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Hard to Love

Page 37

by S M Mala

  ‘That bad?’

  Mabel popped out to see Iona the following day for coffee. Her friend had interviewed two people. ‘Why didn’t they do something about it?’

  ‘This guy is dangerous.’

  ‘How did you manage to get the information out of them? What did you say?’

  ‘I told them it was market research on websites and internet shopping. Then I diverted the conversation.’ Iona shook her head. ‘He doesn’t drop these women. They’re like sweeties so he can pick and choose the flavour.’

  ‘Why don’t they go to the police?’

  ‘One of them is married and the other is a head mistress at a private school. Things like this could ruin them.’ She hesitated. ‘They didn’t know who he was until it was too late and then, there was nothing they could do. There’s no evidence other than what you’ve been given.’

  ‘What if he finds out about my connection with the agency and turns nasty?’

  ‘This is the tip of the iceberg. Surely he’s tried it with others and failed.’ Iona then let out a lusty sigh. ‘I saw some footage.’

  ‘What?’ she gulped.

  ‘Mabel, I’ll give him his due; that man is sexy. No wonder they get pulled in.’

  ‘You’re not supposed to say that!’

  ‘One of them, the head mistress, seemed happy to be on his beck and call. I think she thought it was exciting.’

  ‘And the married woman?’

  ‘Was scared he was going to tell her husband, so she sleeps with him on the odd occasion to keep him sweet. The thing is, he knows her husband through business, so it makes it worse.’ Iona grimaced. ‘She doesn’t like it. This is not a good side of internet dating. And he knows what they like, down to their sexual fantasies.’

  ‘And they told you this?’

  ‘With the help of a bottle of wine, it soon came out.’ Then she moved closer. ‘He might want to sleep with you on the premise of making sure the business stays in your company. Then what?’

  ‘It’s not going to happen.’

  ‘Having a sex tape made with you contributing and knowing it could be released isn’t something I’d relish.’

  ‘Then I’ll have to talk him round.’

  ‘He wants sex,’ whispered Iona. ‘Not a one off, but when he wants it. The married woman said he threatened to take stills of the tape and send to her nearest and dearest.’

  ‘Calum would throw up!’

  ‘What about Lottie and Jess?’

  ‘I’d kill him,’ she said, getting angry. ‘I’ll do anything to stop my girls getting involved.’

  ‘Where are they?’

  Mabel walked back in, wanting to avoid seeing Lee and his team. She knew everyone was excited that the client was in the building.

  Tommy pulled a face and cleared his throat.

  ‘I’m going in to speak to them in five minutes,’ he said, forcing a smile. ‘Though I did hear they wanted to meet you.’


  She watched Tommy get up, after receiving a call and headed off.

  Mabel sat slumped in her chair, hoping not to see Lee.

  Then her phone rang half an hour later and she could see if was from the meeting room.

  ‘The team from ‘Love to Love’ would like to meet you,’ she heard her mother say cheerfully.

  ‘I’m busy.’

  ‘I’ll see you in five.’

  Mabel walked into the meeting room and made eye contact with Lee. He smiled at her in a knowing way which she noticed Alex had spotted when he turned to look at her.

  Alex pulled a face before smiling.

  ‘Hello,’ she said, looking into the packed room. ‘I’m Mabel.’

  ‘Hello,’ a few voices responded but all she noticed was Lee staring with a half-smile.

  ‘I wanted to meet the person who allegedly, single handily, managed to under cover some not so good co-workers,’ Lee said as Mabel looked around the room, seeing Calum frown. ‘It’s good to know you have a loyal team member looking after the business.’

  ‘It’s my job.’ Mabel wondered why they were talking about it. ‘How did you know?’

  ‘Unfortunately, I had some dealings with Ignite Productions and never knew that Keith was a part owner as well as working here. It must have been awkward,’ he replied, slowly eyeing her up and down.

  ‘I got the impression you knew Keith quite well, from what I heard.’ Mabel half smiled and noticed Lee frown.

  ‘The campaign is going well. The first set of adverts have had a positive response and now we’re going onto phase two,’ he replied, ignoring her comment.

  ‘Phase two?’

  ‘People who’ve found their one true love on ‘Love to Love’. Didn’t you use the site?’

  ‘I did,’ she replied, gulping hard and avoiding eye contact.

  ‘Meet anyone?’

  ‘No,’ she replied, smiling brightly. ‘No-one emailed me so your dating site isn’t one hundred percent successful.’ Lee narrowed his eyes as if taking something in. ‘Why do you think that is?’

  ‘I’ll look into it for you.’

  Mabel didn’t want to make eye contact with her mother and dreaded to think what was going through Alex’s head.

  It was evident Calum was none too impressed by Lee’s approach or Mabel’s response.

  ‘Tommy will look at all costs stringently, as well as making sure the production values are kept high,’ she added, smiling at all of them.

  That’s when she noticed the evil glare Alex was giving Lee.

  ‘Could I have a quick word with you when we’ve finished?’ Alex asked, still watching Lee, who was staring at Mabel.

  Even she noticed her mother’s concerned glance.

  ‘We’re going to a bar around the corner for a drink afterwards,’ added Lee, smiling at her but she knew he was mulling something over. ‘I’d love for you to join us.’

  ‘Oh, I can’t,’ she said, feigning to be upset. ‘I’ve got an appointment this afternoon. Good to meet you.’

  Mabel turned and walked out, breaking into a cold sweat.

  Fifteen minutes later, she noticed everyone was walking down to reception and Alex was loitering. Lee was looking around so Mabel sunk behind her desk.

  Then Alex walked towards the door.

  He didn’t seem happy.

  ‘If he looks at you like that again, I am going to beat him into a pulp,’ he said with a fixed smile. ‘He might as well have had sex with you in the room. That’s how unsubtle he was.’

  ‘Don’t fret. I’m not going there.’

  Then her mobile started to ring.

  ‘Mabel are you all right?’ her mother whispered. ‘I can’t believe that man!’

  ‘Mum don’t worry,’ she replied, hearing the concern. ‘It’s fine.’

  ‘It’s not fine, not at all. When he mentioned about the responses, it suddenly clicked. I’m not sure about him.’

  ‘Continue with the work and I’ll handle it.’ Her eyes met Alex’s. ‘I’m capable of clearing up this mess, okay?’

  ‘Okay darling, but no meeting him again. Do you hear?’

  ‘Loud and clear.’

  She hung up.

  ‘You can’t come in here looking upset,’ she said quietly to Alex. ‘We have to keep our distance.’

  ‘But Mabel.’

  The phone rang again and she realised her mother hadn’t finished fretting.


  Her heart stopped.

  ‘Hi, Lee.’

  Alex’s mouth dropped open.

  ‘You look gorgeous. I wanted to tell you,’ he whispered. ‘I kept imagining us in bed and me doing unspeakable things to your body.’

  ‘I’m in a meeting right now,’ she said, seeing Alex come straight up to her, putting his ear against her phone.

  ‘I have to see you. I can’t wait.’

  ‘I’m not going down there again.'

  ‘But I want to go down on you.’

  ‘Why that fuck-.’ Alex mu
mbled but Mabel put her hand over his mouth.

  ‘What was that?’ Lee asked.


  ‘You have to meet me.’

  ‘I can’t see a client. They’re watching me at work. I don’t want to get into trouble.’

  ‘Thing is Mabel, you don’t have a choice in this. I’ll let your superiors know that you slept with me for cash and everyone else that’s willing to listen.’


  Her heart thundered in her chest.

  This was the end of his nice man act.

  ‘We slept together when I was drunk and you then bribed me. You said I had to put the work with the agency or you’d tell my wife. How’s that going to look if it gets leaked?’

  ‘That’s a horrible thing to say!’

  ‘Mabel, I think I’ve been pretty patient especially because your ex-husband passed away. I want to fuck you on my terms and I want to do it soon, okay?’

  Alex heard and looked devastated.

  ‘You have no choice in the matter,’ Lee said coolly. ‘You might as well play along. And, believe me, you will.’

  ‘What if I don’t?’

  ‘Then you have a lot to lose as well as others close to you, don’t you Mabel Day?’

  ‘Is your mum there?’

  Mabel heard his voice but wasn’t sure. ‘I need to give her something.’

  ‘Mum!’ shouted out Lottie. ‘It’s Alex!’

  She had hardly seen him that week based on a few things.

  Mabel had spent time contacting some of the women Lee had harangued into seeing.

  The only way she could do it was to call into work, saying she had a flu bug. Her mother and brother instantly believed her, knowing she was never off ill.

  But Calum added that she wasn’t in the office long enough to get sick leave.

  All these women were looking for love and affection, but what they received wasn’t what they deserved.

  It was upsetting because she got an insight into who the man was and how he operated.

  There was no way she would let Lee get away with it.

  She was also forming an idea of how to get Lee back once and for all.

  Whether it would work was another thing all together.

  And then there was her being unsure of Alex’s sudden change of heart.

  He was acting and saying all the right things (other than the three little words that seemed to evade his vocabulary). Mabel pondered if he was scared once again, hence his U-turn.

  But a bunch of orange blossom had been delivered that afternoon to her home and she knew he was trying to win her over.

  Getting up, she walked to the door and saw him carrying a bag.

  Her heart did a major flip on seeing him smile.

  ‘Hello?’ she said, feeling a little confused. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I bought ice cream and realised I haven’t got space. Would you like it?’

  ‘Really?’ she eyed him suspiciously, knowing his spanking new fridge-freezer could accommodate food for a family of ten.

  ‘It’s just a thought.’

  She knew he wanted to come in.

  ‘Right now, I’m in need of a large bowl,’ she said, watching her child smirk at Alex. ‘Would you like some, Lottie?’

  ‘Okay,’ she said and turned to her mother. ‘Shall I ask Jess?’

  ‘She can sniff this out a mile.’

  And as if by magic, her child came down the stairs.

  ‘Hello Alex!’ Jess said, jumping over the bottom bannister and landing perfectly. ‘What are you doing here? It’s not a roast chicken day; it’s a Friday! Did you know we were going to be home?’ She raised her eyebrows up and down. ‘Or were you wanting to corner my mum alone?’

  ‘He bought ice cream,’ Mabel said, taking the bag and shaking her head at Jess. ‘Come in.’

  Alex smiled, following Mabel into the kitchen.

  ‘I thought we were going slowly?’ she whispered, taking out some bowls. ‘Is this your technique? Ply my girls with this stuff to work your way back into their affections? I never said anything bad about you.’

  ‘I’ve not seen you all week and I missed you,’ he said, gazing lovingly into her eyes.

  ‘It’s a Friday night; you should be out and about.’

  ‘What’s the point when you’re not there?’

  ‘You’re on the charm offensive, aren’t you?’

  Lottie came walking in with a smirk, looking at them then turned away.

  ‘What was that?’ Mabel asked, confused by the reaction.

  ‘I don’t know,’ he shrugged and stepped closer. ‘Can’t I even kiss you?’

  ‘It’s giving a bad message that we break up and make up, isn’t it? When I tell them not to take back a boy who has badly treated them, they’ll use this against me.’

  ‘Don’t say it anymore,’ he replied, squirming. Alex jumped up and sat on the work top. ‘What’ve you been doing?’

  ‘Avoiding all calls from Lee. I eventually texted him to say that I would meet just to shut him up.’

  ‘What?’ he said, the smile wiped off his face. ‘You can’t!’

  ‘I might need your help,’ she said, letting out a little moan. ‘But I can’t tell you what I’m doing.’

  ‘You shouldn’t meet him alone.’ Alex grabbed her by the shoulders. ‘I don’t want you to do anything else you’ll regret.’

  ‘What’s mum going to regret now?’ asked Jess, strolling in, with the same expression as her sister. ‘Her ability to forgive and forget?’

  ‘Why’d you say that?’ Mabel asked, frowning at the girl. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Oh, dear!’ Jess grabbed a spoon and stood there with it in her hand. ‘Can we have ice-cream?’

  ‘I’ll get it,’ Alex said, grinning at Jess. ‘Let’s eat in the garden. It’s a lovely evening.’

  Mabel walked out, followed by Jess and noticed Lottie was doing something on her phone before putting it behind her back.

  ‘What’s going on?’ she asked the pair, who looked blankly at her. ‘Are you upset that Alex is here?’

  ‘Are you?’ asked Jess, opening the doors and stepping into the garden.

  ‘No,’ shrugged Mabel, following her.

  Alex was holding the bowls and spoons as Lottie carried out the ice cream.

  She was smiling at Alex.

  They sat down and Mabel watched her children interact with him.

  Something was going on.

  He dished out the ice cream and the kids smiled at him then at her.

  ‘Okay, tell me,’ Mabel asked after her first spoonful. ‘Why isn’t Jess grilling Alex? And why is Lottie smiling?’ And how come,’ she said, looking up at him. ‘You’re not as uncomfortable as you were before?’

  ‘Oldies, they never chill, do they?’ mumbled Jess.

  ‘I’ll oldie you!’ hissed Mabel. ‘And at this rate you’re not getting to fourteen.’

  ‘I’ll tell you, mum,’ Lottie said, letting out a sigh. ‘Rose emailed us to say her dad was sad about not being with you. And she said we were to try and talk you into going back out with him.’

  ‘She did?’ he said, looking surprised. ‘She never said.’

  ‘And Alex emailed Lottie to say that he was sorry about upsetting her and me,’ Jess happily added. ‘He told us he liked you a lot. I asked if he was sure and he said he wanted you to give him another chance. I told him you were pretty unforgiving and-.’

  ‘I don’t want to hear the rest,’ frowned Mabel, looking at all three of them.

  ‘Alex said you might feel awkward and were concerned how we’d feel,’ Lottie said softly. ‘With everything that has happened in the past few months.’

  ‘We broke up because I wasn’t thinking straight,’ he added, looking earnestly at Mabel. ‘And I know your mum is sceptical about me now.’

  ‘You upset her! What she supposed to think?’ sighed Jess, shaking her head. ‘Oldies, oldies, oldies. When do you ever learn?�

  ‘Rose could always move in here and you could stay at your flat. Can we come and see it one day?’ asked Lottie, smiling at Alex. ‘I hear you can see our house from the balcony.’

  ‘Lottie!’ Mabel said, gasping at her daughter. ‘Let’s not talk about things like that.’ She instantly recalled what Alex had told her a few weeks back and didn’t want to bring it up again. ‘We’ll take each day as it comes and see what happens.’

  ‘Are you going back out with him then?’ asked Jess, putting a massive spoon of ice-cream in her mouth.

  ‘Girls,’ she replied, letting out a sigh. ‘I have so many things going on now; I need to sort them out first.’ Then she turned to look at Alex. ‘And we will date, once again, and see what happens.’

  ‘Is Alex going to sleep over?’ Lottie asked, looking at him then at Mabel. ‘Will he do it in the weekday?’

  ‘I think your mum has a lot on her mind so all I wanted to know if you two were okay about me seeing her again?’

  ‘Are you going to dump her in few weeks?’ asked Jess, waving her spoon around. ‘I don’t mind if you do. I like your gesture of buying ice-cream.’

  ‘I hope you don’t,’ Lottie said, looking solemnly at her mother. ‘We’ve been through enough heartbreak, and mum has gone through the most.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Mabel said, reaching out and stroking Lottie’s long hair. ‘But I’ll be fine, whatever happens.’

  ‘So, who’s that man that’s been hanging around outside?’ asked Jess, looking at Mabel. ‘Another admirer?’

  ‘What man?’ asked Alex, looking at Mabel with confusion.

  ‘Mum’s two timing you already!’ laughed Jess as Mabel glanced at Alex.

  ‘Someone’s hanging around, outside you home?’ he asked, frowning.

  Mabel felt a little panic building, thinking her beautiful teenage daughters were being stalked by a paedophile.

  ‘The one with the expensive car,’ replied Lottie.

  ‘What car?’ Mabel snapped. ‘A man in a car has been talking to you both? Why didn’t you tell me? You can’t go speaking to-.’

  A hand was put over her mouth as Alex leant forward.

  ‘You have two beautiful and intelligent girls here,’ he said calmly.

  Frowning, she removed his hand.

  ‘Jess and Lottie, did you feel threatened?’ she asked, trying to compose her breathing. ‘I am going to call the police and-.’


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