A Song and Ale

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A Song and Ale Page 8

by M E Wolf

  Not giving them any moment to grieve for their friend, the Boggarin bolted towards the two hunters. They only had a moment to move and no time to think about where to go. Horas dove to the right and Dhogo dove to the left. The Boggarin caught a hold of Dhogo’s leg with its sharp rows upon rows of teeth severing his leg at the knee. While it devoured the lower portion of his left leg, Dhogo slid into the bog and held onto one of the spears with one hand while he tied a rope around his waist and then the spear.

  Dhogo waited in the bog with both hands on his short sword ready to strike if he had to. Horas dropped his short sword as he was diving to the right and did not have any time to go back and get it. He looked around and noticed a large tree that would help him get away from the beast. When he looked back towards where the Boggarin was a moment before, it was gone. Horas looked back at the tree that he had decided to climb and the Boggarin was waiting in front of it.

  He was uncertain at this point about the nature of these creatures, but realized there were more of them then what they were trained for. Just before he went to run towards his short sword that he could see out of the corner of his left eye, the Boggarin was already on him. Its full weight was on his chest pinning him down and about to take a bite out of his head. It made a gagging noise instead and fell on him. It must have succumbed to the Guava cream that Ghonga’s short sword had on it.

  The Boggarin must have weighed at least five hundred to one thousand pounds. Horas being smaller than most trolls at just over six feet tall and two hundred pounds passed out. While Dhogo waited in the bog still holding onto his short sword with both hands, he could see a Boggarin coming towards the panthers on the other side of the Boggarin hole. One of the panthers stayed in front of the beast while the other two panthers circled around to the sides of the Boggarin.

  All three panthers lunged at the Boggarin at the same time. The one that was attacking from the front got its belly torn from the four horns of the Boggarin. It instinctively seemed to know that the other two panthers were behind it and moved surprisingly fast and bore down on the other two panthers. They seemed to be surprised, as they were both impaled on the four horns of the beast. The Boggarin’s weight caused mud and bog material to be spread across the hole and into Dhogo’s unsuspecting face. When Dhogo was able to open his eyes again the Boggarin was gone. Looking around he saw something red in the distance eating the Boggarin.

  Shivering, he decided he did not want to find out what could rival a Boggarin and eat it while it still seemed to live. He could see that Horas’ and his panthers were in rough shape, but only Horas was still alive. Almost forgetting that there was a third Boggarin he heard a loud but disgruntled roar from the Boggarin hole. No sooner did he get out of the bog and behind the spears, dropping his short sword in the bog while he was at it, when the last Boggarin leaped out of the hole after him.

  Thankfully, it was stopped, just short of where he had reached, by the six spears. It was not stopped for long because all six spears snapped from the shear size of it. Injured and desperately in want of more mixed troll blood the Boggarin charged toward Dhogo with its mouth wide open. Dhogo edged back as it came toward him because he was unable to stand or run due to the loss of part of his left leg. His arms were getting tired and his pace was slowing.

  Just as he collapsed from exhaustion and the Boggarin was about to take a bite out of him, the red beast he had seen eating the other Boggarin jumped on this Boggarin. The Boggarin was too weak to resist the beast dragging it to the ground even though it was four times the size of the other two, but it did not die from the beast alone it had help from the Guava cream.

  Dhogo looked at the creature that had saved him and was shocked to find that it appeared female and had some humanoid characteristics that made his pants tight, and his face went red with blushing.


  The two scouts headed south after the tiger traveled slowly through the forest following their hounds as they lost the scent and picked up the scent over and over again in the pursuit of the tiger. They seemed to be going around in circles and ended up back where they started. The scouts would have given up right there, if it were not for the tiger that they were following jumping on one of them.

  While the tiger was occupied with one of the scouts, the four hounds attacked the tiger from all sides. When the tiger whipped its head around to take a bite out of at least one of them they jumped back. Scout number two climbed up a nearby tree and once he was up there securely, he notched an arrow. As the tiger went back to the unconscious scout on the ground the other scout missed it with his first arrow. That arrow pierced one of the hounds between the shoulder blades stopping it in its tracks.

  Up in the tree the scout was devastated because he had just killed one of his own hounds. He notched another arrow and took his time aiming, while the other three hounds attempted to bite the tiger. One went for its hind end and the other two went for the sides. The tiger dodged the one in behind, tore out the throat of the one at his left side and had its right side torn by the one on its right. His second arrow went in through the top of the tiger’s head and out through the right side of its lower jaw.

  Rolling to the right the tiger stayed still on the ground with its head twisted in a weird way. The scout up in the tree waited for about a half hour and the tiger still did not move. He climbed down the tree and checked out the other scout. On closer inspection of his partner, he found that his throat was torn open, his entrails were spilled onto the ground and he was long dead. The scout left, Ghanla, figured he was killed as soon as the tiger jumped on him. Ghanla wept for his friend.


  After the Egorack the three scouts Hinta, Ghorta and Mhekah followed the scent that their hounds picked up further into the forest. Mhekah could not figure out why the scent was so close to their village. The Egorack was known to live near large bodies of water and as far as he knew, there was not any for at least a few miles from here. If that was not all that bothered him the scent was fresh as though they missed the creature by just a little.

  Any sooner at discovering the scent and they would have been staring it right in the face. Mhekah took a step forward and finally realized that he had left the other two far behind him. All six hounds were with him and that meant that Hinta and Ghorta were at risk. Just as he turned around, he saw an Egorack knock over Hinta and then turn towards Ghorta.

  By the time that Mhekah notched an arrow the Egorack had already begun chewing on Ghorta. Mhekah assumed that he was already dead, but needed to save his friend Hinta from the same fate. He released an arrow and notched and released four more arrows before the first one reached the Egorack. Mhekah’s first arrow missed the creature on its left and winged his friend Hinta’s leg.

  His second arrow just missed his friend Hinta’s head as it whizzed passed him and embedded itself into some tree in the forest. Hinta was wondering whether he would die from one of his friend’s arrows or from the creature that had continued to feast on Ghorta. He could see Mhekah in the far distance with an arrow notched waiting for his other arrows to finish their course. Hinta could also see the last three arrows coming towards him and the Egorack. It was unfortunate that his short bow was beneath the Egorack, if it wasn’t he would be notching back an arrow.

  Instead he went and hid behind a tree out of the range of his friend’s arrows. Hinta knew that once the Egorack finished off Ghorta that it would be coming after him. Just as the Egorack finished Ghorta, Hinta’s heart almost stopped. The last three arrows embedded themselves into the Egorack. Two of the arrows were in its body and the other arrow went through the back of its neck. Egorack fell onto the ground and did not move.


  Shiantara followed her hound into the forest after the scent of the Rhagarian hog. She could see the path that the Rhagarian hog had made running through the forest knocking down small trees and trampling on bushes. Its tracks were larger than what Shiantara was used to seeing and it surpr
ised her that something that big could move so fast.

  These beasts were not known to travel very fast. She was wondering what could have frightened it so much when two Bengalian Trolls jumped in front of her and three Harguhanian Trolls jumped into place behind her. This did not always happen, but her father had warned her that something like this could happen. A few years back they had found her friend lying in the gorge naked and with her throat slit.

  Everyone knew who had done it, but no one could prove anything. Shiantara did not want this to be her fate as well. She was more of a hunter than a warrior and did not carry the weapons that a warrior usually carried. Before the enemy Trolls could grab her from behind she was able to run her javelin through one of the Bengalian Trolls’ chests. He fell onto his back while he frighteningly stared at Shiantara as he grasped the javelin trying to rid his self of its burden.

  Two of the trolls behind her grabbed her and held her still and for the first time in her life Shiantara realized how much bigger and stronger the Harguhanian Trolls were compared to her clan of Rhagarians. Knowing that she was in disastrous trouble from these trolls, she remained quiet to see what they would say or do and hoped that they did not know that she was the princess of her clan of trolls. She always thought being a princess was so wonderful and a great privilege, but if these enemies knew about it she would be in grave danger.

  It would be a fate worse than her friend had had a few years back. When the third Harguhanian troll walked from behind her to stand in front of her, she sort of remembered him but could not remember his name. He smacked her hard in the face with the back of his hand, though to her it felt like a punch. The trolls holding her tightened their grip almost cutting off the circulation in her arms.

  One troll that she recognized hit her in the face with a closed fist, and then began to speak while blood seeped from her now broken nose,

  “Shiantara it is a surprise to see you here in this forest. Do you know how long we have been trying to find your inferior clan? Well, let’s just say that it has been a very long time.

  “We know that you are now the princess of your clan and for that you will pay dearly. When your father finds you, you will not be much to look at. We are going to leave you alive to show your whole clan that you do not mess with the pure trolls.

  “You don’t really remember me do you? I am Shiazar Mhalakar, the chosen one of the Harguhanian clan of trolls. You Rhagarian clan of trolls are small and insignificant compared to us.

  “You should not have killed our friend that was completely unprovoked and uncalled for. I think that you should know whom you are facing here.

  “To my left is Ghongar. The ones holding you are Miktar and Hhosarin. They will have their turns humiliating you after I am done with you.

  “When we are finished you will no longer be that sweet innocent girl that I remember in the summer festival a dozen years back when our clans got along. Okay, Miktar and Hhosarin drag her to the ground and hold her there. Ghongar, take her clothing off of her.”

  Shiantara was afraid because she still had her maiden hood and these heathens were going to take it from her. Miktar and Hhosarin slammed her to the ground and the wind was knocked out of her. Her head hit the ground and she lost consciousness for a while. Ghongar took advantage of the opportunity and began to take off her clothes piece by piece.

  He had no reason to tear the clothing off because she was not resisting because of her current state of consciousness, so just threw them into the forest as he continued to take them off of Shiantara. Just as all of her clothing was removed, she awoke to the horror and realization that this was really happening to her. Why did this thing have to happen to her, why could it not happen to someone else?

  She did not need this when so many good things were happening to her clan why did something so terrible have to happen to her. They were about to celebrate the union of two peoples that had similar ancestral roots and then join up with them in their journey to rid the world of this new evil that plagued them that she could not quite understand.

  They were going to share in the destruction of the foulness that came to the land so long ago that people did not remember there ever being peace, but she never would have dreamed or imagined that she would be defiled on the inauguration of this union. It was an ironic consummation that the archenemy of her clan would defile the heart of her clan as her father always called her, which obviously meant the sure destruction of the Bengalian and Harguhanian clans of trolls. Stripped of clothing she was cold.

  She was shivering more out of being naked in front of these enemies, whom were more beastly then the actual animals that lived in the forest, than the frigid cold of the afternoon. As Ghongar was moving aside so that Shiazar Mhalakar could be the first to defile her, Shiantara gave him a kick to his manhood hard enough to drop an elephant for a year. This act sent him reeling back as he clutched his now blood soaked crotch.

  His wailing could be heard for a long time after he fell to the ground. Shiazar did not want the same thing to happen to him, so he had Miktar and Hhosarin hold her feet wide open to allow him to do his defiling business. Shiazar removed the loincloth that hid his manhood and began to defile Shiantara. She wanted to scream, but felt too ill and dirty to do so. Shiantara hated what was happening to her, so much so that she was sick inside and wanted it to stop.

  He continued for a very long time, putting his hands where they did not belong and then he had the nerve to kiss her. This enemy Troll hovered just above her face with his disgusting smirkish way of telling her that he had won. That he had defeated her entire clan by defiling her. His hands barred any movement from her hands and arms, but he forgot what a woman would do in this situation if they ever had the chance.

  It was now her self-preservation, her self worth that he was taking away from her and she did not like it one bit. Shiantara let all of the insults, pain, defilations and moments of when she hated the things done to her, well up inside her. She fed on it and continuously grew stronger as he continuously defiled her over and over again, while his ugly face continued to stare at her and mock her like it was mocking her whole clan.

  Shiantara decided that it would have to stop, now. Just as he put his face above hers in his mocking way and his manhood was out of her, she whipped her head into him and dug deep into his throat with her teeth. She did not let go until he had stopped moving. The two other trolls were still holding her legs and assumed that they were going to be next to defile her. They did not yet notice that Shiazar was dead. Noticing that Shiazar’s pack and leggings were within reach of her, she decided to rummage through them.

  Upon dragging the pack closer to her, she noticed a dagger falling out of one of the many pouches that were in it. Shiantara grabbed the dagger and then pushed the body of Shiazar off and to the left of her. This action caused Miktar to let go of her left leg and roll out of the way of Shiazar’s lifeless body. She sharply pulled back her right leg catching Hhosarin off guard. In his off balanced state Shiantara took advantage by slitting his throat as he tumbled helplessly toward her.

  While still holding Shiazar’s dagger she got to her feet and was blindsided by Miktar. It always hurt when she accidentally cut herself while skinning her kill after a big hunt, but it was even worse when you got a longsword thrust into your chest just below your left breast. She almost passed out from the pain of the longsword in her chest. Miktar pushed the longsword in all the way to the hilt and Shiantara nearly died.

  She fell to the ground and lay motionless and just wanted to die. It really surprised her when the last disgusting troll began to defile her. Maybe he thought that she had died from the wound that he had caused her? Then she thought to herself about that question and decided that she was dealing with something worse than anyone would dream or think of meeting, but she could not move.

  Blood was filling her lungs and she was finding it hard to breath. She did not understand why this ugly troll that was defiling her did not take the longsword out of her
chest. Shiantara gathered up some strength and attempted to pull the longsword from her chest, but only accomplished making herself weaker until she lay unconscious. Miktar continued to defile her and was unaware of the approach of Shiantara’s hound. The hound grabbed a hold of Miktar’s left arm and dragged him away from Shiantara. Shiantara was still unconscious and did not know that her hound had finally arrived.

  Hounds are trained to hunt the type of game that they usually hunted and their focus on the scent could not be broken once they picked up the scent, at least that was so for Shiantara’s hound. This natural instinct of the hound was unfortunate for her in many ways, but fortunate in one way. While Shiantara was being defiled, her hound was busy tracking down the Rhagarian hog and did not notice that his master was not with him until he had dragged the dead beast back to Shiantara’s location.

  After a little while Shiantara awoke at her hound’s nudging. She did not feel good, not only did she get defiled, but she also did not get the Rhagarian hog for the feast. Sitting up was an arduous task, but she had to. The longsword was still sticking out of her chest and this became her first priority. If it stayed, then she would not be leaving this place in the forest alive. No matter how much strength she put into pulling out the sword from the handle, it would not come out.

  She had one last thing to try and hoped it would work. Grasping the blade with both hands near her breast, despite it biting into the flesh and bone of her hands, she pulled the longsword out of her chest and fell back into the mud unconscious.



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