Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2) Page 5

by Lara Rose Lee

  I put my hand on his shoulder bent and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, for loving my mother. She needs to know how you feel. Give her a reason to fight for her life.” He patted my hand that was on his shoulder. Then looked back at my mother. I walked out with Kristana and down the hall, and on down the stairs to where everyone was waiting.

  Galen got up from the chair and wrapped his arms around me holding me tight, and I held onto him too. “Come on let’s go get cleaned up. We look a sight.” Galen said leading me to the guest room.

  I looked at my reflection for the first time since the explosion in the mirror in our room and almost didn’t recognize myself. My lovely gown was torn and dirty, and bloody. I had some scratches and blood on my arms and a few on my now dirty face. My hair was down and disheveled. I reached up and touched my face, then suddenly I felt anger, such anger, and rage I never felt before.

  I suddenly began tearing at the sleeves of my dress ripping them off, and I couldn’t stop myself. I kept tearing and ripping and screaming when suddenly Galen grabbed me to stop me, and I began hitting him and almost couldn’t stop myself, then I dropped down to the floor and started to scream out in my anger. I just kept sobbing as Galen got down and held me.

  A few minutes later Galen got up went into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on. He came back out as I was laying on the floor breathing heavy from the rage feeling heated and cold at the same time and felt him undo my dress and strip me down to my underthings. Then he lifted me into his arms and carried me into the shower while he stayed fully clothed. He began to clean me and gently rinse my hair. It was like I couldn’t move from the shock, I felt suddenly cold from being in shock, and the warm water felt good on my now cold body.

  After Galen carried me out of the shower, he dried off my body with a towel. Then he wrapped me in a large dry towel then laid me on the bed. I rolled over and curled into a fetal position. I could hear Galen strip out of his wet clothes and showered. When he finished I heard him pull something out of a drawer, must be his pj’s, of course, he likes to sleep in the bottoms only.

  Then I felt him crawl onto the bed next to me and cover the both of us with the covers and put his arms around me and just held me. “I love you, sweet girl.” He whispered. I closed my eyes tightly and moved my arm to close around his arm and snuggled into him.

  I was standing there in the garden a charming garden. I was enjoying the fragrance and beauty, when I closed my eyes, then when I opened them back up, and the scene changed. I looked around in horror there were bodies, bloody bodies and parts everywhere, there was blood all over the flowers. I then looked down at myself, and I too was covered in blood, and I suddenly heard screaming, and it wouldn’t stop.

  “Rayna, baby. Wake up, sweetie.” I could hear Galen along with the screams and realized it was me that was screaming. I finally woke up and felt Galen holding me trying to wake me from my nightmare.

  “Blood, there was blood everywhere.” I kept saying over and over as he held me.

  “I know baby, I know. That was only a bad dream.”

  “No, it wasn’t people died, and my mother is up there fighting for her life,” I said crying.

  “I know, I know. Baby, but as the ruler’s the people are going to need us to be strong. They are going to be looking up to us. Many have lost family members. They are going to need our support and assurance.”

  “That is what makes you a great ruler. I feel angry, and for the first time in my life, I felt rage. I couldn’t control myself.” I turned to look at him. “But you were there. You took care of me.” I wrapped my arms around him, “Thank you.”

  He held me tight. “I will always take care of you. I will always be here for you.” He pulled me away and brushed the hair from my face and kissed me. “I love you, Rayna. I love you deeply.”

  “Make love to me Galen. I need you to make love to me.”

  He kissed me deeply and brought me gently down on the bed and moved me closer to feel his body. I held him tight, and he began kissing my neck and caressed me all over as my body ached to feel his touch and began to remove the towel. He then brought his lips back down hard and passionately on mine, and I could feel his hunger as it matched mine. And I held on to him tight as he made passionate love to me.

  The next morning, I showered again and dressed, and it took a lot of brushing to get the tangles out of my hair. Looking in the mirror, at my reflection I noticed the scratches were not as bad as I thought. I was sore though, and in the shower, I did find a few bruises on my body probably from being thrown backward. After hearing what Galen said last night about the people needing us to be strong. He is right, so I plan to be as strong as my mother would be in my shoes. After all, I am Queen Rayana ruler of Kaihu.

  I put my hair up and took a deep breath and walked out. I found Galen in the small breakfast room having breakfast. “Are we the only ones up?” I asked sitting in the chair Galen held for me.

  “My parents left to do some assuring to the people, you know, appearances. And they are very well guarded and taking every precaution until we find out who and why this happened.”

  I nodded. “I want to go check on my mother.”

  “And you will. You need your strength first, so eat something. I checked on your mother earlier, Bryden has not left her side all night.”

  “How is she?” I asked dishing some food on a plate.

  “The same, according to Bryden she hadn’t moved.”

  I looked at him before taking a bite. “None at all?” I asked taking another bite.

  “Babe that is not always a bad thing. It could be her bodies way of healing itself.” He said picking up his cup.

  “I sure hope so.”

  “Hun, back on Earth you would hear doctors putting patients at times, in a self-induced coma and it is for that very reason.”

  I quickly finished my breakfast and excused myself. Galen had a few things he needed to do back at Kaihu and promised to be back as quick as he can. He kissed me and hugged me then teleported away.

  I went upstairs, and as I neared my mother’s room I could hear talking, as I got to her door I realized it was cracked open which allowed me to listen. I stood there at her door listening to Bryden speak to my mother.

  “You got to be okay Shannon; I have something I need to tell you. Ohh, Rayna is right. I need just to say it.” I heard him take a breath and continued, “Shannon, I know you have always just seen us as friends, and I was okay with that. Only because I knew you were being brought up to marry Prince Nathanial. Being your friend kept me close to you, even though I knew you could never be mine. After you married the Prince, I met and married Luziann, and I did love and care for her. But what I have always felt for you ran so much more profound.

  Shannon, I have always been in love with you.” A quick pause then I heard, “There I said it, and it does feel good finally being able to say it. I also know you love me too, but your stubbornness…” He paused again, and I heard him snicker softly. “Well, it does get in the way. Oh, come on baby I need you to fight. I heard many times people in comas can hear. I am praying that you can hear me now. I can’t lose you. I need you. Fight to live, fight for us.”

  He got quiet, and I wondered if he finished, then he began again. “Remember your very first race? Well, I was scared for you, I believe I held my breath until the very end of the race and seeing you fly right through the finish line… I have to tell you I was so proud of you. Then at the finish line, you hugged me. How you felt so good in my arms.

  I still even remember the first time I saw you at school. You were nine, and I was ten. You had a sweet yellow dress on and walked through the doors for the first time. I remember speaking to you that same day, and we became inseparable friends since. The moment I realized I was in love with you was when we decided to run off one day and go swimming in the lake. We were like what?... I believe I was thirteen and you were twelve. As we were swimming a big fish swam past you and touched you. You began to panic and
almost drowned, but I was there and held you and pulled you out of the water. You were so frightened that I just held you in my arms and cradled you as we sat on the shore.

  I loved holding you, and my heart was beating so fast. I wanted to kiss you right then and there but refrained from it. It was then that I realized I was in love with you. But I was always being told and reminded that you were promised to the prince, so in spite of my personal feelings, I had to keep it to myself and be satisfied with being your friend. Shannon, please fight and come back to me. Let this finally be our time. Please baby. I love you so much.”

  I felt like I intruded long enough, so I walked back to the main sitting room and waited for Galen. The servants were cleaning around me, and I found a book to read and sat in the chair near the fireplace to read. I was tempted to talk to Galen through telepathy, but it would distract him, so I read instead.

  A thought came to me, and I asked one of the servants. “Has anyone thought to bring Sir Bryden anything to eat this morning?”

  “I do not believe so Your Majesty.”

  “Then can you see to it for me? He has not left my mother’s side all night, and he needs to eat. Also, while he is in there, make sure to continue bringing him his meals?”

  “Yes, your Majesty.” She bowed and backed away and then headed towards the kitchen.

  I couldn’t focus on my reading, so I put the book back and stood and began to pace. Suddenly I knew what I needed to do. I went to my mother’s study and called for Mydrid a female reporter I had gotten to know. I informed her I wanted to make an on-air announcement and we scheduled it at my mother’s media room in one hour. That gave me time to change my clothes for the part.

  6 hope

  I decided to stand in front of a podium for this announcement. Mydrid arrived on schedule and got set up. I got the palace herald to announce this special broadcast. I had not told any of the other Royals that I was doing this, but I felt in my heart this is the right thing to do.

  “We now bring you a special announcement from Her Majesty Rayana Lynnae Karver Rowen of Kaihu.” He turned and looked towards me. “Your Majesty.”

  Then he backed away as I walked up to the podium. “I have called for this special announcement to reach out to the people of Kaihu, Valaisha, and Cainya for some much-needed prayers. As I am sure many of you have heard of the tragedy that took place last night at my birthday celebration. I first want to say my prayers and thoughts are with those who perished and to the families who are mourning them.

  I am also praying for those who are seriously injured and pray for their speedy recovery. In spite of the tragedy let us not forget who we are, as we need to unite as one unit through this terrible time. I am sure many already have heard one of the seriously injured was my mother, Queen Shannon of Valaisha.

  Let us all unite in our prayers and lift up the Queen and all families of the injured in one accord. I know and believe the same God who blessed King Galen and I the power of the light to defeat the darkness, can also heal the people and our land. I thank you, and May God bless us all and our Worlds. We are not alone.”

  I looked over at the doorway and saw Galen standing there leaning against the wall with his arms crossed watching me. Mydrid began to put her things away and came over to me. “Your Majesty, I will be in prayer. And I know many you have reached out to will do the same. God bless you.” She gave me a quick hug.

  I smiled, “Thank you, that means a lot to me.”

  I walked over to Galen, and he pushed away from the wall as I stood in front of him. “How long were you standing here?”

  “Almost from the beginning.” Then he finally smiled and took me in his arms. “And I am very proud of you. The people needed this speech of hope and prayers.”

  “I felt I had to do this. Instead of becoming enraged like last night and after what you said, I needed to turn it around to hope.”

  “And that my dear, makes you a great ruler and a strong woman.” He kissed me just as Mydrid was about ready to leave.

  “Your Majesties, it was a pleasure to be a part of this broadcast. And I know that announcement will bring about unity.”

  “Thank you, Mydrid and thank you for coming.”

  She bowed and took up her things and left.

  Shannon’s Point of View:

  “Shannon please fight and come back to me. Let this finally be our time. Please baby. I love you so much.”

  ‘Bryden? Is that you?’ I can hear him, why can’t I open my eyes? ‘Can you hear me?’ He loves me? I mean I knew he did, but as friends, good friends.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Oh Bryden, why?

  “Shannon?” I heard him say to me. Did he hear my question? Did I speak out loud? It is so dark, but I can hear him. Where am I?

  “Shannon, my sweet. Can you speak again? I love you; I need you to fight and come back to me.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yes, I do very much.”

  He heard me again. I am feeling sleepy, now. Very tired. He loves me; I can’t believe all this time he loves me. Then I thought of all he had done for me and how I took him for granted. He did it all because he loves me. I felt like crying. Just then realization hit me; I love him too. I cannot see my life without this man; he has always been there.

  “Oh, baby don’t cry.” I heard him say again. But I can’t wake up, how am I crying when I can’t wake up. I have to tell him that I love him too.

  Oh Bryden, “I love you.” Can’t stay awake any longer. Suddenly darkness won.

  I felt someone holding my hand. I slowly opened my eyes, and as my sight adjusted, I looked over and saw Bryden with his head down near me asleep, and holding my hand. I reached with my free hand and lovingly stroked his soft hair. Then suddenly pain shot through my abdomen, I grabbed my stomach and moaned, waking Bryden.


  I looked over at him. “I hurt. What happened?”

  “There was an explosion as we were dancing. I was thrown a little distance from you, and you were caught under a mountain of debris.”

  “Rayna and Galen?” I asked feeling panic rising, afraid of the answer.

  “They are okay. So is Galen’s parents.”

  “Are there many injured?”

  He kept holding my hand and kissed it bowing his head. Something was wrong I know it.

  “How many?” I asked.

  “Fifteen dead and many more injured. I am not sure how many.” He said looking at me.

  I was in complete shock. My people. I felt tears slid down my cheeks for the lost. I swallowed and asked, “Do they know what happened? Or who could do this?”

  “No, it is all still being investigated.”

  I nodded slowly. “I heard you,” I said softly. Then I looked over at him. “I couldn’t answer, I tried, but I couldn’t.”

  “You answered what I needed to hear.” He spoke softly.

  “You heard me?”

  “I heard you tell me you love me.” He still had not let my hand go.

  I squeezed his hand as he held it and smiled. “I do.”

  He gave me the most beautiful smile. Funny how I only thought of him as a friend when he has always been there for me all this time. He is a very handsome man with eyes of blue and brown hair with a little bit of silver through it. Gazing into his eyes now and knowing, I see the love pouring out for me. Why hadn’t I seen it before? He stood up and carefully sat back down on the edge of my large bed.

  I smiled up at him as he still held onto my hand as if he were afraid of letting it go. He took his free hand and gently brushed my hair away from my face. “I am sorry,” I said and he frowned.

  “Sorry about what?” He asked me.

  “I am sorry I hadn’t seen you. I mean really seen you. I have always taken you for granted and not once have I ever thanked you. You were always there for me. And I always thought it was only the special friendship we shared.”

  “When did you come to term that you did love me too?”

  “When I couldn’t imagine my life without you.” I reached up and touched his face. As I was looking up lovingly into his eyes he slowly as not to hurt me lowered his head towards me, his lips touched mine lightly and gently, then he lifted just enough to look into my eyes and saw that it was okay, he bent down and kissed me thoroughly. Our first kiss and it felt right. It completely took my breath away.

  “I should go and tell everyone that you are awake.” He said still close to my lips.

  “Not just yet,” He looked at me puzzled. “Once they know we will no longer have a moment to ourselves,” I said smiling, and he smiled back and reinitiated the kiss. I reached my arms around him and hugged him as close I as I could when suddenly pain shot through me.

  He Suddenly stopped pulled away and looked down at me concerned. “I hurt you.”

  I shook my head, as I said, “No, it wasn’t you, it was me.” I looked at him. “You said I was buried underneath debris?”

  “Along with a huge beam from the wall that was destroyed. You were trapped underneath the beam. It took Kieran and her strength to get it off of you. Shannon, you almost died. The doctor had to do emergency surgery on you to stop the internal bleeding. You were in a coma until now.”

  “That explains why it was so hard to wake up from.” I frowned.

  “But, you did wake up. Now we can begin our life together if you will have me.”

  I looked up at him and saw all the love he held for me and in his eyes hope, and all I could say was, “Yes. Of course, I want you. And Kieran too.” He smiled and bent down carefully and kissed me again. This time I softly put my arms around him and didn’t hold him as tightly as I wanted to.

  Later the family began to visit and say how they were glad I was awake and looking better. I hadn’t realized how sick I was until the doctor came to check on me. Of course, he chased everyone out and checked my incision and rebandaged it. Then he took all my vitals and handed me something to drink for the pain.


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