The Human Side

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The Human Side Page 14

by Cori Garrison

  Randy hobbled down the hallway into the bathroom and leaned her butt carefully against the counter top. Well, here goes nothing. I don’t usually get nervous about a woman seeing me naked, but my hands are tingling. She reached up and pulled her shirt over her head, laying it on the counter so she didn’t trip over it on the way to the shower. Stacy was busy turning on the water in the shower, making sure it wasn’t too hot. When she turned back around, her heart sky rocketed into her throat and without her permission her eyes roamed down over Randy’s bare chest, slowly making their way back up to Randy’s eyes.

  Randy held her gaze, afraid to move in case it would spook Stacy. She could see the desire in her eyes, but she wasn’t about to point that out to Stacy. She didn’t think Stacy was at the point of fully acknowledging it to herself yet, much less anyone else. She stood still and let Stacy set the pace. Much to her chagrin, she felt her nipples harden. Goddmamnit, you guys have a mind of your own! Great, now she’s going to think you’re taking advantage of the situation.

  Stacy felt paralyzed and the only part of her body that was functioning, were her eyes. She couldn’t control them as her gaze lowered once again, noting Randy’s nipples had hardened and were now standing out like dark rose-colored erasers. Her gaze travelled lower over Randy’s rock hard abdominal muscles. She could see bruising extending up from her left hip above the waistline of the sweats she was wearing. Suddenly her body seemed to come to life but it was not responding to her mind’s commands. Her hand reached out and she gently caressed the bruised area above the waistline. “The colors have changed.” She said quietly, her fingers tracing the outline of the bruise.

  Randy’s hand closed over hers, causing her to raise her eyes to look at Randy. “I’m human Stacy. You can’t touch me like that and not expect my body to react.” Her own heart rate had increased and she knew that her body was covered with goose bumps.

  Kiss me, please. Stacy’s other hand trembled as she lifted it to Randy’s face. Her eyes were heavy lidded with desire. She leaned closer to Randy, extending the offer.

  Randy brought her other hand up to circle Stacy’s wrist. “As much as I’m probably going to regret saying this because there is nothing I’d rather do right now than kiss you, I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

  Stacy’s facial expression almost immediately closed off and she pulled back a bit. Randy did see a flash of hurt right before her eyes went void of any emotion whatsoever. Damnit, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I’m trying to protect you can’t you see that?

  “Hey,” Randy said softly, reaching for her. “You have to know how badly I want to kiss you. I don’t want you to ever feel like I took advantage of you though.”

  Stacy’s eyes were a storm of emotions again and they had turned a dark blue color. “You’re not taking advantage of me; I want you to kiss me. Please?”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret your decision.” Randy questioned gently.

  “I’m sure and I won’t regret it. You feel it too right?” Stacy’s dark blue eyes looked deeply into Randy’s.

  Randy leaned forward, never breaking eye contact until she felt Stacy’s soft lips touch hers. She memorized the feathery softness of her lips before she pulled back. She studied Stacy’s face for her reaction. She noted that Stacy’s pupils were dilated and her breathing was slightly labored.

  “Kiss me again.” Stacy said quietly, her eyes lingering on Randy’s lips.

  Randy leaned forward again, this time adding more pressure to the kiss. She was having a hard time controlling her own body’s response, wanting more.

  Stacy pulled back from the kiss, gently caressing Randy’s cheek with her hand. “Thank you. Now let’s get you cleaned up and ready for bed.” Because I need to think about all of this and if I don’t go back to my apartment soon, Randy’s right, I am going to do something I might regret.

  They carefully managed to get Randy showered, dressed in clean clothes and tucked in to bed. Neither one of them had said more than five words to each other.

  Stacy made sure that Randy had everything she needed for the night and then reached out, briefly tracing Randy’s lips with her fingers. “You know how to get a hold of me if you need something tonight. I will see you in the morning.” She hesitated briefly. “Do I get a kiss goodnight?” She asked shyly.

  “Do you want a kiss goodnight?” Randy asked with a smile.

  Stacy leaned down and kissed Randy, lingering a bit. When she pulled back, she whispered in Randy’s ear “I really want more than just a kiss, but for now that’s what it is.” She turned and left the room quietly, locking the front door on her way out of the apartment.

  Randy lay awake for several hours, trying to concentrate on a random TV show with no success. Her mind kept replaying the entire evening, ending with Stacy’s whispered admission. Don’t get your hopes up. She’s probably going to realize just what she did and regret it.

  Down the sidewalk, inside her own apartment, Stacy was trying to relax in a hot bath. Her eyes were closed and she could very clearly see Randy’s beautifully naked torso. She remembered how soft her skin had been underneath her fingers as she had touched the bruise. She groaned a little when she thought about Randy’s lips on hers and she felt her body respond to the memory. So soft, so different from anything I’ve ever felt. I wonder if she’s that soft and smooth everywhere? Oh God, this is not helping me relax. Her hand slipped under the water, finding its way between her legs. She rarely masturbated, but tonight she couldn’t stop herself. She had to relieve the pressure that was building. She imagined that her hands were Randy’s as she played with her clit, shocked at how close she already was to an orgasm. Shit, I don’t want this. I want her. I can wait for her, it’s her that I want. She pulled her hands away, let the water drain from the tub and got ready for bed.

  Stacy’s phone buzzed as she settled in to bed. She picked it up and saw the text message on the display. She smiled, seeing that it was from Randy.

  I can’t sleep. I have tried but I can’t get you off my mind.

  She touched the message box and typed her response. Me either. Tried a hot bath. Only made it worse. She hit send.

  Several minutes passed and she wondered if Randy had fallen asleep. Her phone buzzed again. The image of you in the bathtub did not help me.

  Stacy smiled to herself and typed again. Was it that bad? She giggled, knowing she was baiting her.

  Bad? Depends on your use of the word. You, naked in the tub, is not bad in my book. Her phone buzzed with Randy’s response.

  Stacy chewed her lip and then typed again. Do you need a back rub? I could come back down. She felt the butterflies flittering around in her stomach as she waited for Randy’s reply.

  There is nothing I’d like more than your hands on me. However, I want you to be certain of what you’re doing, no regrets remember?

  She took a deep breath, threw the covers aside and shoved her feet into her tennis shoes. She looked down at her stretch shorts and t-shirt that she had on, shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her phone. She paused outside Randy’s door long enough to send a short text. No regrets. I want to. She slid the key in the lock and let herself in.

  Randy read the text message just before she saw the hall light come on. Her throat went dry. Oh God, I hope she honestly knows what she’s doing.

  Stacy slowly walked into Randy’s bedroom. She paused briefly as the butterflies took up residence in her stomach. She watched Randy’s face carefully, seeing only concern there, she felt the nervousness diminish.

  “Hi.” Randy said, trying to break the ice.

  “Hi.” Stacy said, unsure of what she should do from here.

  “Did you come down here just to stand in the middle of my bedroom?” Randy joked, trying to make her more comfortable.

  “No, smart ass, I came down to help you go to sleep.” Stacy said, realizing after she said it how bad it sounded.

  Randy’s eyebrows shot up and her eyes grew huge. She
just stared at Stacy, noticing that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her t-shirt because her nipples were very clearly erect. “Oh God, you can’t say things like that to me right now.” She pointed at her “You can just stay right there because I can see you don’t have a bra on and I can only take so much.”

  Stacy looked down again, slightly embarrassed to see that her nipples were rock hard and very clearly visible through her shirt. She took a deep breath. Well, you might as well throw caution to the wind.

  She walked towards Randy, watching her eyes open even wider. She carefully perched herself on the side of the bed. “Are you scared of me?” She asked Randy.

  “Scared of you? No. Scared of me? Yes. I don’t trust myself to not touch you.” Randy shivered with arousal.

  “You don’t want to touch me?” Stacy asked innocently.

  Randy tried to laugh “I’m not dead. I want to touch you more than anything, but I don’t want to scare you away.”

  Stacy reached out and took Randy’s hand in hers; she kissed it first and then brought it to her right breast, squeezing it with her own hand. “I want you to touch me but I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  “We can be careful, only if you’re certain you want this. I don’t want you to ever regret it.” Randy said gently.

  Stacy nodded her head. “I don’t know what to do; you will have to show me.”

  Randy smiled. “We will figure it out together. Come over here.” She patted the other side of the bed.

  Stacy walked around the bed, standing still as she reached for the bottom of her shirt. She saw Randy’s eyes follow the path of her hands and she found it turned her on to have Randy watching her strip. She pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her eyes were still on Randy.

  Randy took a deep breath as her eyes never left Stacy. She was blown away by how beautiful she was standing there, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, skin tight shorts and naked from the waist up. “Oh God, what I am I getting into?” She said out loud.

  Stacy reached for her shorts, stopping to ask “Do you want me to leave?” Uncharacteristic self-consciousness started to creep in.

  “No way. What I want, is to see the full picture, please.” Randy said almost pleading for Stacy to complete her task.

  Stacy smiled briefly. “Okay, like this?” She pushed her shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. She lingered briefly, liking the sexy feeling that Randy’s eyes roaming over her naked body, gave her. She lifted the covers and crawled in, scooting close to Randy.

  Randy blinked as if to clear her thoughts. “I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe you are here, naked, in my bed next to me. If I’m dreaming, don’t ever wake me up.”

  Stacy giggled “You’re not dreaming. I might be though. I want to touch you until I’ve touched every inch of you. I want to know if you want me as much as I want you.”

  Randy sighed. “This is not exactly the scenario I had dreamt of, I’m sorry. I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You frustrate me more than anyone I’ve ever known, but I can’t stand when you’re not around. At first, I thought I hated you. Then I realized it wasn’t hate, I just wasn’t used to be challenged and it irritated me.” She closed her eyes tight. “When I heard your voice in that grocery aisle and realized that the officer being threatened by that jerk off was you I thought I would puke. I couldn’t think about the possibility that he would pull that trigger and I would lose you before I had a chance to tell you.”

  Stacy positioned herself carefully next to Randy so she didn’t bump her leg. She reached up and touched her face. “Tell me what?” She asked gently.

  Randy opened up her eyes and looked into the beautiful ones looking back at her. “Tell you that I had fallen in love with you. I tried to deny what I felt because you were straight.”

  “I’m sorry that you felt so conflicted. It’s my fault. I’ve been so confused. These feelings I have for you are so different and scary to me. When I realized I was attracted to you, I tried to deny it because I thought everyone would think it was a joke. I mean, with both of my sisters being gay, I felt like people would think I was just faking it.” Stacy leaned her forehead down to rest it on Randy’s shoulder.

  Randy stroked her hair as she laid there. “What feelings do you have?” She asked.

  Stacy leaned back up on her elbow, looking into Randy’s eyes. “I agree with you. There were times when I thought I hated you, but I didn’t. I don’t. You just have a way of getting under my skin and I was afraid that you could see right through me. I was afraid you could see how much I wanted you, but I couldn’t admit it.”

  Randy reached up and pulled Stacy towards her until their lips met. She heard a sigh from Stacy or maybe it came from her? She felt Stacy yield to her pressure and open her mouth slightly. Her tongue met Randy’s as they explored and kissed deeper. After a few minutes, Stacy broke the kiss, leaning back.

  “How did I know you would be that soft? I dreamt about your mouth, kissing me. Kiss me again, I want more.” Stacy demanded.

  Randy responded with a groan, reaching to pull her down to her mouth again. The kiss became a flurry of tongues dueling and teeth nipping at the others’ lips.

  Stacy needed more and her hand found its way under Randy’s shirt, stopping when it reached one full breast. She cupped it and squeezed, thinking about how she liked her own played with. She pinched the nipple softly between her thumb and index finger, rolling it slightly. The feel of Randy’s breast in her hand turned her on so much; she couldn’t control the slight growl that escaped her.

  “Oh God, I can’t believe this is really happening.” Randy rolled her head back in forth. If I didn’t have a messed up leg, I’d have you right this minute.

  Stacy laughed “Oh believe it. You feel so good, I need to see you. I need to see you like earlier tonight, with nothing covering you.” She helped Randy sit up and quickly pulled her shirt off, laying her back down carefully. “Jesus Christ, I never thought breasts could turn me on so much.” She couldn’t stop herself from squeezing both with her hands.

  Randy arched to her touch. “Don’t stop. You feel wonderful.” She encouraged Stacy.

  “I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to. I am so turned on; I need to be with you.” Stacy made eye contact with Randy briefly before she dipped her head and tentatively licked a nipple. She groaned and licked again. “Oh God, why is this so fucking hot?” She licked again and then carefully sucked it.

  Randy’s hands held her head in place against her. “Fuck, you learn fast.” She tried not to move very much so her leg wouldn’t hurt but her clit was throbbing and she was fighting the desire to flip Stacy on her back and have her right then.

  Stacy continued licking and sucking, moving on to alternate between breasts until Randy began to shake. “Are you okay?” She looked up into Randy’s eyes, noticing they were almost black in color.

  Randy nodded shakily. “I love what you’re doing, but I’m about to explode.”

  Stacy smiled, slowly running her nails down Randy’s tight stomach until her hand slid under the waistband of her sweats. “So soft and smooth. Tell me what you like.” She asked Randy.

  “Touch me like you would touch yourself. Trust me; you’ll know when I like something more than the rest.” Her hips were slightly rocking upward, but she tried to stop them because the movement was a little painful with her wound.

  Stacy carefully avoided the left side, so she wouldn’t bump the wound or put pressure on it. Her fingers slid easily between Randy’s thighs since she was soaked. “Randy, oh God, you feel so incredibly wet and hot. So soft, oh Jesus your clit is so hard.” She flicked Randy’s clit with her fingertip and felt her jump. She flicked it again a couple of times and heard Randy groan. She then slid a very wet finger down until she found Randy’s opening, slowly teasing it before sliding in. “Oh my fucking God! Oh God, you feel so soft inside. Christ, I want you so much Randy. Will you cum for me?” She
groaned out.

  “You won’t.. ohhh.. you won’t…” Randy tried to get the words out but Stacy was circling her finger inside her, which was creating an exquisite pressure Randy had never experienced before in her life. She couldn’t stop her hips from slightly rotating with it. “Gonna.. make me.. cum.” She panted out.

  Stacy struggled to her knees, careful not to bump Randy’s legs and used the index finger of her other hand to flick her clit again, while her finger continued the circling movement inside Randy. “Mmm, I can feel you tightening around my finger, what a fucking turn on.” Stacy said as she felt a flush cover her own body. Boldness crept over her and she pulled her fingers out of Randy, bring them up to her mouth so she could suck the wetness off of them while watching Randy’s face.

  Randy’s eyes were huge and dark; she reached for Stacy’s hand and licked the fingers that Stacy had just pulled from her. “Do you like how I taste?” She asked Stacy.

  Stacy nodded, her breaths were coming in short, quick movements. Her nipples were hard as rocks, her clit was throbbing with need and she had an unquenchable desire to explore everything about Randy’s body. She knew she couldn’t keep Randy waiting too long though, the more she strained, the more her leg would hurt. She leaned down and kissed Randy hard, sliding her finger back in as she did so. Three quick thrusts and a flick of her clit was all it took to send Randy over the edge as she came hard, trying not to thrust her hips too much. Her leg was throbbing but she didn’t care.

  Stacy covered Randy’s face with gentle kisses. “Are you okay baby? I didn’t hurt your leg did I? She asked with concern.

  Randy didn’t miss the endearing term ‘baby’. She didn’t know if Stacy was aware she had said it or not, but she wasn’t about to point it out. “My leg is fine, but I’m not.” Randy answered.

  “What’s the matter?” Stacy asked quickly, a look of almost panic on her face.

  “Hey. It’s okay, I’m okay. I just need you, bad. I can’t wait. I’m sorry but I need you now.” Randy explained.


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