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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle: Western Cowboy Romance (Full Length Novels)

Page 27

by Lolita London

  Chapter 10

  Anthony felt like shit as he watched the world go by from the window. Each chug of the engine brought him further and further from where he wanted to be. Gianna’s hurt expression as he slammed the door in her face haunted him.

  He buried his face in his hands. How had things come to this? Everything had been going exactly the way that he had hoped for. She had blossomed in his company and shone so brightly in everything she did that he felt himself come to life again.

  Then he had to ruin everything after he wigged out about the foal’s death. He knew that they had shared a special moment there, right on the steps of that stable. He had looked into her earnest, kind eyes and saw something that scared the hell out of him.


  It shocked him that he had managed to do something so unexpectedly right that she found him worthy of her love, especially after their rocky start. What frightened him even more was how strongly he reciprocated her feelings.

  Anthony honestly thought that he would never love again. After his wife’s death, he swore that he would never fall prey to such damaging emotions again. However, she just seemed so … inevitable.

  It didn’t matter though. Once again, he had love and he had blown it.


  Gianna sat herself down at the saloon’s bar, banging her fist against the hardwood counter.

  “A shot of whiskey!” she demanded and downed it as soon as the bartender placed it in front of her.

  “Gianna?” Lily eyed her warily. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  Gianna forced a hard smile. “Not really, Lily. I just had this huge fight with Anthony and I really need some booze in me.”

  “Alright,” Lily said, after examining her thoughtfully for a moment. “The next one’s on me. But do me a favor. Pace yourself, alright? I can’t have you going all crazy like the previous time.”

  “Sure, sure,” Gianna said as she downed her second glass in one gulp. Spotting an irritatingly familiar face, she snapped her fingers in his direction. “Oy Drake. Drake Edwards!”

  Looking up from his poker game, a lazy smile spread across Drake’s face as he sauntered over to her. “Miss Delucca, what a pleasant surprise.”

  Tilting her head sideways, Gianna nodded to Lily. “See? There you go, he’s my chaperone. He’ll make sure that I behave myself this time.”

  “I make no such promises,” Drake began, but smartly shut his mouth as Lily shot him a killer glare. “Got it. I’ll watch over her.”

  “Be sure that you do,” Lily said sternly and left after shooting Gianna another concerned glance.

  “So,” Drake began and exclaimed in surprise as she struck him in the chest. “Hey! Whatcha do that for?”

  “You left me a note?” Gianna hissed. “Who does that?”

  Drake’s eyes widened innocently. “As I recall it, you were drunk as a—”

  “As a skunk, yeah, yeah, I get it,” Gianna snapped. Waving her hand at him, she said, “Go on.”

  Drake cleared his throat. “Well, as I was saying, you were drunk and I hardly like to depart from a lady without thanking her for her company. Perhaps I overstepped some line,” he cocked his head to the side as he considered it. “I’m dreadfully sorry if I did.”

  Gianna felt a terrible surge of guilt. “No, Drake,” she said, reaching for his hand. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s that … unreasonable ass of a husband of mine. He found your note and got so jealous.”

  “Did he now?” Drake raised his eyebrows. “Well, I can’t say I’m sorry about that, Miss Delucca.”

  “What?” Gianna asked, shocked.

  “Well, he ought to know that there are men out there who know how to appreciate a treasure when they see it. That he’s not the only one in the running.”

  Gianna closed her eyes. “Oh, Drake. I appreciate the sentiment, but the truth is, he is the only one in the running. He is my husband, for better or for worse.”

  “Fuck that,” Drake stated in such a deadpan manner that it shocked a laugh out of Gianna.

  “Excuse me?”

  “So, the way I’m seeing this,” Drake tipped his cowboy hat upwards so he could get a better look at her face. “You’ve been in here, clearly troubled, twice this week, and he’s nowhere to be seen. Last I checked, I saw him board a train to God knows where. Doesn’t seem like he’s there for the worse times, if you’d pardon me.”

  Gianna felt the hurt coursing through her veins as she remembered how callous Anthony had seemed the last time she saw him. She cleared her throat. “He’s a … complicated man. But he is a good man. Just has his faults, that’s all.”

  Drake regarded her seriously and surprised her as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She looked at him incredulously.

  “You are a mighty fine lady, Miss Delucca.”

  “Stop calling me that,” Gianna snapped at him, clearly unsettled by the kiss. “Either call me Gianna, or Mrs. Davies.”

  “Alright then,” Drake laughed, oblivious to her discomfort. “Can I entice you to join me in a poker game, Gianna?”

  She snorted. “I thought we had established this by now. I’m hopeless at poker.”

  “That may well be,” Drake admitted and grinned as Gianna shot him a poisonous glare. “You wouldn’t have to do anything except sit beside me. It’s a doubles game and I need a partner who can distract my opponents for me.”

  “Distract them?” Gianna shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t even know how the game works.”

  “You don’t need to know how the game works. Just sit there, and be the gorgeous being that you are. I’d bet that they won’t be able to take their eyes off ya. It’d be an easy win for me and I’ll split the earnings with ya, how’s that?”

  Gianna downed her third glass of whiskey and blinked as the scorching liquid went down her throat.

  “Well, come on then. Let’s go.”



  Anthony’s face broke into a wide grin as a gorgeous young brunette ran and threw herself at him.

  “Annie baby,” he embraced her, closing his eyes as he held her close. He felt the tears welling up in his eyes as he released her, his precious Annie: the one pure thing in the world that he managed not to fuck up.

  “Hey there, Anthony,” the tall blond man who was carrying a baby offered his free hand to him.

  “David,” Anthony shook his hand warmly. “And who is this? Is this my favorite grandson?”

  “Daddy, he’s your only grandson,” Annie rolled her eyes at her husband, who laughed heartily. She perked up. “Would you like to carry him?”

  As Anthony took over the baby from David, his heart swelled as he looked down at his tiny little face. “He’s grown so much since I last saw him,” Anthony said in wonder. “Haven’t you, my little Denver?” He cooed at him.

  “Babies sure grow fast,” Annie agreed, putting her hand into his. “Come on Daddy, let’s go home.”

  As they walked to David’s automobile, Anthony could feel his daughter’s gaze resting on him. “What is it, Annie?” he asked in amusement as he caught her giving him a blatant once-over. She narrowed her eyes in such a familiar way that Anthony wanted to laugh. She looked exactly like he did.

  “Be honest, Daddy: this isn’t exactly a social call, is it? Something’s up, and I want you to spill.”

  Anthony shot a furtive glance in her husband’s direction and Annie’s eyes lit up in understanding. “Darling,” she tapped David’s shoulder. “Will you take Denver to the car and drive on home? I’d like to have a little time alone with my Dad.”

  “Of course, sweetheart. Come along, Denver.”

  As David drove off with Denver safely beside him, Annie led her father over to a park bench and patted the seat next to her.

  “What’s wrong, Daddy? Is everything okay?”

  Anthony smiled sheepishly. “Well, it’s a long story.”


“I see your bet and will raise you fifty.”

  Drake tossed his chips to the center of the table and grinned. Gianna couldn’t help the thrill of excitement that went up her spine as she watched the indecision flash across their opponents’ faces.

  “Come on lads, I don’t have all day.”

  Drake cracked his knuckles and tapped his cards on the table.

  “Yeah, I’ll fold.” The guy sitting opposite them in a red coat tossed his cards on the table in disgust.

  Crowing in triumph, Drake gathered the pile of chips to their already sizeable pile. Gianna had to admit, she was really enjoying herself.

  “Alright, this next game’s the big one.” Drake announced as he dealt out the cards.

  “Urm, Mr Edwards, I’ve got a telephone call for you.” The bartender called out to Drake, causing him to frown.

  “Go, I’ll hold the fort,” Gianna rolled her eyes at him.

  “Like hell you will,” he retorted. “Be right back with you guys.”

  Gianna smiled and rose to order another drink from the bar. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw one of the guys at their table slip something into his pocket but it happened so quickly that she couldn’t be sure.

  “Alright, let’s do this,” Drake declared as he returned to the table.

  The game was tense, as the stakes piled up.

  “I’ll raise.”

  “I’ll raise.”

  “I’ll fold,” grumbled the third guy as his partner nodded in resignation.

  Drake grinned as he flipped his cards over. “Gentlemen, and lady, a straight flush.”

  “Impressive,” smirked the guy in the red coat. “But unfortunately for you, I’ve got something even better.”

  Drake sucked in a breath as he took in the cards on the table. “A royal flush. I must say, Issac, I am impressed.”

  “Wait,” Gianna said slowly. “I think I saw him slip a card up his sleeve before the game.”

  Issac’s face colored unpleasantly. “What’s this nonsense you’re uttering?” He slammed his hand against the table.

  “Now, now, Gianna, are you sure? That’s a pretty big thing to be insinuating. Issac will lose all credibility in this town if what you’re saying is true.”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure,” Gianna had seen the smug smirk on his face and knew that his victory had to do with something more than pure luck. “But if you’ve got nothing to hide, why don’t you roll up your sleeves?”

  “Yeah, Issac,” Drake fixed him with a lazy smile. “Why dontcha?”

  Issac held her gaze ferociously before breaking into an insane smile. He rolled up his sleeves and a card fell out.

  “There we go.”

  “You stupid bitch,” Issac suddenly roared as he flipped the table.

  “Hey!” Lily appeared at their table with a huge club in her hand. “Take this outside; you’re none of you welcome in here. That includes you, Gianna,” she added apologetically.

  “Come on,” Drake said, grabbing hold of Gianna. “I live above this saloon, let’s go up to my place before this gets ugly.”

  Shuddering at the sight of Issac’s rage-filled face, Gianna followed Drake out of the back door that opened to the alley.


  “So, let me get this straight,” Annie said slowly. “You got married to a woman who is one year older than me? What were you thinking, Daddy?”

  Anthony picked at an imaginary piece of lint on his jeans. “Yeah, I know. It’s insane.” Annie scoffed as she glared at her father.

  “I thought we agreed that you’d move on with your life, and find someone serious!”

  He leaned forward “But you know something, Annie? This is different. She’s different. I’ve never felt this way about a woman since your mother and she was the love of my life.”

  Annie’s face softened as she placed a hand on her father’s knee. “Go on.”

  Anthony cleared his throat. “I feel so strongly about her that it scares me. She aggravates me, irritates me and challenges me on a daily basis. She also makes me feel like I’m alive. I see the world in sharper focus when she’s around. She makes me question my beliefs, and laugh at myself.”

  He took his daughter’s hand.

  “I told her about your mother’s death, and you know what she told me? She said that my love for you made me strong enough to recover from the pain of losing your mother. She said I grew stronger because I had to fight to make a better life for you.”

  Annie’s eyes filled with tears as she reached out to hug her father. “Daddy, I couldn’t have said it better myself. You raised me practically singlehandedly all these years and I could never have asked for a happier childhood or life.”

  Daintily dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief, Annie grinned at Anthony.

  “I’ve got to admit, she sounds like a keeper, Daddy. But if everything is as great as it seems, what are you doing here with me, instead of being back in Wadsworth with her?”

  When Anthony failed to reply, Annie eyed him shrewdly. She sighed.

  “Oh God, Daddy, what did you do?”


  Laughing in exhilaration, Gianna sank down onto the sofa.

  “Oh goodness, did you see his face when that card fell out of his sleeve?”

  Drake smirked, “I sure did. You, little lady, are the best partner I’ve ever had.”

  He sat down beside her and removed his deck of poker cards from his hand.

  “And I think it’s time that someone as smart as you learns how to play.” He raised his eyebrows in a silent challenge.

  “Alright then,” Gianna said, sitting up straight. “Teach me.”

  Drake spent the better part of an hour explaining the rules of the game and the different hands that she could play in order to win.

  “Okay, okay, I think I’ve got this.” Gianna rolled up the sleeves of her blouse. “Let’s play.”

  “Hold up,” Drake said as he disappeared into his kitchen. “I’ve got an excellent bottle of scotch somewhere back here. It is miles better than that trash that they serve down at the saloon.”

  “Well, I’m sold. Make mine a tall glass,” she called.

  “Here you go,” he returned with a glass filled with the glorious golden liquid. “Drink up.” Smiling her thanks, Gianna received the glass from him. “What about you?”

  “Oh, I drink from the bottle,” Drake told her seriously and laughed as she rolled her eyes at him. “Alright, ready for your first game?”

  “Hell yeah,” she grinned. “I’m ready to kick your Cherokee ass.”

  “Half Cherokee,” he corrected her gravely. “My mama is pure white.”

  “At least there’s something that’s pure about her.”

  “Whoa!” Drake snorted a shocked laugh. “Low blow, Delucca. What did you do with that cultured little lass that I know?”

  Gianna laughed. It had been a long time since she had relaxed herself like this. She realized that she did miss being around people her own age.

  “What are the stakes?” she asked as she took a sip from her glass. “This is amazing, by the way. It’s like molten fire.”

  “Told ya it’s good. I thought we’d play my favorite version of the game. Ever heard of strip poker?”

  Gianna gulped her drink down before she could spit it out in shock. “Strip poker? Isn’t that highly inappropriate?”

  Drake shrugged. “What, you scared? You have way more clothes than I do anyway, what with your corset and blouse and all that.” It was true. Drake was clad in only an open vest, rugged jeans, leather boots and a hat.

  “Fine,” Gianna decided. “Let’s do this.”

  To her displeasure, she lost the first two games, which very quickly rid her of her boots and corset. As she removed the corset, she felt self-conscious: she knew that her breasts and nipples could easily be seen under the thin material of her blouse. Indeed, she saw Drake blatantly checking her out, appreciatively running his tongue over his lips.

/>   “Mighty fine, Delucca.”

  Refusing to be embarrassed, she sat up straight. “Next round.”

  Whether or not it was because he was distracted, Drake lost terribly the next round, which rid him of his hat, boots and shirt. As he lounged in front of her clad in only his jeans, Gianna felt herself blushing a little. He really was quite a fine specimen of a man. His skin was dark as burnt sugar, his chest broad and muscular. He flexed his biceps as he stretched like a cat.

  “Your turn to deal, Gianna.” Drake grinned.

  Gianna tugged at her collar. For some reason, she felt inexplicably hot. Maybe it was the alcohol coupled with her embarrassment and more than arousal at the sight of Drake’s body.

  “Alright,” she said, trying to keep her head in the game. She only had her blouse, skirt and pantalets on at this point. However, luck was horribly against her as Drake won the game.

  “That’s two articles of clothing that you have to remove, Gianna. Make your choice wisely,” he winked at her.

  Gianna shimmied her way out of her thin pantalets. At least, with her skirt still on, that one was easy. She hesitated. Whichever article she removed next would reveal her body to the half-naked man sitting opposite her, who was most certainly not her husband.

  “Are you backing out, Delucca? I have to say, I expected more from you.”

  Feeling a surge of bravery, Gianna pulled her blouse over her head and tossed it at him. She felt a sense of satisfaction as she saw him draw in a quick breath. Her nipples stood at attention, hard little peaks over lush swells of bosoms.

  “Your turn,” she said innocently.

  Both Gianna and Drake were down to the final article of clothing so Gianna knew that this would be the final match. Her breath quickened as she felt Drake’s hot gaze over her bare breasts. He sat with his legs widely spread so that she had a good view of the tent in his pants, which gave away his arousal. She knew that she was pushing many boundaries here, but somehow, she couldn’t be bothered. All that she could focus on was the heat and desire that was pooling around the apex of her thighs.

  At the end of the match, Drake walked behind her and had a look at her cards. Putting his head next to hers, she shivered at the closeness of his proximity.


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