Erotic Short Stories 1

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Erotic Short Stories 1 Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  But I needed more.

  I slid my finger over his wet palm, then reached between my legs and fingered my neglected hole.

  “Fuck,” Darren hissed. “Don’t stop doing that.”

  I hadn’t planned on it. His fist tightened around my cock and jerked me off faster. I arched my back, crying out as my cum made a complete mess of his hand and my chest.

  I knew he wanted to wait, but I was greedy. Before he could protest, I slid from his lap to my knees. I was one happy man when Darren didn’t stop me from freeing his cock.

  “Don’t you dare stop now,” he said when I toyed with his hard flesh. “Get me off, David.”

  With a smirk, I said, “Yes, sir.”

  His eyes once again blazed with approval. Darren lifted his hips and pushed his pants down his legs. I grabbed the condom from my pants, then I was all over his cock, sucking and slurping, taking the thick girth down my throat.

  “My God,” Darren groaned as he fisted my hair.

  If he thought I was good at sucking dick, I couldn’t wait to show him how amazing I was at taking a cock.

  I pulled back, running my tongue over my lips as I stood. Darren looked up at me with pure lust. He spread his arms over the back of the couch as I climbed onto him and lifted slightly upward before taking his cock into my ass.

  Darren groaned, his gaze glued to where our bodies met. “Ride me nice and slow, baby.”

  Pressing my palms into his well-sculpted pecs, I threw my head back and moaned as I slid up and down his prick. He curled a hand around my nape and yanked me close, then kissed me until I saw stars.

  Then he took over, placing his hands on my hips, punching upward as I drove my ass downward. We’d gone from slow to him rolling us off the couch and bending my legs back so far that my knees were close to my head.

  His smile was devastatingly handsome. “You’re double-jointed.”

  “I’m anything you want me to be, handsome.”

  His laugh was pure heaven. Then he sobered and fucked me with full, fast thrusts. I clawed at the floor, uncaring that it was probably filthy from high traffic. That was what showers were for.

  “Get yourself off.”

  I gave him a mock salute, a sassy smile, and curled my hand around my bobby cock. I arched my back, crying out seconds after touching myself. Darren moved faster, then stiffened and shouted my name.

  Hell, he was louder than I was. His shout probably brought a legion of detectives to his door.

  I was just thankful as fuck that no one had broken it down.

  He cupped my face as he eased out of my body. “Give me a few hours, then I’ll be home for round two.”

  Now that was a promise I would make sure he kept.

  Put Your Hands Behind Your Back

  I groaned when I saw the flashing lights behind me. I’d been so busy talking on the phone with my best friend that I hadn’t noticed I’d been speeding.

  Not another ticket. I can’t afford another one. Not when I worked at a low-paying job. The killer thing was, the owner was my fucking uncle. That just went to show that family would fuck you over in a heartbeat. But jobs were scarce in Summerville, and until I found something better, I’d deal with it.

  When I still saw flashing lights in my rearview, I briefly considered trying to outrun the cop car but dismissed the thought. That was about the dumbest idea I’d ever had, and Lord knew I’d had plenty of dumb ideas. Reluctantly I pulled to the curb and turned my music off.

  “I gotta go,” I said to David. “We’ll have to talk about your hot sex life with your elderly boyfriend later.”

  My best friend was dating a guy old enough to be his father. I loved teasing him about it. Then again, if he was gonna have daddy issues, at least his boyfriend was a police lieutenant. I had to give him props for that. And, although I would never admit this out loud, Darren was hot as fuck for his age.

  “What’s wrong?” David asked.

  “Some cop wants to give me a love letter.” I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw the cop car pulling in behind me, its headlights nearly blinding me. Maybe I could say that my speedometer was broken and he’d let me off with a warning. But I was never that lucky. One cop I’d tried flirting with had threatened to toss me under the jail. One had actually pulled me from my car and bent me over the hood like he would cuff me because I’d been too busy on Snapchat to pay attention to the road.

  “Another ticket?” David squeaked. “Don’t get mouthy with this one, Reggie.”

  “That wasn’t my fault,” I argued as I quickly snapped my seatbelt in place. I didn’t need a ticket for not wearing it. “That cop was a real prick. Just because I was checking my emails while driving didn’t give him the right to read me the riot act.”

  “You’re hopeless,” David groaned. “Let me know if you need me to bail you out.”

  I tossed my phone aside and checked myself out in the mirror. God, I looked awful and probably smelled like greasy food. I’d just worked ten hours at the restaurant and was hurrying home so I could throw myself on the couch and enjoy the rest of my night. What was left of it since I had to be up at the crack of dawn.

  When the cop approached my window, I rolled it down, giving him my best flirtatious smile. My jaw dropped when I looked up at him. Good Lord, he was hot as fuck. Dirty-blond hair, pretty hazel eyes, and a body to die for. He should’ve been a stripper instead of law enforcement.

  “What did I do wrong?” I played coy, batting my eyelashes. I had nothing to lose by flirting, unless he was straight, then I was in trouble. Most straight men got their panties twisted when a guy came on to them. When women flirted with me, I just thought it was cute. Guys this big and beefy wanted to knock someone’s head off.

  He rested his arm on the top of my car and leaned down to look at me. I read his nametag. Was his name really Cummings? I laughed, then slapped a hand over my mouth as all sorts of dirty thoughts raced through my mind.

  “Are you really going to ask me that?”

  “Okay, I’ll rephrase the question,” I said, feeling bratty. “Which offense did you pull me over for?” I wasn’t admitting to shit.

  “How about speeding while your phone was glued to your ear?” He took a step back and placed his hands on his hips. My lips parted as I stared at his swollen biceps and impressive chest. What I wouldn’t give to ride his cock while he was still wearing his utility belt. “Give me your driver’s license and proof of insurance.”

  Crap. My insurance had lapsed. I’d had the money, but it was either pay the insurance or keep my lights on in my apartment. I chose to pay my electric bill. I’d also chosen to go out for a night of fun. All work and no play made Reggie a very dull boy. And I was anything but dull.

  Yeah, I knew I’d been irresponsible, but I’d never claimed to be a responsible man. That was why I was in trouble most of the time.

  I pulled my wallet out and handed over my license. The cop took it and looked it over. “Your driver’s license is expired, Mr. Cane.”

  That was another thing I had forgotten to take care of. “Only by a month.”

  I batted my eyelashes and ran my teeth over my bottom lip in a suggestive manner.

  “Your sticker is expired, too.” He wrote something down on his silver clipboard. I wanted to snatch it and throw it. But that would only get me another ticket…and possibly jail time.

  This was not going to be a good night for me. I groaned as I sank farther in my seat. Not only was he going to nail my balls to the wall, my flirting wasn’t working. I was totally screwed.

  “I need to work,” I snapped, tossing David’s advice about not arguing out my open window. Screw being nice. “How can I get back and forth without a car?”

  “The bus,” the cop deadpanned. “Uber, walking, a ride from a friend, hot air balloon, should I go on?”

  “Having a bad day?” What I really wanted to ask was if he was a prick all the time, but I patted myself on the back for my half-assed restraint. I needed a goddamn
gold star for my effort.

  The sexy cop sighed. “Actually I am. But that doesn’t excuse you from driving illegally.”

  “Can’t you just let me off with a warning?” The way his pen flew over the clipboard, I would end up with a billion dollars’ worth of tickets. He might be gorgeous as fuck, but I still had the urge to get out of my car and kick him square in the nuts.

  “And let you drive away with an expired sticker and license?” He shook his head. “And you still haven’t shown me proof of insurance.” He wagged my ID at me. “Am I going to find other things out when I run your name?”

  I had to think if I had a warrant. Not that I did anything to get one, but it was a knee-jerk reflex. “Not that I can think of.”

  From the way he narrowed his eyes, my answer hadn’t pleased him. He shoved a beefy finger at me. “Don’t move.”

  “Wouldn’t think of it,” I grumbled as he sauntered back to his car.

  I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed David. “He’s being a real prick,” I complained as soon as he answered.

  “Why, did you pop off at the mouth?”

  I growled. “No. I flirted, and it didn’t work. He’s all pissy because my sticker and license are expired. Does that mean I forgot how to drive? No, it doesn’t. He could’ve cut me some slack.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” David said. “You’re driving illegally and you’re pissed at him for doing his job?”

  “Just because you’re dating a cop doesn’t mean you have to get all righteous on me.” A thought struck me. “Hey, I’m gonna tell him that I know Lieutenant Spears. Maybe that’ll get me off the hook.”

  “But you’ve met Darren only once and you called him geriatric,” David reminded me. “I don’t think Darren would help you out.”

  “I couldn’t help myself,” I said. “The word just flew out of my mouth.”

  David sighed. “Fine, throw his name out there and see if that helps.”

  “I also know Delano, Roland, and Cage.” I’d grown up with the guys since David and Roland were brothers. The three were older, but I’d also hung out with Cameron, Delano’s boyfriend, and ran the streets with David, and had become friends with Pedro, the guy Roland was dating. I didn’t know Sammy that well—only that Cage was madly in love with him—but I was sure we’d get along fabulously when we hung out.

  “They all think you’re a pest,” David gave me the needless reminder. It took a lot to hurt my feelings, but it bothered me that they thought that of me. I couldn’t help that I was annoying at times, or that I thought all three detectives were hot, and had told them so on many occasions.

  “The cop doesn’t know that.” I wasn’t sure if name-dropping would give me a pass or get me into worse trouble. The cop didn’t seem too inclined to help me out. Financially I struggled. It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t have the cash or that my memory was terrible or that I couldn’t stay off my phone when I was driving.

  I spotted Cummings—I snickered—heading back toward my car. “Gotta go.”

  “Call me,” David demanded.

  “I will,” I said. “But it might be from that jail cell you’re willing to bail me out of.”

  “Good Lord,” David said before hanging up. There used to be a time when my best friend would run to my side, ready to slay the dragons with me. Now that he was dating Geriatric, he wanted to be all law-abiding and shit.

  “No hits on your name.” The cop handed me my license back. “You need to get that renewed as soon as possible.”

  “So does that mean I can go?” Hope blossomed inside me. Maybe I wouldn’t have to name-drop after all. Or pay a billion dollars for those tickets.

  “If you intend on walking,” he said. “I can’t let you drive.”

  I whacked my head against my steering wheel. He just wasn’t going to make this easy on me.

  “I tell you what,” Cummings said. “Why don’t I give you a lift home, and when you get everything straightened out, you can have your car back?”

  My head snapped up. “You’re impounding my car?”

  I was already going to have to work extra hours to update my license and sticker. If Cummings had my car towed, that would cost a helluva lot more. “Oh my fuck!” I rubbed my face so hard I should’ve given myself friction burns. “Are you serious?”

  It would take an hour by bus to get to my job. Not to mention I’d have to walk three blocks to the restaurant in a neighborhood that terrified the shit out of me. I seriously, seriously wanted to shoot Cummings with his own gun.

  “Be lucky I’m not arresting you,” Cummings said. “Take the offer, Mr. Cane.”

  Great, I would be dropped off in front of my building in a cop car. My elderly landlady would have a heart attack and probably try to evict me. Homeless and carless. I was batting a thousand.

  I decided not to name-drop. I would save that for a real emergency—like if I was actually arrested for something. Not that any of the detectives I knew would bail me out. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t true. I might be a pest, but in a pinch, they’d always had my back. Roland, Cage, and Delano were good guys, even if I’d get an hour-long lecture after they’d sprung me.

  “Fine.” I rolled my window up, grabbed my phone from the passenger seat, and pulled the keys from the ignition. When I got out, our size difference was noticeable.

  Cummings had to be well over six feet. The top of my head reached his pecs. If he wasn’t being such a prick, his looks and size would’ve turned me on.

  Who was I kidding? They still did.

  “Car key.” He held his hand out. I pulled the key off the ring and slapped it into his palm, then walked with sagged shoulders to his car. This was so freaking embarrassing. What a perfect goddamn way to end my night.

  I opened the back door and slid in, but refused to close it. Sitting back there made me feel like a true criminal. I wasn’t even being arrested, yet I started to break out in a cold sweat. The backseat felt cramped, but I had a feeling that was just my imagination. I thought about walking, but my apartment was on the other side of town.

  I had no energy, and as much as I hated taking a ride from a cop who’d just fucked me over, I kept my ass seated.

  Cummings stood by my car, his cellphone to his ear. He was probably calling a tow. I flipped him off, though he wasn’t looking my way. It still made me feel better, though.

  * * * *

  We pulled in front of my apartment building. Mr. Prick got out, then opened the back door of his cruiser. I slid from the backseat, glaring at him.

  “You should be smiling,” he said. “You got off easy. I could have arrested you for your multiple violations. I know you don’t have insurance, either.”

  “Have a nice day,” I gritted out, ready to forget the entire event.

  “I’ll walk you to your door.”

  I didn’t care that he’d let me off easy or that he was a hunk. I didn’t want a stinking cop walking me to my door. He’d probably find something in my apartment to arrest me for—like not having a pet or the fact I always forgot to water my plants. I would be taken to jail for fern abuse.

  David had always called me a hot mess, and his words had never rung truer than they did now.

  “I got it from here.” I stomped toward my building, but Cummings was right behind me, dogging my heels. What was with this guy? Did he get his rocks off by harassing those he ticketed?

  The no-good hustlers who hung out around my building were miraculously nowhere in sight. I dismissed the idea that maybe having a cop with me had its perks. Then again, I knew three detectives and that didn’t dissuade the thugs from doing their dirt out in the open.

  “You had my car towed,” I argued, still pissed that I’d have to pull extra hours to pay for everything. It would take me forever to come up with the money to get my car out of impound. I might as well kiss it good-bye.

  “You were driving a car with an expired sticker.” He rested his hands on his utility belt, his biceps swelling. Mr. Sexy
was just too much for me. I rolled my eyes and spun around, then made a beeline for the entrance to the building.

  “That doesn’t mean you had to tow me.” I yanked open the front door and it slammed against the railing, but I didn’t care. I just did not care. It could have fallen off the hinges and I would’ve just stepped over it.

  I paused when I heard a loud beeping sound. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw the tow truck backing up to the curb. And it had my car. My attention shot to Cummings.

  He shrugged. “I didn’t say I had it towed to the impound. You just assumed I did.” He narrowed his hazel eyes. “But you still can’t drive it until everything about you is legal.”

  I wanted to throw myself into his arms and thank him for not making my life completely miserable. He smirked as my eyes ping-ponged between him and the tow truck.

  “I’ll handle the car.” Cummings headed back to the curb.

  Tears sprang to my eyes as I clomped upstairs and opened my door, and sighed as I stepped into my apartment. It felt good to be home. I dropped my keys into the bowl by the door, then went into the kitchen to grab a beer. After a long swig, I let out a belch, then went back into the living room and dropped onto my sofa, tilted my head back, and stared at the ceiling. At least I didn’t have to pay for an impound fee, which would’ve racked up pretty fast considering they charged by the day.

  A hard knock sounded on my door. Fuck, it was him. I just knew it. Why wouldn’t Cummings leave me alone? Did the guy have a hard-on for making my life miserable?

  “Go away,” I called from the couch.

  The knock came again.

  With a groan, I got up, ready to lay into the cop. When I swung my door open, he stepped inside, pretty much pushing me out of the way.

  “Hey!” I glared at him. “You got a warrant to come bustin’ in here like this?”

  “I’ve had about enough of your mouth.” Cummings slammed the door closed. I stood there frozen, wondering what he was up to. He glanced around. “Anyone else here?”


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