Midnight Guardian

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Midnight Guardian Page 19

by Tamara White

  She looks completely enamored with my words, her gaze fixed solely on me as I speak. Tristan however looks bored as usual when he’s in one of our classes. He lays back on the floor with a sigh, but Isobel is so absorbed in what I have to say that she barely pays him any notice. It has my bear puffing its chest in pride at garnering her attention.

  “So a black bear and brown bear wouldn’t be considered two different species? Like you could be friends, live together, and mate as such? It wouldn’t matter to the Alpha bear?”

  “Well, no, because as I explained, we’re all part of the same species, just subcategorized. It may be different if a bear was to bring home an opossum mate or another prey animal, but I think so long as the mate was also a predator then the Alpha wouldn’t mind. In the case of a prey animal being added to the Sleuth, it would be difficult because everyone in the group would have to fight natural instincts daily.”

  She ponders over my words as if there was some hidden meaning in them, but I was being absolutely truthful. I got to see it firsthand growing up with my aunt. My aunt, a black bear, and her mate, a deer, lived with us for years, because my aunt was scared for her mate. But the instincts of bears were eventually too strong to ignore and they were chased out of our Sleuth. My mom and dad helped them find a home together away from any predator shifters and in a prey territory. It gave them a sense of safety and my cousins were able to grow up without issues. Only one of my three cousins was born a bear, and my aunt and uncle made the decision to keep them separated out of fear.

  Tristan sits up, a strange look in his eyes as he studies me. He glances between myself and Isobel, his eyes going wide like he’s figured out the connection I have with her. Which wouldn’t surprise me. That boy may be mentally challenged at the best of times, but there are moments where I could swear he’s smarter than all of us combined.

  Sensing Tristan is going to question me while she’s in the room, I quickly speak and cut off any chance for him to say something.

  “Are you ready to see me shift?”

  Isobel’s eyes flare wide, excitement radiating from her in waves as she bounces where she sits.

  “Yes, please, I would love to see your bear!”

  Her enthusiasm is so contagious that it draws a chuckle from my lips. Rather than delay, or risk Tristan saying anything, I simply start to strip my clothes off. Being a shifter, I’m very comfortable in my human and animal form, and even if Isobel isn’t quite comfortable, it’s probably best she gets used to shifters stripping and shifting before her. It will be something she’ll always be exposed to as our Supreme Alpha. At least that’s what I tell myself, but part of me is very excited to let my soon to be mate see every inch of my naked form. To show her what will one day be hers and hers alone.

  My bear is eager to show our mate our impressive body, so the shift is nowhere near as long as it would normally be. One thing you’re not told until after your first shift is that with age comes practice. There are people who can shift in an instant and with no pain whatsoever, but that usually doesn’t occur until after years of practice.

  Each bone in my body breaks as I transform into my bear. Something is different this shift though. Normally I have complete control over my bear, but it’s not me in the driver’s seat this time. I’m the passenger while my bear is in full control. That scares me. Never has he taken all control from me and with Tristan and Isobel in the room, it’s dangerous.

  “You’re beautiful,” a soft voice whispers, and my eyes snap open to stare at the girl who is watching us with such awe. She has risen and takes a step closer, just as my bear stumbles forth a step. I fight to take back control, but he just swats me away as if I’m a fly.

  Tristan is up at Isobel’s side, watching me warily. My guess is he recognizes that it’s not me in control but my bear. He grips her arm tightly, something my bear doesn’t like if the growl that rumbles from our lips is anything to go by. I try to convey that Tristan is no threat, but my bear doesn’t give two shits about what I’m saying.

  “Isobel, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be this close to him. That’s not Adrian in charge, it’s his animal. We should step back before he crushes us,” he warns her, tugging her arm. He manages to drag her back a step before she shakes his hold off and comes up to me.

  Right now I’m definitely on Tristan’s side. Bears are able to crush cars when the need arises, so a little thing like her? She could get hurt if my bear decides to lash out. The only hope I have is that he understands she’s our mate and will not harm her.

  “Tristan, it’s fine. His bear won’t hurt me,” she murmurs softly, stepping closer and reaching out with her hand to cup our furry cheek. “He knows who I am and what I am, don’t you, big bear?”

  The conspiratorial look in her eyes and the way my bear is careful with her tells me there is even more to this girl then I could have ever realized. Is it possible she’s a bear and not a vampire?

  I heard from the others about the way she fed, but then Quinn said her enrollment form says shifter, so what’s the case here? Is she vamp, or shifter? Or is it possible she’s something different altogether?

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Tristan’s worry is practically oozing off him, but I don’t see what the big deal is. Adrian looks like a harmless teddy bear. A beautiful, towering brown beast with glittering black eyes that I feel absolutely drawn to. The power within him is amazing and utterly enthralling. I don’t think I’ve felt such a draw to another shifter since the first time I saw Drake in his wolf form. Just like now, it was like I was hypnotized by the animal’s beauty.

  “Isobel, please, step away from him. Adrian isn’t in control. If his animal hurt you right now, he’d never forgive himself.”

  I roll my eyes at the concern in Tristan’s voice. Here everyone is concerned about what a monster Tristan is, yet he’s warning me from Adrian because he shifted into a bear? I don’t get what the big deal is. My hand is resting on his cheek, my thumb stroking the soft fur, and Adrian hasn’t made one wrong move.

  “Why are you so worried about Adrian or his animal hurting me? The animal would have already scented me through Adrian, and unless he deems me a massive threat, I doubt he’d attack me.”

  As I look into the bear’s eyes, I see the animal well and truly in charge, which doesn’t surprise me one bit. My animal likes to take the lead most of the time and at the end of the day, it’s not her fault she’s stuck in my body. How fair would it be if I kept her from being a part of this world when in reality, she’s not a separate conscience, but a hidden part of me. Like those humans who have multiple personalities, I think our animal is just another side of us. One that until we’re turned or changed, we bury within.

  “Yes, well, Adrian and his bear aren’t exactly on the same page. He could hurt you if you make the wrong move.”

  Adrian huffs gently and I take that as a rebuff at him ever hurting me. I don’t fully understand what the connection is, but I’m his Alpha whether Adrian or Tristan acknowledge it. Being Supreme Alpha isn’t just about being Alpha over all species as one, it’s about being the Alpha to each individual species. To know their natures and what they need in a leader. It’s why I’m applying myself a hundred percent while I’m here.

  Do I wish I had come here sooner? No, because the life lessons I had to learn before I came here have hardened me in ways I think I needed. I now know a lot more about this life, but I also know there are things out there you can never trust.

  Adrian’s bear is tired of me being stuck in my thoughts and bends over to brush his muzzle against me. I assume he meant it to be a gentle gesture but, well, bears are massive creatures so his brushing against me sends me stumbling back a step.

  “Hey! Be careful with her, you big brute!” Tristan chides, grabbing my shoulders to steady me. Tristan is vibrating behind me, either with anger or worry, I’m not certain, but it feels strange. Mere minutes ago, Tristan was the danger in the room, but now it’s

  I shake Tristan off, unable to stop staring at the magnificent bear before me. “I’m fine, Tristan. I promise.”

  The bear hangs his head in shame before sitting on the floor, making himself appear as small as possible, which still isn’t very small. Shifting was definitely the reason why they had such high ceilings in this place. When Adrian was standing on his hind legs, he had to be eight, maybe nine feet tall. I think he’s the biggest brown bear I’ve ever heard of, both in shifters and nature. I’ll totally have to look up just how big they get in nature, because if they can get that big, there is yet another thing to add to my list of things to avoid facing off with.

  Sure, my own bear is close to six feet tall, but I think if I met with a bear of Adrian’s size, they may have a little more advantage based on brute size and strength alone. It would make getting out alive hard, especially if they took me by surprise.

  “You’re really beautiful, Adrian.”

  The bear snorts, as does Tristan. I turn to ask what about my statement was so funny only for Adrian to shift back to human before me, which completely grabs my attention.

  I would like to say I was nothing more than polite and averted my eyes, but a bear, one of the largest shifters in this world, just turned back to a naked human. A very attractive, well-endowed man, I might add.

  My gaze roams over his olive skin, thinking of all the ways I could devour him. Oh yes, I think he would make for one hell of a ride. It may hurt at first, but I would definitely give it the good old college try.

  Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted by laughter.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Very much so.” The words slip out before I can stop them, and I curse my supernatural hormones for making me horny in a damn classroom. But seriously, why on earth do we shift without clothes? That would make my life a hell of a lot easier than being faced with all these damn fine specimens as they turn back to human.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Tristan remarks, breaking the stare between Adrian and me. “You clearly had no control and yet you all belittle me for lack of restraint. So what happened, big bear?

  Adrian shakes his head, looking slightly nauseated. “I don’t know. The bear was okay with me being in control, but during the shift, he took over all control. Like I was a child, unable to keep my bear back.”

  The more he speaks of control, the more annoyed I get. His animal is part of him, not some wild animal to be tamed. “You never had control. Even when you thought you had control, you were never the one in the driver’s seat. And if you don’t start to think of your animal with more respect, you will die.”

  “What?” Both Tristan and Adrian blink wide eyes at me, and I can tell they’re both taken aback by my tone and my words. Well, good. Maybe it will make them re-evaluate how they think.

  Hands on my hips, I face them with pursed lips. “Look, guys, I’ve been in this world for two years, so I don’t claim to know everything, but there’s one thing I know as absolute truth—I’m not human anymore. I’m a shifter. My animal is me. I can’t separate it from my body because it’s directly tied to my soul, therefore, on some level, it is and always will be me. Maybe a version of me with deeper and darker desires than I would ever voice out loud, but the animal is not a stranger residing in my body along for the ride. If you haven’t learned that and bonded with your animal completely, then one day it will kill you, because when you need your animal most, you won’t have the proper connection. And if you resent your animal, thus yourself, it could very much cost you your life.”

  I can tell they weren’t expecting that from me, but it frustrates me to no end that what all these supes know as truth is what the council keeps telling them. The council has too much control of the information being spread.

  The things I’ve learned were with the help of Drake and Jordan, along with my own natural instincts. If I hadn’t trusted them over the council, I could very well be one of those corrupt Alphas Quinn spoke of.

  With each second I’m here, I grow more and more determined to prepare myself with the knowledge I need to take the council down.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  After a long, exhausting day, I trudge my way back to the dorm, my steps feeling heavy with exhaustion. I pass by many people and my attention is not all it should be.

  All I want is to rest, maybe grab a few hours of shut-eye before a night out hunting.

  Tristan stayed behind with Adrian once class was over. He explained that he had to go home with his family, which kind of relieved me a little. Not because I didn’t like Tristan, but because he was a very expressive person and I didn’t want to hurt him unintentionally by refuting any of his claims, like the bold one of love he made earlier. I’m still unsure if he was simply saying it in the moment or if it was a true declaration, and that kind of scares me. My hormones are all over the place, hell, it was clear when I didn’t stop Jesse from fucking me in the bathroom earlier. Not that it wasn’t wanted. My body craved him, and while I could blame the blood we shared the night before, I know it wasn’t only that. It was myself and the animal inside me that wanted him. It would have only been a matter of time before I fucked someone. I guess it’s good that it wasn’t a stranger, but maybe not that much better. At least if it had been a stranger, then I wouldn’t be exposed to them all the time.

  But alas, my life has never been easy. Especially of late. It seems like there is some higher power out there just throwing shit my way in an effort to test me, and I would say I’m failing—hard.

  I’m lost in my own world as I make my way to the exit, ignoring the students who are passing me with excited chatter. It’s so strange seeing a variety of people of different ages here, but they all seem to be in prime condition which, I mean, is understandable, considering what Drake and Jordan told me about the change.

  With the majority of people not surviving the brutal turning, it made sense for the supes to attempt to go after those who were in tip-top condition.

  “Wait up, girlie!”

  My ears twitch at the familiar voice echoing down the hall behind me, but I don’t stop, sure that Ellen is talking to someone else and not me. I wasn’t exactly very welcoming when I kicked her out of the library so Tristan and I could search for answers.

  A hand on my arm brings me to a stop and I turn, meeting Ellen’s gray eyes. “Just because I’m a panther, doesn’t mean I’m a spring fucking chicken,” she grumbles, moving to my side. She lets go of my arm and we continue side by side out of the building.

  “What’s up, Ellen?” I greet, my eyes darting around at the way others watch us. For a moment, I think it’s me they’re watching, cursing that stupid fear response, but after a few steps, I notice it’s not me they’re staring at—it’s Ellen. Maybe her age really is a bigger deal than I realized.

  Ellen grins at me, not noticing or being bothered by the stares. “I don’t want anything in particular, just wanted to see if you’d consider giving this old woman the lay of the land. Tell me the dos and don’ts. Show me the pack structure here so I know whose ass to kick to be top bitch.” She winks, drawing a startled laugh from my lips.

  I shake my head. The very image of her kicking some scrawny shifter’s ass just to be top of the food chain, well, I would pay to see it. I saw it when we faced off in class. She may look old and weak, but there’s power under her skin, so much that I think even she doesn’t fully understand it. She must be a very awesome panther when shifted. I can’t wait to see the beast, maybe even run with her if she’s not afraid of me.

  “Um, Ellen, as much as I wish I could do all that, did you miss the part where I’m new too? I only just got here yesterday. I barely know the layout myself. I doubt I’d be much help,” I say softly, meaning every word. I wish I could help her, because she seems like an awesome person and a genuine one at that, but no point in saying I could help when I can’t.

  She chuckles, winding her arm through mine as if we’re the best of
friends. “Don’t try and bullshit me, girl. You may be new here at this place they call a damn school, but I see it in your eyes. The knowledge you’re hiding. You may not know everything, but you know a hell of a lot more than all the others turned in this place, which makes you my new best friend. So shut up and accept it, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Okay, I kinda love this woman’s spunk. The self assuredness in her attitude is something I rarely come across. Not since I was human anyway, and that was my mother. She always came across as strong, so confident that she never needed to question another. It was something I envied a lot. I thought I was the same, but I realized I wasn’t. Sure, I was confident in my decisions, but somehow my mother made it look like she was royalty by simply breathing in the presence of another. Like no one in the room mattered except her.

  I grin over at Ellen. “So if we’re best friends, does that mean we’re supposed to paint each other’s nails? Or do we braid each other’s hair? I mean, no offense, but you seem like you’re beyond doing such girly things. I don’t exactly want to sit around baking all the time, grandma,” I tease, enjoying the light banter.

  Ellen’s eyes sparkle with mirth as she responds, “Oh, my dear, if you want to braid each other’s hair then I’m down for that. But personally, I had something else in mind. I want to spar with you, to learn what you know. In our class earlier, I was relying mainly on instinct to keep myself on even ground with you. But I saw the cunning in your eyes. I want to be approved to go back home to my husband and Panthera, and I think you’re the key to that happening.”

  I sigh, feeling exhausted all over again. “Alright, fine, I’ll spar with you. Now, can I have my arm back? I’m in need of some major sleep after this excitement filled day, and as much as I like you already, we’re definitely not at the sleepover portion of this friendship.”


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