A Few Cyborgs More (Cyborgs On Mars Book 3)

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A Few Cyborgs More (Cyborgs On Mars Book 3) Page 7

by Honey Phillips

  After dinner, he firmly insisted on cleaning up while she brought out the last of her fabric and started on a small gown.

  Bill sat and watched, apparently fascinated. “Are you having a girl?”

  “I don’t know. Why—oh, you mean because it’s a gown? That’s because I have no idea how it will fit.” She smiled at him, hoping that her panic didn’t show. “This is all guesswork.”

  Apparently, she wasn’t entirely successful, because he reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. “It’s going to be fine, sweetheart.”

  Jonah came up behind her and put a big comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Daisy.”

  Their touch helped soothe her fears, sending a current of warmth through her body, and she managed a more genuine smile.

  “Thank you both. It really helps to know I’m not alone.”

  Bill’s eyes flicked up to Jonah’s hand on her shoulder and he abruptly stood up.

  “I’m going to go check on the horses.”

  Her disappointment at Bill’s hasty departure was replaced by confusion. “Did he say horses?”

  “Mechanical horses. Good transportation under these conditions. Much faster than the rovers and more agile.”

  She remembered reading something about them now, but it had been very vague. “Do they look like real Earth horses?”

  “Not real. Made out of metal.”

  Did he realize he was stroking his scars again?

  “Just because something is made out of metal doesn’t make it not real,” she said firmly. “Will you show me?”

  “In the morning,” he promised as his face relaxed.

  His hand still rested on her shoulder, and he was so big and so close… An electric current seemed to flow between them in the quiet room. Her pulse began to beat a rapid tattoo and she felt that throbbing ache reappear between her legs. His nostrils widened and he started to lean over, then abruptly straightened up and stepped back.

  “I need to work on the extractor.”

  She frowned in confusion, then remembered the machine that had been spread all over the floor when she first arrived.

  “Is that what you were working on when I got here?”

  “Yeah. I’ll take it out to the mineshaft.”

  “Don’t be silly. This is a working claim, right?” When he hesitated, she added. “Please, Jonah. I don’t like being alone at night.”

  “All right. I’ll clean up after.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  She smiled at him again, and this time he did bend down and brush a brief—much too brief—kiss across her lips before moving away. Suppressing a sigh, she went back to her sewing. Bill came back a short time later and together the two men began reassembling the machine. She spent as much time watching them as she did the small garment in her hands. Just like the previous day, she noticed how well they worked together, Jonah leading the way but listening to Bill’s suggestions.

  Not surprisingly, Jonah didn’t have much to say but Bill seemed more comfortable tonight. He kept up an almost continuous stream of words, but Jonah didn’t seem bothered by the other man’s verbosity. He looked relaxed, an occasional grin twisting his lips, and the affection between the two men was clearly apparent. She couldn’t allow her presence to break that bond, she decided.

  When she snipped off the last thread and stood up, putting a hand to her aching back, both men looked at her, identical hungry expressions on their faces. She tried to keep her expression serene, but she couldn’t lie to herself—she liked the way they looked at her, the way both of them looked at her.

  “I’m going to get ready for bed,” she announced, heading for the small bathroom.

  As she did, she noticed the positions of the bunks, Jonah’s right next to the big bed, Bill’s off against the far wall, and remembered her vow.

  “Bill, why don’t you put your bunk on the other side of my bed?” she asked innocently. Knowing how protective they were, she added, “It makes me feel safe to know you’re both close.”

  She whisked into the bathroom before they could respond but when she emerged Bill’s bunk had been moved. Both men were standing by the window watching her, and she could feel the energy rolling off of them.

  Daisy bit her lip uncertainly. She had wanted to make them feel equal, but how equal? Where did it stop?

  Walking over to them, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Bill gently on the lips, ignoring the tension she could feel running through his lean body. Jonah made an abortive sound, but she ignored it as she turned to him and tugged his head down. His body was just as tense. She brushed her lips against his as well but stroked her tongue teasingly across his lower lip. He was her husband, after all, and she felt a little more confident about her position. His hand came up and cupped the back of her head, and for a moment, she thought he would take the kiss further. The knowledge that Bill was right beside them only added to her excitement, but Jonah released her almost immediately.

  Disappointed, she stepped back and smiled at them both. “Good night.”

  As she walked back over to the bed, she knew they were watching her and the thought was unexpectedly arousing. She climbed in and pulled the curtains closed, but she was all too aware of the men on the other side. The kisses had backfired. Her own body was aching and demanding satisfaction. As she listened to them take their own turns in the bathroom and finally settle down to either side of her, her own frustration grew.

  The increased desire which had roared to life the previous night was back in full force. Very quietly she slid her hands under the thin fabric of her nightgown and cupped her aching breasts, suppressing a moan of pleasure. If only it were Jonah’s hands touching her the way they had earlier, stroking her sensitive nipples. She brushed a thumb across a taut bud and had to bite down on her lip to keep from crying out. She kept working her nipple as she let her other hand drift down between her legs. Her fingers slid easily through the slick heat and her clit felt swollen and hot. Making slow circles around the small nub, she tried to keep quiet, but as her excitement increased, so did the speed of her breathing.

  What if they could hear her panting? What if they came to check on her—each of them pulling back a curtain to see her writhing on the bed as she pleasured herself. If she was naked and helpless as she touched herself in front of them? The thought of both of them watching tipped her over into a sudden climax, a small cry escaping before she could control it, her body shuddering in the darkness. Her breathing gradually slowed as the tension drained from her body, leaving her limp but not totally satisfied.

  She wished Jonah was here to tuck her against his big body, for Bill to snuggle against her.

  Instead, she pulled her pillows closer and drifted off to sleep. Alone.

  Chapter Ten

  J-817 gripped his cock as he listened to Daisy touch herself. Did she realize that cyborgs had enhanced senses—that he could hear her, that he could scent her arousal? With each small movement and soft gasp she gave, his cock jerked, and frustration gnawed at him. He wanted to be the one touching her, the one making her pant with excitement. When he heard the wet glide of her finger between her legs, he stopped resisting temptation and matched his strokes to hers. Her pace increased and so did his. When he heard her breath escape in a soft cry as she came, he joined her, barely suppressing his own cry.

  She seemed to settle down after that and he tried to sleep as well. It didn’t work. Every time she moved during the night, he was aware of it; when he heard her sigh, he had a hard time fighting the urge to go to her. Hard being the operative word, he thought grimly. He spent the night in a state of constant arousal and her small movements and soft sounds did nothing to ease the longing. Of course, a cyborg needed very little in terms of rest. He could go for weeks without more than a quick, temporary shutdown, but he still got up feeling restless and tired.

  “I’m going to town,” Billy said as he joined him by the window, his eyes flicking to the big bed, the curtains
still closed.

  It wasn’t until after he had climaxed that he had realized Billy must have heard her as well, must have been just as aroused. Had he touched himself as he listened to her pleasure herself? He found the idea didn’t trouble him. If there was any man who he would trust with Daisy’s secrets, it was his partner.

  “Got the list?” he asked, forcing his mind to more practical matters.

  His partner rolled his eyes, but it was a force of habit to check that everything was done correctly.

  “In addition to the greenhouse, I’m going to get a small living module,” Billy added, shooting him an unreadable look. “I’ll hook it up on the far side of the greenhouse.”

  He wanted to protest, but maybe the younger man had been just as tormented as he had been the previous night. Maybe he preferred to remove himself from the situation and, if so, how could he stand in his way? He nodded abruptly.

  “If you think best.”

  A flash of something that could have been disappointment covered Billy’s face before he resorted to his usual grin.

  “I’ll spend the night in town and head back tomorrow. You’ll be alone with your bride.”

  Alone with Daisy. It was an intoxicating thought, too intoxicating. How could he keep his hands off of her if there was no one around to stop him?

  Billy grabbed a few supplies and left. J-817 sat down in the chair by the window to wait for Daisy to wake up. He told himself he was just planning his day, but he knew he wanted to be there with her.

  When she poked her head out of the curtains, her face flushed and sleepy, her hair in a wild tangle, he couldn’t resist going to her. Picking her up, he carried her back to the chair and let her snuggle sleepily against him. Fuck, she felt good—soft and warm and smelling of clean sheets and sexy woman.

  “What time is it?” she yawned.

  “Time doesn’t matter much out here. Sun’s up.”

  She pushed his shoulder and rolled her eyes. “I can see that. Where’s Bill? Already working?”

  Did she miss his partner, even though she seemed content resting in his arms?

  “He went to town. Won’t be back until tomorrow.”

  Her body went still, then she gave him a slow, seductive smile.

  “I guess that means we’re alone.”

  She was so close, so tempting. He started to lean down and felt a small punch against his ribs. What the hell? He pulled back and looked down in time to see the ripple across her abdomen. Very carefully, he placed his hand on her stomach. A moment later, he felt the same small punch. A broad smile spread across his face.

  “He’s so strong.”

  “He’s strong, all right. Especially at night when he’s aiming at my bladder.” Despite the disgruntled words, she smiled softly as she placed her hand over his. The touch rocketed through him. He wanted this—he wanted a wife and a child, a family—even though he knew he didn’t deserve it. He wished Billy were here too, but at the thought of his young partner, he remembered how he had failed him. The future she promised was not for him.

  Forcing himself to ignore the hurt look on her face, he stood up and placed her gently on her feet. He should go to work and leave her alone, but instead…

  “Get dressed while I make breakfast. Then you can meet the horses.”

  Excitement replaced the sadness in her eyes. “That would be wonderful.”

  A thought occurred to him after she had eaten, and the words came out before he could stop them. “Would you like to go for a ride as well?”

  Her eyes lit up with pleasure. “Oh, yes.”

  “Not sure that dress is going to work. Do you have any pants?”

  “None that fit over my stomach,” she said ruefully, her face falling. “Does that mean I can’t go?”

  He studied the long dress. She could pull it up but that would leave her legs exposed and the Martian air could cool rapidly. Still, there was a lot of fabric in the skirt…

  “You have another one?”

  “Another dress? Yes, I have a couple more but they’re all like this one.”

  “Hold still.”

  He went down on his haunches in front of her, then carefully extended the fingernail of his right forefinger into a short, deadly blade. He heard her breath catch, but she didn’t move as he carefully took a thin slice from the front of her dress and another from the back, forming a split skirt. After dividing the pieces he had cut off into long strips, he tied each side of the skirt around her legs to form makeshift pants. The first tie went around her ankle, the next at her knee. He had to force himself to concentrate on his task and not on the soft skin brushing against his fingers.

  As he reached the last ties, around her upper thighs, he couldn’t resist trailing his fingers slowly across her silky flesh as he brought the fabric together. His face was only inches away from her luscious little cunt and the sweet scent of her arousal washed over him. He wanted to spread her legs, to explore the delicate folds until she was panting and needy, to give her the pleasure she had given herself.

  Standing up required every ounce of his self-control as his cock strained against his pants. Her eyes were huge and dark, pupils so dilated that only a thin ring of green remained, and her mouth looked pink and swollen. She started to sway towards him, but he abruptly turned away.

  “That should work.”

  He led the way to the airlock and she followed him silently, pulling on a small breathing mask and a thermal coat without a word. As soon as they were outside, the horses trotted towards them, Galahad in the lead and Storm following behind to keep a watchful eye on the situation.

  “This is Galahad.”

  The big red horse snuffled at her hair and neck, exploring her eagerly. J-817 went to bat him away but she laughed happily as she rubbed the horse’s nose.

  “He’s got to be Bill’s horse. Aren’t you a handsome fella?”

  The words cut at him. Of course she would prefer the handsome young horse. But then Storm stepped forward, nudging Galahad aside, and she turned to him with equal enthusiasm.

  “Oh, my. I can tell you’re the leader of the herd.”

  Storm didn’t start to explore her but held himself rigid until she put her hand on his neck, petting him with long soothing strokes as she looked at his scars.

  “How did he get injured?”

  “Dust storm. They were unloading the horses when the winds came and, in the confusion, they didn’t get the door shut completely. He was by the door and kept the storm away from the rest of the horses.”

  “Such a brave horse,” she whispered, leaning her head into Storm’s neck.

  Brave? That implied that Storm had decided to block the door, not simply been put in a position where he had no choice. At the time, he had still been too raw to think about what had happened, but now that Daisy said it, it seemed obvious.

  “Yes, he’s very brave.”

  Storm studied him from his good eye, then shook his head as if impatient with human slowness. Fuck. Now he was humanizing the damn horse.

  His voice gruff, he said, “I’ll lift you up. Hold onto that ridge at the front of the saddle.”

  “You’re getting on with me, right?” she asked anxiously.

  He snorted. “Yeah. They only listen to their bonded rider.”

  The gentle swell of her waist tantalized him as he carefully placed her on the horse and then leapt up behind her. He immediately realized he’d made a mistake. She was too close, the soft curve of her ass cradling his ever-present erection, and when he put his arms around her to hold her in place, he could feel the softness of her breasts and the warm, firm mound of her stomach. She settled back against him, either uncaring or not realizing the pressure she was putting on his cock. By the sweet smile she directed over her shoulder at him, she had no idea.

  “Just a short ride,” he said firmly. He didn’t know how long he could last without touching her the way he wanted to. “Down the mountain, Storm.”

  Daisy laughed and gave a littl
e bounce as Storm obeyed, and he fought back a groan. Fuck, she was going to be the death of him.

  He said very little as Storm walked slowly and carefully down the mountain. No doubt Billy would have had plenty to say but she didn’t seem to mind his silence. He watched her face as she studied the mountains with an awed expression.

  “This is so different from being enclosed in the cabin of the rover. I feel like I’m part of the landscape,” she murmured, and he nodded. He had always preferred being on the back of his horse.

  They emerged at last on the vast desert plain that stretched away for miles, barren of all life, and she shivered.

  “You cold?” he asked immediately.

  “No. It’s just kind of eerie. All this space with no one in it.”

  “We’re in it.”

  She laughed. “I guess we are, but that’s not what I meant. I think I prefer the mountains. Somehow it feels more sheltered up there.”

  “You want to go back?”

  “Not yet.” She twisted around so she could smile up at him over her shoulder, and he winced before he could prevent himself. “Is something wrong?”

  He put his hands on her hips to move her forward, trying to relieve the pressure on his erection, and color suffused her cheeks as she realized what he was doing. But despite her flush, he caught the scent of her arousal. One of his fingers found a small opening in her makeshift pants and she shivered as his fingertip brushed against her thigh. He immediately started to pull away, but she put her hands over his.

  “You can touch me.”

  “I shouldn’t.”

  “You’re my husband.”

  For now. The words echoed in his head, but he didn’t have the strength to say them out loud. Instead, he teased the opening in the cloth, expanding it enough to add a second finger. Her skin was impossibly soft and he stroked it reverently, even as she parted her legs further to allow him more access. His fingers moved higher, whispering across her delicate folds and she gasped.


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