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Falling for the Playboy (Bedtime Reads Book 2)

Page 5

by Kennedy Fox

  I look down and see we’re under a quarter of a tank, but closer to empty than not. “Enough,” I tell her.

  “Seriously. I had our gas stops planned out based on mileage, and you ruined that from the get-go. How much gas do we have?” I can tell she’s starting to panic the farther we drive away from civilization.

  “There’s another town coming up. We’ll make it there. Quit worrying. I’ve been road tripping since I was old enough to drive.” I point at the GPS and show her the gas symbol in the next town. “There’s a gas station in Toyah. We’ll make it there, no problem.”

  Olivia relaxes, but only slightly. I watch the gas meter move closer to empty as we continue to drive. Glancing back at the GPS, I see the gas station is about a mile away and is located next to the post office on the main road. Almost sitting on the edge of her seat, Olivia glances around at the ghost town we’re driving through. Old houses and empty buildings line the road. We inch closer to the gas icon on the screen, and I slow to turn into the parking lot only to see the station is closed with windows boarded. There’s a faded For Sale sign nailed on the outside.

  We’re literally fucked, and we both know it.

  “Now what are we going to do?” She turns to me, and I try to think of something, but I have nothing. So I do what any person would in this situation, and I continue driving until the small town is behind us. Thankfully, there’s a pull-off in the distance, and I swing into the rest area which is more like a parking lot than anything considering there are zero bathrooms. Diesel trucks are pulled over with their engines running, the drivers most likely catching some sleep after a long haul. Metal windmills decorate the grassy area, and they spin fast in the wind, but other than that, nothing else is around us. I park in front of a big rig and pull my phone from my pocket and try to figure out our next step. Olivia grabs her phone too. I watch her turn it off and then turn it back on, annoyed with it.

  “Please tell me you have cell service,” she finally says, worry coating her voice.

  “I do,” I say, wanting to tell her I’ll make this right, but instead, she gets out of the car, slamming the door behind her. Yep, she’s pissed. Really pissed, and this time it’s more than warranted. With some quick googling, I see there’s a gas station twenty-three miles away, but there’s no way we’d make it. It’s not within walking distance, and I’ll be damned if I try to bum a ride from anyone out here. Texas Chainsaw Massacre comes to mind.

  I get out of the car and walk toward Olivia.

  “Why didn’t you just listen to me?” The words spew out of her mouth like venom when I get closer.

  “I know this is totally my fault, and I’m sorry.” I don’t want to argue about this because no excuse I can give will even remotely fix this. We’re going to be behind schedule now, and I’m grateful she doesn’t throw that in my face even though I deserve it. Sometimes I can be too goddamn hardheaded for my own good.

  “Apology accepted.” She finally lets out a deep breath and checks her watch. “We’re going to have to call roadside assistance. It’s the only thing I can think of.”

  Olivia turns on her heels and walks back to the car. She leans over and pulls the rental contract from the glove compartment and reads through it. After a moment, she finds what she’s looking for and shows it to me. It’s the 1-800 number for roadside assistance. “I’m so glad I paid extra for this. Also, I don’t have cell service, so…”

  “I’ll take care of it.” I put in the number and am transferred to several different people before I’m sent to the right department.

  “So where ya located again?” the woman on the line asks in a thick Southern accent.

  “In the middle of nowhere.” I laugh as I look around. “We’re about two miles outside of Toyah, Texas, at a parking area. We’re eastbound on I-10.”

  I hear clicking on a keyboard for a minute. “Ah, found you. Okay, hold, please. I’m gonna try to call around and see if I can get you some help. You weren’t lying, sweetie. You really are in the middle of nowhere.” She laughs. “Be right back.”

  I sit on hold for over five minutes, and I’m half worried that we’re going to be stranded out here. Different horrible scenarios fill my mind. If we don’t make it to Dallas tonight, Rachel will lose her shit, and neither Olivia nor I want that. We have one thing in common, at least.

  “Sir, are you still there?” the woman asks, coming back on the line, pulling me away from my thoughts.

  “Yeah, I am.” I lean against the car and watch Olivia hold up her cell phone to try to find service. She should really loosen up. She’s wound up so damn tight.

  “So, I’ve got someone who can come out, but they’re about ninety minutes away. This company is coming from Van Horn, and they’re the closest.”

  “There’s a gas station less than thirty miles away in Pecos. There’s no one there who can help?” I’m already dreading telling Olivia how much time we’re going to lose.

  “No, sir. We’ve got companies we contract with, and they’re the closest. I’m sorry. You’ll need to make sure you have the rental agreement nearby when he arrives. If he’s not there in an hour and a half, then you’ll need to call back so we can check to make sure everything is okay. Do you have any more questions?”

  “No. Thanks for your help.”

  She finishes explaining a few details, and then we say our goodbyes. Olivia walks over and gets in the car. I get inside too.

  “So?” she asks.

  I swallow hard. “An hour and a half.”

  She tucks her lips in her mouth and closes her eyes tight, and I have a feeling she’s trying to control her emotions. Even just being around her this short amount of time, I’ve learned that she lives and dies by her schedule, so I actually do feel bad.

  “We don’t have time for this,” she finally says, releasing a slow, agitated breath.

  “I know,” I say as she repositions the seat. I roll down the windows, allowing some sort of breeze to blow through, though it’s hot as hell outside. Thirty minutes pass, and it feels like an eternity. My bladder is ready to burst on top of it all. Not able to hold it anymore, I get out of the car.

  Olivia sits up. “Where are you going?”

  “I gotta take a piss,” I tell her, walking across the grass, trying to find some semi-secluded place where I can find relief. I walk across rocks and over patches of grass and find a few trees. What kind of rest area doesn’t have a bathroom? Seriously. After I’ve pissed, I go back to the car and get inside. Olivia has hand sanitizer waiting for me.

  “Are you a germaphobe too?” She squirts way too much in my hands.

  “No. I just like being prepared.”

  That’s the understatement of the year.

  Another thirty minutes pass, and I see Olivia squirming as I scroll through my emails. “What?” I turn and look at her.

  “I have to pee now too,” she admits.

  “There are a few trees over there. It’s pretty secluded.”

  She squeezes her knees together. “I can’t pee outside.”

  I burst out into laughter. “When you’re desperate, you’ll pee anywhere.”

  Five minutes pass, and she looks over at me. “Will you go with me and keep watch? I mean, what if someone walks up on me while I’m trying to squat.”

  I hold back my laughter. “Sure.”

  She digs in her bag and pulls out a travel size pack of tissues. I follow her across the gravel, and she’s having a hell of a time walking in those heels. Instead of saying anything, I just chuckle.

  “Shut up,” she says, but I can tell she’s smiling by her playful tone. Stopping, she looks around, then turns to face me. “I guess this is as good as it’s gonna get.”

  I turn my back and can hear her struggling. Crossing my arms over my chest, I keep a lookout and laugh because she’s dressed in business wear with pantyhose and all.

  She groans behind me. “Great, now I’m pee shy!”

  Eventually, she goes and lets out a sigh of reli
ef. I hear her clothes rustling behind me as she tries to make herself presentable again, I’m sure.

  “Finished?” I ask.

  She comes up next to me and stumbles on her heel, causing me to catch her from falling. Olivia nervously looks up into my eyes.

  “Next time, jeans, T-shirt, and Chucks when traveling for thirteen hours. Got it, Miss Priss?” I release my hold on her and smile. She smooths her skirt and runs a hand over her hair, then we head back to the car.

  Thirty minutes to go and I’m growing more impatient with each passing second. Though I hate that we’re in this situation, I can’t say I hate being with her. I feel like the two of us are making headway, and her prissiness is beginning to grow on me.

  Chapter Seven


  I live in Chicago for a reason. Texas is hot as hell, and though it’s not super humid, I’m pretty sure the sun is baking my skin, which is the last thing I need right now. As I sweat, I realize how bad of an idea it was to put on pantyhose this morning. I should’ve just worn something comfortable, but it’s important for me to look professional on the outside regardless if I’m a hot mess on the inside. I try to control the things I can, and appearance is one of those things. You always dress for the job you want, not the one you have.

  Just as I open my phone to check and see if I miraculously have service, I see an old beat-up Chevy truck pull up slowly next to the car. An older guy with a cowboy hat makes eye contact with me, then drives forward and reverses until the bumper is almost against the car. Instantly, I enter panic mode.

  I look over at Maverick who’s as calm as can be. “Is that the gas delivery?”

  He glances at me, then back at the truck. “I have no idea.”

  My adrenaline spikes, and I realize this is how every horror movie starts. The truck is an older model, and there’s no signage on it saying it’s a company vehicle. I’m growing more anxious every minute the guy doesn’t get out. Seriously, what is he doing? What’s taking him so long? Is he busy sharpening his knife or loading his gun?

  Eventually, the door swings open with a pop and a screech, causing me to jump. The man’s wearing dirty blue jeans that are tucked into some tall worn cowboy boots. The button-up shirt is rolled to his elbows. Yep, we’re going to die. I put my window up and buckle my seat belt just in case we have to hurry and drive away. Considering we’re basically on empty, we won’t get very far. Maverick glances over at me as the man walks toward us and leans against the car.

  “Y’all waiting for some gas?” he asks, his voice rough and full of gruff.

  “Yes, sir,” Maverick says.

  “Alright.” He returns to his truck, pulls a gas can from the back, and Maverick gets out of the car to help. I let out a breath of relief, because holy shit, why did he feel the need to block us in like that? The whole situation is awkward as hell. I watch Maverick and the guy put the gas in the car from the side mirror. After Maverick signs a document and tips the man, he walks to his truck and pulls away. I suck in a deep breath, needing more oxygen.

  Before Maverick walks around to the driver's side, I get out of the car.

  “I’m driving the rest of the way.” I hold out my hand, and after a moment of hesitation, he hands me the key. I refuse to run out of gas again on this trip especially after I’ve planned every single stop. I was too focused on my work to notice how far we’d gone, and by the time I did, it was too late. I’m somewhat pissed with myself for not saying something sooner. It’s already late afternoon, and we’ve lost too much time, which means we’ll arrive in Dallas well after dark. Not to mention, I have to be up at the butt crack of dawn to pick Rachel up from the airport.

  We get in the car at the same time, and I take off down the road. The gas only filled the car up to a quarter of a tank, so as soon as we’re in the next town, I fill up. Though I don’t want to, because we don’t really have time, we stop in Odessa and grab some food, then continue the rest of the way. Once we’re back in the car, Maverick leans his seat back and instantly falls asleep for a few hours. Since he’s out, I put on an audiobook and listen to it while I drive. I randomly glance over at him, noticing how peaceful he looks when he’s sleeping. His chiseled jaw and pouty plump lips are enough to drive any woman crazy. I understand why women flock to him because he’s attractive and has that playboy charm. I’ve been warned about his type, though. I’m determined to keep my eyes on the road and speed up, trying to cut as much time off our trip as possible. Once we get below a half tank, I stop and fill up again. Maverick is sleeping so hard he doesn’t even notice.

  Once we’re back on the road, he lifts his seat, rubs his hands over his face, and looks around, noticing the sun is set. My audiobook is still playing.

  He fucks me so hard, and I beg him not to stop. I want and need more of him, and he gives me exactly what I want. I feel as if I’m crumbling under his touch as he... I turn the radio off and am thankful it’s dark so he can’t see the blush on my cheeks.

  “Damn. That’s intense,” he says. “What the hell were you listening to?”

  I swallow. “Rachel’s book that just released.” I’ve already read the book half a dozen times during her revisions and listened to the audiobook for approval, but regardless of Rachel being a hardass, she tells a damn good story.

  “Man. Y’all are dirty.” He chuckles.

  “And this is why all her readers want to meet you.” I grin, though he can’t see. “They envision you as the male character since you’re on the cover. Another reason you need to be on your best behavior. They’re fantasizing about Ian, the hero, when they look at you.”

  He yawns. “I’ll take any advantage that I can.”

  I roll my eyes. As if he needs one.

  “Do you want me to drive?” Maverick asks.

  I shake my head. “I’m good. We only have an hour before we’re there.”

  “Really? Wow. Good job.” He pulls out his phone and scrolls through Facebook. “So what do you do for fun?”

  I keep my eyes on the road. “I work a lot. There’s no time for fun.”

  “Seriously? You don’t have any hobbies or anything?” He seems shocked by this.

  “I like to nap and read. Does that count?”

  He shakes his head. “So you’re telling me all you do is work, read, and sleep. That’s it? You’re such a party animal.”

  Wow, having someone repeat that aloud makes me sound lame.

  “I take my job really seriously. I live and breathe Rachel’s life and staying on schedule. There’s no time for partying, Mr. Playboy.”

  Maverick snickers, and I’m pretty sure he’s laughing at me.

  My grip tightens on the steering wheel. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He turns his head and bursts out into laughter.

  “Seriously, what?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “It’s just unbelievable that you’re so married to your job. If you don’t live a little now, eventually, you’ll wake up and wonder what you accomplished in life. From the moment I met you, I knew you were uptight, but this is crazy. I bet this road trip is the most fun you’ve had in ages.”

  “I wouldn’t call this fun,” I snap back, but I know he’s right. It’s just when Rachel releases a new book, she needs me more than usual, and considering this is the last book in this series that hit the charts for weeks at a time, there’s no time for me to have a personal life. That’s a part of the job, and I accepted it a long time ago. I’d try to explain myself to him, but there’s no reason. We’re only going to be together for the next ten days, and that’s it. I’m not trying to be his friend.

  “That’s fair. But at least this is forcing you to live a little. Who knows, by the end of it, maybe you’ll appreciate the adventure yo u experienced, even if you hate every minute of it.”

  I turn up the radio wanting this conversation to end and realize it’s still a sex scene in the book and turn it back off. Rachel can write a chapter’s worth of sex, and listening to the actors read it aloud ma
kes it sound so much dirtier. Moans and pants are added in, and I cannot listen to that while he’s sitting next to me and staring at me.

  Eventually, we pull up to the hotel in Dallas, and I couldn’t be happier to be here. I hand the car keys to the valet as they unload my bags and offer to take them up to my room. I allow them, knowing they’re working for tips, but Maverick takes his own. Once I check into the hotel, I hand him his key card so we can go our separate ways for the night.

  “Want to have a drink with me at the bar?” he asks. I can’t deny how sexy he looks standing there with big puppy dog eyes. His tongue swipes his pouty lips, and I force myself to look away. If I weren’t on the clock and he wasn’t Maverick Kingston, I’d consider it. But no. Not now, not ever.

  “Rachel has a strict no fraternizing policy,” I tell him before turning and walking to the elevator, not waiting for him. “Good night, Maverick,” I say as I step into the elevator alone.

  The morning comes way too quickly, and I’m rushing around trying to get dressed. I slept like shit, just because I never sleep well in hotels. My back is aching, and my head is killing me, so I pop two Tylenol and get ready. Rachel is expecting me to be at the airport early waiting for her arrival. If I’m not, I’m sure she’ll rip my head off all the way back to the hotel. I hurry and call for my car, make a cup of shitty hotel coffee, then brush my teeth before making my way to the elevator.

  It’s barely seven in the morning, and the Texas heat punches me in the face as soon as I walk outside. The valet opens the door for me and hands me the keys, and I speed off toward the airport. The traffic is total shit, because it’s the time most people head to work, and I start to panic when I realize I need to be at the airport within the next twenty minutes when her plane is scheduled to land. Granted, she has to go to baggage claim, but she’s traveling with Angel, so she’ll be extra cranky.

  My heart races and I quickly take an exit trying to divert traffic, which was luckily the right decision. I circle around and wait for Rachel to come out, and as soon as I roll up, I start receiving texts from her. Yep, she’s in a mood. I can already tell.


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