The Blush Factor

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The Blush Factor Page 13

by Gun Brooke

  “I came damn close.” Eleanor closed her eyes briefly and lay down against her pillows. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Then can we just sort of snuggle?” Addison was tired too. “I’d like us to fall asleep together, if that’s all right with you?”

  “Mmm. It is.” Eleanor made herself comfortable and adjusted the webcam angle. “There. Now, tell me, did your feisty little sister have any comments after I left?”

  Addison chuckled as she pushed the pillow in under her head. “She tried. I think only the fact that she was rather tired saved me from having to dodge more questions. I’m not ashamed and I don’t mind her knowing how I feel, but this is so new.”

  “Yes. I understand what you mean.”

  “And if I feel that way, I can imagine that’s why you’re acting a bit shell-shocked. It’s not like I’m screaming from the rooftops that I’m gay, but I’m not closeted either. You have a lot to figure out.” She regarded Eleanor cautiously, not sure being out would work in her favor or scare Eleanor off. The last time she’d hoped for a loved one’s acceptance, her parents had lost their lives.

  “Yes, I do. I’ve never even considered I might not be straight. And here you blaze into my life and change every preconceived idea I have about myself.” Eleanor smiled tiredly. “Like a damn force of nature.”

  “You’ve done the same for me. My work has changed, my everyday life has changed, and the way I look at myself has changed. I never thought I’d feel this way. About anyone.”

  “How do you mean?” Eleanor seemed to run her fingertips over the laptop screen.

  “So all-overshadowing. So consuming.” Addison wasn’t sure she was explaining properly. “My life’s been about Stacey, the YouTube videos, and going to work. Right? And it still is about that, it is, but it’s more than that now. Everything I do…Eleanor, I think about you all the time.”

  “What do you think about, when I’m on your mind?” Eleanor rested her head in her hand.

  “I wonder when I’m going to see you next. Right now, of course, my mind is reeling, reliving the kisses. The touching. How you smell and how you sound. Especially how you sound when I caress you. How you make me feel when you caress me.”

  Eleanor was clearly flustered now. “Oh, God. Addison.”

  “Yes, exactly. That’s how I feel.”

  “Less than ten seconds ago I was tired, exhausted. Now you have me blushing from head to toe.” Eleanor frowned and tugged her duvet up.

  “Should I apologize?” Addison squirmed.

  “You need to stop doing that.”

  Confused, Addison tried to figure out what Eleanor meant. “Doing what?”

  “That. That wiggling. Honestly, it’s not helping.”

  “I’m not wiggling.”

  “Yes. You. Are.” Her voice a low growl now, Eleanor clasped the edge of the duvet.

  The sound of Eleanor using that low register of her voice sent a flood of moisture between Addison’s legs. Knowing she had never been this turned on, she also realized she was indeed squirming. How could she not? She was on fire.

  “I’m sorry. You’re too beautiful. Too hot,” Addison said with a whimper. “You’re going to make me self-combust.”

  Eleanor’s eyes bugged out. “Addison!”

  “You brought up the squirming. I was just trying to explain.” Pushing a hand down between her legs, Addison closed her eyes. The pressure of her wrist against her damp cotton panties was nearly enough.

  “What are you doing?” Eleanor whispered, making Addison snap her eyes open.

  “Sorry. It’s been such a crazy night. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You’re not. But if you’re doing what I think you’re doing, I’m going to become very cross with you if you don’t tell me the truth. If you don’t share.” Eleanor sounded so stern, Addison nearly came from her tone alone.

  “I’ll be good. We need to rest. Sleep. Yeah, that’s what we need. Sleep. Tons of sleep.”

  “I don’t think so.” Eleanor looked closely at Addison. “You’re trembling, perspiring, and your skin is flushed. How can you possibly relax enough to sleep if you don’t bring yourself relief first?”

  Her shocking words hung between them, so unexpected and so challenging at the same time.


  Eleanor wondered if Addison had stopped breathing completely. She ought to have realized by now that Eleanor was always candid. Even when it came to sex.

  “Bring myself…like now?” Addison looked shocked, her mouth slightly agape, her eyes huge.

  “Unless you’d rather do it on your own.” Eleanor knew she must seem to be acting terribly out of character. The truth was, this was the first time she’d recognized some of the old unabashed streak in herself she’d thought had died when Priscilla drove her car into the water.

  “No. Um, I suppose. I mean, oh God, have you ever…no? Well, me either!” Addison was adorable in the way she blushed and looked aroused at the same time.

  “Addie, please. Listen. You don’t have to do anything. You realize that, right?” Eleanor wondered how she could ever have thought it possible to let this young woman go. With each passing moment they were together, like this or face-to-face, she found herself more attached, more enamored than before.

  “I wouldn’t mind,” Addison said quietly, looking through her eyelashes at Eleanor, “if it wasn’t just me.”

  Losing her breath, Eleanor swallowed convulsively. “Oh.”

  “Would you, with me?”

  Eleanor could barely breathe at all. “It certainly wouldn’t take much. Not when you look at me like that.”

  “Oh, please, look who’s talking. You’re the one who brought it up.” Addison laughed weakly and peered at Eleanor through her fingers.

  “Only after you began squirming.” Eleanor raised an eyebrow deliberately. The effect on Addison didn’t disappoint. She shifted restlessly and pushed her long, slightly tousled hair from her face. “You’re so beautiful.” Eleanor traced Addison’s outline on her screen, imagining just how smooth and warm her skin would feel beneath her touch.

  “I—You’re the beautiful one,” Addison said, her voice a faint murmur.

  “We could argue back and forth, but that’s not what I want.” Eleanor pressed her thighs together. “It’s not what I want at all.”

  “Tell me what you want.” Addison pulled a small, pink lace pillow into her arms, hugging it close.

  “You’re sure you want to hear it?”

  “I’m sure.” Addison licked her lips.

  “Addison.” The warning tone in Eleanor’s voice only made Addison smile and repeat the maneuver, this time slower.

  “Yes? You were saying?”

  “Do you want to hear this or not?”

  “Definitely. I do.” Growing still, Addison focused on Eleanor.

  “If you were here, or I there with you, no doubt you wouldn’t be wearing anything,” Eleanor said quietly. “I’m new at this, remember, so I would need to familiarize myself with your body,” she said seriously. “I’d start peripherally and work toward the center.”

  “Oh, God.” Addison whimpered, and Eleanor smiled inwardly at how her voice and words affected Addison.

  “The question is now, how much exploration will you allow me to do?”

  “I may be less new to this, but I’m not exactly experienced either.” Addison’s tremulous voice made Eleanor shiver. “So, I’ll just have to hand myself over and trust that you’ll like what you find, what you see.”

  “I already know I will like what I find.” Her core was aflame now and Eleanor pulled the thigh-length nightgown up to cool down a little. Instead she felt more exposed, as if Addison could actually see her. She closed her eyes and stealthily pushed a hand down, covering herself.

  “Mmm.” Addison’s gentle humming made Eleanor quickly open her eyes. Her back slightly arched, Addison was trembling visibly. The sight was so alluring, so unlike anything Eleanor had ever seen, she moaned out lo

  “Addison, I want you.” Her fingertips were barely grazing her drenched skin, and still it was as if a flame licked along her folds. Eleanor looked longingly at the screen, desperate for any sign that she wasn’t alone, that Addison was as consumed as she was.

  “Ellie, Ellie.” Going rigid, Addison opened her eyes and looked right at Eleanor for several moments. She then slumped back, gasping for air as she held on to the pillow in her arms as if she were drowning.

  Knowing without a doubt that Addison had just come, right there in front of her, looking straight at her, Eleanor pressed the heel of her palm against her sex and that was it. She kept her gaze on Addison for as long as she could as the waves crashed in on her. Never had she felt this safe, this entitled to her own pleasure. How was it she knew she could trust Addison the way she did?

  As they both regained their breath and settled against their pillows, Eleanor knew she had silenced her own doubts, at least for now. Addison deserved her trust and her honesty.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” Addison said, and stretched.

  “You looked amazing.” Eleanor smiled and shook her head. “But I know what you mean. Totally out of character.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Think you can sleep now?”

  “Yeah. And you?”

  “Half asleep already.” Eleanor wasn’t lying. She was drowsy in a wonderful way.

  “Can we keep Skype on a bit?” Addison snuggled closer.

  “Yes.” Eleanor turned off the bedside lamp. Only the night-light from the ensuite bathroom spread a faint glow. “Good night, Addison.”

  “’Night, Eleanor.”

  She listened to Addison’s breathing, and when it became even it only took moments for her to fall asleep too.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The subway was crammed with people as usual this time of day. Addison regarded Stacey with an indulgent smile. Her sister had been giddy and bouncing around the house for two days now.

  “Can you believe I’m going to be Eleanor Ashcroft’s freaking assistant for a whole day? Nobody else from my school will have that on their résumé. This is right up there with singing for the Chicory Ariose members.”

  Addison only smiled and watched her being thoroughly happy. She had been going in and out of a funky mood ever since she missed out on playing Elphaba, but this opportunity seemed to bring out the old, positive Stacey. She looked older than her seventeen years while dressed in one of Addison’s white shirts, charcoal slacks, and a black jacket. Addison had helped her put her hair in a low bun, which accentuated Stacey’s high cheekbones.

  “We haven’t been in Manhattan together in ages,” Stacey said, and turned on the seat and smiled broadly. She was so beautiful, Addison’s heart ached. “What do you say? Dinner somewhere cool before we go back to boring Newark tonight?”

  “Sure. Absolutely. Why don’t you think of what you’re in the mood for, and we can ask Eleanor if she wants to come.” Addison stopped herself. “Unless you want it to be just us. That’s fine too.”

  “You don’t have to pretend around me, sis. I know you’re head over heels for Eleanor. I mean, Maureen and I practically caught you sucking face last week. What?” Stacey grinned.

  “I hate that expression.” Addison did her best to look stern. “We kissed,” she said.

  “Kissed. Made out. You had the perfect Ms. Ashcroft looking like you’d been totally working her over.

  “Stacey!” Shocked, mostly because it was partially true, Addison pinched Stacey’s thigh.

  “Ow. Sibling abuse!” Stacey squealed and moved sideways away from Addison. Then she tilted her head and made her “adorable” face, something she’d tried to pull ever since she was four, which consisted of blinking rapidly and sucking her cheeks in. “Aw, come on, Addie. You know I’m messing with you. The two of you were totally cute. If she’s into you, then I’m really happy for you.”

  “She seems to be. We’ve Skyped during the weekend.”

  “Oh, some hot stuff going on?” Stacey wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Not really.” That was true, but Addison wasn’t about to share anything remotely intimate with her. In fact, both she and Eleanor had behaved, pretty much, after that Friday night, which was so clear in her mind and had such a profound effect on her. Just imagining the way Eleanor had looked while overcome by arousal made Addison completely lose track of where she was. She didn’t dare think of it unless she was alone.

  “Hmm. I wonder. You’re totally red. Thinking about it, I don’t think I want to know.” She made a funny face. “Next stop’s ours, right?”

  “Yes.” Addison stood, as did Stacey, and they elbowed their way to the doors.

  Together with what felt like half of Manhattan’s population, they finally reached the ground level and Addison blinked at the low sun.

  “Ow. Damn.” Stacey shielded her eyes. “Freaking sunlight.”

  “I know. Lovely day though.”

  “In more ways than one.” Stacey donned her sunglasses. “I wonder what I’ll be doing. I’m happy licking stamps, but it sounded like she had something a little more challenging in mind.”

  “I’m sure she has something special planned. I’m going to work with some promotion people. It’s time to start figuring out how to involve The Blush Factor.”

  Stacey tucked her arm in under Addison’s as they weaved in and out among the masses on the sidewalk. “Are you worried they’ll try to switch it all around and take control?”

  “Yeah, a little bit. You know how proud I am of my channel. They better not try to streamline it into something I don’t even recognize.”

  “I don’t think Eleanor would let them,” Stacey said confidently.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  Stacey squeezed her arm. “Because she found you, among all those beauty gurus online, and she wanted you and what you represent. Why would she change a winning concept? I actually checked your stats this weekend. One of your latest videos, you know that one where you look like a Martian with the curlers in, has been watched two million times. I mean, holy fu-fudge, sis. That’s awesome. Beyond awesome.”

  “Thank you. I can’t really fathom such numbers. I mean, it’s about curlers and how to look your best, to feel good. I mean, clearly I’m not the only one thinking that. Guess I’m still rather blown away by these numbers. Isn’t it amazing how important that seems to be to people? To women, mainly.”

  “And some guys, I can tell. That or they’re just happy watching a pretty girl getting herself even prettier.”

  “Funny.” Wrinkling her nose at Stacey’s laughing face, she chuckled as they entered the double glass door leading into Face Exquisite’s headquarter.

  “Whoa. Fancy. A little dated though?” Stacey removed her sunglasses and scanned the lobby. “Lots of gold and marble.”

  “Very observant,” Eleanor’s voice said from behind. “I knew I’d chosen you for a good reason today.”

  “Hi.” Stacey smiled brightly. “I’m ready to dig in.”

  “Glad to hear that. Good morning.” Eleanor smiled and placed a gentle hand on Stacey’s shoulder. Her eyes went from warm to hot as she regarded Addison. “It’s wonderful to see you again.”

  “Yes.” Tongue-tied all of a sudden, Addison could only grin like an idiot. Eleanor looked amazing in a pinstripe skirt, ending just above her knees, pale-blue blouse, and a short black jacket. She carried it folded over her arm and held a Pineider briefcase.

  “Oh, God.” Stacey placed her hands on her hips. “Is this what it’s going to be like? Changing outfits four times in the morning to make us late and then—goofy grins?”

  “You were that indecisive about what to wear?” Eleanor smirked. “I’m flattered.”

  “Yeah. Stacie was ready to shoot me. She all but carried me here, accusing me of being, and I quote, ‘a pain’ this morning.” Addison smiled affectionately at Stacey. “She was eager to be your assistant.”

  “She is s
tanding right here, thank you.” Stacey flicked her fingers. “Enough of the gooey glances. What’s happening today, Eleanor? Oh. Should I call you Ms. Ashcroft at work, perhaps?”

  “That might be best. We don’t want to confuse people.” Eleanor motioned toward the elevator. “I have a meeting in ten minutes. I’ll need you to take notes, Stacey. Are you fast?”

  “Are you kidding? I mean, yes, Ms. Ashcroft, I’m very fast. If you had Ms. Nunez in history like I do, you’d be lightning fast at taking notes too. I swear the woman sounds like she’s swallowed a pair of castanets.”

  They entered the elevators. Addison went inside with them but pressed the button to some offices two floors below the executive floor at the top.

  “Castanets? Really. Sounds painful,” Eleanor said.

  “Tell me about it. Half the class complains about carpal-tunnel symptoms,” Stacey said, and shook her head. “I’m okay though, no hand issues. I’ve been told by several doctors that my issues are all in my head.” She chuckled at her own joke, but Addison’s nerves did a somersault.

  Addison met Eleanor’s eyes in the reflection of the chromed inside of the door. Noticing how carefully Eleanor was studying her in return, Addison fought to find some words, any words, to paint over Stacey’s attempt at gallows humor.

  “Stacey and I are having dinner somewhere around here after work. Would you like to join us?” Relieved that her voice sounded normal, Addison dared to turn to Eleanor. “Anything but pasta, I think.”

  “I’d love to. I have to return to my office around eight o’clock, but if we make it early enough, let’s say around five, I’ll be able to join you.”

  “Five it is then. I’ll meet you guys in the lobby. If anything comes up, just text or call me.” Addison smiled more easily now.

  The elevator pinged and stopped at Addison’s floor. She stepped outside and turned around in time to catch Stacey’s brilliant smile and Eleanor’s longing gaze. Walking toward her office with a new spring in her step, Addison knew dinner tonight would be great. Stacey idolized Eleanor and Eleanor seemed to really like Stacey. What a blessing.


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