Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1) Page 18

by Erin Osborne

“Something isn’t right with Isabella. She’s been off since Onyx joined the band. It’s only gotten worse since our relationship came out. Now, she’s finding every chance to be next to me. Hell, ask Sabotage, she just told me Onyx wouldn’t be here for long and she’d make me forget all about her,” I tell them. “I don’t like it and this is more than keeping her job with us.”

  For a few minutes, no one says a word. They’re all thinking about what I’ve said. My friends have seen the way Isabella has acted while we were back home still. The guys in the MC and Martin’s guys have seen the way she’s been on the road. She always has some reason for Onyx messing up and never takes responsibility for anything. Now, she’s pushing up on me in ways she hasn’t before.

  “You sure she’s not fucked in the head?” Lash finally asks.

  “Not anymore I’m not. She’s never been like this. It all started when Onyx appeared on the scene,” I answer him.

  “So, Onyx is her target. You’re the goal,” Sabotage adds in. “Are we sure she’s not the one sendin’ the shit to her?”

  I look at my bandmates and friends. One by one, they all shrug their shoulders. None of us are certain about anything regarding Isabella right now.

  “Someone needs to go through her shit,” Memphis finally says. “Since she’s on the roadie bus now, it wouldn’t be hard for one of them to get to her things and have a plausible reason for being on the bus.”

  We all nod and begin to think of who to ask. Martin finally speaks up. He tells us to have Joe. Joe’s a younger guy and wants to prove himself because he’s new to us. We look to one another and Sabotage and Lash make their way out to find Joe. They can get in the venue and talk to him while Isabella is doing whatever it is she’s doing.

  “The best time to do this is when we’re on stage. Isabella never misses a chance to see us perform and she’ll be in the wings,” Byron says. “It’s not like the roadies are near the stage at that point. I think they’re usually eating dinner so they can be ready to tear down once we’re done for the night.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll go in and talk with the others,” Martin agrees.

  “Are you sure we can trust him?” I ask Martin.

  “Yeah. Like I said, he wants to be here and wants to prove himself.”

  Nodding my head, Martin leaves the bus and I walk back in our room. We have a little over an hour before we have to head out for sound check. After that we’re doing a small meet and greet before the concert. Then, for the last song of Someday Never Comes, Onyx and I are going to go on stage and sing with them. It’s something we’ve talked about and no one knows we’re doing it tonight. Not even Isabella.

  Tonight, is going to be all about Onyx. For the first few hours on the road, the guys are going to ride in the SUV with Martin and one other security guard. I guess it’s a good thing there’s third row seating in it. Onyx and I will have the bus to ourselves and dinner will be delivered before we pull out after the show. I’m going to spend those hours loving my fiancé and making sure she knows I’m here for her and only her.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  WE’RE DONE WITH the show and heading back to the bus. The only thing I want to do is take a shower and climb into bed. Today has been shitty and I’m ready for it to end. I’ve been looking over my shoulder all day and it’s exhausting as hell.

  “You ready to roll, baby?” Knight asks me as we head to the bus.

  “Yeah. I’m ready for bed,” I answer him.

  “Hope you’re not too tired,” he murmurs in my ear.

  Isabella scoffs behind us and I want to turn around and punch her in her mouth. I’m not a violent person by any means, but she’s been a bitch to me for longer than necessary. She wants Knight. I get it because he’s a great guy. For her, I think it’s more than wanting the man he is though. For Isabella, I think it’s more about wanting someone famous and she’s fixated on him.

  “You okay, baby?” Knight asks me as we get on the bus.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I respond absently. “Um, where are the rest of the guys?”

  “They’re gonna be following in the SUV for a while,” he tells me.

  I nod my head and make my way to the bathroom. Knight follows me and slowly rids me of my clothes when the door gets shut behind us. After I’m naked, he strips out of his clothes in record time. I’m still standing in the same spot, looking at his impressive body. I watch as he turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature before turning back to me.

  “Let’s get cleaned up so I can get your dirty all over again, baby,” he tells me.

  I smile at him and reach up to pull his head down to mine. Pressing my lips against his, I open my mouth and let him take the lead as he devours my mouth. Our tongues duel for control and there’s no doubt Knight wins as he slides his tongue along mine and explores my mouth.

  Breaking the kiss, we’re both breathless as I step in the shower and let the hot water cascade down over my body. It’s eases the tight, tense muscles in me and before I’m ready, I move out of the way so Knight can trade places with me. Instead of getting himself wet, he turns his body to face me and grabs my shampoo. Knight washes my hair and massages my head. I moan as his fingers massage my scalp and I lean back into his body.

  “Keep moaning like that and we won’t make it to the bed, baby,” he tells me as I feel his hard cock pressing into my back.

  As we change places and I begin to rinse the shampoo from my hair, Knight washes his own. Changing places again, he adds the conditioner to my hair and we trade places once again. Instead of washing his body, I stop Knight when he grabs his body wash. I want to wash my man.

  When I’m sure my hair is rinsed, I grab his body wash and pour a liberal amount on his loofah. After lathering it up, I wash his body starting at his shoulders and moving my hands down his sculpted chest to his washboard abs. Knight’s breathing has picked up and I savor knowing I’m the one making him feel this way.

  My hands move lower to his cock and I run my hand up and down the length several times causing Knight to moan out load and drop his head back. I’m not tired at all as the thought of what’s about to come hits me.

  “My turn,” Knight suddenly says.

  Knight grabs his loofah from my hands and quickly washes the rest of his body. Once he’s done, he grabs my body wash and loofah. When he’s ready, he begins to lather my body with soap. He pays more than enough attention to my breasts before moving lower to the apex of my thighs. My body trembles as Knight’s hands trail over me.

  As soon as he finishes washing me, I’m under the water again. Once we’re rinsed off, Knight gets out and grabs a towel. He holds it out for me and dries me off before drying himself off. With just towels wrapped around our bodies, we hurry into our room. Knight and I crash to the bed full of laughter and promises of what’s yet to come.

  Knight rolls so he’s hovering over my body. He leans down and kisses me deeply. After a few minutes, or hours I’m really not sure, he breaks the kiss and begins to move himself lower on my body. Knight kisses, licks, and sucks his way down me. he pulls first one nipple and then the other into his mouth, sucking until they’re hard peaks.

  Before I want him to, Knight is moving lower down my body. He finally reaches his destination as I feel his hot breath on my wet pussy. Looking down, I see Knight keeping his eyes on me as he lowers his head. I feel his tongue swipe through my folds and my back arches off the mattress. Digging my hands into the blanket, I try to keep from grabbing his hair.

  My moans get louder as Knight sucks my clit into his mouth while sliding a finger in me. He curls it up and hits the spot that makes my toes curl and my legs clamp around his head.

  “Knight, please,” I beg, not having enough to go over the edge.

  Knight adds a finger and starts moving them faster in and out of me. At the same time, he gently bites down on my clit. My entire body tightens as my release spirals through me and I yell out his name. Removing his fingers, Knig
ht slowly brings me down from my release. He moves from my clit to my opening and takes one last lick before lifting his mouth from me.

  As he moves back up my body, I gently push him so he’s on his back. His hard cock is pointing toward his stomach and I’m ready to take what I want from him. Tonight is about him and me showing him how much I appreciate everything he’s trying to do for me.

  Once he’s on his back, I straddle his thighs and lean down to kiss him. I can taste myself on him and it doesn’t turn me off at all. Not like I thought it would. It surprises me every single time. Reaching down between us, I line his cock up with my opening and begin to slide down on him.

  Knight pulls away from my mouth, effectively breaking the kiss.

  “Fuck, Onyx. You feel so fucking good,” he moans out.

  I pause only a minute once I’m fully seated on him. Sliding up him, I feel my body quiver as his barbells rub along me as he slides out of me. After a few times sliding up and down, I begin to move faster. I sit up and let my head fall back as I feel my body beginning to spasm around him.

  My movements speed up as I find what I like. And what Knight likes. As I begin to slide down him harder, his eyes close and his head tips back farther. I keep doing this feeling my body begin to tighten and my orgasm build. Speeding up even more, I let my head fall back to the point my hair is brushing against his thighs.

  Reaching behind me, I gently roll his balls in my hand.

  “So. Fucking. Good,” Knight growls out.

  Before I can blink, Knight flips us so I’m on my back beneath him. He slides back in me and reaches a hand between us. Finding my clit, he rubs circles around it and it’s all it takes to send me flying over the edge again.

  “Knight!” I scream out as my eyes close.

  “Fuck!” Knight says, his movements becoming erratic. “I’m cumming.”

  Knight continues to pump in and out of me as he begins to soften. Pulling from my body, he flops to his side and pulls my body half on top of his. I run my hand up and down his sweat covered chest as he rubs my back and places kisses on my temple.

  “I got dinner waiting for us,” Knight says when our breathing finally returns to normal. “Let’s clean up and eat before we stop and the guys get on the bus.”

  Climbing out of bed, we make our way to the bathroom. I have one of Knight’s tee-shirts and a pair of shorts to wear. Towels wrapped around us, we head to the bathroom and clean up quickly. As I sit down at the table after dressing, Knight pulls a few containers from the small oven. He brings them to the table before grabbing a beer for himself and water for me.

  We make small talk and leave the events of the day off the table. I don’t want to talk about it or relive it. All I want to do is live in this moment with him. Knight obviously feels the same as he doesn’t bring it up.

  Once the guys make it back on the bus, I’m more than ready for bed. I tell them all good night and walk back to the bedroom. Knight stays out with them for a little bit. I don’t even know when he comes to bed because as soon as my head hits the pillow I’m fast asleep.

  Waking up, the bus is still and there’s not a sound. Either everyone is still asleep, or they’re not on the bus. Reaching out, Knight’s side of the bed is cold and I realize they must be off the bus, so I quickly dress and make my way through the bus. At the table there’s a large envelope with my name on it.

  I open it up and find pictures of Knight. He’s with several different women in them. One of them showcases him kissing a woman while another shows two different women wrapped around him. There’s so many pictures of him and different women I’m speechless for a few minutes. Until I realize these pictures all have one things in common— they’re from tabloid magazines over the years.

  After I collect all of the pictures, I make my way off the bus. No one’s around and I don’t see the SUV parked outside where it normally sits in front of our bus. What the hell is going on? Usually, someone’s here with me. Even the guys in the MC are missing.

  Getting back up on the bus, I look at the time and see it’s just before noon. They must be out getting something to eat. I’m not sure why Knight didn’t wake me up though, so I put on regular clothes, throw my hair up, and leave the bus once again. Maybe they’re inside the venue.

  Sometimes we have lunch catered and the guys would all be inside eating. Martin could be out doing something for one of the guys and that’s why the SUV isn’t here. So many different possibilities run on a loop through my mind. Nothing makes sense and I’m not sure what to do other than check the venue. I can’t leave the bus or venue without security. I’m smart enough to realize that.

  Running off the bus, I see a different SUV squealing into the parking lot. Before I can climb back on the bus, two men jump out and grab me. The pictures fly from my hands as I try to fight them off. They’re too strong and easily overpower me. One man grabs my arms while the other one grabs my feet. They carry me to the back of the SUV and I’m half dropped on the ground as one of them open the hatch and pull out a black bag.

  It’s shoved roughly over my head as I begin to scream. My fight or flight response finally kicks in and I know if I end up in the back of this vehicle, I’m done for. These men can do whatever they want to me and no one will know I’ve been taken.

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up or I’ll knock you the fuck out,” one of the men tells me.

  “We’re not supposed to hurt her. Just get her to the location and make sure no one touches her,” the second man says.

  “You can shut the fuck up too,” the first man growls, his voice low and menacing.

  I’m thrown in the back of the SUV and I land hard the right side of my body. With nothing to break my fall, my shoulder and ribs take most of the impact while my head hits the hard plastic on the side of the vehicle. Instead of screaming out since I can’t see where the men are, I whimper.

  My wrists are grabbed and tightly bound with some type of rope. Fear spikes through me and I know my days are numbered. Pictures of Knight and the rest of the guys begin to spiral through my head. Once I’m bound and the bag over my head is checked to make sure I won’t be able to get it off, I hear the hatch slam shut and my body begins to tremble.

  Tears leak from my eyes as more thoughts of Knight flit through my mind. I’m never going to see him again or show him how much I truly love him. I won’t be able to wear the amazing dress and marry the man of my dreams or have kids with him. My future doesn’t exist any longer as these men speed away from the venue for tonight’s show and into the unknown.

  I begin to struggle and try to get either my legs or wrists out of the ropes holding me prisoner. It’s a futile attempt as my struggles only seem to make the rope tighter against my skin. I can feel them becoming wet and I imagine it’s blood since I can feel my skin tearing as I struggle.

  This is no damn use. I’m not going to get out of these ropes or see anyone I love again. Isabella has won and finally gotten me out of the way. That’s the last thought I have as I let myself cry out my fear until sleep takes me under

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  WAKING UP THIS morning, the guys and I all went inside for breakfast. I had it set up yesterday after Onyx went and got us all breakfast. Sabotage let me know the place she ordered from and I made a call to have our meal catered by them this morning. Their food is absolutely amazing!

  Everyone quickly made their way inside the venue when I made the announcement about breakfast. Onyx was still asleep and I didn’t want to wake her up, so I let her sleep and went in to get our food. I sat with the guys and talked about upping her security detail while keeping her food warm.

  “Alright, guys, I’m out. I’m gonna go wake Onyx up and make sure she eats before we head to the photo shoot and interview,” I tell my bandmates and the guys from the MC.

  “Alright. We’ll be right there,” Damon answers me.

  Heading out to the bus, I see the door open and quickly make my way there. If it’s op
en, Onyx has already woken up and probably looking for us. It’s like a damn ghost town out here with everyone inside eating.

  Martin went to get a few things from the store so the SUV is gone too. He hasn’t made it back yet. It usually takes him a while because he shops for everyone when he goes out. Plus, he’s stocking up for the week so we don’t need to go out again.

  “Onyx, baby, where are you?” I call out once I’m on the bus.

  There’s no answer.

  I search the entire bus and she’s not here. Running to the front of the bus, I make my way back out to see if she’s sitting in the shade somewhere as it’s already hot as Hades out. She’s nowhere she would usually sit. Onyx doesn’t go very far from the bus if she’s alone. Not when she keeps getting these fucking notes threatening her.

  Looking down, I see a bunch of papers on the ground. I bend down and pick one up. It’s a picture of me and some random bitch. This was in a tabloid over a year ago. Picking the rest of them out, I see they’re all of me with random women I used to pick up when we went out after a show or something. Fuck!

  Frantically, I run around the buses, the field in the back of the buses, and finally back inside the venue. I can’t find her anywhere.

  My heart is racing and I’m frantic as I race back toward the room we set breakfast up in. Everyone is still here finishing up their food and drinks when I burst through the door.

  “Anyone seen or heard from Onyx since we came in here?” I yell out, feeling like I’m going to collapse in despair.

  There’s murmurs of ‘no’ around the room. Isabella buries her head like she knows something. I don’t focus on her right now. I can’t, or I’ll put my hands on the bitch. Immediately, Diesel, Damon, Memphis, Byron, and Tyson are surrounding me. Sabotage, Lash, and the rest of the guys in the MC are pulling out their phones and making calls to whoever.

  The room is dead silent as I try to tamp down the panic I feel threatening to overtake me. I don’t know where the fuck she could be or if someone’s taken her. I’m leaning toward foul play though. Fuck!


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