do you want me to call Lash again?”

  “No. I’ll call when we get done with the meet and greet,” I answer him.

  Martin nods his head at me. When we get to the venue, there’s already a line of fans out front waiting to get in. Not all of them are here for the meet and greet, but they want to get good spots to stand or sit in for the show, so they show up and wait for hours and hours in the sun, rain, or whatever the weather is like. If nothing else, we have fans who are loyal as fuck.

  We get in back of the venue and Martin gets out first. None of us move until all of security is surrounding the SUV and can protect us. Once we do, it’s a mad dash to the building so we can get inside and walk out to meet our fans who purchased the ticket for the meet and greet.

  There’s close to a hundred fans waiting for us at the merchandise booth. Isabella is already there, and I can tell she’s in a foul mood from the scowl on her face. She hates when we do these things, but it’s not her call— it’s ours and the venue’s. They approach us and ask us to do it and we never turn them down because it lets us interact with our fans. They’re the reason we get to do what we love and put music out in the world for them to hear.

  Once the first fan sees us making our way toward them, the screaming and cheering begins. We all smile and wave at them while we walk toward the table we’ll be sitting at. As soon as our asses hit the seats, the time starts flying by. Fans come up one after the other with things for us to sign and a story to share about our music. We take pictures, sign everything they hand us, and spend a few minutes with each fan.

  One young girl in particular stands out. Not for her looks or anything like that— she’s not the type of person who would stick out in someone’s mind. Her words are what make her stick out in my mind.

  “Where’s Onyx?” she asks in a small, meek voice.

  “Oh, she’s not feeling good today,” I answer her, the response just flowing from my tongue.

  “Oh,” she says, the disappointment clearly written on her face. “I was really hoping to meet her. Hearing her voice is something that saved me, literally. She feels and knows the kind of pain I feel daily.”


  “I’ll tell you what, you’re coming to the show tonight?” I ask her. Once she nods her head at me, I continue. “I’ll let our security detail know to get you as soon as the show’s over with and you can come back and meet her for a few minutes before we head out. How does that sound?”

  “Thank you, Knight. You’ve just made my day,” she answers as Isabella comes over to stand behind me.

  “Knight, what do you think you’re doing?” she asks, a fake as hell smile on her face.

  “Not now,” I tell her and turn my attention back to the waiting fans.

  Finally, it’s time for us to sign the last item, talk to the last fan, and take our last picture. Instead of being able to go back to the hotel to find Onyx, Isabella lets us know it’s time for another interview she randomly set up and then we’ll have sound check and then the show. She knows something is going on and she’s not letting us go check on our girl— my girl.

  Pissed as hell, I stalk back to the SUV and wait to get to the next interview location. The entire ride, I’m calling Onyx’s phone and sending her messages. They all go unanswered. What the hell is going on?

  Calling Lash, I wait for him to answer.

  “Hello?” he asks when he finally answers his phone.

  “It’s Knight. Have you seen Onyx?” I ask him.

  “Yeah. She went down to get something to eat. Some of the guys went with her and she’s not back yet,” he tells me.

  “Okay. Well, are you guys gonna have her here before sound check?” I ask him.

  “Um, about that,” Lash begins. “Onyx isn’t coming. She’s ready to go home.”

  “What happened?” I ask, panic and anger filling me.

  “I don’t know. She hasn’t said a word to any of us. That’s why I made sure Sabotage went with her. She’ll talk to him when she won’t talk to anyone else,” he answers.

  “Let me know what’s going on,” I tell him, not bothering to say anything more as I hang up.

  “What’s going on?” Diesel asks me.

  “I don’t know. Onyx won’t be here tonight. Something happened but Lash doesn’t know what yet. He sent Sabotage to get something to eat with her because she’ll talk to him,” I tell him, turning to look out the window so they know I’m not in the mood to talk anymore.

  The only thing running through my mind right now is wanting to make sure Onyx is okay. I need to know nothing else happened to her. She’s the most important person in the world to me and I’ll do whatever I can to protect her. But I can’t do that if she won’t let me in again. Last night I thought we were making progress, now I’m not so sure.

  All I know is it’s going to be hours before I can get back to her and I don’t know what mind frame she’s going to be in when I get to her. If she’s even still here when we get done with the show. I message Lash to ask him to keep her there until I get back and he tells me he’ll try. He’s not going to force Onyx to do something she doesn’t want to do, and I wouldn’t expect him to.

  I’ve got a lot of thinking to do between now and then. There’s no way in hell I’m letting Onyx go— she’s mine. I know I sound like a possessive asshole in thinking that, but the woman has me wrapped around her little finger and doesn’t even realize the power she has over me. I’m hers in every sense of the word and she’ll learn I’ll do anything for her. Anything except for let her give up on her dreams or hide in the shadows like she does when something overwhelms her. Onyx is stronger than she realizes and I’m going to be the one to make sure she knows that.


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