All at Once (It's Complicated Book 2)

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All at Once (It's Complicated Book 2) Page 7

by Brill Harper

  “You just relax and let us guide you through this.” Wylder adjusts beneath me trying to find some relief I’m sure. “You don’t need to worry about a thing.”

  I nod my head, mesmerized by the feel of the soft skin of Colt's penis against my lips. Wylder presses a kiss to my neck. I feel cherished in the arms of Wylder while Colt looks at me so tenderly. My tongue darts out to taste Colt, and he groans. “Open up for me, Bliss.”

  I part my lips just enough to have Colt slip the tip of his dick inside. I bring my hands up to his bare thighs, feeling the crisp leg hairs and hard muscle beneath my palms, while I swirl my tongue around to taste more of him. So many textures to enjoy.

  “That's it, baby,” Colt said. “Get it nice and wet with your tongue.”

  “Open up a little wider, kitten,” Wylder tells me, gently stroking my neck.

  I open my mouth wider, letting more of Colt into my mouth. I’m stretched wide, but there’s so much more of him left.

  “You're doing great, darlin’,” Colt says, both of his hands slipping around my head to bury themselves in my hair.

  He pulls out of my mouth a little bit, and then thrusts back in while bringing my head forward. His dick feels huge in my mouth, and I have to breathe through my nose as I suck. Wylder takes my hands and pins them so I’m cupping my own breasts. I might feel more in control of the blow job if I could use my hands, but I’m enjoying the sense of being dominated by both of them. Safe, but theirs to play with.

  “That's it,” Wylder whispers in my ear. “You're such a good girl, sucking Colt's big dick. Keep sucking, baby. Let him fuck your mouth.”

  Wylder tilts my chin up at a different angle, while Colt starts to thrust in and out of my mouth faster and harder.

  “You're doing so good. You feel amazing, Bliss,” Colt tells me, continuing to pull my head farther onto his dick.

  I start to gag as he hits the back of my throat. “Good job, kitten,” Wylder tells me, pulling me off to catch my breath. “Do you think you're ready to have Colt come in your mouth?”

  I would do just about anything to please these men. Anything they ask. Anything they want. I’m not in control of my body, but more me than I’ve ever felt before. None of it makes sense, but it doesn’t have to.

  “I think so,” I say, looking up at Colt nervously, while he strokes his dick, bringing it back to press against my lips.

  I open my mouth and he slides back in. Colt's hands fist in my hair as he moves his hips back and forth, deeper with each thrust.

  “That's it, baby,” Wylder encourages me, one hand back on my clit. “Play with your nipples. You're being such a good girl, and you're going to get such a big reward when he comes in your mouth.”

  I feel like a right good slut. In the best way possible. I can’t believe this is happening.

  “Can you swallow for me, darlin’?” Colt asks, his words coming out in gasps as his dick hits the back of my throat.

  I try to answer around his dick, and the vibrations must feel good because he throws his head back with a groan, giving a few short, hard thrusts of his hips, and starts to come in my mouth. It hits the back of my throat in thick and salty spurts. I swallow, and then he pulls out with enough time to come a little more on my chin.

  “Jesus Christ, Bliss,” Colt says, breathing hard, staring down at me, his hands having left my hair but now cupping my cheeks while we gaze at each other. “Jesus Christ, that was amazing.”

  Wylder grunts. I turn on his lap, his eyes meet mine and his tongue dives into my mouth, tasting me, tasting Colt.

  And I’m ready for my education to continue.

  Chapter Nine


  Her lips are soft and pillowy, and knowing I also taste my best friend on her tongue drives up my desire. I kiss her hungrily, swallowing her whimpers. I’ve heard her come now, and I want to hear it again. And again. She kisses me back, gripping me desperately with her hands fisting my shirt. Jesus, I’m still clothed and everyone else is naked.

  “Are you ready for more, kitten, or do you need a break? We can start again tomorrow.”

  She blinks in surprise, looking at me, then Colt, then back at me. “But you haven’t...”

  “I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to have any regrets. We’ve got all summer.” Every single word physically hurts as it comes out of my mouth. But I can beat off tonight if she needs more time. I’ve got plenty of new material since I held her when she came and while she was blowing my best friend.

  She turns in my arms so she’s sitting sideways on my lap instead of backwards astride. “I don’t intend to wake up a virgin in the morning.”

  That’s my brave girl.

  I put one leg under her knees and stand with her in my arms. “Then let’s go take care of you some more.”

  Her arms loop around my neck. “Where are we going?”

  “You’re not losing your virginity on the couch.”

  “So only oral on the couch?”

  Colt laughs as he follows us up the stairs. “We can fuck on the couch plenty. Just not your first time.”

  I set her in the middle of her bed. “Scoot up and spread your legs.”

  The cute little thing blushes. After all she’s already done, she blushes.

  I pull off my shirt and her eyes get big. Then they get even bigger when I lower my pants. “Spread your legs. I shouldn’t have to tell you twice.”

  She huffs out an indignant breath but does it.

  “Here in bed,” I say darkly, my voice deep and low, “I own you.”

  She nods, a little mesmerized, I think.

  “What do you think, Colt?”

  “She’s beautiful. Wait till you taste her for yourself.”

  I wedge myself between her thighs, grinding my cock into her wet mound. I lean down and kiss her as I line up with her wet folds. She gasps into my mouth as I rock my hips, sliding up and down, coating my cock with her slick juices. I take it slow, though it kills me, pushing my cock up until it rubs against her clit, and then back down to tease her entrance. She squirms under me, moaning and getting wet enough to leave a spot on the bed. I take her hands and pin them down to either side of her head, holding her there as I go faster and faster, grinding my hips into her clit whenever I get the chance. She’s close again, but I want to be inside her when she comes.

  “Let me help,” Colt offers and kneels near her, restraining her wrists.

  Fuck, that’s so hot. She’s pinned down by both of us now.

  Carefully, I line up my cock with the entrance and slowly, very slowly, I slide just the head inside her. She is tight.

  So tight.

  “Look at her take that big dick,” Colt says, admiration in his voice.

  “This is going to hurt, kitten,” I tell her, holding her still. Her eyes widen, both fear and desire painted in them. Her body tenses, her fingernails digging into my skin. I kiss her forehead, trying to smooth the frown, then her eyelids, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and finally her mouth. She locks on immediately, kissing me back passionately.

  I move back, giving her some room and changing the angle, and Colt dives onto her breast sucking so hard I feel the tight squeeze of her pussy in reaction. Oh, she’s ready for more. I lift her legs over my shoulders, making her squeak in surprise.

  Colt is mauling her tits now. Possessed almost. “Fuck her. Fuck that tight little virgin pussy, Wylder.”

  His dirty words spur me to quicken the pace, going into her a little harder, our bodies slapping. Hard and fast. She doesn’t just lie there. She’s clutching Colt to her chest, her fingers tugging his hair, her other hand pinching her own nipple. Fuck. She’s perfect for me. For us.

  “Come on my cock,” I tell her, pounding into her sweet little cunt. It tightens, squeezing me. She’s close. Very close.

  “You're a dirty little girl. You love it, don't you? You love my thick cock in your little princess pussy. You love your big tit in Colt’s mouth. You’re a needy little thing, aren’t yo
u? So naughty you need two cowboys in your bed.” I pinch her clit, maybe too hard. “Come on my cock, baby. Come for me.”

  On command, she does. She lets out a scream, her body quaking as her pussy contracts around my cock.

  I know I should pull out. I absolutely know it. She says she’s got an IUD in, but it’s my responsibility to take care of her. But then I have a thought of impregnating our shy little housekeeper—and I instantly come, jetting my seed inside her, spurt after spurt, filling her up.


  I’M HARD AS HELL AGAIN. I guess that’s the downside of taking turns. The time spent watching the live porn in front of me was enough to recover. But our sweet girl is going to need to rest. It’s been a lot for one night.

  Wylder eases off her. So much cum. Jesus. I had no idea he had so much stored up in there. He’s one virile bastard.

  I pull Bliss onto my chest, gathering her close, skin to skin, when he goes to the bathroom. It sounds like he’s getting ready to clean her up, so I just hold her, stroking her soft skin. “You doing okay still?”

  Please say yes.

  “I feel amazing.”

  The weight on my chest lifts. “We didn’t push you too hard? We were a little rough.”

  “I loved everything we did tonight. I feel so deliciously naughty...” Her voice drifts at the end and she pulls away. The room chills about ten degrees.

  “Whoa. What’s wrong darlin’?”

  She shivers, not the good kind. “I told myself I would never be like my mom.” She sits up like she’s looking for something to put on. “This is just like something she would do, I think.”

  “Hey,” I say, trying to still her. “There is nothing wrong with a healthy sex life. The things your mom did, her attitude about what she was worth and what you were worth, have nothing to do with what we have.”

  “Don’t they?”

  Wylder comes in with a wet towel and narrows his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “Bliss is having some regrets.”

  “No!” she yells. “Not regrets. Not exactly. Not about you guys. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m’s just...”

  “Lie back, baby,” he tells her in a gravelly voice.

  And she does. She locks her knees together until he gives her a sharp look, then she relaxes. While he gently cleans her, I pull her back into me, trying to surround her. Make her feel safe. “You are priceless. Worth more than anything in this world.” Damn her mom for making her feel so hunted. Like she had to protect herself from her own body.

  She doesn’t say anything, but at least she’s not arguing.

  “We don’t want anything but to make you feel good. You can explore anything you want with no judgment from us. It’s not weak or bad to have sex. To want sex.”

  Wylder kisses her bent knee. “It’s not weak or bad not to want it, either. You just have to promise to be honest with us about what you need and want. If all we ever have is tonight, that’s perfectly fine.”

  The hell it is. I want to howl. But he’s right. She is in control of how far we go and how often.

  “Why me?” she asks. “Why are you both so perfect and still you want me? I’m nothing special.”

  “Don’t you ever say that again,” Wylder commands. “Nobody insults our girl, and that includes you.”

  I sit her up gently. “We’re not perfect, Bliss. We’re just two dumb cowboys who were smart enough to see how special you are.”

  She reaches up and cups my jaw. She’s searching for something. The truth? A lie? I don’t know. All I can think about is how perfect she is for us. How this is something so special that I’m afraid we could lose it too easily.

  “I think I need to be alone tonight. Is that okay?”

  “Of course it’s okay. But if you change your mind, we’ll hold you all night long.”

  We leave her, and I go downstairs to get my clothes and turn off all the lights. My heart feels like a rock in my chest. I hear Wylder when I come out of the kitchen. “Hey. I checked all the doors.”

  He nods but looks oddly out of sorts for Wylder. “You think she’s going to be okay?”

  “I think she’s stronger than she thinks she is. It’s not going to be easy earning her trust. She’s only going to let go of it a little at a time. We just have to be patient.”

  “We didn’t push her too hard tonight, did we?”

  “I hope not.”

  “She’s something else, right?” he asks as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

  “Wait till you taste her.”

  Chapter Ten


  When I get downstairs this morning, I smell food. Which is impossible since I’m not cooking anything.

  I find not one but two cowboys moving around my kitchen, and it looks like they used every dish in it. “Did we have an earthquake?” I ask, taking in the haphazard mess around me. Is that batter on the wall? How did they get batter on the wall?

  Colt shifts from one foot to another as he takes in the mess through my eyes. He’s wearing one of my aprons. Maybe I’m still dreaming. I mean, all my other dreams were sexual last night, but perhaps this one is just thrown in to be weird. “We were going to make you breakfast in bed.”

  “You were?”

  “But you’re here now.”

  I see Wylder is squeezing oranges and also wearing an apron. This is one messed up dream. “That’s really sweet. You remember that making breakfast is my job, right?”

  “Don’t be sassy and sit down,” Wylder tells me.

  Instead, I go to the coffee pot first. As I pour, I take in the damage to my workspace. It’s going to take me hours to clean this up. “It’s really sweet of you to cook for me. Thank you.”

  They guys look at each other and...Wylder...smiles. Almost sheepishly. I must be dreaming. He’s got such a nice smile and I never see it.

  But this is real, I think, because if I were dreaming then they’d be naked under the aprons.

  As we eat, they very obviously avoid asking me how I’m feeling. Or if I’m doing okay. Or if I’m sore. (The answer to that last is hell, yeah. But it’s a nice ache.)

  They refuse to let me clean the kitchen. Instead, Colt draws me a bath and they affirm I am to do no housework while they are out today. Instead, I am supposed to rest all day. Like I have a cold or something, I guess.

  The thing is, I feel great. I had a little emotional setback last night, but my body feels loose and languid, and the way they spoiled me this morning is the complete opposite of mornings at my mom’s house. They are nothing like my mom’s boyfriends, and I am nothing like my mom. I get it now.

  I actually do try to do some cleaning while they are gone, but I suck up a sock in the vacuum and burn the belt to shit. Also, the washing machine keeps rocking like it’s trying to break out of the basement, so I turn it off and unplug it for good measure. I am, possibly, the worst housekeeper ever. So I bake. Letting my mind wander from my ingredients to all the things I learned last night. All the things I still don’t know about.

  I spend hours baking, losing myself in the process. I will so miss this kitchen come September. I can’t even imagine going back to my little apartment that has a microwave and mini-fridge only.

  Yes, it’s totally this kitchen that I will miss when I leave this fall.

  When the guys come in, I’m overwhelmed with strange new feelings. I missed them today. I feel...complete...when we’re all in the same room. I am in so much trouble. My heart is toast.

  “You okay, Bliss?” Colt asks.

  God, he’s so sweet. And Wylder isn’t naturally as kind, but he cares in his own way. By taking charge, taking responsibility, assuring the kind of consistency and security I never knew growing up. He makes you feel like nothing bad could happen to you if he’s in the room, if you’re under his wing.

  I cross the kitchen and put one hand on each of their chests. “Thank you for today. I’m fine. I’m better than fine. I want to kiss you, but I’m not sure how I’m
supposed to make the choice of who first.”

  “Then I guess it’s all for one,” Colt says, leaning down and bringing Wylder’s head down with him.

  Both of their mouths on mine is an affirmation I didn’t know I needed. It’s sloppy and uncoordinated, and I’m sure they’re getting lips and tongue of each other while we kiss, but pieces of my heart click together in a way I didn’t know they could. I’m in love with them. Of course, I am. And I’m not going to ruin what time I have with both of them with sadness for the future. I’m taking this happiness while I can. My hands wander down to their growing bulges and they both groan.

  “Easy, darlin’. We don’t expect sex every time we walk in the door,” Colt says.

  “Speak for yourself, Hoss,” Wylder says.

  I laugh. “What about my expectations? Maybe I expect sex every time you walk in the door.” I rub their growing erections with a confidence I didn’t know I possessed. “I want you both inside me. Can we do that?”

  Colt throws his hat onto the hook behind him. “Hell, yes, we can do that.”

  We shed clothes as we make our way to my bedroom, stopping for kisses and touches of skin as it’s exposed. Wylder stops in his room to get lube. But then Colt’s tongue is in my mouth and he carries me to the bed.

  He nestles between my legs, licking and sucking so gently that I squeeze my thighs around his ears trying to get more friction, squirming against the intense sensations swirling through me.

  “Fuck, yeah,” comes a deep growl. “Lick her hot little pussy.”

  Colt lifts his head. “You need to taste her.” He shifts and holds my legs open to Wylder.

  Oh, wow. I can’t believe I’m getting excited by the way they talk like I’m some kind of sex doll, the way they treat me like a plaything.

  Wylder wastes no time. His hot tongue licks a long, hot path over my overly sensitive pussy. I grab his hair, tightening my fingers in it, as he licks me deliberately, again and again, swiping his tongue inelegantly and rough, drawing me closer to orgasm only to back off before I go over the edge.


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