Girl Fun One

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Girl Fun One Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  I lay bewildered, dishevelled and utterly satisfied on the floor. Every one of my prejudices had been shattered. I had experienced the most intense orgasm of my life at the hands of another woman who had explored parts of my body I had not even dared explore myself.

  Come dressed up? I certainly had.

  I groaned with pleasure. All this and 50% off. Thank God I hadn’t stayed at home!

  Belonging To Grace

  by Lucy Diamond

  Thank goodness it’s 5 o’clock, I thought it was never going to arrive as I stood by the front door of the Sky Café praying no one would come in at the last minute. Luckily no one did and since I had become so skilled at closing up the shop, I cashed up, mopped the floor and pulled down the shutters within ten minutes. I love working at the Café, I enjoy chatting to the customers and larking about with the ‘gang’. But tonight I feel exhausted and I’m glad that I only work there three days a week.

  Initially I had only taken the job after university to earn some extra cash while I built up more freelance writing opportunities, but somehow six years later at twenty-eight I am still there. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a total failure as a writer, I do regular pieces for a local paper and a couple of magazines; but I guess I am not the award-winning writer I dreamed I would be or that my girlfriend Grace would like me to be.

  Grace is forever pushing me to try harder; to send my work out more and to try and make new contacts. She leaves me notes around our home before heading off to work: ‘Lucy, don’t forget to e-mail your “Blue River” chapters to Sally!’ or: ‘Lucy, take a look at this article; it’s nowhere near as good as your pieces?’ Grace is a fully fledged ‘type A’. When she left university she worked in a PR company for two years before deciding that she could make more money and have more fun running her own show so she and her colleague Ava set up their own company which they have been running for nearly eight years and which is hugely successful.

  I feel really proud of Grace and what she has achieved; but on the downside it does mean I see less of her than I would like to. Also I have to put up with her seriously obnoxious colleagues and business customers. Ava in particular gets on my nerves, she is forever winding Grace up about my lack of motivation or ‘life direction’ as Grace has now taken to calling it. Ava and I have had many run-ins and now I generally try to avoid her unless absolutely necessary.

  I am simply addicted to Grace. I love her, every part of her. I love her passion for life, her decisiveness, her smile, her strength and I even find her annoying habits tolerable (mostly). Grace and I have amazing talks but then she flips between understanding me and my life choices to allowing Ava to wind her up as I haven’t finished my novel or that I have had a ‘lazy’ day.

  All this animosity has stopped me from telling Grace that I have completed my novel but it was rejected by three publishers. Of course I feel enraged that Ava comes between us in this way and I often rise to Ava’s bait when provoked, thus the whole avoidance strategy. Except tonight I have no choice but to spend the evening with Grace’s work colleagues, Ava included, at a dinner party Grace is throwing in our home.

  I have been worried about this party for nearly six weeks. When Grace first told me about it, I was unable to hide my dread, ‘I cannot endure another bloody mind-numbing dinner party with your stuck-up, materialistic friends,’ slipped from my lips as if against my will. Of course, Grace flipped out and she lectured me for so long that I would have agreed to anything just to get the telling off over with. Yes, my girlfriend was skilled at delivering a thorough dressing-down when she felt it necessary. ‘Lucy, I have had about enough of your attitude darling,’ that is how it would usually start.

  Intense eye contact was Grace’s thing. ‘Look at me when I am speaking to you,’ she would say while holding my chin up to force submission. I always felt she could run seminars and teach this skill to others, but having mentioned this to her a couple of years earlier during one of her rants at me, I ended up over her knee. And there is only one thing Grace is more competent at than scolding me, and that is delivering a very firm spanking.

  This morning, I walked into the kitchen and found Grace standing at the door with her arms folded, looking very sexy in her black skirt suit and heels. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders in what would appear to most to be a tousled look, but actually she had spent time sculpting this casual look to perfection. Her green eyes looked stern and before she even opened her mouth, a rush of trepidation washed over my entire body.

  ‘Lucy, I want you to be on your absolute best behaviour tonight!’ My God, I felt eight not twenty-eight but I knew better than to make any smart comments to her this morning. ‘This is an important night for me and I want you to make an effort and get along with everyone and that includes Ava. This means a lot to me, do you understand me?’ Grace asked.

  ‘I promise, Grace,’ I smiled my sweetest smile. Her face softened ‘Good girl,’ she said as she kissed my cheek. She picked up her bag and headed for the door as she passed me, she gave my bottom a semi-gentle smack with the back of her hand and looked back at me with a wicked grin on her face, ‘Let’s hope that’s the only swat your bottom gets today,’ she said and then she was gone. A feeling of enjoyable discomfort burned in the depths of my stomach, causing my cheeks and neck to flush, God I love that woman!

  I split my day into two halves and I spent the morning completing an article I have been putting off for weeks. Pushed by the deadline I become absorbed and six hours later I have posted off my polished and witty (if I do say so myself) contribution.

  You see, I work best at the last minute, why can’t Grace get that? Why does she think everyone should diarise and plan every detail? I print off my article to show Grace later, she loves to read my work. I spend the rest of the day getting ready, in amongst opening the front door to numerous caterers, florists, and Grace’s PA, Callie, who, although only twenty-two years old, after working for Grace for nearly three years has turned into her very own mini-me. I leave them all to get organised executing Grace’s detailed plans.

  I take a long luxurious bath with candles, I exfoliate and moisturise my whole body and paint my toenails. I select a smart pair of figure-hugging sexy dark trousers and a red, scoop-neck, sleeveless blouse with killer heels. I pick out a new bra and panties set that I have been saving for a special occasion. I take extra long over my make-up and blow-dry my long chocolate-brown hair by section rather than my usual head upside down approach. ‘Looking good, Luce’ I say aloud as I check myself out in the 360-degree mirror.

  When Grace arrives home, she comes into our bedroom and her eyes light up when she sees me. ‘Wow baby, you look beautiful.’ She pulls me by the hand over to the bed and sits me down on her lap. She runs her hand down my bare arm and kisses me deeply on my lips leaving me almost breathless. I want Grace so much right now, I want to jump into bed and make love to her with a sense of urgency. Grace breaks off from kissing me, ‘Now remember, Lucy’ she holds my chin up and looks me right in the eye, ‘no nonsense tonight, baby, best behaviour you promised me.’

  Grace got up and kissed my lips one last time and disappeared off to shower and get ready.

  I watched Grace as she greeted her guests; she looked stunning and was especially sexy when taking charge of everyone and everything. I smiled to myself and she glanced over and caught my eye; she gave me a little wink and I threw her back my best smile.

  The night passed with relative ease and I was seated (on purpose by Grace) at the opposite end of the table from Ava. I chatted easily to the other guests and mingled well afterwards. Grace would occasionally take my hand and lead me over and introduce me to various people. But instead of feeling like a trophy, I felt pleased she was so proud to be with me. ‘Lucy is an amazing writer,’ she beamed as she introduced me.

  Some of the guests started to leave and I head out into the garden feeling happy I have successfully avoided Ava. As I speak to a few of the guests in the garden, I see Ava and Grace in th
e kitchen talking very animatedly, almost arguing. Ava is waving some documents at Grace who snatches them from her and seems to bark at her. I immediately head into the kitchen.

  ‘What’s going on, Grace?’ I say, ignoring Ava. ‘I could see you from the garden.’

  Ava opens her mouth and Grace barks at her, ‘Ava don’t even go there.’ Ava walks out of the kitchen.

  ‘What’s going on, sweetheart?’ I ask.

  Grace didn’t look me in the eye, she took the papers and walked towards the kitchen door, ‘Nothing, Lucy, I’ll talk to you about it later.’ I didn’t think too much about it at the time, I guessed perhaps it was a work problem.

  After all the guests had gone, I noticed how quiet Grace had become; at this point she is usually drunk on her own success, fishing for compliments and wanting to replay each detail until I am too tired to talk to her.

  But not tonight, tonight she is quiet but intense; I guess it’s her argument with Ava that has troubled her. I have already been secretly congratulating myself that Ava did not manage to cause a rift between Grace and me tonight.

  When we have finished cleaning up, I follow Grace into the bedroom. ‘Baby, what’s wrong, what’s happened? Is there anything you want to talk over with me?’ I say.

  ‘No Luce, how about youtell me if there is anything that you want to discuss with me instead?’ Grace says as she turns and looks at me her green eyes full of anger.

  ‘I don’t know what you are …’ I stop in my tracks as Grace throws down the papers on the bed. I pick it up and my whole body shudders when I see the three rejection letters for my novel Blue River.

  I immediately fathom that Ava has snooped amongst my belongings and has delighted in upsetting my girlfriend with the secret that has been eating away at me for a few months now. ‘That devious, wicked cow,’ are the first words I manage. ‘She is trying to hurt us Gracie; she is trying to cause trouble for us.’

  ‘I am not concerned with Ava or her scheming at all, Lucy.’ Grace’s voice is harsh and her anger cannot be hidden. ‘It’s you I have a problem with, Lucy, your dishonesty, your lack of respect for our trust, for our relationship.’

  I feel sick inside. ‘Grace, I just didn’t want for you to be disappointed with me, I didn’t want to let you down. I thought maybe I could fix this; I could make improvements and send it on to other publishers. I hoped you wouldn’t have to know.’

  ‘I am very disappointed with you, not because your novel wasn’t picked up on the first attempt, I think that is fine. I am so angry and upset that you did not trust me to discuss it with me. You are supposed to share these things with me and talk it through.

  I hate your dishonesty, that you have hidden this from me … and for a while, going by the dates on the letters.’ Grace’s face and neck are red and she paces the room with her arms folded.

  ‘I am so sorry, Grace, it’s been chewing me up inside, I wanted to tell you. I really did,’ I said with an aching heart.

  ‘Am I that unapproachable, Lucy? What am I supposed to do with you? Tell me what the hell I am supposed to do with you?’ Grace was nursing her rage, keeping it alive. ‘Do you know what I am the most annoyed about, Lucy? I am just f**king furious and so humiliated to hear about this from Ava. That really pushes my limits, Lucy.’

  I walk over to Grace and I go to take her hand, but instead she turns around and takes both of my wrists. She is not necessarily stronger than me in terms of physical strength but her hold over me is not a physical one alone. I look down and I feel my cheeks burning. ‘I am sorry, Grace, truly sorry. I wish I had told you,’ I say as the tears well up in my eyes.

  ‘I am sorry too, Lucy, sorry that you chose the easy option again, sorry that you failed to do the adult thing, the responsible thing.’ Grace lifted my chin up as she scolded me and looked deep into my eyes, causing a deep feeling of discomfort to churn deep in my stomach.

  Grace didn’t say another word; she kept eye contact and walked over to the bed.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and stood me in front of her. My knees felt week and my head felt dizzy as I struggled to return her gaze. I searched her eyes looking for some warmth, looking for a way out of this but she gave me nothing in return and I dropped my gaze to the floor.

  Grace’s stare burned my cheeks as she watched me intently while unbuttoning my trousers and pulling them over my hips. With no verbal communication, she gestured for me to step out of my trousers. She gathered them up and threw them onto the nearby chair and brought her attention back to me as I stood on front of her. I wanted so much to climb on her knee and be cuddled and loved and forgiven but, after ten years together, I knew that was not the way that this would work out.

  Grace pulled my pants down over my hips and they dropped to the floor. She stood up and raised my arms, pulling my blouse over my head and reaching behind my back to unclip my bra until finally I was completely naked. She sat back down and I stood in front of her. ‘I’m sorry, Grace,’ I said one last time looking into her eyes. ‘I know,’ she replied taking me by my left wrist and drawing me closer towards her. My knees were so weak I was ready to collapse in front of her.

  ‘Lucy this is the last time you will ever lie to me or hide stuff from me. I love you more than life itself and I refuse to be shut out of your life in this way. Right now I am going to be more severe than I have ever been with you to try and make you understand this once and for all.’ Grace’s tone was stern and her steely determination was visible in her eyes and her posture. She gripped my left wrist more firmly and pulled my naked body across her knee.

  The next couple of minutes seemed like an eternity, I am unsure what Grace was doing: whether she was composing herself, trying to heighten my anxiety or reviewing her approach. But I lay naked over her knees on our bed and my bare body shivered. I felt every sensation; I felt utterly exposed and helpless. I belonged to Grace in that moment and I was totally at her mercy.

  ‘Are you ready, Lucy?’ Grace asked.

  ‘Yes,’ I replied.

  ‘Lucy I am going to spank you with my hand across your bare bottom until I feel you cannot take any more. I don’t mind if you cry but under no circumstances are you allowed to get up or to interfere with this spanking. You understand?’ Grace questioned me.

  ‘Yes, Grace, I do.’ The next thing I felt was Grace’s hand crack down on my bottom, the first few spanks were not too bad, almost enjoyable even, but Grace delivered a series of spanks so thoroughly across my bottom and thighs that tears soon rose up in my eyes. She was unwavering in her vow to get her message across. ‘Lucy, I hope as you lie across my knee’ SPANK ‘that you are thinking over why you find yourself in this position.’ SPANK ‘Again!!!’ SPANK SPANK SPANK.

  Grace showered my bottom with hard swats and the deep stinging sensation caused me to squirm across her knees. She seemed to know just what area of my bottom to bring her hand down on next, always seeking out the tenderest part of my burning cheeks. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks and my breaths became shorter as I gulped in air between each swat. Grace’s breathing was also faster but she was dogmatic in her chastisement. She had to reposition me a couple of times as I was squirming to avoid the stinging print of her hand on my tender bottom. She punished my movement with harsh spanks to the inside of my thighs.

  I let out my first squeal as she continued her diligent swats to my crimson bottom.

  ‘Stand up, Lucy!’ Grace commanded.

  Finally, I thought. I stood in front of her, my bottom throbbed and my was face tear-stained. Grace looked me straight in the eye and wiped the tears from my cheeks. She then took my right wrist and yanked me back across her knee in the opposite direction to continue her assault with the other hand.

  The pain was greater than anything she had inflicted upon me before. She kept it so painful that each spank throbbed but she didn’t allow it to be so hard that my bottom went numb. She lifted my left bottom cheek slightly and started to spank the crease between my thigh and bottom, each sp
ank landing with such intensity that I buried my head in the duvet and gripped the sheets tightly. ‘I hope you are learning your lesson, Lucy darling,’ Grace scolded me. She followed this with ten or so swats to the same area that caused me, against my will and better judgement, to bring my hand around and protect my bottom. ‘Lucy!’ Grace shouted at me and grabbed my wrist and held it across my back while spanking that area for harder and longer than I imagined I would be able to take. ‘We will deal with your little misjudgement at the end, Lucy.’ Grace chastised. She swapped over and lifted my other bottom cheek, allowing my hand to fall back to my side. She spanked me hard and then harder and I was now fully crying.

  My bottom and thighs must have been scarlet by now and I lost any ability to control myself as I lay there. I thrust and squirmed about and Grace was constantly repositioning me. ‘Lie still, Lucy. You need this, let every spank from my hand to your bottom deliver a message to your brain. I never want you to forget this spanking.’ Grace was so strict; she had never been so tough on me. She spanked me for another few minutes as I sobbed over her lap, my body was limp, my heart pounded and the heat in my bottom was fierce. Grace finally stopped.

  She made no move for a few minutes and neither did I. She did not touch or rub my bottom and thighs as she usually did to comfort me. I daren’t turn around for fear of her gaze. I wondered how I must appear to her as she looked down on me.

  Finally she speaks, ‘Lucy, I want you to get up and go to the corner.’

  What the hell, I think to myself, I want to say to her that I don’t want to do that and that I want my cuddle and to go to bed with her, but I don’t. I get up and walk across our bedroom to the corner and stand in the corner. I stand for a long time, I am unsure how long but possibly it is around twenty minutes.

  For a while I feel Grace sitting on the bed watching me in silence. But she leaves the room and comes back and I hear her moving about but I am unsure what she is doing.


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