Billionaire's Fake Fiancee

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Billionaire's Fake Fiancee Page 92

by Eva Luxe

  Chapter 45- Zach

  Six Months Later

  “Dude, I’m so glad you’re here,” Caden said, sounding relieved.

  I clapped him on the back. “I wouldn’t miss this shit for the world, Caden. I mean, this is huge.”

  “Can you believe I actually stuck with an idea?” he asked.

  “No, I can’t believe it. That’s why it’s huge, man. You did it. You have your own damn business. I’m just glad you got rid of the hopping idea. You sure you test ran this thing?”

  “I did, and people loved it. The beer seems to be the favorite. But they like the food too. And I finally narrowed down the brews we’re gonna do, out of some that I was testing.”

  “Awesome. I’m proud of you, Caden. And I’m glad you didn’t stick with the original name. ‘Jump ‘N Hop’ sounds a hell of a lot better than ‘Hoppin’ Hoppers’ or whatever it was.”

  “No shit. And I’ve got you to thank for it. For the restaurant, not the name. You were useless with the name, but your investment is what got us up and running.”

  “Well, reconnecting with my father gave me more financial freedom than I expected.”

  “Things going smoothly there?” he asked.

  “Better than I would’ve ever expected,” I said.

  “And Blithe? How’s she doing?”

  “She’s good. I’m already having to look at enrolling her into kindergarten.”

  “Oh, yeah. That shit’ll start in the fall.”

  Six months had done all of us a lot of good. Caden had told me he was serious about opening his restaurant and presented me with a business plan.

  It was a professionally-bound document outlining everything he would need, down to the penny. He had gotten a couple of people to become angel investors, but he didn’t have nearly enough money to get all of this up and running.

  So, I had a talk with my father, and I was able to swing an investment that gave him the capital he needed. For a percentage of the business, of course.

  I also received my inheritance, which my dad had said he was planning to give me all along but could never reach me due to the fact that I had fled. Now I was a billionaire. I suppose I had been all along, but hadn’t wanted to be because it would tie me to my father. Since I had a daughter, and a love interest now, I figured I should take advantage of all the things that money had to offer.

  Speaking of the love interest: Paige stayed in town and stuck by our side. She helped out with Blithe more than I could’ve ever imagined. Her funds were dwindling with her staying in that damn hotel, and I finally convinced her to stay with us.

  She gave in, came to stay, and never left. I had plenty of money to take care of her, and Blithe too. Those two ladies were my world now.

  My father began renting out a beachside condominium to stay in whenever he came down. He had it outfitted so he could work there and be with Blithe whenever she wanted.

  I kept a close eye on him for months before I accepted the fact that he had changed, and I watched a bond grow between him and Blithe that made my heart swell with pride. I slowly saw my isolated, angry father morph into the man he had always wanted to be, and I watched the love in his eyes grow for his granddaughter.

  My father was right. His years of therapy and AA had done him good. He was a changed man, and even though I couldn’t believe it at first, the evidence was right there in front of my eyes.

  Blithe was the light of his life. She had her grandfather wrapped around her little finger, and all the toys in my apartment were proof of that. I think that if my mom were here, she’d be happy to see how things had turned out. She was always a very forgiving woman. Of everyone except herself.

  “Hey, Caden!”

  I turned at the sound of Paige’s voice as Blithe came running up to Caden.

  “Hey there, big girl,” Caden said as he picked her up. “How was school?”

  “Good, I’m hungry,” Blithe said.

  “Well, I’m glad you are because I’ve got a plate made especially for you.”

  “Really?” she asked. “What is it?”

  “That’ll ruin the surprise,” Paige said as she winked at me. “And you don’t wanna do that, do you?”

  “I like surprises,” Blithe said.

  “Speaking of surprises, I thought you weren’t gonna be able to make it,” I said.

  “I finished up my painting sooner than I thought, so here I am,” Paige said.

  I bent down to kiss her lips lightly before I pulled her into my side.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here,” Caden said. “I want you to be the guinea pig for something I’m debuting.”

  “Oh, no,” Paige said. “What is it this time?”

  “It’s a new kangaroo dish. I had two that the public tested out, and they didn’t really like either one. They liked elements of both, but not the overall dishes. So, I combined the most popular elements into one dish. I won’t even charge you for it.”

  “Good, because kangaroo is expensive,” Paige said.

  “You wouldn’t be paying anyway,” I said.

  “I should, since I sold my first painting today,” Paige said.

  I looked down at her before I picked her up and swung her around. “I told you that you could do it.”

  “How romantic,” Caden said. “She tells you she’s sold something, and your first words are ‘I told you so.’ That’s messed up.”

  “In his defense, he did tell me, and I didn’t believe him,” Paige said.

  “Hey, I was on your side,” Caden said. “I was about to negotiate a spa day or something. You really need to learn how to flex that guilt muscle of yours.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m saving it up for a really good moment,” Paige said.

  “I’m sure I’ll stick my foot in my mouth again soon enough,” I said.

  “Eww, feet,” Blithe said.

  “I’m with her,” Caden said. “Now, who’s ready to eat?!”

  The crowd outside of the restaurant roared to life as everyone cheered and clapped.

  “Then come on inside!” Caden said. “Jump ‘N Hop is open for business!”

  We all piled in and took a seat right near the kitchen. Caden was running around trying to manage the floor while servers rushed to get their tables’ orders. The inside of the place was fantastic, and the smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly. Blithe wiggled in her seat next to Paige as she drew with some crayons Caden had given her, but then a familiar face appeared at our table.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  “Grandpa!” Blithe said.

  “Hey there, princess,” my father said.

  “Mr. Kent, I didn’t think you were going to make it,” Paige said.

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” he said. “Mind if I sit by you?”

  I moved over so he could sit across from Blithe.

  “Did you skip out on another meeting?” I asked.

  “Nope, I just took it on the road,” he said.

  “You didn’t fly in?” Paige asked.

  “There’s some bad weather brewing in upstate Washington this morning. So, I decided to drive. It’s an agonizing haul. I don’t know how in the world you did it, Paige.”

  “It helps when you’re being paid three times what you usually make,” she said, grinning.

  He laughed. “So! What’s on the menu?”

  “Rabbit, kangaroo, and crickets,” Caden said.

  “That sounds… different,” my father said.

  “And it’s all wonderful, I can assure you. I’m glad you came, Kent.”

  “Wouldn’t have missed it, Caden.”

  It felt a little surreal, all of us sitting in a booth in Caden’s restaurant. My father, who had chased us away, was now the foundation of this family; Paige, who was surveilling me, was now the woman I couldn’t live without; Blithe, the daughter I didn’t know I had, was now my rising sun; and Caden, who had been all talk, was now running a business like he’d always dreamed.

t was hard choking down my tears as I sat back and looked at my family.

  “What can I get you to drink, Mr. Laine?” Caden asked.

  “Kent, please. And I’ll try this stout. Is it really made in-house?”

  “Yes, sir, and it’s fabulous.”

  “Then I’ll have one of those, and make sure the bill gets to me.”

  “Mr. Kent, that’s not necessary,” Paige said.

  “I know it’s not, but I’d like to treat everybody. It’s a special night, and I don’t want a budget ruining it for anyone.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I said.

  My father’s gaze whipped over to me before his hand came up to pull me in for a hug.

  “Anytime, son,” he said. “Anytime.”

  Epilogue- Paige

  One Year Later

  I felt something warm between my legs as I shifted in bed. The pillows were cradling my body as my knees spread apart, and electricity slowly started to tingle my fingertips. Groaning, I lobbed my eyes open, trying to get my bearings as my legs began to shake.

  Then, I felt it. I felt something graze over my sensitive little clit.

  “Zach?” I asked.


  I looked up with my sleep-filled eyes and saw something moving underneath the covers. I felt a pair of strong arms hook around my thighs and pull me away from the headboard. I squealed and clamped down on the sheets. Ecstasy took over as a warm tongue began to lap at my folds.

  “You taste wonderful,” Zach said. “Just the breakfast I was craving.”

  He slid his tongue deep into my entrance, and my back arched off the mattress. I was shivering as my body woke from its deep slumber. My heels were digging into his back as he stroked my pussy with his tongue. He licked thick stripes up my slit before flicking my pulsing clit, and it sent shivers cascading down my spine.

  My hands migrated to his hair just before he rushed up my body. His lips found mine, and I smiled into his skin. He descended in between my legs and effortlessly slid his cock into me. He cradled me close, his eyes never leaving mine as my hands ran down his back.

  Finally waking up, I flipped him over, and his eyes widened. He cradled my body close to his strong chest as my hands traveled down his rippling muscles. I rolled my hips into him, our foreheads connected as we breathed each other’s air.

  I could feel his hands kneading my ass as I quickly approached my end.

  “Zach. Such a good— oh— morning.”

  His hands cloaked my back as my face buried into his chest. I peppered kisses along his skin as he rolled his dick deeper into my body. My clit brushed against his curls, shaking my body with crackling fire as I slipped my hands around his waist.

  I held him close to me as I closed my eyes, taking in his heartbeat as our bodies moved as one. We didn’t need a condom coming between us now, because we’d been monogamous and I was on the Pill. We did talk about giving Blithe a little sister or brother, though.

  Soon, the two of us were shaking with our release. I could feel Zach pumping himself deep into me as my pussy massaged his cock. Our hands dug into each other’s skin, and our lips nipped and sucked at skin that would be red later on today. We were panting and whimpering, covering ourselves with one another as the morning sunlight cascaded through the sheer curtains of our home. The home we’d built slowly over the past year.

  “That was a hell of a wake-up call,” I said breathlessly.

  “You looked so breathtaking in the morning sunlight. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “I don’t even think I have the energy to get food,” I said.

  “Then leave that to me.”

  Zach laid me back down into bed before he pulled himself from between my legs. I watched as he pulled a pair of sweatpants on, and then I listened as he made his way downstairs. Blithe was spending one of several weekends with her grandfather in his beachside condo, which meant Zach and I got some much-needed alone time just for us.

  And he always had a surprise for me every single time.

  The first weekend, it was a road trip. We cruised down the coast into California before we checked into a bed and breakfast for the weekend. The second weekend, it was a romantic scavenger hunt. The third weekend, he had surprised me with a new outfit for a date, and the fourth weekend he surprised me with the house we now called home.

  I was anxiously anticipating the surprise he would have for me this weekend.

  The smell of breakfast flooded the air, and I sat up in bed. Zach came around the corner with a tray of delectable food and coffee that smelled divine, but my eyes were focused on something else. In the corner of the tray he set on my lap, there was a small box.

  I eyed it curiously as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Surprise,” he said, grinning.

  “What did you do now?” I asked.

  “Open it and see,” he said.

  “You know, the last time you got me a gift this small, it was a key to this house,” I said. “You didn’t buy me a car, did you?”

  I opened up the box and saw the sparkling diamond ring staring back at me. My heart stopped.

  “Zach?” I asked breathlessly. “What is this?”

  I lifted my eyes to see him take a knee beside the bed. He reached up and grabbed my hand.

  “Oh my gosh,” I said with a whisper.

  “Paige Conwell, there are two things I know about you. I know you are a talented painter who has built a devoted fan base, and I know you are someone who craves answers. You create beauty from nothing, and you don’t stop until every single question rattling around in your head has been answered. You’re persistent, you’re stubborn, and you’re a miserable person to be around when you’re sick.”

  “Wow, how romantic,” I said flatly.

  “You came into my life when I had nothing. Nothing, Paige. And while I started as an assignment for you, I didn’t end that way. You saw something in me I didn’t even see in myself, and in loving me, you helped me to piece my life back together. You are the glue that holds this family close. The foundation Blithe has built her womanhood on. You brought my father back to me and opened my eyes to a man I would’ve never seen otherwise.”

  He paused, almost chocking up a little. It was so damn sweet, to see a grown, strong man nearly reduced to tears for me.

  “Now that I have everything— all the money in the world and all the time to spend it doing exactly as I please— there’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. You didn’t just captivate me, Paige, because you’re more than a pretty face. You came into my life and you fixed it. You fixed me, and in doing so, you made me better. You made everything better.”

  Zach took the ring box from my hands and plucked the ring out before he poised it in front of my finger.

  “I told you it would take me a long time to repay you for what you’d given me, and I realized something. I realized it’s going to take me a lifetime to do it.”

  A tear streamed down my cheek, and my entire body began to shake.

  “Paige, I love you. With everything I didn’t even know I had until you showed me I could have it. I don’t have much to give you, but what I have is yours. Will you marry me, Paige?”

  I slipped my finger into the ring before I grabbed Zach and pulled him into my lips. When he kissed me, I felt everything. Supported and protected. Adored and loved. For the first time in my entire life, I understood what it felt like to have a family. I understood what it felt like to be a part of something bigger than myself.

  “Yes,” I said, smiling. “Of course, I’ll marry you. Under one condition.”

  “There’s a condition?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Okay? What is that condition?”

  “You have to get this damn tray off me because that’s not what I want for breakfast.”

  Carnal desire lit his eyes, and he picked the tray up from my lap. He turned around and set it on a chair as I got to my knees and slipped my nightgown over
my head. He turned around and took in my naked form. Then his eyes migrated to the glistening diamond sitting on my left hand.

  “I love you, Zach.”

  His eyes panned back up to mine before he walked toward me and cupped my cheek.

  “I love you, too, Paige.”

  I went down on my knees and went down on him, sucking his big cock until it was swollen and hard in my mouth. Then he put me on my hands and knees and stretched out my pussy and asshole.

  “You have the most beautiful ass,” he said. “I want to fuck it.”

  “Not until our wedding night,” I laughed. “I have to save something until then.”

  “Deal,” he said, plunging his cock into my pussy instead. I shuddered as it entered my pussy, which was already dripping wet for him.

  He held my hips and pulled my hair a bit as he thrust in and out of me. I loved how my ripped, hard muscled mountain man fucked me like an animal. Just like I loved when he was gentle and sweet with me.

  “You’re going to make me cum again,” he said, as I felt his cock throb and pulse inside me.

  As he reached around to play with my clit, with his other hand finding my nipple, I knew I was on the edge too. “I’ll cum with you,” I told him.

  “Just as it should be.”

  As he played with my nipple and my clit I completely let go of myself, becoming putty in his hands as his cock worked my pussy.

  “Oh, my God,” I moaned, feeling the climax wash over me. “I’m coming.”

  “I’m coming too.”

  And he was shooting his cum inside me as I shivered and quivered, both of us experiencing the high of ultimate release and an earth shattering orgasm at the same time.

  “That was amazing,” I told him, falling onto the pillows.

  “That was worth marrying,” he agreed, with a laugh, joining me in laying down on the bed.

  He wrapped his strong arms around me and I loved the thought of being my rugged, billionaire mountain man’s fiancé.

  Keep reading for a never before published follow up story to Mountain Billionaire, called Mountain Daddy.

  But first… Can’t get enough Zach and Paige? Sign up to our newsletters and receive a steamy bonus extended epilogue that includes their wedding night! You’ll also receive another free book from Eva and you’ll be the first to hear about discounts, sales, and sizzling hot new releases. Thanks! Love, Eva and Juliana


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