The Human Side

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The Human Side Page 9

by Cori Garrison

  She stood up and headed out the door, stopping in front of Stacy’s apartment door. I really don’t need this tonight, but I made this mess so I should clean it up before it gets worse. She held her hand up to knock but the door swung open before she could. Stacy shrugged her shoulders in annoyance as she looked up; clearly she wasn’t opening the door for her but instead to leave.

  “Did you stop by to tell me to look outside before I open the door officer?” Stacy said in a sharp tone.

  Randy shook her head. “No, I was just about to knock..”

  “I could see that genius. What is it that I can do for you now?” Stacy interrupted.

  Randy could feel her face redden. “God, why is it that we can’t have a normal conversation? I came down here to tell you sorry for blowing up at you!”

  “Really? Sorry until the next time right? I’m surprised your ego…” Stacy’s eyes went wide open as Randy grabbed her arm, propelling her backwards into her apartment, slamming the door behind them.

  “What is it with you and your infatuation with my imaginary ego? Were you married to an asshole cop or what?” Randy said sarcastically.

  Stacy calmly placed her hand on Randy’s hand where she was still holding on to her arm. “Get your hands off me. And no, I wasn’t married to an asshole cop. I’ve never been married not that it’s any of your business. As far as imaginary ego; I’m pretty sure that you do, in fact, have an ego. You’re a cop, you’re drop dead gorgeous and you have a great body so how could you not have an ego?” Where the hell did that come from?

  Randy’s eyebrows shot up and her eyes fell to Stacy’s hand that was covering her own. She slowly let go of grip on Stacy’s arm. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to grab you.”

  “You’re lucky you’re not lying on the ground. My sister would have put you down without a second thought.” Stacy said eyeing her.

  Randy looked at her questioningly, but didn’t ask. “Let’s start over okay?” Randy said in a calm tone. “I apologize for yelling at you. It’s not an excuse, but I had a really bad night and well you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will you please forgive me?”

  Stacy’s blue eyes held Randy’s gaze without flinching. “It’s not all your fault. I seem to have an innate ability to run into you, literally. Truth is, I am not in a good mood either, so I’m sorry for yelling at you too.”

  “Is this the part where we kiss and make up?” Randy said with a smirk on her face.

  “Only in your dreams officer. Only in your dreams.” Stacy replied shaking her head. “I knew it, you do have an ego.”

  “If I had such a big ego, I wouldn’t have asked. I would have just kissed you and expected you to want it.” Randy laughed half-heartedly.

  Stacy squinted and stared at Randy. “Try that and see how far it gets you.”

  Randy started towards her and Stacy’s eyes grew enormous. “Relax Evans; I’m not going to kiss you.” She hugged Stacy quickly before releasing her. “I am sorry about earlier.”

  A smile crept on to Stacy’s face. “Do you want to talk about your night?” Phew, I really thought she was going to kiss me. What a mess that would have been.

  Randy’s facial expression immediately changed. “Nothing you need to be bored with. It was just a bad accident; a hit and run. In fact you may end up processing some of the evidence.”

  “Did I say something wrong?” Stacy asked quickly, noticing the change. Jesus, can I do nothing right with this woman?

  “No, no I’m sorry. It wasn’t anything you said. Some things are just hit a little closer to home. I’m usually pretty good at keeping my personal feelings out of it.” Randy realized they were sitting on the couch and was at a loss on how they ended up there. Now who isn’t being very observant? How the hell did you end up on her couch talking to her about your night without even realizing it? What am I doing? This can only lead to trouble in a big way.

  “It was a hit and run you said? A pedestrian or another vehicle? What kind of evidence did you guys find?” Stacy peppered her with questions, her curiosity peaked.

  Randy took a deep breath. “Pedestrian. A woman who was about six months pregnant. She was in really bad shape. They took her by life flight to Carolina’s Medical Center. Our desk sergeant told us that she died in recovery after surgery and the baby is in ICU.”

  “Oh my God! Who hits someone and just drives away? You said Carolina’s? Ugh, I am sure my sister helped deliver the baby then. She was on duty there tonight.” Stacy said, trying to understand how people could be so callous.

  “Your sister works at Carolina’s? Do you think she would know any more information about the baby? I mean, I’m not even sure if it’s legal for her to give out that information? I would really like to see him, if that’s at all possible.” Randy looked away before Stacy could read her expression.

  She is getting emotional over this. Maybe I’m wrong about her ego if she gets caught up in the wellbeing of a tiny baby she has no connection to. “I can ask if you want me to. If it wasn’t so late, I would call her but I’m sure they are in bed, the pregnancy is zapping all of Rebecca’s energy.” Stacy said before she realized she had opened the door to a conversation she wasn’t ready to have.

  “Rebecca? I thought you said your sister’s names were Shawn and Sam? Who is Rebecca?” Randy looked confused.

  Damnit, why do you have to be a cop who is trained to remember things! Stacy signed inwardly. “Rebecca is my sister Shawn’s partner. They are pregnant with twins.” She kept the information to a minimum.

  Randy raised her eyebrow at her. “Your sister is a lesbian? How can you be such a phobe when your sister is gay?”

  “A phobe? Are you saying that I’m homophobic? How dare you, you don’t know anything about me you presumptuous asshole!” Stacy jumped up from the couch.

  “Whoa! You really need to learn to control that temper Evans. I didn’t mean to imply that you were a homophobe, more that you don’t seem entirely comfortable in the company of a lesbian.” Randy said gently.

  “I have a first name asshole, its Stacy so use it! And why would you say that I’m not comfortable in the company of a lesbian? How would you know?” Stacy baited her. Is she right? Does it make me uncomfortable that I think she’s a lesbian? Let’s see if she confirms that she is.

  “Maybe you’re just uncomfortable in my presence then. Do I make you uncomfortable?” Randy stood and moved within inches of Stacy’s face. What am I doing antagonizing her? You’re pushing her too much.

  Stacy laughed and didn’t back down. “Oh please. You do not make me uncomfortable. Why would you? You’re just a woman, a cocky one albeit.”

  Damn she’s good, why does it give me such pleasure to push her buttons? Whoa, let’s not go there; no button pushing here. She’s straight, remember dumb ass? And with that, Randy’s logical thought process went by the wayside. “Just a woman huh? A cocky one even! So it doesn’t bother you that I’m a lesbian or that I’m about to kiss you?”

  Stacy tried to keep her expression neutral, but her pupils gave her away when they dilated wide open. “Of course it doesn’t bother me if you’re a lesbian, if you are.” She said calmly. She wouldn’t dare.

  Randy smiled smugly. “Well that’s good that it wouldn’t bother you, if I am. I better get home and get some sleep.” She leaned forward quickly and saw Stacy’s eyes go wide. At the last second she turned and kissed her cheek. “Have a good night.” She turned and let herself out, closing the door behind her.

  Stacy stood there without moving for a few minutes. Her heart was racing. Oh stop it. She wasn’t really going to kiss you, she knows you’re straight. She felt a tiny pang of disappointment, but chalked it up to her own ego being bruised. She went through the motions of getting ready for bed but her mind kept replaying the scene over in her head. She drifted asleep forty-five minutes later wondering if she really was uncomfortable around Randy.

  Down the sidewalk, Randy was wondering the same thing insid
e her apartment. Did she make Stacy uncomfortable? It might be one thing to have a sister that’s gay, but a friend? Well, that’s a little different. She closed her eyes but sleep refused to claim her. This can only end badly. I know that in my head but I can’t seem to stop myself.


  Rebecca and Shawn showed up early to work the next morning. Both of them were anxious to swing into the NICU and check on the baby boy’s status. As they rounded the corner to the NICU nursery, they saw a familiar figure standing next to an incubator.

  “Well, would you look who it is? It seems like we aren’t the only ones worried about the little guy.” Shawn smiled. She wasn’t surprised to see that Jenna was checking in on him.

  Jenna looked up as the girls entered and stood next to the incubator with her. “Good morning. I thought I’d stop in and see how he was doing. The nurse on midnights said he’s actually doing remarkably well for how early he is.” She tried to act casual in her interest but she couldn’t resist putting her hand through the opening and touching his tiny hand.

  Rebecca put her hand through the other side of the incubator and gently caressed his head in an open spot that wasn’t covered with tubes and dressings. “We couldn’t stop thinking about him all night. He is just a little younger than these two.” She patted her growing belly.

  “I know. I told Sam about him.” She looked around to see if anyone else was within earshot. “Sam is calling DFS today to inquire about becoming foster parents for him when he’s able to get out of here.” She glanced up at Shawn, who was smiling at her.

  Shawn laid her hand on Jenna’s shoulder. “You are something special, you know that? My sister is lucky to have you.”

  The two left Jenna with the baby and headed over to their side of the floor. Half way through their shift, they heard a code blue page to the NICU come across the speakers. Jenna’s face went white as she ran to help. Oh please don’t be him, please don’t be him. She was relieved when she was almost to the NICU and the “Cancel code blue to the NICU” came across the speaker. She side stepped into the staff lounge and leaned against the wall. Don’t get too attached Jenna. You know how up and down these tiny ones are and he’s not yours. She turned and left the lounge, heading back to check on her own patients. She had just walked behind the nurse’s station when the phone rang indicating someone was at the OB doors wanting inside. Visitors were closely monitored in their unit and babies had proximity bracelets on so that if they were taken outside the range of their unit without it being disabled, it would alarm. She answered the phone. “OB, how may I help you?” She watched the video monitor as the person on the other end spoke. It appeared to be a police officer.

  “Yes, I’m looking for Shawn Evans. I was told she was on duty today and I could find her here.” Came the response.

  “May I ask your name and what you need with her?” Jenna asked cautiously.

  “My name is Officer Cash. My badge number is 1522. I am a friend of her sister, Stacy. I worked the accident with the pregnant lady last night and I was wondering if she could help me find out how the baby is doing?” Randy said with hesitation. Why am I here? Like I can do anything for this kid. They probably won’t even let me see him.

  “Okay. Come on in and go to the nurse’s station to the left.” Jenna answered, buzzing the door open. Well, well. So this is the infamous lesbian friend. Well she’s earned one point for being a sincere person and checking on the baby. Jenna dialed Shawn’s portable extension and let her know someone was there to see her. This should be fun. Big sister meets little sister’s lesbian friend. Maybe I should record it so Sam can watch. I have to figure out how to sneak a picture of her at least!

  Jenna looked up as the officer rounded the corner and headed towards the desk. Good Lord Jesus. That’s not just ANY lesbian friend, that’s a fucking lesbian goddess. Forgive me Sam! She fumbled with her phone as the officer came to a stop in front of her. Jenna looked at her blankly.

  “Hello. I think we just spoke on the phone.. you let me in.. the door?” Randy looked at the nurse, expecting her to speak. “I’m sorry, did I turn the wrong way? I was certain she said turn left..”

  “Sorry, I must have been daydreaming.” Oh for fuck’s sake, did I just say I was daydreaming? Pull your head out of your ass Jenna. “I meant I must have been zoning. I’m Jenna, it’s nice to meet you officer.” She held out her hand.

  Randy smiled and took her hand. “It’s nice to meet you Jenna. Please call me Randy, not officer.”

  They both turned as two nurses rounded the corner, arguing with each other. The blonde with short wild hair was telling the dark haired nurse “How would I know what he wants with me? I haven’t sexually harassed anyone since I grabbed your ass earlier to…” They both abruptly stopped when they saw the female officer standing there with Jenna.

  The dark haired nurse looked at the blonde one and just shook her head, rolling her eyes as if to say “Should be fun explaining that comment.”

  Jenna tried to contain her sarcastic comments and said instead “Shawn, Rebecca, this is Officer Cash. I mean, this is Randy. She’s a friend of Stacy’s and she worked the accident last night. She stopped in to check on the baby.”

  Shawn’s gaze went from the officer’s face to Rebecca’s face and then on to Jenna’s as if to say “This is the lesbian friend?” Jenna raised her eyebrows in response, smiling sweetly.

  “I’m sorry; did I come at a bad time?” Randy asked, watching the interaction between them all. Why do I feel like I’m missing something here?

  Shawn stepped forward quickly. “No, I’m sorry. Your timing is fine, mine however; isn’t. I promise I wasn’t truly harassing this lady.” She smiled sweetly at Rebecca. “I’m Shawn; it’s nice to meet you.” She shook Randy’s hand. “And this lovely creature here is my partner, Rebecca.” Rebecca shook Randy’s hand also and shot Shawn a dirty look. Yeah you better remember who makes you scream with pleasure. She’s definitely gorgeous. She makes me look like a wallflower in comparison and a huge one at that. She reached out for Shawn’s hand in an uncharacteristic show of insecurity.

  Jenna casually leaned against the nurses station, making it look like she was looking on her phone but she was actually snapping pictures so that she could show Sam when she got home. She almost dropped her phone when Randy turned and looked at her. “It’s nice to meet all of you. Thank you for helping me out. I wanted to find out if there is anything I can do for him. I understand that his mother didn’t have any family.”

  “I can take you over to see him. If I go with you, the NICU nurses should be fine. We’ll just explain who you are and why you’re here. Of course, it helps that you’re in uniform too.” Jenna said. And it gives me an excuse to see him too before I go home.

  Randy looked a little confused. She didn’t mind Jenna showing her, but she expected to rely on Stacy’s sister to get her in to see the baby. “I don’t want to take up your time. I guess I was hoping to use the sister card and see if Shawn could get me in because I’m a friend of Stacy’s.”

  “What am I? Chopped liver?” Jenna said slightly annoyed. “I guess sister-in-laws don’t rate as highly Rebecca. We better go on about our business.”

  “Okay, I feel like I’m the only one wearing pants to Prom. What is going on here?” Randy said feeling very off-balance. She looked at Shawn. “I thought you said that Rebecca was your partner?” She looked at Jenna. “So how does that make you a sister-in-law?” Stacy has never mentioned a brother?

  “What the hell is wrong with my sister? I’m sorry she didn’t give you the low down on our family? Yes, I’m Shawn and this is my partner Rebecca. In case you haven’t noticed, that makes us gay and we have twins in the oven.” Pointing at Jenna she said “And Jenna is our sister-in-law. She is our sister Sam’s partner. They have a little boy that is a year old, his name is Jackson. Now that we have that out of the way, is there a problem?” She said defensively. Rebecca put her hand gently on Shawn’s arm, a quiet warning to calm do

  “No, no problem. I was just confused because Stacy didn’t mention that Sam was gay also. She let it slide that you guys were pregnant. It doesn’t matter, I was just lost. I didn’t mean to offend any of you; in case your radar is broken I’m gay too.” Randy said trying to diffuse the tension.

  “We know!” All three answered in unison and then laughed.

  “Why do I feel like I’m in a bad comedy skit?” Randy said laughing.

  Jenna spoke up, putting the officer out of her discomfort. “Come on gaymo, let’s go see the baby.”

  Randy followed, shaking her head and laughing. And I thought it was bad trying to deal with one Evans sister.


  Driving home that evening, Rebecca was quiet. Shawn reached over and took her hand. “Are you tired honey?”

  “Hmm?” Rebecca said distractedly.

  Shawn glanced sideways at her and noticed she was staring out the window. “I asked if you are tired. You’re awfully quiet. Are you not feeling well?”

  Rebecca was quiet and didn’t answer. Shawn pulled into their garage and shut the engine off. “Honey, what is it? Are you having any pain?” She got out of the car and walked around, quickly opening the passenger door. She saw tears in Rebecca’s eyes and her heart constricted. Reaching out to wipe the tears she asked “Becca? Baby, what is it?”

  Rebecca started sobbing and wrapped her arms around Shawn. “I’m okay.” She said between sobs.

  “Baby, come on inside and tell me what’s going on.” She carefully helped Rebecca out of the car and into the house. She got her settled on the couch, kneeling down in front of her. She patiently waited for Rebecca to talk.


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