The Human Side

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The Human Side Page 7

by Cori Garrison

  “We kind of already talked about names in case it was either a boy or a girl. I guess we could just use both of them now! Brady Alejandro and Isabella Amara.” Shawn said quietly.

  “Yes, but we haven’t talked about their last name.” Rebecca said, leaning up on her elbow and looking and Shawn. “I’m not particularly attached to my last name, since it’s my father’s last name and he hasn’t done me any good since he got my mom pregnant. What if their last name was Evans; then they could have a part of you?”

  Shawn looked up slowly, with tears in her eyes. “Are you sure about that? You would really do that?”

  “Of course I would do that. These are our babies and I want you to know they are just as much a part of you as they are of me. I love you Shawn, get that through your head.” Rebecca said as she leaned over and kissed her deeply as her hand caressed her face. “Let’s go to sleep honey. We’ve got furniture being delivered in the morning.”

  Shawn fell asleep with a smile on her face.


  The next afternoon, Stacy parked in front of the local shooting range. She flipped down her mirror and took a quick look at herself in it. I don’t know why I care what I look like. I’m going to practice shooting a gun, not win Miss South Carolina. I don’t need to impress anyone. She got out of her car, grabbed her bag from the back seat and headed in to the range.

  Randy was standing just inside the door waiting. From her vantage point, she was able to see out the front door into the parking lot and saw Stacy pull in. She smiled to herself as she watched Stacy walking towards the building. She admired the confident stride; not self-absorbed, but confident. Her eyes floated back to Stacy’s face. She was wearing aviator sunglasses and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was beautiful, but Randy reminded herself that she was a friend and only that.

  “There you are. Ready to show me how it’s done?” Stacy smiled as she pushed her sunglasses up on her head.

  Randy laughed. “Well, I’m going to do my best. Let’s get started.”

  A few minutes later, they were standing ready. “I’ll show you a few pointers and then you can try it on your own okay?” Randy grinned as she pulled her ear protection down over her ears and pulled her 9mm. She emptied her clip at the full distance, laid her weapon down on the counter and hit the button to run the target in.

  Stacy arched her eyebrow as the target drew close. She could see that every single shot had hit center mass. “Show off.” She muttered.

  “Maybe a little bit; but as you know, we don’t have the luxury of missing when it matters! Now you take a turn. Rule number one: don’t close your eye. Everyone thinks you should close one eye, but actually you can see better with both wide open.” Randy positioned herself behind and to the left of Stacy.

  Stacy took her stance, pulled her ear protection down and raised her weapon. She could sense Randy move closer and tried not to be distracted. I really wish she would stop doing that… whatever it is exactly that she does that makes me so off balance.

  “Take a deep breath and remember to breathe while you’re firing.” Randy said loudly so that she could be heard through the ear protection.

  Stacy took a deep breath, aimed and emptied her clip at the target. She dropped her ear protection and pushed the button to bring the target in.

  “Not bad newbie, not bad at all. Minus the two in the shoulder, they were all center mass. I’d say that’s pretty lucky.” Randy smiled at her encouragingly.

  “You think so? I have to say, I have a little confession to make. This is not my first time at a range. I grew up shooting skeet and going to the range with my father.” Stacy laughed at the pouty look on Randy’s face.

  “So you’re scamming me huh? I suppose you were here with your dad yesterday warming up huh?” Randy shook her head.

  The smile immediately left Stacy’s face. “I can always use the practice. I’m not nearly as good with small arms as I am with rifles and shotguns.” She said quietly.

  Randy noted the immediately change in facial expression and body language. Uh oh, I said something wrong. Way to go smooth operator. “Well, anytime you need to practice, just give me a shout. I better get going or I’ll be late for my shift.”

  “Oh, okay. I don’t want to keep you. Thanks again for the pointers, I appreciate it. Stay safe tonight.” Stacy waved as Randy walked away. Well that was lovely Stacy. She probably thinks you’re a bitch now and a show off.

  Stacy grabbed her bag and headed to her car. She ran a few errands on her way home and then settled in to watch a movie. Before she knew it, it was almost midnight. I should have explained why I reacted that way instead of letting her think God knows what. She reached for her phone to send a text message. Hey, it’s Stacy. I’m sorry earlier if I seemed weird. I’d like to explain, if you are willing to listen. She hit send and tossed the phone on the coffee table.

  Fifteen minutes later, her doorbell rang causing her to jump. Now who the hell is ringing my door bell at quarter after midnight? She hopped up and stood to the side of the door. “Who is it?” She asked.

  “It’s me, Randy. I hope I didn’t wake you.” Came the answer through the door.

  Stacy peered out through the peep hole to confirm that it was indeed Randy, still in uniform. She unlocked the door and opened it. “Come in. What are you doing here?” She asked.

  “Well, I figured since you just texted and I was almost home, I’d just stop by. I hope that’s ok, I don’t mean to intrude. I didn’t even think that you might have company.” She said quietly as she casually glanced around the room to see if anyone else was there.

  “No, it’s fine. It’s just me and the TV. I just moved here a few weeks ago, so I haven’t really made any friends yet. The only people I really know here, besides people at work, are my sisters.” Stacy smiled. “Would you like to sit down? Can I get you anything, maybe a beer?”

  “A beer would be great. I didn’t realize you weren’t from here.” Randy answered as she shrugged out of her bullet proof vest and dropped and her belt on the floor next to the couch. “I hope you don’t mind, but these things are so heavy and uncomfortable.”

  “No worries. I’m sure they aren’t something you like to lounge around wearing.” Stacy said as she carried two beers into the living room and sat one down in front of Randy.

  Randy raised her eyebrows at the comment, but said nothing. She needed to tread lightly since she wasn’t sure what caused the change in temperature earlier in the day. How does she manage to still look like the cover of a magazine in sleep pants and a t-shirt? I need to watch myself with this one, the last thing I need is another crush on a straight girl. Or worse; a confused straight girl who thinks she might be bi or just curious.

  Stacy sat down on the other end of the couch. “Look, I’m just going to get right to the point because I don’t like to beat around the bush. I’m sorry if I acted weird earlier. It’s just that when you mentioned me being at the range yesterday with my dad, it struck a nerve. I don’t have that kind of relationship with him anymore and it’s sort of a fresh wound you might say.”

  “You don’t have to explain anything Stacy. It’s not really my business, but I appreciate you telling me. I’m glad it wasn’t really anything I said, it just happened to be a sore subject with you.” Randy smiled. “So where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t run me through the system already Officer Cash! I’m from South Carolina, Charleston area to be exact. I just graduated in May. I applied here right before graduation and when the job offer came in, I jumped on it.” Stacy said with a shrug.

  “You said you have sisters here? As in, more than one sister? So you all ended up in the same city, which is not where your parents live, is that correct?” Randy prodded gently. Her investigative instincts were kicking in. Didn’t you just tell her that she didn’t need to tell you her business and now here you are interrogating her?

  Stacy shifted on the couch and cross
ed her legs on to the coffee table. “Yes, as in more than one; two in fact. Shawn is the oldest and then Sam is the middle child. They both live about 10 minutes from here. Shawn works at the hospital and Sam works from home.”

  “Oh Lord, there are three of you? I mean, that’s great. The men of Charlotte should be thrilled about that!” Randy laughed.

  Stacy’s face broke into a smirk. “Well, I don’t think they’ll have much chance since they are both taken. I’m the third wheel in this troop; the only single one.” If you only knew. I should tell you, but I think I’ll wait a little longer. I love seeing people’s faces when I tell them I have two sisters and both are lesbians.

  “Haha. Well, I guess there is still some hope for poor fellas then.” Randy stood up slowly and reached for her vest and belt. “I really should be going. I’m worn out and my bed is calling my name. Thanks again for the beer and the chat. Shoot me a text or call if you’re free this weekend and want a tour guide of our fair city.”

  Stacy walked her to the door. “Get some rest and I’ll talk to you soon.”


  “Honey! Wake up! The ovulation strip has a positive on it!!” Jenna pounced onto the bed, waking Sam in the process.

  “Where am I? Who am I? Who are you? How can you be so chipper in the morning is beyond me. Wait, what did you say?” Sam rubbed her eyes like an adorable toddler.

  “I said, I’m ovulating!” Jenna laughed.

  Sam’s eyes widened. She grabbed Jenna and pulled her down on top of her. “I have a call to make then, don’t I? We need to get the little guys on their way over to Dr. Mann’s office right away! Do you want me to call the doctor’s office or will you?” She framed Jenna’s face with her hands and kissed her mouth. “I’m so excited.”

  “I’ll call the doctor, you call the sperm bank. Oh my God I’m nervous!” Jenna said with a shaky smile. “What if I can’t get pregnant? What if I can’t handle being pregnant?”

  Sam rolled over until Jenna was on her back. She looked down into the beautiful face beneath her, brushing Jenna’s hair back. “Baby, there is no reason for us to think that you will have any problems getting pregnant. And if for some reason you can’t, then I will carry the baby or we will adopt. As far as not being able to handle being pregnant, that’s ridiculous. You are the strongest woman I know. You survived being beaten almost to death, carrying a baby will be a breeze for you.”

  They lay holding each other for a while before they got up to make some breakfast and make their phone calls. Sam studied Jenna’s face and found herself picturing what their baby would look like.

  After breakfast, each of them was on the phone; Jenna making an appointment with her OB/GYN and Sam calling to have the sperm overnighted from the bank to the doctor’s office. As each hung up, they had a big smile on their faces. “Well baby, here we go!” Sam said as she hugged Jenna tight. Little Jackson squealed as he crawled across the living room floor, apparently finding joy in his parent’s happiness.

  Jenna leaned down and scooped him up. “Young man, how do you feel about being a big brother? You’re going to have two cousins to play with soon too.” The little boy squealed and babbled out “Mama.”

  “Son, you’re going to have to learn to walk because I won’t be able to carry you when I’m all big and fat!” Jenna giggled as he bounced on her arm, scrunching his face up and smiling at her. “Now, we’ve got to get dressed so you’re going to have to bounce in your chair for a while.” She gave him a kiss on the head as she settled him in his chair.

  Sam grabbed a hold of Jenna’s hand as she walked past, pulling her behind her towards their bedroom. Jenna suddenly planted her feet and pulled her arm, spinning Sam back towards her. She wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck and leaned up on her tip toes, stopping just short of her mouth. “Have I mentioned that your ass looks so hot in those tight shorts?” She leaned closer and trailed her tongue slowly across Sam’s lower lip. She brought her hands down to Sam’s waist, pulling her closer.

  Before Jenna realized what Sam was doing, Sam squatted slightly, hooking her arms together underneath Jenna’s ass and stood up. Jenna’s eyes opened wide. “Jesus, She-Ra, I can’t believe you can pick me up that easily!”

  Sam took a few steps forward with her, which meant that Jenna’s back was now up against the opposite wall in the hallway. “It’s all about leverage baby, and now I have it.” She bit Jenna’s lower lip and then kissed her hard. “Let’s take this show on the road and finish it in the shower.” She turned and carried Jenna down the hall, walking like she was a cowboy.

  An hour later, they were dressed and packed in the car, headed to do some shopping. In the morning, a new chapter would start for them and both hoped it would be an easy read.


  Two weeks later Jenna, Shawn and Rebecca were all three on duty at the same time. It didn’t usually happen, but another nurse had called out so Jenna agreed to pick up the extra shift. They had just finished a quick check on their patients and were standing at the nurse’s station when they were notified that there was an inbound emergency via a life-flight that would be arriving in approximately ten minutes. Everyone turned to head to the delivery room. Normally, babies were now delivered in suites where there was privacy for the family. Emergency deliveries and C-sections still took place in the actual delivery room.

  A doctor appeared on the run from the elevator. Rebecca recognized him immediately as the surgeon and knew it wasn’t a good sign. As the surgeon reached them, he was short and to the point. “We have a pedestrian versus motor vehicle inbound. Mother was the pedestrian and is twenty four weeks. Her vital signs are all over the place and the fetus’ are also. Let’s prep to get the baby out and hope that we can stabilize both of them separately.”

  Rebecca’s hands went to her stomach unconsciously; her babies were just a few weeks further than the one on the way in. She glanced up and found Shawn’s eyes on her as she worked setting up the trays. Shawn glanced quickly from side to side, noticing that no one else was paying them any attention and then mouthed “I love you”. Rebecca just nodded and went to work finishing her set up.

  Four hours later, everyone in the unit was stressed and exhausted. The surgeon had skillfully delivered the baby and handed it off to the Neonatal team, who whisked it away. He had then spent the next three hours working with the trauma surgeon to find and repair the damage to the mother. She was now in recovery and her prognosis was not looking very good. The car had caused massive internal bleeding, a ruptured spleen, a severely damaged kidney and a collapsed lung. She also had a compound fracture of her right femur, which the orthopedic surgeon had joined them to repair before they brought her out.

  As they clocked out for the day, all three walked to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to check on the baby since they hadn’t heard anything. One of the nurses pointed out the baby and they stood around the incubator watching the tiny guy.

  “God he’s so small, I bet my ring would fit over his arm. You’re a fighter little guy, you can do it.” Jenna said she reached through the opening to gently touch his tiny head. “Has his family been notified?” She turned to his nurse.

  “From what we’ve heard so far, there doesn’t appear to be any. The life flight nurse said he called a doctor that was in her contact list in her phone. The office said that she has no one listed as an emergency contact and no father listed either.”

  They were all quiet as they headed to the parking garage. As they stood in the elevator waiting for the doors to close, the charge nurse stepped in. “Ladies, I think we could all use a good night’s rest. I just talked to the surgeon. He said the mom didn’t make it out of recovery.” She shook her head.

  Rebecca tuned her face towards the wall as she tried to keep the tears from escaping. Shawn quietly grabbed her hand and squeezed. Jenna reached out and took Rebecca’s other hand. It was too close to home for all of them. Jenna couldn’t help but think about the tiny little boy upstairs who was now all alone.

  Rebecca and Shawn sat snuggled on the oversized chair watching TV later that night; neither had felt much like talking. Rebecca was sitting in front of Shawn, leaning back against her. Shawn had her hands resting on Rebecca’s stomach. She turned her head slightly and kissed the side of Rebecca’s head. “Becca are you sure you’re ok? Today was tough.”

  “I’m okay honey. I just feel like life can be so cruel sometimes. I keep thinking about the mom; she had no one except that little baby and now he has no one. I am so grateful that I have you. I know we started out rough but I love you so much and I can’t imagine being here now without you.” Rebecca said, pulling Shawn’s arms tight around her.

  “I know baby. I can’t get my mind off it either. What is going to happen to that little boy now? He doesn’t even have a name and he has no one to be there with him. It reminds me that we need to make sure we have our wills up to date and make sure if, God forbid something happened to us, our babies will be taken care of.” Shawn rested her chin on Rebecca’s head.

  “You’re right. It’s not something we probably want to think about; today was a reminder of how precious life is and you never know when it will be gone.” She turned carefully; her belly was making a lot of things difficult now and looked into Shawn’s eyes. “I need you. I need to feel close to you right now.” She said quietly.

  Shawn kissed her softly. “Let’s go to bed. There is nothing I’d rather do, than love you.”


  Jenna pulled the car into the garage and shut it off. She sat there lost in thought and was startled when Sam tapped on the driver’s window. She grabbed her purse off the passenger’s seat and opened the door. “I’m sorry; I didn’t see you walk up.” She looked at Sam, tears brimming in her eyes.

  “You’ve been sitting out here for ten minutes so I thought I better check on you. What’s wrong honey?” Sam pulled her tight.

  Jenna closed her eyes, soaking in the safety and comfort she always felt with Sam. “Let’s go inside and I will tell you about it.”


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