Keepers of the Eye: An order of wizards and craftspeople who maintain balance and order in the world of Ealiron, and whose ruling seat is the Citadel of Eyrie, in eastern Sourcesee. The orders are arranged in levels of mastery, each of which corresponds to a kind of bird, a color and a tree. There are nine orders of wizards, and three lesser orders called Keepers of the Crafts, who have limited powers pertaining to their discipline. Listed as follows as Order; Color; Tree; Type (from highest to lowest): Dove; Gray; Silver fir; Parallel Focus Raven; Black; Oak; Wizard Osprey; Cerulean; Ash; Wizard Eagle; Burgundy; Alder; Wizard Owl; Pine green; Hemlock; Wizard Crane; Grass green; Hazel; Wizard Swan; Indigo; Birch; Wizard Hawk; Yellow gold; Beech; Wizard Robin; Red; Elder; Wizard Wren; Deep brown; Apple; Healer Albatross; Blue green; Willow; Sailor Raptor; Blood red; Blackthorn; Warrior See also High wizard, Keepers of the Crafts, Parallel focus, Raptor.
loerfalos (lo ERR vah los): In Aenspeak, “serpent of green darkness.” A very large, immortal dragon-like creature that lives in the northern seas. A First One. Always female. See also First One.
Loralin: A large forest located between the Derth and Erusin Rivers, northeast of the Frostwhisper Mountains, in Sourcesee.
Maern (MAYrn): In Aenspeak, “mother.” See Old One.
Master of the Eye: A title that refers to a wizard in the Order of Raven, the highest order of the Keepers of the Eye. See also High wizard, Keepers of the Eye.
Menscefaros: (men SCEV arr ohs): In the Dark Tongue, “nameless one.” A term used mostly by immortals to refer to the Old One. Virtually unknown and unpronounceable by mortals. See also Old One.
Mindspeak: Telepathy. Using the mind and thoughts to communicate with another through a conscious connection to that person.
Moridrun fore sarumn: In Aenspeak, “unveil essence to light.” Power words that reveal the true nature of something. Used by wizards to see through spells, energy shields, illusions, etc. See also Energy shield.
Muin (MOO in): A hall in the heart of Loralin Forest, near the village of Crowharrow. Standard is vine with red grapes twined into the shape of an interlocking pentacle with a rose-yellow sun shining in the center. Contains a Waeltower, and is a Sun key. See also Sun key, Waeltower.
Oculus (AW kew lus): The Waeltower of Eyrie, the seat of the Keepers of the Eye. Located on Mount Rothmar, in the center of the Keepers’ citadel. Constructed of amethyst, with eight sides, the Oculus focuses the Source, the iomor that aligns the forces of the elements to the will of Ealiron such that he is aware of and focused in the physical origin of his expression. Often referred to by wizards as the “Amethyst Waeltower.” See also Ealiron, iomor, Keepers of the Eye, Source, Waeltower.
ofsinae (AWV sin ay): In Aenspeak, “lens of the gods.” A stone circle containing a crystal pentacle and six statues of the entities in the Formation of Ealiron. Each statue stands on one point of the star, wears the characteristic garb of the god and holds a talisman, as follows: Ealiron, in the center, holds an amethyst orb; Bancor, a branch; Math, a sword; Aorin, a crow; Farus, a bow and quiver; and Maelin, a cup. The ofsinaes are in remote, often inaccessible areas and are used to summon the Creators of Ealiron. See also Aenmos, Ealiron, Formation entity.
Old One: The primordial goddess of nature, life, death, and transformation. Formlessness, Void. Often referred to as Maern, Aenspeak for “mother.” Unknowable in her true form, but perceived by all structural consciousness in terms of feminine aspects: e.g., maiden, mother, crone. See also Destroyer.
Om tree: An ancient tree of unknown origin, seeded by the stars and rooted deeply into the iomor beneath the palace of Eusiron. The tree is said to have great knowledge of the Old One, can tell truth from lies and see into the hearts of mortals. See also iomor, Old One.
Ostarin (oh STAR in): A wooded, mountainous realm in western Sourcesee.
Parallel focus: A mortal who is the child of a god. Focused as a human, but also incipient as an entity who will be born above the time-space matrix. Parallel focused mortals are trained as wizards and prepared through the Order of Dove for ascension. See also Entity, Keepers of the Eye.
Raptor: A Keeper of the Crafts trained in the arts of war. Holds limited powers of the Eye pertaining to the focus and use of weapons. See also Keeper of the Crafts.
Saltar: an outpost in the forest of Roth in southern Sourcesee used to hold prisoners of war.
Seat mor streac Maern: In Aenspeak, “By the Mother.” Used as an oath.
Shapeshifting: The art of changing one’s shape into something other than human; for example, a bird or other animal, a tree, fog, etc.
Silin en Maern tali: In Aenspeak, “Blessed is the Mother.” A blessing, used mostly by wizards and followers of the Old One. Cannot be uttered with any kind of deception.
siomothct (she om OCH): In the Dark Tongue, “destroyer’s eye.” An assassin in service to the Keepers of the Eye. Must belong to the Order of Raven. Rank is referred to as Regard, first being highest, third being lowest, according to skill and experience. See also Keepers of the Eye.
sioros (she OR os): In the Dark Tongue, “destroyer in the air.” A rare immortal creature with the body of a man and the wings of a bird. Predatory and very dangerous, lives in the far northern wilderness areas of Sourcesee.
solsaefil (sol ZAY uh vil): See Sun key.
Source: The focused energy of Ealiron. An extensive and very potent iomor located beneath the Waeltower of Eyrie. Connects, feeds and contains all of the iomors in Ealiron. See also Ealiron, iomor, Waeltower.
Sourcesee: A northern mountainous realm and the center of power for the Keepers of the Eye.
Sun key: In Aenspeak, solsaefil. An architectural construct that uses a Waeltower to direct the light of the sun into geometric patterns that illuminate physical locations. Designed to mark seasonal events such as solstices and equinoxes. See also Waeltower.
Tarth: A great, watery realm south of Sourcesee comprising mostly swamps, rivers, lakes, wetlands and jungles.
Time-space matrix: The structural manifestation of consciousness, in terms of perceivable experience, by which the nature and extent of identity is known. Informally referred to as the “grid.”
Voidstone: An amulet made of black-green stone of unknown source or origin, as it is formless; i.e., invisible on the time-space matrix. Can be brought between dimensions. Given by the Old One to those she chooses, or by those who serve her. A sioros voidstone is used to enter the presence of the goddess herself. See also Old One, sioros, Time-space matrix.
Waeltower: Based on the word wael, Aenspeak for “focus.” An architectural construct built over an iomor, used by the Masters of the Eye to channel and focus energy. Built as a tower with concentric levels, including a floor containing a pentacle with the Eye in the center, a ceiling with a crystal star of a specific number of points, and a spire above that, made of a crystalline substance with a corresponding vibration and containing the same number of sides as points in the ceiling star. The geometry and composition of each Waeltower varies according to where on the planet it is. See also iomor, Oculus, Source.
Watch-web: A skill used by wizards to spread the mind into a surrounding area. Used to detect the presence of anyone nearby.
Web: Refers to someone whom the Old One has chosen to provide openings in the time-space matrix through which she can be perceived. Webs are rare and tend to land in positions of power or influence, where the Old One can express her will directly in terms of mortal events. See also Old One.
Wizard’s Code: A code of ethics by which the Keepers of the Eye abide. Includes the Law of Free Will, the force of expression by which all things experience their nature through life in form on the time-space matrix. Governed by the Old One and known in all its permutations and combinations only by her. See also Keepers of the Eye, Old One.
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About the Author
F.T. McKinstry grew up studying music and reading books. An old-school fantasy geek, she acquired a deep love for fantasy, science fiction and the esoteric, of which she was an avid reader. With a background in computer electronics and software development, she wrote and illustrated technical documentation for many years, during which time she created fantasy worlds. She is inspired by plant and animal lore, Northern European legend and mythology, fairy tales, mythical creatures, music, medieval warfare and shamanism. She also enjoys oil painting, gardening, yoga, hanging out with her cats and fishes, and being in the woods.
Other Titles by F.T. McKinstry
The Fylking
The Wolf Lords
The Chronicles of Ealiron
The Hunter’s Rede
The Gray Isles
The Winged Hunter
The Riven God
Water Dark
Short Stories
Wizards, Woods and Gods
Demon Tamer
The Eye of Odin
Earth Blood
The Om Tree
Pattern Sense
Connect with F.T. McKinstry
Deviant Art
The Winged Hunter Page 29