Erotic Short Stories 1

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Erotic Short Stories 1 Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  Was that a trick question? “No.”

  I should’ve kept my big mouth shut. Cummings grabbed me, threw me up against the door, and kicked my legs apart like he was about to frisk me. He snatched the bottle from my hand and set it aside.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I barked, my heart lodged in my throat. Was he going to arrest me after all? If he slapped cuffs on me, I was name-dropping with no shame whatsoever.

  He started frisking me, yet…not like any cop had frisked me before. His hand slid up my inseam, then patted my balls as his other hand gripped my ass.

  “Keep running your mouth and I’m going to fill it with my dick,” he warned.

  I was stunned, confused, and turned the hell on. My palms were pressed flat against the door, and I stuck my ass out like a slut, silently pleading for him not to stop.

  “That’s what I thought.” He slapped it and I sucked in a lungful of air in surprise.

  “That’s assault!” Though I was shocked how much I liked what he’d just done. I stuck my ass out even farther. His hands gripped my backside, squeezing tight, making me moan.

  “You gonna report it?” One of his hands moved around my hip, then he grabbed my dick and gave it a good squeeze. My cock grew hard as I thrust into his hand, pissed and thrilled that I was so hard I was about to beg him to fuck me. As if he could read my mind, he said, “Didn’t think so.”

  “What? Huh?” Why was he still talking? I couldn’t get my brain to work. All the blood had drained south.

  “Do I need to cuff you?” His lips were right at my ear, his warm breath skittering across my cheek. It smelled like cinnamon and coffee with just a hint of nicotine.

  I swallowed and shook my head. Whatever game Cummings was playing had my heart beating so fast I felt faint. My trapped dick was begging to be released while the logical part of my brain told me to run.

  My dick won. I was ready to do anything this cop asked me to, just as long as he got me off. My damn hole was aching to be filled as Cummings finished patting me down.

  He spun me and shoved my back against the door, his cuffs dangling on one finger. “Remove your clothes, perp.”

  I could tell this was a game by the spark of lust in his pretty hazel eyes. I forced myself not to grin like an idiot, scowling instead. “You’ll have to make me.”

  The spark grew. I’d said the right thing. He stuffed the cuffs back into their holster, then grabbed the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head. “I see we’re gonna have to do this the hard way.”

  “Hard” was an understatement. My cock throbbed so heavily that it was almost painful. I helped a little by kicking my shoes off. He spun me again and yanked my pants down to my knees. I wiggled, pretending to resist. He smacked my ass and it stung.

  I had no idea what he intended to do, so I waited with bated breath, my fingers curling into the wood of the door. My eyes went wide when he spread my ass cheeks and swiped his tongue over my hole.

  Fuck me. That felt fantastic! I’d never had anyone do that before, and found that I loved it!

  His tongue probed at my hole, then he sucked and licked until I was ready to pass out. He ate me like a pro, inserting what felt like his thumb judging by the wide stretch.

  I thrust back on his finger, desperately needing more. The head of my dick grazed the door as the sensations rioted through me. I wanted to forgo the game and kick my jeans the rest of the way off before bending over and offering myself.

  But Cummings was into this, and I had a feeling that if I didn’t go along with his game, he’d stop.

  “Concealing any contraband?” he asked as his fingers stretched me even farther. I hissed, gulped, moaned, and whimpered.

  “Y-you’ll have to find out for yourself.” If playing along got a hard dick in my ass, I was all for it. “I ain’t telling you shit, cop.”

  His deep chuckle was sinfully sexy. “All you perps are the same.”

  My heart thrashed even harder when he grabbed my arms and pulled them behind me, and the metal of the cuffs clasped my wrists. He lifted my feet one at a time and pulled my jeans the rest of the way off.

  Cummings peeled me away from the door and tossed me onto the couch. I stared up at him wide-eyed, then lowered my gaze and noticed the thick outline of his dick in his uniform pants. There was a wet spot, too.

  My cock leaked pre-cum when he unbuckled his utility belt and set it on my coffee table. Next, he unfastened his pants and palmed his thick, long dick, stroking the hardened flesh a few times. “Time to take a breathalyzer test.”

  I pushed to a sitting position, greedy to have his dick in my mouth. Cummings shook his head. “On your knees, perp.”

  He took a step back, giving me room to struggle off the couch. Getting up with my hands cuffed behind me wasn’t easy. Lowering myself wasn’t as graceful as I’d like, either.

  My knees hit the floor and I winced, but pushed the slight pain away. “Aren’t you gonna make me walk a straight line or touch my nose?”

  “Nuh-uh. This is more accurate.” He held the base of his cock with one hand, using the other to grip my hair. My body pulsed with pleasure at the tight hold. “Now open up and be very thorough, perp. Fail the test and you’ll have to start all over again.”

  He had the most beautiful cock I’d ever seen. If he wanted me to suck him off for the rest of the night, it wouldn’t be a hardship.

  Parting my lips, I leaned forward and took the spongy head into my mouth, licking at the clear liquid beaded at the slit, greedy to taste his cum. I hollowed my cheeks, creating a vacuum as I traced my tongue along the heavy vein that ran under his cock.

  Cummings groaned, his hips punching forward, making his dick shove farther down my throat. Within seconds he was gripping my head with both hands, fucking my mouth in earnest. I took the punishment, eager to swallow every last drop when he busted that nut.

  My cock bobbed freely, aching, hot, and needy. I whimpered my frustrations and Cummings’s grip became harder, so I began to hum, adding to his obvious pleasure.

  “Shit, fuck….suck harder.” The cop pounded into my face, driving his cock down my throat over and over again. I wasn’t sure if this was even real. Had I gotten home and fallen asleep? Shit like this just didn’t happen to me.

  But he felt real. Cummings smelled real, too. I tightened my suction and, seconds later, he was shouting out as he came down my throat.

  Cummings eased out of my mouth, pulled me up, and lifted me with a single arm around my waist. Damn, he was strong. He placed me on my knees, my back to him, then bent me over the arm of the couch.

  I looked over my shoulder. He grabbed a condom from his front pocket, then shoved his pants down to his knees.

  Our eyes met. For a brief moment, lust wasn’t the only thing blazing in his eyes. There was a touch of gratitude, of awe, as well. Like I’d truly just made his dreams come true.

  He slapped my ass. “Turn around, perp.”

  I turned my head, afraid that if I didn’t obey, he’d stop. But before I turned away, my gaze dropped and I saw that he was still hard. The man had amazing stamina.

  He pulled my ass toward him and I rested my head on the cushion, waiting, anticipating, excited. The head of his dick touched my hole and I nearly came.

  “What test is this?” I asked, panting like crazy.

  “Cavity search,” he replied with a touch of humor. “Gotta make sure you’re not concealing any drugs or weapons inside of you.”

  I stifled my laugh. “Fuck you, cop. You’re not taking me down!”

  He slapped my ass again. I was really, really starting to like getting spanked. The sting only heightened my need. By now Cummings had to know that, too.

  He slapped my other ass cheek and I jumped and cried out. He slapped me again and again as his dick sank inside me. I had never been so turned on in my life.

  When he was balls-deep, he pounded into me with a vengeance. I wasn’t going to be able to sit for a week and didn’t giv
e two shits. What he was doing to my body was worth it, though my arms were starting to cramp from being locked behind me in those damn cuffs.

  I’d have to remember to invest in fur cuffs. I was pretty sure they would be easier on my wrists.

  He fucked me so hard my head kept smashing into the cushions. I wiggled and squirmed, the buildup growing fast. As my orgasm approached, I screamed, “Harder!”

  He grabbed my hips and pistoned into me, the sound of our skin colliding filling the room. I gritted my teeth, ground my head into the arm of the couch, then shouted as my cum spurted against the cushions. I felt as if my entire body had shattered as pulse after pulse of my release threw me sideways.

  Cummings fell over the edge in seconds, grunting out his climax before he slowed, rocking inside me. We struggled to breathe as he removed the cuffs and massaged my wrists.

  As soon as I was free, we collapsed against the couch.

  “Name’s Jack.” Cummings gave me a soft kiss. “And I do know who you are.”

  “How?” I was too blissfully replete and could barely string two words together. I hoped like hell this hadn’t been a one-off, but wasn’t foolish enough to hope he would stick around. We’d both had our fun, but it was time to get back to the real world.

  “Your best friend is dating the lieutenant. Why do you think I cut you a break?” His grin made my dick twitch, ready for round two. “I’ve seen you at the station. You caught my eye and I wanted to get to know you.”

  “So you put me through hell?” I wasn’t sure if I should be flattered or pissed.

  “You didn’t get any tickets and your car is outside,” Jack reminded me. “I think that says it all.” He kissed my neck as he slid his hand softly down my side.

  “How did you know I’d play along?”

  He shrugged. “I had a feeling about you.” He kissed me again. “And you far exceeded my expectations.” His hand rested on my bare hip. “I hope you really aren’t pissed at me.”

  How could I be? He’d just given me the best night of my damn life. “No, but does this mean we’ll be doing this again?”

  “Damn right. My kinks are a bit off the beaten path and a guy like you doesn’t come along very often. Get used to putting your hands behind your back.” He winked at me. “Next time I’ll arrest you in some bar or for jaywalking.”

  I laughed as I rolled over and cuddled into him. “You have yourself a deal.”



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  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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