Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2)

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Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2) Page 20

by H. M. McQueen

  Emma pictured Cyn’s face when she surprised him with a romantic evening. Emma fought against the impulse to peek out through the blinds again and instead resumed pacing. She glimpsed into a wall mirror and smoothed her hair. She had to admit the extra effort spent on her appearance was well worth it. She’d taken time to apply eye make-up and brush her hair up into a French twist. A knee-length, black dress and matching sling-back sandals completed her look.

  A tingle of anticipation ran through her. What would his reaction be to the new black lacy panties and bra she wore?

  She wanted at least one last night with Cyn.

  Last night, while she fretted over Julian’s visit and paced in Cyn’s bedroom, Emma had plenty of time to think. She knew that Julian would never agree to their marriage. She had no other choice but to release Cyn from his proposal. It was the right thing to do, but it still tore her to pieces. Every instinct screamed at her to fight for him. Taking a shaky breath, she picked up a glass of wine.

  The ding of the doorbell made her jump.

  Wendy walked in not waiting for her to open the door. She grabbed the wine out of Emma’s hand and gulped it down. “I hate to bother you, but you were so distracted on the phone today…oh!” She stopped when she saw the table set for dinner. “Oh shit did I interrupt? Is he here?” Wendy peered toward the bedroom.

  “Not yet, he’s coming over. He called earlier,” Emma replied. She grabbed her friend’s hand. “Wendy, he asked me to marry him.”

  “Eeeeek!” Wendy jumped up and down clapping. “Wait, was this before or after you told him you are preggers?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not pregnant.” Emma snatched the wine glass back. It was empty.

  “You shouldn’t drink in your condition.” Wendy cautioned her and grabbed the glass back. “How can you not know you’re pregnant?”

  With surprising strength for her petite size, Wendy grabbed Emma by the shoulders and pushed her into a dining room chair. She pointed her finger into Emma’s face. “You haven’t had a period since the last time you and Mr. Tall, Blonde and Yummy did the mattress mambo. You eat everything in sight.” She motioned to Emma’s hand, already holding a piece of bread. Emma threw it back into the bowl as if it was poisonous. “And you’ve been dizzy and have an upset stomach in the mornings. Duh.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Emma sat transfixed and stared wide-eyed at Wendy, as she went over the last few days. “Oh my God Wendy, I can’t be pregnant. I mean they are…well you know.”

  “Who are what? I know what?” Wendy asked her, with a befuddled expression.

  “The Protectors are sterile,” Emma told her. She reached for the bread again and she took a healthy bite. “Well unless they have sex with their life match, perfect mate or ….some kind of mate,” she spoke through a mouth full of bread.

  Both women jumped this time when the doorbell rang. Wendy gave Emma a reassuring squeeze before she ran to open the door.

  Cyn stood at the door with an intricately carved wooden box in his hands. He seemed surprised by Wendy’s presence, but smiled politely at her.

  When he directed his attention to Emma, his face softened.

  Her knees turned to jelly. Love, this is what it felt like.

  “Well I better go, just came by to give Emma some…er, news.” Wendy headed out the door. She patted Cyn on the shoulder, having to reach up to do so. “Bye.”

  Cyn wasn’t dressed in his standard casual attire. He wore a tunic style shirt and loose linen pants. On his feet, he wore sandals. He didn’t speak right away. His expression closed and difficult to read. At his silence, Emma tensed. Was something wrong?

  He peered past her to the table and his lips curved and she relaxed.

  “I made dinner for us,” she told him when he approached. She stood on her toes to kiss his jaw. “Is everything okay?”

  Cyn placed the strange box on her coffee table.

  Then he came back to her and took her into his arms. When his mouth covered hers, she gave into his kiss and lost herself in the feel of his strong body against hers. God, she could never tire of his kisses.

  Cyn lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Hi. I’m sorry if I’m late, I didn’t know you were cooking. Do you want to eat?”

  Emma shook her head. She’d lost her appetite after her talk with Wendy. “I’m not that hungry now, are you?”

  Cyn shook his head, “I ate before I left home. Well, I tried to eat. I made spaghetti, but it tasted like crap.” Emma enjoyed the rumble in his chest when he chuckled. “It smells very good. Maybe we can eat later.” Cyn took her hand, “Come sit down, I have some things to explain to you.”

  Once they were seated, he regarded her for a long time before he spoke. The sparkle in his eyes helped Emma feel at ease at whatever he was about to tell her.

  “Emma, you have to promise to listen to everything I tell you without interrupting me. All right?”

  “Okay.” Emma leaned back on the couch and folded her legs beneath her. She waited to hear what he was about to tell her and tried to untie the knots in her stomach.

  Cyn took both of her hands in his and frowned for a minute. “Julian won’t allow me to leave the Protectors. And I agree with him.”

  Emma felt her heart tear in two. She’d expected this, but the pain still ripped through her upon hearing his choice. It was a good thing she’d promised to listen and not interrupt. If she had to speak right now, there was no way she could get the words past the lump in her throat.

  “But he has also agreed to our marriage.” Her eyes widened but she bit her lip to keep quiet. “In order for our marriage to be valid, you must agree to marry me in an ancient ritual that I will explain to you and we must complete it exactly as directed.”

  “Ritual?” Emma stammered. “Do I have to kill something?”

  Cyn chuckled and shook his head before giving her a stern look. “It’s the only way for you to be with me forever. Now, quiet love, just listen.”

  HER PALE PINK bedroom was suddenly too frilly. Emma grabbed two fuzzy throw pillows tossed them in her closet. She walked back to the bed, sat on the edge. In her mind she went over everything Cyn explained to her. She’d already agreed to marry him, but he insisted she take at least thirty minutes alone to think about it.

  She smiled, at the worried look on his handsome face when she agreed and went to her room. It was almost an hour later and she hadn’t changed her mind, but now that she knew what was ahead for them, she was nervous.


  But, very nervous.

  CYN GLANCED AT the clock on Emma’s mantel once again and then back to her closed bedroom door.

  She said yes. What had possessed him to tell her to take some time to think it over? What would he do if she changed her mind?

  Once again, he went over what had to be done to complete the ritual and ensured it was set up exactly as instructed.

  Finally, her door opened.

  His heart stopped when she walked out to him. Except for a thin red sheer veil across her shoulders that hung to her ankles, she was completely naked. Her anxious eyes traveled around the room but when they met his, her features relaxed into a smile.

  He moved to the couch to undress. Once nude, he took her hands and guided her to the purple velvet cloth spread on the floor.

  EMMA LOOKED AROUND her, four crimson candles flickered, one set on each corner of a rectangular purple cloth spread on the floor. On the coffee table, a small oil lamp burned and a slender golden vase sat next to it.

  On the floor next to the thick cloth lay a glass vial. She knelt as he had instructed her earlier and Cyn knelt before her. His smile was reassuring, but what really calmed her nerves was the deep love reflected in his beautiful eyes.

  Without breaking eye contact, he picked up the vial and uncorked it. He poured the fragrant oil onto his fingers and traced it down her chest while he recited the ancient vows.

  “Your heart is mine. My heart is yours.” He moistened
his fingers again and ran them across her chest. “Your life for my life.”

  He handed the vial over to Emma. Her hand trembled as she repeated the vows and traced the same pattern over his chest.

  Then Cyn lay back on the cloth and waited for her to come over him. It was a sign of submission for him to be on the bottom. By doing so, it symbolized his willingness to die for her.

  Careful not to let her veil fall off, Emma straddled him. She peered between his legs—he was erect. She spread her thighs and positioned herself to make access for him easy. He looked at her apologetically before thrusting his hips up and pushed his thick shaft into her without preamble.

  Emma stiffened, not quite ready for the intrusion, but her body quickly accommodated his largeness and she relaxed. She lowered onto him so that she could rest on his thighs.

  He took her hands, palms touching, fingers interlocked. “Don’t let go of my hands no matter what Emma,” he told her and then turned his head and gave her access to his throat.

  At that moment Emma knew that Cyn offered the most valuable gift he could give.

  His immortality.

  While she bit into his throat and drank of his blood, he would be mortal. During the time it took her to recite the vows, he would suffer immensely.

  “I love you.” She reassured him as the unfamiliar feel of her fangs lowering from her incisors told her it was time. Aiming for the main artery, she bit into his neck.

  Cyn’s jaw clenched and she could tell that he fought to squelch any expression of pain. His body temperature spiked and he instinctively struggled under her, almost bucking Emma off. She strengthened her hold on his hips with her legs. At the same time, his hands flinched around hers. His right hand began to shake, but he didn’t seem to notice it, as his entire body convulsed in agony.

  After she took from him as much as she could, Emma retracted her fangs from his neck and licked the wound to close it. She cleared her throat and recited her vows. “Where you are Gaius, I am Gaia – Wherever you are Cyn, I Emma will be. I will love you and honor you husband.”

  Emma resisted every urge to release Cyn’s hands and comfort him. Although still too pale, he finally stopped trembling. Once he completed his portion, all his strength would return to him.

  She leaned forward and offered him her throat. He nuzzled her neck weakly not seeming to have the energy to bite her. “Go on sweetheart, take from me.” Emma urged.

  After a moment, he opened his mouth, the snap of his incisors dropping echoed in her ear. A mixture of pain and ecstasy shocked her when his fangs tore into her delicate flesh. It took all her strength not to push her hips forward and take him in deeper when a powerful climax hit her. She wanted to scream as a burning sensation seared her left hand, but managed to keep it to only a hiss, as the pain was gone as quickly as it hit.

  Cyn’s hold on her tightened and he continued to drink her blood and she didn’t move, so he could to take what he needed to regain his strength.

  Finally, he retracted his incisors from her neck and began his vows, his voice strong. “Where you are Gaia, I am Gaius. Wherever you are Emma, I Cyn will be. I will love you and protect you wife.”

  His fingers wrapped around her waist and Cyn helped her lift off of him.

  They stood, both careful not to step outside the cloth. When Cyn swayed Emma reached out to steady him. He pushed her hands away gently.

  Cyn picked up the oil lamp and the vase and held them to her. “With these elements of water and fire, I vow that I enter this union willingly.”

  Emma’s hands shook as she took them from him. “I accept these elements and vow that I enter this union willingly.”

  She placed both items down on the table, and then turned to face Cyn who looked at her with a combination of disbelief and awe.

  “It’s done wife. ‘Wife’ the one gift I never dared to even fathom to receive.” He took her in his arms. Emma wrapped hers around him in a fierce hug, allowing tears of happiness to fall freely.

  She sniffed loudly. “I love you. Are you all right?”

  His warm eyes met hers. “I love you too. I feel great.”

  Finally they stepped apart and Cyn carried her off the cloth and set her on the couch. She slid the veil away and picked up a towel he’d thoughtfully left on the couch and wrapped it under her arms to cover her nudity.

  Cyn wrapped another towel around his waist before he blew out the candles and oil lamp. He folded the cloth and placed everything back into the box.

  With that completed, he sat next to Emma. “Look at your left palm.”

  A circular symbol with an intricate design was imprinted on her palm. It resembled a henna tattoo she’d gotten once. Cyn raised his right hand to show her a mirror image of the symbol on his palm.

  “So that’s what the burning was,” Emma said in a hushed voice. “That was extreme Cyn. Are you sure you feel okay?”

  He nodded. “I’m all right. I didn’t know what to expect. Julian said it would hurt, but he didn’t tell me how much. It’s different for each Protector.” He leaned over and kissed her. “I can’t be unfaithful to you now.”

  Emma gave him what she hoped was a seductive look. “I don’t plan on you having the energy to even look at another woman.”

  “How about a toast?” Cyn got up and poured two glasses of wine.

  Emma reached for her glass. Without a word, their eyes locked and they clinked their glasses together.

  She took a sip and coughed. The wine reminded her of the earlier conversation with Wendy. A gasp left her lips. Could I be? She put the glass on the coffee table with a bang.

  Cyn gave her a questioning look.

  “I have something to tell you,” she blurted, her heart thumping in her chest. At a loss for words, she took his hand and placed it over her stomach.

  “I think, but I’m not sure. I’m kinda late…”

  His eyes widened when he understood what she tried to tell him.

  THE NEXT HOUR was a flurry of activity, Cyn insisted they get dressed immediately and drive to the nearest drugstore for a pregnancy test. Emma blushed with embarrassment when she placed the pregnancy test on the counter and Cyn placed another one next to it.

  He shrugged at her. “Just to make sure.” He gave the cashier a broad smile and the woman behind the counter nearly swooned at the sight of it.

  Emma smiled and elbowed him. “Turn down the vibe Fraser, you’re a married man now.”

  Half an hour later, Cyn knocked again on the bathroom door and asked to come in. But Emma made him wait; she didn’t want him watching her pee on a stick. After using both tests, she walked out and handed the sticks to him. He studied them each and compared them to the instructions to be sure.

  “Yes!” Cyn’s face split into a wide grin.

  Tears sprung to her eyes when he picked her up and swung her around.

  “I’m going to be a father. Blue is going to be so excited!”

  He picked up his cell phone but Emma stopped him. “Maybe we should tell him in person. Do you want to drive over there now?”

  Emma watched him ponder her question, his handsome face serious.

  Her husband. How much she loved him at this moment.

  Cyn shook his head, a crooked smile spread across his face. “I think we can tell him tomorrow. I want to celebrate alone tonight.”

  His lips covered hers with a softness that melted her entire being. She had to hold on to him to keep her knees from buckling as the kiss became ardent.

  “I want you Emma, I need you.” His voice was hoarse with desire.

  His hungry mouth took hers and Emma lost the ability to think as fireworks exploded in her head.

  Her heart hammered against her chest, yet she managed to step away from him and unzip her dress. The payoff was worth it, Cyn’s heated gaze followed her every move as she slid it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

  Her purchase proved a wise investment judging from the hungry way Cyn’s eyes devoured her a
s she stood before him in the lacy lingerie and heels.

  “Don’t move,” he instructed. Cyn undressed, the entire time his attention never wavered from her. Emma could not tear her eyes from him as he revealed every inch of his stunning physique.

  And he was all hers.

  So this was what total happiness feels like?

  Desire rammed into her when Cyn held his hand out to her. “I want to make this a night you’ll always remember.”

  Emma took his hand and he brought her to him. He cradled her head and turned her face up to him. “I love you.”

  A soft moan escaped past her lips when he feathered soft kisses over her face. She ran her fingers over his strong arms and around his neck. When Cyn picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, she felt as if she was floating.

  He placed her on the bed and lay next to her on his side. Emma remained on her back without moving allowing him to explore her body. His fingers caressed her breasts, she panted when he circled first one nipple and then the other. When his touch roamed from her breasts to her stomach, he leaned over and kissed the flat surface. Butterflies danced in her stomach. She couldn’t help but close her eyes when his hand moved between her legs. Her thighs parted to allow him more access. She went to touch him, but he pushed her hand away. “Let me love you.”

  “You are so beautiful,” Cyn told her, his amazing eyes meeting hers. “Come for me.”

  Her eyes rolled back and she moaned when his fingers began to strum at her core. The friction of the lace fabric magnified each stroke of his fingers. Emma clutched the blanket and cried out.

  WATCHING EMMA’S REACTION to his touch nearly did him in. She shuddered in release, her beautiful face thrown back. Cyn had always hoped to have a partner that allowed him free rein of her body. He wanted someone who understood his need to watch her reaction to his touch. Emma’s boldness fit him perfectly.

  Pure heat hit when she pushed him on to his back. “My turn.”


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