Love and Heartache (Love &... #2)

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Love and Heartache (Love &... #2) Page 8

by A. J. Briar

  “Paine. Hartley. My office. Now.” A few of the team wince at Coach’s aggressive tone, but I’m too far gone to register anything. I traipse behind Rory, wiping my own blood from my lip, which is stinging like a bitch. Coach slams the door behind me, forcing me to face the reality of my decisions.

  “One of you better start talking, or you’re both benched for the first game of the season.” Rory mutely fumes next to me, which is unsurprising, since he has no idea what’s been going through my head all day. I’m not sure what I can say to do any sort of damage control, so I keep quiet. Silence surrounds us as Coach appraises us from where he’s settled behind his desk. Coach opens his mouth to speak, no doubt to bark at us, when Rory beats him to it.

  “It was a misunderstanding Coach. Nathan thought he heard me say something, which he thought was directed at him, when it wasn’t. Total mix-up.” I try and school my features so that it doesn’t show that I’m fucking shocked, Rory is covering for me. Coach narrows his eyes into slits, focusing his attention on me.

  “Is that true?” I glance at Rory, and he raises an eyebrow, daring me to tell the truth.

  “Every word.” Coach looks between us both, obviously deep in thought what to do. He must know that there’s no way he can afford to bench his captain and shooting guard for the same game, but he can’t let it go either. Saying as much, he dismisses us both with a warning and the order to run laps of the court as a punishment.

  Rory leaves with a huff of an agreement, but not before flashing me a grim scowl on his confused expression. I turn to follow in his footsteps, when Coach speaks in a low tone.

  “Nathan, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what will happen if this occurs again. If I were you, I’d make a special effort to keep my nose clean. You don’t want your present to repeat your past.” He points to the door, effectively ending the conversation. I hang my head as I leave, realizing that I’m so close to fucking up, and yet again it’s over Isabella.

  “Dude, tell me what’s going on.” Rory pipes up from where he’s leaning against the wall, outside the locker room. His eye looks even worse now and regret floods my body. The guy just did me a huge favor, the least I can do, is be honest about the reason behind my actions.

  “I saw a picture of you and Isabella.” His one good eye screws up in confusion, as he speaks.

  “So? What does it matter? Why did I end up on the receiving end of your fists?” I hold my hand up to stop his questions. Taking a deep breath in, I murmur my reply.

  “Isabella is my ex.” Understanding dawns over Rory’s expression, softening slightly. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but I saw the picture and I got mad. Jealous even. Then when I heard what you said to Cole, I flipped.” Rory smirks, and my earlier wrath threatens to make a reappearance. “Honestly, the thought of you two together makes my blood boil and the thought of not knowing what’s going on was enough to send me over the edge.” I open my mouth to continue my explanation, but Rory laughs stop me in my tracks.

  “Fucking hell, Nath. This is all over that picture? Izzy has always made it perfectly clear that I have zero chance with her. I always assumed it was because she was hung up on someone else, so now everything is making a whole lot of sense. She’s one of my best friends, not to mention my sister’s best friend. It would never happen. Ever.” Instant relief surges through my veins, listening to Rory eradicate my fears. He carries on talking but the respite is overwhelming. I’m too preoccupied with the insight, that I don’t even notice that there are shouts coming from the locker room. I look at Rory, whose eyes widen, when he realizes the same thing I do.

  “Where the fuck is he? Why the fuck would they be fighting?” Even though Isabella’s yelling, I can hear the concern in her tone, and it propels me forward into the crowded locker room. Isabella turns her head in time, to see me burst through the door, with Rory closely behind. Fury covers her expression as she struggles in Logan’s grasp. His arms are locked around her, caging her in like she’s a wild animal, which I have to admit, she does look like it at the moment. Her teal eyes are full of annoyance, while her mouth is set in a grim line.

  “There you are. You both have a lot of explaining to do.” Rory grins next to me, gesturing for me to take center stage. Logan lets Isabella go, and she stalks towards me, stopping to stand toe to toe. Her perfume invades my senses in the best way possible, making it hard to think of anything but her. I glance around, noting that the entire team is here, along with Roxy who is nestled amongst two of the guys. I will my lips to move, to speak when Isabella beats me to it.

  “This better be fucking good, Nathan Hartley.”



  An influx of students wanders into The Hideout, and a groan works its way free. Why the fuck did I agree to cover for Indi again? They take their seats and I’m quick to get the order in. I shouldn’t really be complaining, considering there’s only a handful of other tables filled, but still. The afternoon is dragging, when all I really want to do, is go home and nap. My phone vibrates in my pocket with an incoming text.

  Indi: I’m on my way now. Won’t be long. Thank you for covering Izzy. You’re a lifesaver. Xxx

  Thank fucking god for that. I mean, I didn’t mind coming in for her. She seemed really out of it after class earlier, so I figure something’s obviously happened, though I didn’t pry, so I have no idea what. I type out a reply and then slide my phone into my jean pocket. My eyes drift towards the door, just in time to see Roxy barrel through it. Her hair is flowing behind her in a tangled mess, while a sheen of sweat covers her forehead. She’s in front of me, faster than I’d think was possible, catching her breath.

  “Thank fuck you are here.” Her voice wobbles while she struggles to regain composure. I eye her with bewilderment as I speak.

  “Rox, what’s wrong?” She’s flustered to a point I’ve never seen before and instantly it puts me on edge.

  “Are you seeing my brother?” The words spew from her mouth like vomit and my immediate reaction is to laugh in her face. Roxy eyes me but sighs a sigh of relief out loud.

  “What the actual fuck Rox? You know I have no interest in pursuing your man whore of a twin.” Her eyebrows raise but even she knows how much he gets around.

  “I know, I know, I just had to check.” She wrings her fingers together, the nerves coming from her, taints the atmosphere around us.

  “I may have fucked up Izzy.” I wait for her continue, having no idea what’s going on. “There’s a picture of you and Rory online and it doesn’t look good. People are shipping you two.” I exhale a snort, not knowing why she’s so agitated by all this.

  “Izzy, Nathan’s seen it. He’s mad Izzy, really mad. And maybe a little upset, if I read him right.” Her words wipe the smile off my face, the realization hitting me like a battering ram. Flashbacks of a similar situation play in my head taking me back into my past.

  I knew the moment I stepped out of my car, that something was up. Whispers and giggles came from all angles as Mia fought her way through a gaggle of girls who had stopped to point and laugh. Her expression was murderous at them, but as soon as she saw me, she softened.

  “What’s going on Mia?” Her eyes darted around the car lot, before nodding towards the entrance to the school.

  “I think it’s best if I show you.” I lurched forward, eager to know what was happening. Mia stumbled to catch up, but when she did, she laced her arm through mine. Pushing through the doors, I was grateful for her support, as my body lost its balance. Picture after picture was plastered across every wall, surface, locker, even the floor was covered. I grabbed the nearest one and my heart broke when I realized it was a picture of me and Seth from the day before. He’d cornered me in the library and tried to kiss me. At the time, my brain was too paralyzed by fear to do anything but play along. Although, looking back now, I wished I’d done something, other than let him. I didn’t know that someone was obviously watching, documenting his advances, ready to use
against me like this. Mia propelled me to the side, reassuring me that everything was going to be alright, but no sooner had she uttered the words, Nathan and Max entered from where we’d just came from. Nathan’s eyes scanned the corridor, and my already broken heart splintered into even tinier pieces. The devastation on his face was clear and I hated that I was the one who put it there. I willed my feet to move, but instead they refused to budge, and just watched the car crash happen in front of me. Nathan ripped a picture from the clutches of some guys and then looked at it intently. His eyes shuttered closed and even from across the corridor, I knew he was closing himself off from everyone around him. The thought of never seeing him look at me with the love and adoration that I’d come to know, was painful enough to spring me into action to defend myself. By the time, I’d reached him, I wasn’t sure what I could say to make it better, so instead I said the one thing that came to mind.

  “Nathan, it’s not what it looks like.” My voice was a whisper, but I knew he heard me as his eyes flashed open and a sinister laugh worked its way free from his throat.

  “Tell me then Isabella. What’s going on in the picture between the two of you? Because I’m fucking sure it looks like he’s about to kiss you and you’re about to let him.” I flinched at the anger in his voice and involuntarily, took a step away from him. I knew he was enraged, but I hadn’t realized just how enraged he was. Mia joined my side and addressed Nathan.

  “Just hear her out Nath.” Even with Mia’s plea, I sensed Nathan was on the verge of losing it big time. Deciding to try again, I murmur my reasoning.

  “I thought I was doing the right thing.” I searched his expression, looking for any signs of hope, and I remember being disheartened seeing that he didn’t believe a word that came out of my mouth.

  “In what fucking universe, would kissing Seth, the guy who nearly sexually assaulted you, be the right thing?” He practically shouted the words to the entire school and I couldn’t control my reaction. I staggered backwards into Mia’s arms, as if he’d slapped me. He might as well have, as the pain of hearing him shout my story from the rooftops was worse than any physical pain he could have caused. The hurt and anger played out on his expression and even though he’d just called me out, I knew he was just reacting to my actions. It was my own fault for letting Seth touch me, and now I needed to face the consequences.

  My mind slams me back into reality, forcing me to think of the present rather than the past. I grip the side of the bar, needing the support to keep me grounded. The memory feels as if it happened yesterday and the emotions I felt on that day, threaten to resurface and overcome me.

  Fuck. I need to find him. I can’t let him think that something is going on between Rory and I, when it’s anything but. Telling Roxy as much, she agrees that I need to do some damage control on the situation before it gets out of hand. Roxy pulls out her phone and types out a text to Logan, asking him whether he knows where Nathan is. I leave her to it and head into the back to grab my stuff, so as soon as Indi gets here, I can hightail it out of here.

  Luck must be on my side, because not ten minutes later, Indi arrives. She thanks me again, but I don’t stick around long enough to hear out her excuses, I’m already out the door and halfway to Roxy’s car. Thank fuck Roxy drives like a fucking maniac as we make it across campus in record time. Roxy lets me out at the entrance while she goes to park. I pass by a few guys on the team, who all eye me with equal parts intrigue and perplexity. Brushing past them all, I enter the guy’s locker room, searching for my target. Disappointment radiates from me when my eyes come up blank. Spying the next best thing, I weave between the benches and lockers, heading straight for Logan. He must know something, especially since he’s the one who told Roxy, Nathan would be here.

  “Where is he?” Logan glances up at my alarmed tone, his eyebrows furrow together trying to work out a response.

  “I’m not sure you want to know.” He shakes his head, before gesturing me to sit on the bench beside him.

  “Him and Rory got into a fight. They’re both with Coach now. And before you ask, I have no fucking idea what’s going on between them. I wish I did.” The regret and guilt I felt over the picture, soon transforms into rage and annoyance. He didn’t even let me explain before he was using his fists to solve a problem, that would have been nonexistent if he’d have let me explain. Just as I’m about to unleash my inner tirade, Roxy waltzes in the room. Several guys on the team holler at her, as she eats up the attention she receives. She maneuvers around the room and settles herself in, between two of the guys before speaking.

  “Fill me in then. Where is Nath?” She props her boot up on the opposing bench and garners the awareness of everyone around her. Logan answers for me, repeating pretty much what he just told me.

  “Hmmm. Well, I can answer that one. I may have shown a picture of Rory and Isabella together to him and made him super mad before he came here.” Roxy’s nonchalant attitude normally doesn’t irk me but today, a tiny bit of my fury is aimed her way. I’m not sure what she thought she’d achieve by talking to Nathan, before she spoke to me but I’m going to find out. Right after I tear Nathan and Rory a new one for fighting over me. Logan scrunches up his face but having known Roxy a hell of a lot longer than I have, is obviously used to stunts like these. He also must know something about mine and Nathan’s past, as he doesn’t question Nathan’s motives.

  “Everything’s making a little more sense now.” Logan shrugs out of the t-shirt he was wearing, before pulling his jersey out of his locker. I turn slightly, giving him some privacy, although Roxy doesn’t extend the same courtesy. Her eyes roam over his body, only stopping when she realizes I’ve noticed. I swear the two of them are one accident away from becoming the best thing that ever happened to each other. If I thought it would help, I’d call her out on her actions right here, right now, but I know it wouldn’t. Roxy and Logan need to figure that particular mind-fuck out for themselves. I pace the length of the locker room, with each step, my anger intensifies. Even Roxy’s incessant flirting with Cole winds me up.

  I flash her a dark look when she tells me to chill from across the room, where she’s perched in between Cole and Asher, looking like the cat who got the cream. Logan narrows his eyes in her direction, but his lips remain tightly shut.

  Every passing moment, is another minute where my brain chooses to overthink the situation, irritating me even further. I can feel myself losing it, going over everything that’s happened today. Logan stops me in the path that I’m carving out on the wooden floor, his eyes imploring me to calm down. His arms wrap around me, pulling me in for a hug, which I’m sure is normally reassuring to me, but today sets my skin on fire. I thrash around in his arms, unwilling to compose myself, saying my thoughts aloud for the entire team to hear.

  “Where the fuck is he? Why the fuck would they be fighting?” My voice raises, almost to a shout as the fury takes over. Almost like my yells summon him, movement at the door fills my vision. Nathan bursts through it, with Rory close behind him. I run my gaze over both of them, taking note that Nathan’s split lip is still bleeding slightly. My heart wants to reach out and help, but my mind has other ideas. She’s still too pissed at the situation and is the one in control of my limbs.

  “There you are. You both have a lot of explaining to do.” Rory smirks from next to Nathan, riling me even further, while gesturing towards Nathan, waiting for him to do all the talking. My eyes narrow on both of them, while Logan releases me from his grasp. I stalk towards Nathan, only stopping when I’m an inch away.

  “This better be fucking good, Nathan Hartley.” There’s so much venom in my voice, Nathan cringes at my words before he speaks quietly.

  “Can we do this somewhere without an audience?” Nathan eyes the team as pretty much everyone in the room, is focused on the drama unfolding before them. Normally, I’d be all for taking my shit elsewhere, but the rage speaks instead.

  “Oh, I see. You’ll openly fight with your captain
in front of everyone but won’t talk to me. Well fuck you, Nathan. You didn’t even give me a chance to explain before you added 2 and 2 and got 8.” A ripple of laughter comes from guys on the team, while Nathan’s lips thin into a grim line. He’s pissed that much I can tell, but his silence is infuriating. I’m about to speak again, when Nathan finally opens his mouth.

  “What do you want me to say Isabella? That I was jealous because I saw something I didn’t like. You might not remember our past, but it doesn’t mean I don’t. Why shouldn’t I be pissed that I thought you’d not only lied to me, but moved on as well?” A garbled gasp emits from my throat as the force of his words ground my wrath to a halt. Guilt claws at my insides, trying to reason a response. I knew dam well when I came here that he’d feel like that but hearing him say it, pushes me to face reality. A reality that is crashing down around me. Nathan has no idea I remember a hell of a lot more than he thinks and the fact I originally came here to make amends, means nothing in his mind. Roxy must sense my downward spiral as she’s next to me in an instant, pulling me away from the situation. Nathan eyes me with so many emotions, I have to look away, allowing Roxy to block my view of him.

  My body works on auto pilot, going through the motions, of following Roxy dutifully, while my brain works overtime to try and decipher the feelings happening right now.

  “Izzy, I know you’re not okay, so tell me what I can do to make it better.” Roxy’s voice cracks and I force myself to think of the present. I glance around noting we’re already home, and in my bedroom. Nathan served as a perfect distraction for the entire journey here, although I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or not. The more I think about the situation, the more my brain hurts.


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