Love Beyond Boundaries (A Scottish Time Travel Romance): Book 12 (Morna's Legacy Series)

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Love Beyond Boundaries (A Scottish Time Travel Romance): Book 12 (Morna's Legacy Series) Page 12

by Bethany Claire

  “Not at all.”

  At that moment, our waitress returned with the bottle of wine and two glasses. Just as she began to pour them, my phone went off—Georgie.

  I looked at Ross guiltily.

  “I’m sorry. I thought I had it on silent. It’s my sister. Do you mind if I answer it?”

  He waved me on. “O’course not.”

  Nodding, I stood from the table and walked a few steps away to an empty corner of the restaurant before answering the phone.

  “Georgie? Is everything okay?”

  “Hey. Yeah, yeah, it’s all good.”

  She sounded drunk.

  “Have you been drinking? Do I need to pick you up somewhere?”

  She laughed, knowing she’d been caught. She was definitely drunk.

  “Just a little bit, sis. You don’t need to pick me up. I’m home, but my...” She hesitated, and I suspected she was in the same predicament I’d just been going over in my mind. She wasn’t sure how to refer to the man she’d been seeing, either. “My friend and I went to a whiskey tasting downtown. He’s fine, but it got the better of me. I really want him to stay until I get to feeling better. Do you think you could stay at Gramps’ house tonight? I already called him and he said it was fine.”

  I knew she wasn’t lying. Georgie was the lightest of lightweights. Had she told me her plans for the evening, I would’ve advised against it.

  “You hate whiskey.”

  Georgie lowered her voice, seemingly so her man-friend wouldn’t hear her. “Yes, well, it wasn’t really about the whiskey, obviously, Sue. More the company, ya know?”

  Groaning, I leaned against the wall. I no longer had any of my stuff at Gramps’ house. If I stayed over there, I would have to sleep in my clothes and go to bed without brushing my teeth.

  “I really don’t see why there’s any need for me to avoid my apartment, Georgie. You two will be in your room, won’t you? My bathroom is attached to my room. Once I get home, I’ll just lock myself in there.”

  I’d not minded staying away for a little bit on Friday, but Georgie’s behavior now had me worried this was about to become a regular occurrence. If so, it wouldn’t be long before she would have to find her own place.

  “Please, Sue.” She sounded exasperated and tired. I could tell she was putting a lot of effort into not slurring her words.

  I didn’t want to drive all the way over to my grandfather’s house, especially after my date, but I also didn’t have any desire to be the one holding her hair back while she vomited.

  “Fine. But we can’t make this a habit, okay?”

  “Of course. Love you.”

  She hung up the phone before I could say anything else.

  The pizza was being delivered to our table by the time I made it back. Ross looked at me with concern.

  “Has something happened?”

  I shook my head, and reached for a slice of pizza. “No. Nothing bad. My sister got a little carried away at a whiskey tasting she went to with the guy she’s seeing. He’s staying over at my apartment, and she asked me if I would mind staying at my grandfather’s tonight.”

  He furrowed his brow, and reached for his wine glass before he spoke hesitantly.

  “I…I doona wish ye to think me inappropriate. I know ’tis early still, but ye may stay at my apartment if ye wish it. I’ve a spare room. Ye doona need to sleep in my room if ye doona wish to.”

  Oh, I wished to. I knew that I didn’t know him nearly as well as anyone I’d ever slept with in my past, but it had been far too long since I’d enjoyed that part of my life. I liked Ross. I trusted him. And whether it was inappropriate or not, regardless of whether or not it might be too soon, I knew that I was ready and willing to find myself in his bed.

  “You sure?”

  He nodded, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Aye, lass. I’d love to have ye there.”

  “Okay.” I took a sip of my wine for courage. “I’ll stay. But I can’t see any reason why we should go messing up your guest room.”

  His brows inched up his forehead in surprise, and I thought I saw the slightest hint of a blush spread across his cheeks.

  “Me neither, lass. Shall we ask for a to-go box?”

  Chapter 20

  It had been too long since he’d buried himself in a woman. His cock throbbed inside his jeans—a result of the kiss they’d shared in the elevator. The surprise pressure of Allanah’s lips against his own and the way she’d leaned into him until his back hit the back wall of the elevator, her chest pressing into him, made him hard in an instant.

  He couldn’t get to the apartment fast enough. He fumbled with the key as he struggled to get it in the lock, groaning as the sound of Tink’s excited whining reached his ears. He would have to take the pup outside straight away.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to think of anything that would reduce his erection. He didn’t want Allanah to take notice of it yet, let alone any of the apartment residents that might see him on his way outside.

  Turning the key, he reached for the handle and opened the door for them to step inside. He extended the pizza box to Allanah and sighed in relief as the pressure inside his jeans released just a little.

  He wasn’t an animal. He could control himself until the appropriate time. Just because she was staying in his apartment—in his bed—didn’t mean she was ready to have sex with him.

  “Lass, will ye take this to the kitchen? I must take Tink outside. Make yerself comfortable.”

  Not bothering with Tink’s leash, Ross grabbed it on the way out the door as he scooped up the squirmy pup, whispering in her ear on the way to the elevator.

  “Hello, lass. Ye’d think I was gone for a week, the way yer tail is wagging. Will ye do me a favor? Pee quickly so I can get back to the apartment.”

  The pup let out a shrill bark the second the elevator opened before leaping from his arms.

  What could possibly be taking them so long?

  The thought turned itself over and over in my mind as I checked my watch. Thirty minutes. While I’d never had a dog of my own, I couldn’t imagine that it should take half an hour for the puppy to go about her business.

  In the time since Ross and Tink left, I’d gone to the bathroom to make sure that my hair wasn’t doing anything crazy, started a fire, and arranged a picnic of sorts with our barely-eaten pizza in front of the roaring flames.

  Five more minutes. I’m giving them five more minutes before I go downstairs to see what’s up.

  I made the promise under my breath, all the while staring at the hands of my watch, unease growing.

  With ten seconds remaining, I pushed myself off of the blanket I’d spread out in front of the fire and moved to grab my coat, just as the door to Ross’ apartment flew open.

  Ross held a trembling Tink tight to his chest, and both of them were soaked through.

  “What happened?”

  Dropping my own jacket, I hurried over to pick the pizza up off the blanket and yanked it off the floor before hurrying toward him with it. Reaching for Tink, I grabbed her, wrapping her up in the blanket and holding her tightly as Ross stomped his feet and pulled off his wet coat.

  “’Tis my fault. I dinna put her leash on her in time, and she jumped from my arms when we reached the ground level of the building just as a resident walked through the front door. She ran for it. I doona think she meant to run away. I think she thought it a game of sorts, but she frightened me to death. I just knew she would be hit by a car before I could reach her.”

  Tink whimpered, but I could feel her muscles begin to relax as I sat close to the fire and continued to rub her.

  “Why are the two of you wet? It wasn’t raining, was it?”

  “No. She leapt into a fountain and dinna take to swimming at all. I had to jump in to save the poor thing from drowning.”

  I looked down at Tink and then back at Ross. He was pale, and I knew it had a lot more to do with how frightened he’d been than how cold he was.

  “It’s okay, Ross. You saved her. She’s all right.”

  He nodded as he stepped on the heel of his left boot with his right foot so he could step out of it.

  “Aye. I doona think I realized until tonight just how much I care for her.”

  I squeezed Tink a little closer and bent to kiss the top of her head.

  “How could you not? She’s a sweetheart. Look. I’ve got her. I’ll get her warm and dry. Why don’t you get out of those wet clothes and take a quick shower? Then we can put something funny on the television to decompress for a bit.”

  “Thank ye, Allanah. I’m glad ye are here.”

  He turned and moved in the direction of his bedroom. As soon as he was out of sight, I reached for a piece of the leftover pizza now precariously balanced on a plate on the fireplace mantle and tore off a bit of the crust to give to Tink.

  “You’ve had a rough night. Just don’t tell your dad, okay?”

  Tink yipped and lifted her head up to give the underside of my chin a quick lick.

  Tears fell freely the moment the hot water began to pour over his shoulders. He wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself if something had happened to Tink. She was the companion he hadn’t known he needed.

  He stood underneath the hot spray of water longer than usual as he allowed his emotions to subside and his adrenaline to slow.

  He could hear the television going when he stepped from his bathroom into his bedroom, and he dressed quickly so he could make his way back to Allanah.

  Tink must’ve heard him exit the shower, for the pup trotted into his bedroom—dry and looking no worse for wear after her great adventure.

  “Ye canna do that to me again, lass. Ye gave me a terrible scare.”

  Tink tilted her head from side to side, her eyes intent on him as she tried to figure out what he was saying to her.

  Dressed in sweats, t-shirt, and socks, with his hair still wet, he made his way back into the living room.

  “What are ye…”

  He stopped as he neared the couch and noticed that Allanah’s eyes were closed. She was already asleep.

  He bent down to whisper to Tink. “I think I shall bunk in here tonight, lassie. Yer wee little set of stairs is set up beside my bed if ye decide ye’d rather sleep in there.”

  Tink answered him by leaping up onto the couch and curling up at Allanah’s feet.

  Following her lead, Ross moved over to the couch and lifted the corner of the blanket as he gently scooted in beside Allanah.

  “Do ye mind if I join ye, lass?” He whispered the question softly, hoping he wouldn’t fully wake her.

  She responded by shifting herself over and lifting her head so that as he wrapped his arm around her, she settled easily into the crook of his arm.

  The scent of her hair wafted up to him, and she sighed as he reached over to brush back the hair that had fallen over her face.

  Whispering under his breath, he resigned himself to a night of torture.

  “I hope ye two lassies find sweet dreams, for I know I willna sleep a wink.”

  Chapter 21

  I woke just after dawn snuggled into Ross’ chest with Tink curled up between my legs. Ross’ right arm hung awkwardly off the side of the couch, and I wondered how long it had taken him to fall asleep. He couldn’t have slept well. I smiled. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been held like that all through the night.

  If I were honest with myself, the answer was most likely never. Not like that anyway. Not where someone held me all night long, sacrificing his own comfort while I slept like a rock.

  It eased my guilt a little to know that at least he was asleep, snoring quite loudly, now.

  As gently as I could, I scooted out of my little nook on the couch and carefully lifted myself over him so that he would keep sleeping.

  “Come on, Tink.”

  Still dressed in my clothes from the night before, I grabbed my coat, attached Tink’s leash to her, and led her downstairs for what would hopefully be a much more boring potty trip than what the small puppy had experienced the night before.

  Thankfully, she peed quickly and without incident. When we returned to Ross’ apartment he was still sleeping. I refreshed Tink’s water bowl and set about looking for something to make for breakfast.

  While his fridge was full, my choices were limited. The only thing that wasn’t one of Mrs. Jenkins’ casseroles was a carton of eggs and the leftover pizza from last night.

  Eggs would have to do. After searching for a pan, I managed to get the eggs scrambled and coffee made without waking Ross.

  When breakfast was ready, I grabbed the small tray from his coffee table and loaded it with the contents of our breakfast before returning it to its place beside Ross.

  “Good morning.” I leaned in close and gently kissed his cheek. “I thought you might be hungry since you didn’t really eat anything last night.”

  Slowly, his eyes flickered open.

  “I made some eggs and some coffee. I assumed since you had a coffee maker, you drink it.”

  He reached for the coffee cup first.

  “Aye. I never drank it in Scotland, but it has become a daily ritual since I moved to the United States. Thank ye, lass.”

  He took a long sip of the hot brew then reached for my hand, encouraging me to scoot closer to him.

  “I hope ye doona mind that I joined ye on the couch as ye slept. The opportunity to hold ye was too tempting.”

  “Do you think I would’ve made you breakfast if I minded?”

  “I hope not. Have ye heard from yer sister, this morning? She is likely to feel dreadful.”

  “I’m sure she does. Georgie has an incredibly low alcohol tolerance. I can’t imagine what got into her last night. I’ve always known her to be someone who likes her drinks to be way more sugar than anything else. And a whiskey tasting? Who even likes whiskey?”

  Ross laughed and rose to gather our plates. “I do. Mayhap more than I should. Caleb does, as well. Have ye never noticed his collection of whiskey?”

  I definitely hadn’t.

  “No, I never have.”


  I glanced up from my seat on the couch to see Ross standing—now free of the dishes he’d just taken to the kitchen—at the end of the couch, his hair messy from sleep, the slightest hint of stubble lining his jaw. He looked incredibly sexy, and there was a dark glint in his eyes that made me nervous in the most thrilling way.


  “For my own well-being, I need some clarification.”

  Curious, I urged him on. “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Did ye fall asleep on my couch so ye wouldna feel pressured to sleep in my bed?”

  “No.” I stood and moved over to him, stepping close and leaning in to give him a short kiss. I didn’t linger. I was certain that my breath was terrible after falling asleep basically mid pizza slice and without brushing my teeth. “Not at all. I was holding Tink and, as she got warm, so did I. The fire was going, and before I knew it, I was asleep. I promise you, I was actually quite looking forward to being in your bed.”

  He groaned and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight as he went in for a deeper kiss and pushed himself up against me. He was hard against my stomach.

  Melting into the kiss for just a moment, I quickly put a hand in between us and pushed him away.

  “I have to go, Ross. I only have an hour before I need to leave for work.”

  Reluctantly, he stepped back.

  “Ye are killing me, lass.”

  I smirked at the prominent erection on display beneath the thin fabric of his sweatpants.

  “I’m sorry. Look, I’ve got a really busy week, but I’ll see you the morning of the marathon, yes? Maybe we can do something that night?”

  He walked me over to the door, his breathing still heavy.

  “Aye. ’Twill be the longest three days of my life.”

  I leaned in to kiss his cheek.

’ll live.”

  As I walked out the door and back toward my apartment, I heard him call out to me.

  “’Tis yer fault if I doona, Allanah.

  Chapter 22

  “I honestly can’t believe that you’re up. I thought for sure you would change your mind and just meet us at the race.”

  Unlike Georgie, I was accustomed to waking early. Regardless, the pre-dawn alarm had been rough. Although I was now showered and dressed, I still felt sluggish as I stepped into the living room to find Georgie waiting on me, two coffee cups in hand.

  “Are you kidding? I’m not about to miss the chance to meet Ross and Gladys in one chaotic morning!”

  I widened my eyes at her as I drew in a calming breath. Everything was about to get hectic for sure. Since Caleb and Gramps were running together, and Georgie didn’t want to go to the race by herself, everyone was set to convene at Caleb’s house at the crack of dawn. Caleb and Gramps would leave for the race together, and the rest of us—Ross, Georgie, Gladys, Hannah, Maggie, and myself—would go together.

  Awkward introductions and interactions were bound to occur. Georgie was beside herself with excitement.

  Taking one of the coffees, I headed toward the door. “Just promise me you’re not going to say anything mortifying to him, okay?”

  She frowned, and then smiled mischievously. “I’m offended that you think I would ever do such a thing.”

  I laughed as I waited for her to step into the hallway so I could close and lock the door. “Yeah, right. You live for whatever drama you can cause.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Together, we speculated about what Gladys would be like and what it meant that Gramps was finally allowing us to meet her. It was the first time we’d been offered the chance to meet one of his ladies, and I found myself pressured to like her.

  It was a quiet morning and the walk to Caleb’s took even less time than usual. Georgie and I approached Caleb’s door just as Gramps pulled up in his car.

  I poked Georgie in the ribs and motioned to the car with my head. “There they are. We should wait, right? Meet her before we enter the house?”


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