His Prairie Omega Box Set

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His Prairie Omega Box Set Page 9

by MacKenzie Wilde

  “…babe, I missed you too… I just… your brother’s right there.” The surprised Alpha eyed Kyle as he fended off the flurry of smooches.

  “I know, I just missed you so much,” she gasped in between kisses. Hearing her father making his way through the house accompanied by the booming howls of Cromwell, she backed off somewhat.

  “Kyle, Briggs. Briggs, Kyle. I think you’ve met.” She smiled and took the brown paper bag that Briggs held and transferred it to the fridge.

  The Alpha smiled and extended a hand to Kyle. Strong and firm, Kyle was taken aback by the raw confidence that his sister’s boyfriend exuded. His scent was proud and assured, yet still shot through with feral undertones. Kyle couldn’t help but notice that even as they exchanged pleasantries, Briggs’ eyes kept wandering over to Jess’ skin-tight yoga pants, her bottom bobbing playfully as she made her way across the kitchen.

  “Officer Jarett Briggs,” their father extended a hand and walked into the room as if it were their first time meeting.

  “Hello again, sir. And please, just Jarett will do.”

  “Or Briggs. Everyone calls him that,” Jess called from behind the fridge door. She was busying herself in the fridge, bent at a ninety degree angle so as to showcase her carefully sculpted bottom.

  “Well, I suppose either or is fine by me.” Briggs cleared his throat as he hung his hat.

  Their father corralled the small pack into the living room, where he’d set out some sour cream and onion, ruffled, and all-dressed chips for them to enjoy. Kyle knew that he was intensely serious about Brigg’s visit because he’d used the good bowls, fine commemorative china of Charles and Diana’s 1981 wedding. It was a side of their father he was unused to seeing.

  Flanked by a sleepy Cromwell, the four of them snacked, sipped iced tea, and shared their lives. In truth, their father took centre stage with his many questions about policing, the law, and hypothetical ‘what-if’ situations. Briggs took it all in stride, although occasionally escaped scrutiny by admitting that he’d need to ask his superiors or a Crown Attorney about one of the more unusually worded queries.

  Kyle felt happy to witness this new side of his sister. Jess was glued to her Alpha the whole time, curled up beside him and playing with his hand. She was confident, calm, and assured beside Briggs. It caused uncertainties to bubble up in the Omega’s mind. Was that the happiness that awaited him if he surrendered to Jake? But how could he live with himself knowing that he was effectively placing his leash in another’s hands so willingly? If he was even able to think these thoughts when Jake wasn’t around, didn’t that mean that their attraction was only due to the Alpha’s pheromones? Could Jake ever care for him when it wasn’t dependent upon the powerful biological urges that guided them?

  His heart sank when he wondered if he could ever truly love Jake and still maintain his own happiness as an independent-minded Omega. Why was it so hard? Why was he forced to choose? He retreated to thoughts nearly as dark as the skies above as he devoured a small handful of ruffled chips. He was only dimly aware that the others were referencing him in their conversation.

  Kyle was roused from his brooding thoughts by a gentle buzzing from his pocket. Removing his smartphone, he saw that it was a text from Jake.

  “Done early today. Be there in ½ hr?”

  He blinked a few times and smiled a bittersweet smile. Texting back a yes, he turned back to the dull comfort of his greasy, crispy, salty chips.

  “Hey guys, Jake will be around in about half an hour.” He spoke as happily as he could, not wanting his inner turmoil to dampen the evening. His father perked up in his old, beat-up recliner at the good news. It warmed Kyle’s heart.

  The Daniels household seemed to be at an unusual calm, but Kyle wondered how long it would last.


  Kyle checked his phone roughly every minute since he’d received his last text from Jake. To say that he was on edge was an understatement. Although they ran in different packs, Briggs and Jake undoubtedly crossed paths due to their similar careers. However, as coupled Alphas, they’d get along quite well, as there’d be zero competition between them. It would normally make for a relatively aggression-free evening.

  Unfortunately, the loose cannon would be Kyle’s father. Although he’d been in a fairly good mood lately, he always needed to get his two cents in, even if they were neither asked for, nor particularly relevant to the situation.

  There was a familiar grinding sound as heavy tires scoured the gravel beneath them, and Jake’s truck shuddered to a stop. Kyle rose and walked to the door. The Omega figured that there was a twenty percent chance that he’d just open the door and walk straight out when Jake knocked. And then maybe they could enjoy ice cream? Or tasty sex? Maybe both? His mind raced, but somewhere inside of him he knew that he wouldn’t be doing or enjoying either of those wonderful things.

  Instead he put up a bright smile for his sexy beau and opened the door with a pleasant sing-song greeting.

  “Heya, how goes it?” He slunk against the frame of the door.

  “Hey cutie.” Jake leaned in for a quick kiss. He was holding something in brown paper.

  They entered the kitchen and Jake placed the paper bag down on the counter. Seeing that his sister and father were occupied with Cromwell, Kyle managed to sneak in a few quick kisses. Jake returned the favour and embraced the Omega in a big, powerful, sweeping hug. Kyle lost himself in those arms. The Alpha smelled goddamned amazing, like old blue jeans, grass, and Ivory soap. Faint whiffs of charcoal teased through, as did his natural, feral scent, prowling as it always did.

  “I missed you bud.” Jake smiled as the Omega’s beard tickled his neck.

  “Save meee,” Kyle whined in a whisper. “I’ll do anything you want if you can get me out of here. Anything mister!” He nibbled the hunk’s neck playfully.

  “Don’t let me interrupt you two,” Jess announced as she walked into the kitchen. “Get you some coffee Jake?”

  The Alpha’s face flushed red as he struggled to compose himself. “Uh, hey Jess, yeah, that’d be… just fine. I brought some treats for… the family.” He waved a hand at the brown paper bag.

  Kyle just scowled at his sister for ruining his brief time with his new beau. He crossed his arms.

  “Ooh, now what did we do to deserve…strawberry rhubarb tarts? Are you kidding me?!” She gasped excitedly. Her hand shot out, and in a flash she'd bit one of the crumbly tarts in two before greedily gobbling it down. Her chewing slowed slightly as she realized what she was doing, but her apologies were mostly gusts of dry crumbs and sweet strawberry.

  “Can’t believe that Briggs wouldn’t lock that graceful gal down with a ring,” Kyle chuckled as he offered his sister a glass of milk. She thanked him by slapping his shoulder and downing it in one go.

  “…ahem… ugh… I’ve been working out a lot and have been seriously hungry, jerk.” She continued to poke at her grinning brother. Changing her tone immediately, she turned to Jake and spoke with pure sincerity. “Thank you so much Jake, it’s been ages since I’ve had any strawberry rhubarb tarts. I’m so flattered that you remembered that they were my fave.”

  “Ah, wasn’t nothing. I just remember that you’d always been unable to resist a plate of ‘em, just like your dad.” The Alpha tried to downplay the thought that he’d put into the gift. He hadn’t ‘officially’ been over to the Daniels farm since the blowout between he and Kyle after Tyler’s passing last summer. He’d stop by now and again to chat with their father, or help him with some of his aging farming equipment, but that was it.

  “Is that Jake? Oh shoot, with them strawberry-rhubarb tarts?” Their father perked up from the living room. He and Briggs were conversing, but little in the way of baked goods could get past the old man’s senses. Politely excusing himself from banter with the Alpha Sheriff, he was up on his feet surprisingly fast and into the kitchen in no time.

  Spying her father making a run on the tarts, Jess unglamorously shoved a
nother in her mouth. She tried to get her father to back away from the baked goods, but did little more than sputter another fresh downpour of crumbs for Cromwell to eagerly pursue.

  It was too late. The elder Daniels had moved in for the kill.

  “Ooh, shoot! The good ones too, from Bessie’s downtown? They just don’t make ‘em like this anymore – she don’t skimp on the lard and whole milk.” He grinned as he helped himself, toothily devouring it in a fashion similar to his daughter before him.

  Wryly observing his family’s dining habits, Kyle gently elbowed Jake. “Admit it, this is what you missed the most.”

  The Alpha briefly glanced at the two Daniels clan, faces stuffed and scattering gooey red crumbs everywhere.

  “Figured that I’d join the party.” Jess’ Alpha stepped into the crowded kitchen. He nodded briefly and extended a hand to Jake.

  Not having flooded his senses with desserts, Kyle detected the briefest whiff of powerful, feral aggression. It was mostly for show between Alphas from different packs, as a form of warning the outsider to be on their best behavior. Primal and basic, it happened on a level that most were unaware of, but was part and parcel of the world that Alphas negotiated each and every day. It was obvious why Briggs was reacting this way, but it touched Kyle’s heart that Jake felt that way about him, even if he wouldn’t have been entirely conscious of it.

  “Officer Jarett Briggs.” Jake took the Sheriff’s paw in his own and gave it a firm, authoritative squeeze. Too much muscle would betray a lack of confidence; too little would be a sign of submission. The two steely hunks flashed smiles and greeted one another as the corded muscle along their limbs flexed briefly while they shook. Two pumps between rough hands and their show of force had ended. Both apparently liked what they saw.

  Kyle watched the display, utterly entranced, hoping that nobody would scent how deeply aroused he was.

  “Glad to finally meet you, Officer Briggs.” Jake smiled as he returned to Kyle’s side.

  “Please, just Jarett. Or Briggs. It’s what everyone ‘round these parts calls me anyhow.” The hulking Sheriff gave Jess a playful bump. She giggled and pushed a fingerful of the tart into his mouth.

  “So good, aren’t they, hun?” Before he could even respond, she was back in conversation with her father, attempting to prevent him from having another by eating it herself.

  Jake and Briggs seemed to be getting along nicely. Lots of gruff, manly talk that somehow veered into to machinery and vehicles. It caused Kyle to occasionally bump his lover playfully whenever he became too bored, or just wanted to be playful with his Alpha. The evening was going well. Given that, dinner was a while away and there was still plenty of time for things to go completely south, but things seemed to be okay.

  Each and every time his father retreated to the living room to return with a handful of chips, Kyle felt himself nervously spying upon the old man. After the third time, Jess placed a reassuring hand on her brother’s shoulder. “I think it’s going to be okay, he’s just really happy to see us all back together.”

  “Yeah, I know. Still, just waiting for him to ‘dad’ up the shin-dig like he always seems to,” he replied matter-of-factly, causing Jess to give him a disapproving glare.

  But when their father failed to return like clockwork from the living room, Kyle worried that the cosmic balance that had thus far ruled the Daniels household had begun to go off of the rails. During one of his many trips to the living room their father became enthralled by the bay window overlooking the backyard.

  “Blasted weather won’t make up its damned mind,” he cursed. He furrowed his brow and proceeded to pile the remaining salt and vinegar chips into his mouth before wiping the salted grease along the brim of his ball cap.

  The weather! What a fine, safe, and thoroughly boring topic, Kyle thought to himself. He engaged respectfully.

  “Well, it’s what keeps prairie life interesting, right Dad?”

  His father permitted a chirp of dissatisfaction. “That’s one word fer it.” He continued to scowl at the looming clouds, as if they were conspiring to begin egging his barn come nightfall.

  “Your pop’s right.” Jake spoke as he ventured into the living room. “It’s been far too dry. Ponds and creeks are pretty sluggish due to the lack of rain. HQ in Calgary’s radioed out to let us know that the Bow River’s down a mite further than anyone cares for.” He seemed troubled by the news, his eyes taking on a distant gaze.

  Jess almost instinctively glanced over to her beau. As an officer of the law, they’d probably had more than their fair share of similar conversations. She made her way to his side.

  “Doesn’t bode well for the hills and fields, being this dry. We’d need at least three days to hit up all of the lowlands and backwoods areas properly. And I mean, that’s assuming that I can get all of the volunteer Sheriffs to stick around, ‘cause who’d blame ‘em, with, you know…” Briggs didn’t want to finish the sentence, nor did he need to. Everyone recalled the same terrible conditions that lead to the wildfires that claimed Tyler’s life.

  “Not good fer crops neither,” their dad chimed in, somewhat oblivious to the general direction of the conversation or the mood of the party. “I hear on the radio there’s a storm movin’ in, maybe dump a whole mess of rain down. Maybe it’d fix both of our problems?” He glanced out the window and squinted at the distant clouds, now perhaps figuring them as unlikely allies.

  “Yeah, it might, it just might.” Jake smiled a little. Even without scenting the hesitation in his partner, Kyle could tell that Jake was clearly holding something back. The Omega stood beside his Alpha and softly held his arm. He felt both happy and sad when Jake squeezed his hand for reassurance.

  “Anyhow, enough blatherin’ about the weather. We came here for a gatherin’ of friends and family,” the old farmer began. He walked from the window and plunked his weary bones down upon his beat-up old recliner. Threadbare and sporting tape in certain parts, it sighed with age as he rested up it.

  “Yeah dad, it is pretty nice to be back,” Kyle replied softly. He’d really begun to warm to the old place.

  Seeking refreshments, Jess and Briggs headed to the kitchen to begin preparing yet another pitcher of iced tea. Cromwell was still scouring the floor for any missed bits of food. Jess felt confident in leaving her brother and father in the same room together.

  “Ayup, good to have you home.” Their father nodded as he took a pull of iced tea and scratched his collar. “You ever think about returning here full-time? I’m sure that they could use a nurse at Shale River General…”

  Kyle blinked a few times and inhaled softly. He still held Jake’s hand. “Well, I have given it some thought, but I don’t want to bore anyone with…”

  “It’d be a great thing for your future family.” He spoke over his son, still fiddling with his collar. “And I mean, look how happy Jess is. I bet her and Briggs will have a litter in no time.”

  Hearing her name being tossed about the conversation Jess looked over. She froze when she realized the topic that her father was veering into.

  “Honestly dad, I don’t want to talk…”

  “I mean, uh, Omegas and Alphas, it’s just natural, it’s something that you shouldn’t fight. Always leads to a good, strong den of pups. Which, by the way, is what all healthy young things like yourself should be thinkin’ bout. Why, I’d be honoured if you had a litter with a fine feller like Ja…”

  Jess cut her father off by hurling an entire plastic pitcher of iced tea into the sink as hard as she possibly could. It sloshed up wetly and spattered all across the kitchen. The clatter of ice caused Cromwell to lurch upward. His authoritative howls filled the room.

  “Jesus, what’n heck?” Their father was completely caught off guard, and leapt to his feet.

  “I-I’m okay Dad, I just burned my hand on some hot water. I’ll be fine,” she said, before he could get too close. Briggs had witnessed the entire charade and was helping mop iced tea from the floor w
ithout any complaint.

  “Ah well, I guess, I was…” Their father tried to recall how far afield his thoughts he’d come.

  “Uh, Kyle, your phone? Seems important.” Jess waved to her brother. He felt for his back pocket and couldn’t find it. Strangely enough, she was holding his phone. “Like, Toronto important, it’s from the hospital?” Her tone seemed believable enough but there was almost no way that the floor reporting staff would simply text him. Something was up.

  “So Dad, any ideas for Sunday dinner?” Jess handed the phone to her brother as she glided effortlessly into the living room and wedged herself between her father and Jake. It was pretty transparent but their old man somehow bought it.

  Checking his phone, Kyle smirked to see a single new text from Jess, sent roughly one minute ago.

  “Sooo sry that our dad is nuts… u guys run! Now!”

  Kyle smiled as he texted back.“Thx! ” Thinking quickly, the Omega came up with a plausible story about why he needed to leave with Jake. He sighed loudly and shook his head. “Hey guys, I’m really sorry to do this, but I just got a text from Toronto General that Shale River’s put out an open call for emergency personnel to sign up on account of the coming storms. I bet that we can get out there before they close tonight if we take Jake’s truck.”

  The Alpha nodded. “I can take him over that way. It’d be no trouble at all.” Jake stroked at his chin authoritatively.

  Briggs’ face looked more confused than concerned but a gentle squeeze from Jess convinced him to stand down. “That’s… real solid of you Kyle. Let me know how it goes?”

  “Ah shoot, no arguin’ with that. Serious stuff,” their father muttered. “Do hurry back though, ye hear?”

  “Oh, definitely! We should be back in, like, an hour or two? Not even that.” Their ruse complete, the pair waved goodbye and vanished through the kitchen door into the shadowy light outside.



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