Another Rumble

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by Skyy, Rayven

  Another Rumble

  By Rayven Skyy

  Published By Blaq Rayven Publications.

  Copyright © 2011 Rayven Skyy

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review.

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  @ Rayven_Skyy

  Printed in the United States of America






  I dedicate my second novel, Another Rumble to the person who has made me the woman that I am today. My mother, Janet Jordan. Thanks for all of the wisdom you have shared with me throughout my life. I am truly blessed to have a mother like you. I love you.


  I give God the glory, honor and praise. As always I would like to thank my mother Janet Jordan for being the biggest Rayven Skyy fan of all. To my children, Savon and Sasha Wood. I love you! To my editor Shannon Fields, thank you… thank you… thank you! You inspire me. Thanks for allowing me to bend your ear during my ‘writers block’ moments. Special thanks to Lovell Wilder Sr., and Chase ‘Msmodel’ Cannon for gracing the cover of Another Rumble. To Innovative Twist for the book cover design as well as all of my print ad-vertisement. Thanks Josh. Thanks goes out to the Papercity Park Boyz, and special thanks to Buku Williams for always rocking with me. Ya’ll check out their video for Sadatay on YouTube. Shi-Shi ‘MsjoejoeCaddy’ Eason, thanks for all of the support. Frank ‘Nitty’ Newman, Lovey Vawters, I truly appreciate you two for more reasons than one.To the Another Rumble proofreaders, Tasha Ringo, Judy Frasier, Monica ‘Moni’ Craft, Solae Dehvine, and Kivi Cooper. Thanks so much for all of your hard work and time ladies.

  To all my family and friends that I did not list, you know who you are. Thank you for your continued support.




  I was looking right at Milk and Rico and both of them were on the ground now, so I know neither one of them were doing the shooting. As soon as I heard the shots, I pushed Sabrina down on the ground. My intentions were to use my body as a human shield to protect Sabrina and her baby, but I waited too long. I felt the first bullet hit me in my shoulder and I told myself not to panic. As long as it was not one of my vital organs I could survive this gunshot.

  Suddenly, I felt the second bullet enter my chest. I knew then it was my time. I fell forward and ended up being the human body shield for Sabrina after all. I don’t know whether or not it was the sight of my blood pouring out or Sabrina being in labor that scared me most. She was screaming so loud that I didn’t even hear the gunshots anymore. This ain’t nothing but karma.

  “I’m sorry for everything that I ever did to you, Sabrina. Please forgive me.” I whispered in her ear.

  Visions of my momma and my son Deshawn appeared in my head for a second, but then they were gone. The pain I was feeling slowly started to ease away and I could see visions of people dressed in white, but I could not see their faces. I heard Milk’s voice, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I started to pray. The visions of the people dressed in white were becoming clearer to me and I was now able to see their faces.

  Standing in the distance was my brother Ron, Aunt Sandra, Aunt Thelma, and Grandma Eldora. They were all happily smiling and waving at me. I never thought I would see them again after their funerals. As my heart rate slowly started to decrease, I no longer felt any pain and my brother Ron was walking towards me. Sabrina rubbed the back of my head and told me to hold on, but I knew it was time for me to let go. I exhaled my last breath. My brother was now standing over top of me with his arms outstretched. I reached up, took him by his hand, and let him lead the way.

  Face Off!

  I told Sabrina what was going on between me and Milk in the streets. I even told her about Yvette, but I gave her the PG version. I thought it was Sabrina knocking at the door like somebody was chasing her, but it turned out to be her cousin Asia. Shawty was rambling her ass off when I opened the door. All I heard was ‘Milk… Sabrina…’ and ‘… he gone kill her.’ I told Asia to wait for me downstairs. I got my gun that had the silencer and scope already attached and then we were out the door.

  We pulled up just in time too because Sabrina had her gun pointed at Milk. The nigga was able to get the gun away from her and turn it on me. I wanted to face off with Milk once and for all, but now was not the time. Sabrina had gone into labor. I was able to wrestle Milk to the ground and we both lost our guns. Milk’s gun was still in reach for him to grab and blast back when the shooting started. I could see Sabrina on the ground with Asia on top of her. Fuck Milk. I had to protect Sabrina.

  I got up off the ground, got my gun, and started shooting in the same direction Milk was shooting in. It was dark and I couldn’t even see anybody’s shadow. Milk ran out of bullets. He yelled to Sabrina and Asia to stay down on the ground. I didn’t want to take my eyes off him, but something told me whoever was doing the shooting was trying to kill both of us. I hit the ground once I ran out of bullets, but Milk was still shooting into the night.

  When he ran out of bullets he reached down and picked up Sabrina’s gun, but it was then he got shot. Milk stumbled backwards but he kept on shooting. I could hear Sabrina screaming his name, and for a second I thought she had been shot, too. When the shooting finally stopped, Milk was stretched out on his back with his hand on his stomach. The last thing I heard him say before he closed his eyes was Sabrina’s name.

  I could hear the police sirens and I knew they were close by. I didn’t want to leave Sabrina, but the last thing I needed was to be on the scene of yet another drive-by shooting. The police weren’t going to buy that I just happened to be walking by this time. I told that lie already after the shooting at Quikshop. I knew they would call an ambulance for Sabrina when they got here, so I got in my truck and took off.

  Once I was out of the neighborhood I threw my gun down a sewage drain along with the shirt I was wearing because it had Asia’s blood on it. I drove straight to my storage, switched cars, and then drove to my house out at Larimore Estates.

  Today has been fucked up from beginning to end and it can’t get any worse.

  Still Belonged To Me!

  Despite everything she did I would die before I let anything happen to Sabrina and my baby. If revenge is what she was seeking she got it, but I will never look at her the same. I know you’re saying I got some damn nerve, but one thing you have to understand ladies is that y’all can’t do what niggas do. Bitches in the street were just pussy to me. Sabrina had my heart. She belonged to me, and that went for her pussy, too! I don’t care if Sabrina walked in on me and another broad actually fucking, her pussy still belonged to me. If I stayed out three nights out of the week Sabrina’s pussy still belonged to me.

  Asia had me thinking for all of those years that her son was mine. When I found out Sabrina was pregnant, the last thing that ever crossed my mind was that it wasn’t my baby. I could tell by looking at the pictures Asia took of them two together that Sabrina gave the nigga some pussy. Correction, she gave him some of my pussy.

  I was using the gun I bought for Sabrina to shoot with. Ask me who I was shooting at. It was dark and I couldn’t see shit. I had to let my instincts

  take over and shoot by ear and not by sight. When I ran out of bullets I yelled to Sabrina and Asia to stay down. I looked around on the ground and saw my gun that I dropped while tussling with Byrd. Me and this mothafucka’ been trying to kill each other for the last year, and if he caught a bullet right now I wouldn�
��t lose a wink of sleep. Now, here we are damn near standing side by side trying to make sure nothing happens to Sabrina.

  As long as I had bullets I was going to keep shooting. I felt the heat when it hit me in the stomach, but I kept right on squeezing the trigger. I finally collapsed when the shooting stopped. I saw that punk mothafucka’ when he got up and ran. I didn’t know Asia was dead at the time, but Sabrina made sure the world knew she was alive with all the screaming she was doing. I prayed to God and asked him to protect Sabrina and the baby. At that point, it was all I could do.

  I Love It When A Plan Comes Together!

  I was locked up with Milk for two years at Mecklenburg State Prison. We were both trans-ported to ‘The Burg’, as niggas called the prison, on the same day. We spent most of the day in receiving together not even knowing we would be cellmates. I heard Milk tell some niggas on the tier that I was good people and not to fuck with me. I ain’t like that shit at all. I didn’t need the nigga to vouch for me. I ain’t give a fuck that I was from down south, wasn’t nobody gone fuck with me anyway.

  However, being Milk’s celly did have its advantages. I stayed high for one. This nigga had guards bringing him food and some more shit. I will say he made the first two years out of my eight lovely, but then he was released. That’s when I got a new cellmate, Breon. Greenest nigga you ever want to meet. I knew Breon through his cousin Byrd. He only had a year to do for driving on a suspended license. Who the fuck gets locked up for that shit?

  I had known Byrd since we were ten. We both grew up in the Pork n’ Beans projects together. That nigga and me ain’t really start fucking with each other until we both started hustling. His grandfather, Big Byrd, had Miami sewed up and Byrd ain’t have to hustle for real. Big Byrd didn’t want him fucking with the game, but Byrd did his thing anyway.

  Me and Byrd were gambling with some niggas one night and I got into his ass for five thousand. We were just starting to make money, so that was a lot of money back then. Byrd bet me double or nothing I was going to crap out on my next roll. I already had $2,500 of his money and I knew the nigga ain’t have any more on him, but I don’t turn down no bets. I won of course and told Byrd to just hit me off later, but the next day I caught my involuntary manslaughter charge. I reached out to the nigga for my money so I could get a paid lawyer. Let me just say my public de-fender is no longer with us. May he rest in peace.

  I don’t know who the better cell mate was, Breon or Milk. They both played a very important part in my plan. Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? I saw all the respect Milk got from the VA niggas. Shit, Milk had niggas shook. However, word of advice. If you ever go to prison, leave the streets on the streets. Don’t go in that mothafucka’ telling your life story, especially if you were getting money. You’re asking to be set up.

  Now here I have the self-proclaimed Prince of VA talking about his life on the streets as a cellmate one minute, then this want to be down, dumb as dirt mothafucka’ as a cell mate the next. I chalked it all up to fate. Everything happened just like it was designed to. Both of them niggas told me to look them up when I touched down and that’s exactly what I did. You know the rest.

  Milk knew me as Gee, and to the almighty Byrd I was Gremlin. I know right. You love it when a plan comes together too. My work in VA is done. I’m headed back down south, but before I do I have one quick stop to make.

  “Hey baby… I know, but I had a change of plans. Come outside. I’m down the street where I usually park. Hurry up ‘cause I don’t have a lot of time… and bring some clean towels with you… don’t ask me whole lot of questions right now… just do like I tell ya’… okay… bye.”

  Saysha Needs Her Daddy!

  I was on my way up the hospital elevator to ICU and was rushing to get there before visiting hours were over.

  “Hey Sabrina, how are you doing?” the nurse asked me.

  “Hey Ms. Vera, how are you doing?” I smiled.

  “I’m blessed, sugar,” she said as she hugged me.

  “How’s our patient? Any change?” I asked hoping for something different today.

  “No baby,” she shook her head. “He’s still in a coma, Sabrina.” She made a slight frown. “But he is in God’s hands now and only he has the final say.” She kissed me on the cheek.

  “Let me go in and see him before y’all kick me out.” I laughed to lighten the mood. “My momma is watching the baby and I have to pick her up in a little while.”

  “Alright sugar,” she kissed me again on the cheek.

  “That one was for my baby, and you make sure she gets it.”

  “I will.”

  I was hoping today would be the day that he would finally open his eyes. The doctors say he’s actually doing well considering where he was shot. He was in surgery on one floor and I was on another floor giving birth to our daughter. I knew as soon as they cleaned her off and laid her on my chest who her father was. I didn’t need a blood test as far as I was concerned, and I am sure that he would agree.

  I pulled the curtains closed because it was starting to get dark. Afterwards, I sat down in the chair next to the bed, closed my eyes, and prayed. At this point that is all anyone could do. When I finished I got some lotion out of the bathroom and rubbed some on his feet.

  “I will be so glad when you wake up and get out of this hospital so you can help me with your daughter,” I told him. “That little heifer is a handful, and mad greedy.” I laughed. “She is definitely your child.” I covered his feet back up under the blanket. “Now that’s better,” I told him as I looked down at him. I pulled the blanket up close around his neck. “It’s a little chilly in your room tonight.” I looked at all tubes that were hooked up to him, and then I leaned my head down and spoke into his ear. “Saysha needs her daddy. You got to get up out of this bed.” I took his hand. “I would never be able to live with myself if you didn’t make it.” I squeezed his hand a little tighter. “Regardless of everything, I still love you.” I did not even try to fight the tears that I felt coming on. “Please don’t leave us.” Just then he squeezed my hand back. “Oh, my God,” I looked at Milk. “Milk can you hear me?” I looked down at my hand again. “Milk if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.” I waited to see if he would respond. “Milk please, if you can hear me…” Before I could tell him to squeeze my hand again he had already done it. “Milk? Open your eyes, Milk. Do you hear me? Open your eyes.” I reached over and pressed the call button to the nurse’s station.”

  “Yes, Sabrina?”

  “Ms. Vera, get the doctor. I think Milk is waking up.”

  Another Rumble


  “Good afternoon, I’m Alicia Ewing; John is on assignment and will return tomorrow. Last night the Norfolk Police Department responded to the 400 block of Chesapeake Blvd around nine o‘clock after calls of shots being fired had been reported. When police arrived on the scene they found two victims both suffering from gunshot wounds. One of the victims was pronounced dead at the scene, and the other victim was transported to Norfolk General Hospital with life threatening injuries. There was also a pregnant woman whom had gone into labor and she was also transported to Norfolk General by way of ambulance. The police have yet to release the names of the victims, however they do ask for anyone with information that would aid the Norfolk Police Department in finding the person or persons responsible for last night’s shooting to please call 1-899-LOCKUUP. In other news, the Bank of Hampton Roads was robbed at gun point yesterday…” I turned the TV off when I heard banging at the front door.

  Thump… thump… thump… “Virginia Beach Police Department, search warrant.” I sat up in the bed. ‘I know damn well…’

  Thump… thump… thump… “Virginia Beach Police Department, search warrant.”

  I ripped the covers off me and I was peeking out the window within two seconds. Damn if that’s just the police it looked more like a marching band to me. The boys in blue outnumbered me and there was no escaping them. I opened
my top dresser drawer and took out a pair of white boxer shorts, a white woman beater, and a pair of white socks. I took off the boxers I had on and got dressed in my whites as fast as I could. Something told me I was about to make a guest appearance to the Virginia Beach Jail and I can‘t do the naked thing under the jumpsuit.


  The police rammed their way through the front door and I could hear them charging up the stairs. I turned around, put both hands up against the wall, and assumed the position.

  “Search warrants… come out of the room with your hands up.”

  “Come on in officers,” I said, still facing the wall. The bedroom door was kicked off the hinges and the stampede had begun.

  “Get down on the floor right now… right now… get down on the floor!”

  Now what was the point of them telling me to get down on the floor if they won’t gone give me a chance to follow their directions? Two blonde haired, white police officers tackled me from behind forcing me down on the floor. I knew better than to resist because that only makes shit worse.

  Once they had the silver bracelets clamped around my wrist, the same two police officers raised me up on my feet.

  “What can I do for you today officers?” I asked looking over my shoulders.

  “Just tell us where everything is and save us the trouble of fucking this place up.”

  “I’m sorry officer, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just house sitting for a friend,” I told him and then turned back around.


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