Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2)

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Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2) Page 17

by H. M. McQueen

  Watching her pushed Cyn over the edge and he joined her.

  Thunder rumbled outside as they lay quietly listening to the rainfall.

  Her hands cupped his face and she kissed the tip of his nose. “I hope this means you have forgiven me. I know it’s too much to ask that you trust me again and it’s okay that you don’t, Cyn. This whole thing is going to end soon.” She pressed her lips against his before continuing. “When it does I want you to know that I won’t make it hard for you. I’m going to ask the bank for a transfer and leave Atlanta with or without Briana.”

  Not sure of what he felt at her statement, he remained quiet.

  The shrill of his cell phone made them jump apart. Cyn got out of bed to retrieve it from his pants on the floor and answered it.

  “Blue’s been taken by Argos,” Roderick’s voice shook with rage. “The fucking demon grabbed him when the boys stopped for coffee on their way to school.”

  Cyn grabbed his jeans and jammed them on, by the time he ended the call he was fully dressed. “I have to go,” he told Emma.

  Emma must have ascertained something was wrong and had already thrown the t-shirt back on as well as a pair of jeans. She pushed her feet into her shoes and scrambled behind him out of the bedroom.

  “What happened?” she asked. “Please tell me.”

  “It’s Blue. Argos, his birth father, grabbed him on his way to school. I have to go.” He stormed through the house searching for his sword and jacket.

  Emma ran after him shrugging on her jacket. “I’m coming with you.”

  Cyn didn’t have the strength to argue.

  All he could think of was not losing his son. A mixture of fury and sheer terror battled inside him. He didn’t even bother with the security system as they ran into the garage and got in the truck.

  THE RAIN DIMINISHED into a light drizzle by the time they screeched to a stop in front of the coffee shop. Rachel and Roderick stood outside waiting for them. Cyn jumped out of the truck. He noticed Brock sitting in the car looking toward them through the window, his eyes wide with worry.

  Roderick relayed everything that Brock told them.

  The trail was still fresh. Cyn focused on the direction Argos had taken his son. He could still smell the demon.

  He turned back toward Roderick his eyes ablaze. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch. Let’s go. We need to follow the trail before it gets cold.”

  He started to move toward the car when he heard Kieran’s voice over his earpiece.

  “I’ve got them. Hurry I can’t go in by myself.”

  “Kieran left to follow the trail, while I waited for you.” Roderick explained, his face pinched with anguish. As a father himself, Cyn knew he understood his myriad of emotions.

  “Let’s go,” Cyn replied.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  THE MEN RAN to Cyn’s truck. Emma started to follow, but Rachel stopped her.

  “It’s best we let them go alone.”

  Emma watched helplessly as the truck sped away and turned a corner. “I can’t just sit back and wait, Rachel.”

  No sooner had the Protectors drove away than Fallon’s Jaguar drove up, a black sedan right behind him. Emma tugged her arm out of Rachel’s hand and raced to Fallon’s car.

  She gave Rachel an apologetic look as she got in and told Fallon where the others headed.

  “Call me with any news,” Rachel called to them and walked toward her car.

  Fallon waited and watched Rachel get in her car.

  Noticing that the sedan followed Rachel as she drove off, Emma gave Fallon a questioning look.

  “They are guards,” Fallon told her.

  They rode in strained silence while Fallon weaved around cars. This time his speed did not bother Emma in the least, she was as anxious as him to find Blue and help Cyn.

  They continued south, leaving the city behind them. Tall buildings gave way to houses and then the houses grew farther and farther apart. Fallon turned off the road onto a field, barely slowing. The Jaguar bumped and tilted violently over the rough terrain. Emma gripped the door handle with both hands and held on.

  Finally Fallon brought the car to a stop behind a crop of pecan trees and turned off the engine. They waited for a few minutes. Fallon sat motionless, his eyes straight ahead. Emma glanced at him and wished she could hear what was coming through his earpiece.

  “Stay near me and don’t make a sound,” Fallon told her when he opened his door and got out of the car.

  Emma climbed out and scampered to catch up to him. It surprised her how fast the man could move without making a sound. A snap echoed into the air as she stepped on a thin branch. Fallon glared at her. Another mishap would not be tolerated. She almost yelped when he yanked her down to crouch behind a tree. They waited for a few seconds and listened to ensure no one heard them.

  He leaned into her ear and whispered, “Now, please step where I step.”

  As they continued ahead, Emma couldn’t help but notice Fallon’s nice butt, strong muscular back, and broad shoulders.

  Julian sure knew how to pick them.

  Fallon kneeled down behind a thick tree and she knelt beside him. She peered through bushes and saw a small nondescript ranch-style home. With weeds overrunning the front lawn and knee-high grass, it looked abandoned. An old yellow dog barked half-heartedly.

  After a moment, voices became audible and Fallon shoved her lower to the ground, both of their eyes trained on the ranch house.

  Cyn, Roderick, and Kieran stepped into view. All three Protectors walked backwards. They held their swords in front of them, ready to battle. A group of dark Fae walked toward them. They were followed by an older higher-level Fae with a twisted scowl—Argos.

  Argos pushed Blue ahead of him. Emma’s heart broke seeing Blue limp and stumble as he struggled to walk.

  A demon lariat bound him.

  Her heart leaped to her throat. Demon lariats were incredibly painful. They constricted the body with each movement like an anaconda and stung like the devil.

  A SCORCHING TORRENT of fury coursed through Cyn at seeing his son in so much pain.

  Argos stopped walking and signaled for the demons to move closer around him and Blue.

  Cyn’s eyes locked on his son’s. He tried to convey a message to him to remain calm. The lariat would tighten if he became too scared or agitated. Blue responded and stood straighter, his face firm. The boy tried hard to be brave. However his wide and shiny eyes told a different story.

  “How much Argos? I will pay you whatever amount you want, just let my son go,” Cyn shouted at the demon. Argos’ accomplices stiffened, their worried glances shifted to Argos.

  “Your son?” Argos laughed. “Ah, I see you have developed feelings for my spawn. Of course, you must understand that I won’t release the brat until you pay me.”

  Argos looked at each Protector through narrowed eyes before he continued. “If you or any of your friends make a move against me or my associates, I will invoke the lariat’s power and the boy will die.” Proud of his plan, Argos gave him a triumphant look. “I know you are a very wealthy man,” Argos continued. “I want ten million dollars cash. You have twenty-four hours.” Argos turned to Blue, a cruel smile curved his lips. “Who would have thought you’d be worth so much?”

  Roderick spoke under his breath to Cyn. “We have no choice. Only Argos can uncoil the lariat. Damn it. If a demon other than Argos even tries to free Blue, it will kill them. It’s highly doubtful that we’ll find a willing volunteer.”

  Cyn’s gut clenched.

  Argos tugged the stumbling Blue back toward the house. “The clock is ticking,” he yelled over his shoulder.

  “Wait! How do I know you will keep your word and not hurt him?” Cyn called out in an attempt to delay him.

  Argos stopped and shrugged. “I wouldn’t risk losing that amount of money.”

  Cyn didn’t trust the demon and refused to leave Blue alone. “A Protector must remain here. If you harm
my son, you will not get a dime.” Cyn’s hands shook with rage and worry.

  “No.” Argos dropped his hold on Blue and took a step toward Cyn. “You don’t get to make any demands, Protector. You play by my rules. I have the upper hand.”

  The fluttering of wings filled the air when a flock of birds burst from nearby trees and drew everyone’s attention. The next thing Cyn knew, Blue streaked past him toward Roderick and Kieran with several demons right on his tail.

  Three Protectors stopped them.

  Fallon had arrived.

  His face transformed with fury, Argos’ hand flew to his sword and he snarled through elongated fangs.

  Good, they were in the same mood now.

  Without giving Argos a chance to utter a word, Cyn beheaded him.

  Argos’ body flopped to the ground and then everything began to move in slow motion around him.

  Blue ran back toward the house, followed by Roderick.

  Someone lay on the ground.

  Dead or unconscious, he couldn’t tell.

  Emma? It was Emma—she lay in the same spot Blue had stood just moments earlier.

  Jesus, Emma had sacrificed herself to save Blue.

  Cyn whirled around toward Fallon. Rage took over as he stalked toward him. “You fucking bastard. You brought her here to die, didn’t you?”

  Cyn’s fist connected with Fallon’s jaw, sending the man flying backwards. Fallon didn’t try to defend himself as Cyn fell on him and swung again. Kieran grabbed his arm and stopped him.

  His brother struggled to control him, while he spoke to him, “There was no other way to save Blue, Cyn. We all know Argos would have killed him, no matter what we did.”

  Cyn yanked his arm away from his brother’s grasp.

  “Did you force her to do this?” he screamed at Fallon. His body shook with barely restrained fury. “Did you fucking force her?” he yelled again.

  Fallon’s anxious eyes met his. “No, I wouldn’t ask her to do that. She got away from me and ran out to the boy before I could stop her. She said she had to do it.”

  Kieran nudged Cyn and motioned to where Emma lay. Cyn got to his feet.

  Blue knelt next to Emma and held her hand as Roderick felt for a pulse. At the image of Emma so still, the ground swayed under him. Kieran’s strong grip on his shoulder steadied him.

  “She has a pulse, it’s weak but she’s alive,” Roderick called to them with a sigh of relief. “Being half human is the only explanation to how she survived what equates to a lethal electrocution.” Roderick picked up her limp body and ran to his car. “But she’s still in danger. We need to get her to a hospital fast.”

  Cyn went to move toward him, but Kieran stopped him. “Let him take her. There’s nothing you can do. Besides, Blue needs you right now.”

  Cyn noticed that Blue still knelt where Emma had lain with his head bowed.

  Emma’s pale face disappeared from view as Roderick placed her in the back seat of his truck before taking off.

  Cyn went to his son hoping Blue didn’t feel responsible for what happened. He lifted the boy by the shoulders and hugged him. “Are you all right son?”

  Blue leaned into Cyn. “I’m sorry Dad—I should have been able to defend myself against Argos and those demons.” Blue shoved his face into his shoulder, muffling his voice, “and now Emma is going to die, because of me.”

  Cyn stopped him. “No Blue, they were too strong for you. Even a weaponless, full-grown Protector would have a hard time defending himself against all of them. And Emma will be fine, you’ll see.”

  Grateful, he held on to his son while he tried to convince himself as much as the boy, that Emma would live.

  To see her unconscious on the ground had shredded him to pieces.

  In that moment, he realized he loved Emma. He loved her with all his being and if she didn’t survive, a part of him would die with her.

  Torn between the urge to follow Roderick to the hospital and not wanting to expose Blue to any more trauma, Cyn remained in place with his son in his arms.

  Blue’s shaky voice interrupted his worried thoughts. He asked him to repeat what he had just said.

  “When Emma untied me, she told me to tell you that she loved you,” Blue blushed, repeating Emma’s words to Cyn.

  “And she said she loved me too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  IT HURT EVERYWHERE. Every part of Emma’s body ached.

  Every joint throbbed.

  Just turning to her side elicited a pained moan.

  So thirsty.

  She licked her parched lips and tried to swallow, but her throat felt like she’d eaten sandpaper.

  Her eyelids weighed a ton and she had to force them open. The blurriness began to subside and she made out a man’s figure in a chair next to the bed.


  She blinked away the haziness and recognized Kieran.

  “Hello Emma.”

  She hid her disappointment and tried to speak, but her words did not get past her parched throat.

  Kieran poured some water from a small hospital pitcher into a cup for her. She drank all of it and held the cup out for more. After she downed the second cup, she lay back on her pillows. “Thank you,” she croaked.

  “How are you feeling?” Kieran asked.

  “I’m good, I guess. I’m alive so I shouldn’t complain.” Still thirsty, she held out the cup again. “How long have I been out of it?”

  “This is day three,” he told her as he refilled the cup. The Protector leaned back in the chair. It was too small for his large frame, but he still managed to look relaxed.

  Three days.

  “How is Blue?”

  One corner of his lips barely curved upward, Emma wondered if the man ever smiled. “He’s well.”

  “Am I to stay with you when I leave here?” Emma asked even though she really wanted to ask if she would go back to Cyn’s.

  “We believe Gerard is gone and it seems your sister left with him.” Emma closed her eyes; she didn’t want to cry in front of him. She waited for him to continue. “It should be safe for you here now. You can return to your own home. We’ll continue to keep an eye on you, just to make sure.”

  Emma nodded as sadness flooded through her. There was no reason to see Cyn again. She noticed her overnight bag on a chair, in the room. “I plan to move soon anyway, but thank you. The knowledge that you guys are out there will help.”

  Kieran reached over and picked up her hand. He surprised her with the gentleness of his action. “I want to personally thank you for saving Blue’s life.” She was touched by the sincerity of his words.

  “It’s the least I could do after everything I’ve done. Because of me, Blue almost lost his father.” Emma swallowed past the boulder in her throat. “Is Blue really all right?”

  “Yes, he’s fine. He’s barely let Cyn out of his sight the last couple of days.”

  “Good, I’m glad. I’m sorry Kieran, I shouldn’t have betrayed your brother.” Her throat constricted. “Please forgive me for putting your only family in jeopardy. Well, besides Blue. They’re it for you as Briana is…was for me.”

  “I accept your apology. When a family member is threatened, it’s understandable to go to great lengths to save them.”

  Grateful for his forgiveness, Emma remained silent, not sure what else to say. She wanted to ask him why Cyn wasn’t there. It hurt that he had not come to see her, but she understood that his priority was to take care of Blue and ensure his son was all right.

  Kieran stood up. “I better go. You have a visitor.”

  Wendy stood by the door with a small vase of flowers in her hand. Her eyes were wide and her mouth formed an ‘O’ while she stared at Kieran. She seemed to gain some self-control, but as she walked into the room, she ran right into the bed table. It slammed against Emma’s bed with a loud clang.

  “Ouch,” she cried, bending down to rub her knee, which caused her to spill the flowers and water onto the floor.
br />   Emma saw a slight flicker of recognition cross Kieran’s face, but he didn’t say a word. He got up and helped Wendy pick up the flowers. Upon noticing Kieran’s proximity, Wendy jerked up and they bumped heads.

  Emma bit her lip to keep from laughing. If anyone could take her attention away from her troubles, it was Wendy.

  “Ow, damn it. Just go sit down. I got this,” Wendy mumbled as she waved Kieran back to his chair. To Emma’s amazement, the Protector did as Wendy told him. Seeming to forget he was about to leave.

  Kieran was the Protector who’d saved Wendy a couple of years earlier. Alarmed, Emma knew she had to figure out a way to salvage the situation before Kieran found out Wendy could remember him.

  “I’m glad you’re awake to see these,” Wendy said when she walked out of the small bathroom after refilling the vase.

  She was about to say something else when Emma interrupted her. “Wendy this is Kieran, he’s a friend.”

  An awkward silence followed, Kieran spoke first. “Nice to meet you, Wendy.” He held his hand out and Wendy’s small hand reached out to shake it.

  “We’ve met before,” she told him. She eyed him warily before she walked around him and climbed into the bed with Emma. She reached across the bed and put the vase on the side table.

  Kieran’s eyes were glued to Wendy’s exposed legs.

  Ignoring him, Wendy gave Emma a wide-eyed stare. “I’m so glad you’re finally awake Emma. I was so worried.” Wendy noticed that Kieran stared at her with a frown on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” Wendy asked him. She studied his face. “Does your head hurt? Are you all right?”

  Kieran’s mouth opened, but he didn’t say anything. He appeared to be at a loss for words for a moment before he regained his composure. “What do you mean we’ve met before?”

  Emma interrupted before Wendy could say anything. If Kieran found out Wendy remembered him, he would erase her memory. “Wendy, I think you’re confused. The guy you saw me talking to that time was Cyn, Kieran’s brother. They look a lot alike.” She held her breath and waited for Wendy’s reaction.


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