Girl Fun One

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Girl Fun One Page 16

by Miranda Forbes

  When the tempo increased, a heavily accented man announced the evening’s entertainment. Just as the music switched to a hard driving beat a spotlight fell on a gorgeous, elegant, dark-haired belly dancer in the centre of the restaurant, her tawny body surrounded by tiny stars sparkling off her rhinestone halter and exotic jewellery.

  She scanned the room with her dark eyes as the music got louder and then raised her arms before starting a hip-shaking dance, her brown body swaying and flowing in one of the most alluringly sexy performances I had seen in a long time.

  Needless to say, I was mesmerized. Before long my throat felt constricted and dry despite the occasional sip of wine from the glass I clutched in my hands, my nipples itching like never before as a hot, wet sensation blossomed between my legs.

  I caught the occasional comments from my girlfriends and nodded while trying not to stare at the dancer’s moves and before long the heat radiating from my belly seemed to flow under every inch of my skin. When I rested my free hand on my thigh, allowing my warm palm to touch my bare flesh, I instantly felt like masturbating and wanted to be home, at the same time wishing the performance would never end.

  Then, with a loud flourish of cymbals the music ended, the dancer’s body was covered in a sheen as she struck a final, graceful pose; a slender ankle raised, her pointed toes barely touching the floor, the lovely curves of her bottom arched out, her heaving breasts rising with quick breaths. The spotlight went out for a couple of seconds as applause and cheers filled the now dark interior.

  Needless to say as soon as I got home I stripped off my clothes and masturbated. Normally, I like to set things up. Soft music, candlelight, an erotic book or a sexy video and the collection of “toys” I own are always nice but that night was different. I found myself on my back, ignoring the cold hardwood floor on my bare skin as I masturbated, remembering that sexy dancer until I lay exhausted and spent.

  After a quick shower I slipped into a nice bubble bath, enjoying that sleepy afterglow and caressing myself. As I luxuriated in the warm tub I began to wonder why I was so turned on. The dancer was beautiful and yes, I had had my share of women in the past but this was completely different.

  Then I remembered. My lips whispered a name I hadn’t uttered in a long time: “Naseem”.

  It was during my last year in college when an incredibly sexy Iranian beauty moved into my dorm. Naseem was gregarious, beautiful and smart. She had this incredible, narrow-waisted figure she carried with a smooth elegance, her pearly skin, jet-black hair and huge, dark eyes reminding me of the beauties I read about in the Arabian Nights.

  I did feel a strong attraction to Naseem but after we became friends I decided not to jeopardise our friendship, no matter how horny I got each time I saw her. She did have an active social life and at that time I was seeing the guy I would eventually marry (and later divorce), so nothing really started between us.

  We used to borrow each other’s clothes and one night when I was in her dorm room, looking through her closet, I heard her voice and another girl’s out in the hallway. I don’t know what possessed me to hide in the closet and watch what would happen next but that’s exactly what I did.

  Peering through a crack in the closet door I watched her and June, a pretty little Vietnamese girl with a deliciously curvaceous figure. I knew June from some of the classes we took together. Despite the attention a lot of guys paid to her sexy body, I never saw her out with anyone except Ann, a pretty, doll faced Filipina with a fantastic ass (someone once said she had the face of an angel and the body of a porn star) who was in an on-again, off-again relationship with her boyfriend.

  Before the door even closed they instantly fell in each other’s arms while undressing and exchanging deep, probing kisses until they were completely naked, June’s pretty, brown body contrasting nicely with Naseem’s pearly-skinned beauty.

  By then I was already touching myself, my fingers toying with my hard nipples while my other hand pulled off my shorts so I could stroke my wet crotch and before I knew what I was doing I was naked and masturbating.

  I watched June lick and suck on Naseem’s big, brown nipples as the first hints of pleasure made my skin tingle but just then I saw Naseem get up and walk to the stereo she kept near her bed. I wondered what was going on until I heard this hard-driving Middle Eastern music just before Naseem began a very sexy belly dance. I had seen belly dancing on occasion and even got to watch Naseem perform during a cultural fair our Sorority held once but back then she wore a costume that covered her from head to foot.

  This was nothing like that. I watched her dance and touched myself, occasionally glancing at June as she caressed her tawny curves. When the music ended they fell in a naked embrace, their arms and legs entwined around each other. Before I knew it, I grabbed the nearest thing hanging I could find (a scarf) and wadded it in my mouth as to stifle my orgasmic moans.

  As my body shook and undulated with pleasure I watched them on the bed in a sixty-nine position, their heads between each other’s thighs and after a while they came, their fingers inside each other’s wet loins and pliant cheek holes, their orgasmic moans replacing the fading music.

  By then the scarf in my mouth was wet with saliva, the warm, wet coat on my fingers chilling as I pulled up my shorts and tried to straighten out my blouse. I closed my eyes and wondered if I had to spend the night in the closet, even entertaining the notion about joining them but when I opened my eyes I saw they had propped some pillows against the headboard, and were just chatting.

  Yes, I felt a little guilty, not only did I watch them making love but now I was hearing personal stuff like June’s infatuation with Ann who at times seemed to be interested but couldn’t bring herself to break up with the loser boyfriend who kept putting her down. I also got the impression they were more like friends who enjoyed an occasional lay instead of steady lovers and just as I was steeling my nerves and getting ready apologise for being such a voyeur I heard them talk about going out for coffee. After a few minutes they got dressed and left me sitting in the closet, Naseem’s ruined scarf in my hand. The memory of that sexy encounter was tucked away in my memory until that night in the restaurant.

  It wasn’t hard to find out what happened to Naseem and where she was since we were Alumni from the same University. I found out she lived in Vegas, was a nurse in one of the upscale clinics just off the strip and danced in a Middle Eastern restaurant whose website included some very sexy pictures of her. It didn’t take long for me to decide I needed a vacation and booked a flight to Vegas.

  I had the concierge at my hotel make reservations at the restaurant Naseem danced in and at the last minute found a lovely silk scarf that closely resembled the one I ruined when I watched her and June make love.

  When I got to the restaurant my heart was literally in my throat. I barely touched my food or wine and was beginning to have second thoughts when the lights dimmed and music began playing. Just then a black-haired dancer with an all-too-familiar body in diaphanous red silks, the gold bangles on her wrists and slender ankles reflecting the spotlight trailing her, floated into the centre of the restaurant and began writhing and undulating to the sexy, hard-driving music.

  When she came near my table her black eyes smiled with recognition and made my heart skip a beat, my eyes glued to that pearly body weaving among the tables. After a couple more dances, one even performed with a curved scimitar balanced on her head, the music stopped just before she blew a few kisses to the audience applauding her excellent performance. Before she left she sought me out and gestured with her lovely, jewelled hands to wait until she came back.

  I kept on touching the wrapped package containing the scarf, while occasionally nibbling at my food and taking the occasional sip of my drink. Before I knew it, Naseem was walking towards my table, wearing a tight, short little black cocktail dress hugging her excellent body, the gold bangles on her wrists and the delicate chains around her slender ankles adding to her exotic good looks.

  We exchanged a brief kiss and she asked me how I was and before I knew it we were chatting away while exchanging the occasional, tender caress, our hands at times resting on each other’s thighs. When her eyes fell on the package I told her it was a gift. She planted a quick yet electrifying kiss on my lips, her hand briefly resting on my thigh before opening her gift.

  The kiss took me by surprise but when she held the scarf in her elegant hands I was almost floored.

  “Ialways wondered if you were ever going to replace the one you messed up.”

  “You knew?” I said, not knowing whether to laugh or feel embarrassed.

  “Of course.” She replied with a matter of fact tone, a seductive twinkle in her dark eyes. “I saw you enter my room. When June and I walked in I knew you were still there even though I didn’t see you.”

  “Did June know?”

  “Ididn’t want the situation to get awkward. That’s why I put on some music and danced before we made love. To distract her in case you made any noises of your own.”

  She even went on to tell me that June and Ann finally got together after Ann broke up with her boyfriend.

  “Are you angry with me for not telling you sooner?”

  “Why should I be the angry one?” I replied. “I was the one who ruined your scarf.”

  We shared a good laugh while squeezing and caressing each other’s thighs under the table, our legs around each other, her sexy high heels rubbing against my calf. When I suggested we go up to my room she responded with a cool, hooded smile.

  Yes, we made love. Hot passionate love. Warm juicy sweet tender and rough, the taste of her mouth as sweet as the juices flowing out of her hot loins, her fingers alone doing things to me that I had never felt before. We actually started slowly at first, undressing each other as soon as the door closed behind us, our bodies pressed against each other, the contours of her curvaceous form fitting so nicely against mine as we slowly made our way to my bed.

  She told me to lie down while I was still dressed, her hands pushing up my hem and then pulling down the wet little nothing panties I wore that evening, her cooing voice telling me how lovely and sexy I looked and how nice I smelled. She played around my wet loins, her fingers strumming the soft area of my inner thighs, her teeth gently nibbling at my hot belly as I pulled off my dress before toying with my hard, itching nipples. When she rubbed my wet lips between her fingers, her darting tongue teasing my swollen clit, I was instantly seized by this juicy pleasure that rushed through my body that became even more intense when her probing tongue slipped inside me. The loud sucking sounds she made filled my ears as she cupped my quivering buttocks and slipped her thumb inside my anus.

  By then I was squeezing and rolling my nipples between my fingers and found myself arching my back off the bed, the orgasm seizing every nerve and sending my soul into space before it shattered into millions of tiny shards that gently floated back down to earth.

  It was then I heard the low, hissing sounds escaping my open mouth and I couldn’t help but laugh at that, the low giggles escaping Naseem’s lovely mouth between long, teasing licks to my juicy pussy sounding so sexy.

  After a few moments she moved her now naked body over mine, her nipples tracing lines of electricity on my thighs and belly until our hard-tipped breasts rubbed against each other, our mouths melting into a deep, probing kiss, our tongues a pair of mating snakes. I relished the taste of my pussy mixed with her sweet breath as we rolled on the bed, my fingers finding their way between her legs as I moved my lips down to her nipples and sucked away. The low moans escaping her mouth, the wet, rolling sensation of her lips between my fingers as I reached around to cup her gorgeous, ivory bottom, bringing us even closer in our embrace was absolute heaven.

  Just as I felt the first shivers of her orgasm course through her body I moved down between her legs and feasted away, her pussy lips feeling and tasting so good in my mouth.

  She treated me to the twin pleasures of having my pussy and anus licked and probed and when I returned the favour, my tongue filling that wet, tiny opening as my thumb slipped inside her pliant back door, I felt her heave and shudder.

  Her low moans got even louder as she rubbed and massaged my back while clamping her thighs around my head. When her pelvis quivered and heaved against my face a loud moan escaped her lovely mouth, her body heaving and shuddering until she collapsed on the bed, her silken thighs still wrapped around my head, her tiny feet resting on my back.

  We lay on the bed under the sheets, our bodies entwined around each other while sharing a cool glass of wine and trading soft, tender kisses, at times passing the wine between our mouths, our tongues wrestling in a slow, gentle manner until we went to sleep.

  The next morning I woke up alone, the scent of Naseem’s body still lingering under the sheets, a single red rose on the other pillow, a familiar-looking delicate gold chain threaded around the stem. I didn’t feel sad or abandoned, recalling what she said about being not being into “long-term commitments” and knew if I pursued her things would only get awkward.

  Instead, I wrapped the little gold chain around my ankle (it fitted perfectly) admiring the way it looked while pointing my toes and raising my leg, letting the shadows play on the definitions of my thigh and calf. Then, I held the rose close to my face, took a deep breath, my other hand caressing my body, and slowly recalled the sweet memory of our night together, knowing I would cherish it for the rest of my life.

  Meeting Jane

  by January James

  I am a thirty-four year old woman with an unusual fetish that I never thought I’d get to experience until I met Jane. I have a serious fascination with pregnant women. To me, they are always beautiful and sexy. I’m the Suicide Girl type, with tattoos, a stud above my lip and a ring in the lower one. With short dark hair, multiple earrings and big tits and sultry grey eyes, I can turn a few heads with my tough girl image but I didn’t even have the courage to be myself, until Jane.

  When a woman is expecting, something changes in the way she walks, in the way she holds her place in the universe, and I fall completely in love. I can’t walk by a pregnant woman without asking to touch her belly. They have no idea how deeply that thrill affects me. Browsing around the Internet, I know I’m not a freak, or alone. There are many, male and female, who love getting hot and bothered over the miracle of pregnancy. But most of us can only indulge in front of the computer or TV and I had resigned myself to this fate until Jane came into my life.

  We met at a coffee shop one morning when I popped in for my usual caffeine hit and some stimulating conversation with other aspiring writers and artists. Jane was the new girl behind the counter with the sunny smile that didn’t quite dispel the boredom in her beautiful brown eyes.

  “It helps if you think about something else,” I offered when she handed me my mocha soy latte and my change.

  She smiled. “I see you’ve been here before.”

  Returning her smile, I held out my hand. “I’m Aurora and yes, I know exactly what you’re going through. I had writing to keep me company so I was always making up stories in my head.”

  “I’m Jane. I dabble with writing here and there but I never thought I could make a living at it.”

  “Yeah you can. Hey, I live in the little apartment right around the corner. Why don’t you stop by sometime and I’ll show you some of my works.”

  Jane came by the next day and sort of never left. It didn’t take long for her to confide that she was having problems with her boyfriend and how much she hated living at her parents’ house.

  “Well you can crash here as long as you need to,” I offered. I’d also been down that road before and knew how tough it was.

  Jane shook her head. “I don’t think I can impose like that and besides, I’m pregnant. I think that’s a little more than you can handle.”

  In all honesty, it never entered my mind that I could get lucky with Jane. I saw where she needed a friend and I was willing to help. But as our
relationship, and her stomach grew, I fantasized about having her.

  Jane was a beautiful woman, with or without her baby bump. She had long, dark brown hair, Mediterranean skin and features, legs for days and big, natural tits. As she progressed in her pregnancy, she blossomed from beautiful into breathtaking.

  I managed to hold my feelings in check, only unleashing my desires alone at night in the safety of my makeshift studio bedroom. Jane was going back and forth between facing motherhood alone and getting back with her boyfriend.

  “We didn’t want a baby right now and it’s driving us both crazy,” she explained after one of their fights, after which she came crying to me. Brad’s really a good guy and he loves me. This is just a rough time for us right now. But I know we’ll manage to work things out.”

  I handed her a cup of herbal tea. “Still, you shouldn’t fight so much, it’s not good for the baby.” Having Jane in my life made me more caring, took the edge off my tough girl attitude. Jane required more than she was able to give and it felt good to think of someone other than myself.

  A vision of her floated into my mind as I lay spread-eagled and naked in bed later that night. Jane naked was the most awe inspiring sight I’d ever seen.

  Her breasts were so ripe; I itched to touch them and actually had to clench my naughty fingers into fists to keep from grabbing her as she lounged naked on my bed, rubbing herself with cocoa butter.

  She’d waved away my apologies the first time I’d walked in on her naked on my way to the one bathroom.

  “Please, we’re all girls here. I won’t be able to see my own feet in a few months, who knows what I may need you to do for me.”


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