Chasing Glory

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Chasing Glory Page 4

by Galbraith, DeeAnna

  Her chin-length hair was pulled up with sparkly pins, and wisps curled forward to frame her face. The dress she wore showed off beautiful legs, a slender waist, and other outstanding curves.

  He swallowed. “You look beautiful.”

  Glory blushed and smiled. “Thank you. I have something more conservative, and it would only take me a minute to change if you think that would be a better choice.”

  Tal shook his head. “No, no. This is great.”

  She handed him her wrap. “Are we ready to go, then?”

  He stepped back, realizing he blocked her way. “Oh, yeah, sure. Let me help you with that.”

  Glory pulled the door closed behind her and slipped into a silky white wrap with fringe, a hint of fragrance drifting up to him. Tal inhaled and cleared his throat. “Warm night.”

  He walked Glory to his car, settled her in, then went around behind, flapping his collar to get some air to his overheated skin.

  They were fifteen minutes from their destination and as he pulled away, Tal sighed. “I studied the list you put together, but I have a few questions.”

  Glory gave him her attention. “I’ll be glad to help.”

  “Thanks. I don’t know anything about the designers Alyssia likes. Would you be able to tell if she’s wearing any of their stuff tonight?”

  She grinned. “Stuff?”

  “Guess that’s not the right term to use for expensive clothing and jewelry.”

  Glory pursed her lips, bringing another warm flush to his skin.

  “I’ve thought about that,” she said. “I believe your best approach would be an old-fashioned sincere compliment. Alyssia is a beautiful woman, and if you admire her taste, you won’t have to keep tabs on who made what. I can help you learn about the designers later.”

  “You smell very nice,” he said.

  Glory gave him a thumbs up. “Exactly the kind of compliment we’re talking about.”

  Tal concentrated on the road. “I meant you. You smell nice.”

  “Oh. Thank you.”

  He tipped his head. “I have a small notebook and pen in the glove box that should fit in your purse. Since I’m ostensibly there to answer questions, and you to take notes, it’ll probably be best if we stick close. You know, in case either of us has to help the other out.”

  She put the items in her purse and gave him a nervous smile.

  • •

  The Sorrento epitomized the term elegant boutique hotel. Tal pulled under the green awning and spoke to the attendant over the splash of the fountain. He didn’t feel entirely comfortable with all the ostentation, but knew beautiful surroundings made for good marketing.

  He took Glory’s arm and led her into the plush lobby.

  At the reception desk, they were told the Kingston function was being held in the Penthouse. When they stepped off the elevator, a hotel staffer took Glory’s wrap. Tal looked with appreciation at the setup. He’d sat through Alyssia’s pre-presentation meeting with attending in mind. She had, for an exorbitant fee, gotten the chef to use at least one of Kingston’s products in each course. All of their products were represented in a display to the side of the room.

  To their right sat a large table with gleaming silver, crystal, and dinnerware. People talked quietly in groups or enjoyed the view of the Seattle skyline while music played softly in the background. Alyssia had done them proud.

  Tal recognized everyone except a silver-haired couple and a man about his own age. The guy made directly for them, his appreciative gaze raking Glory. When he reached them, he took Glory’s hand, bringing it to his lips.

  An instant dislike for the man surprised Tal with its intensity. He didn’t like this. Not one bit.

  • •

  Glory overcame the impulse to yank back her hand. She’d traveled extensively in Europe, where the custom was still in evidence, but thought it nicer when a man bowed slightly over a woman’s hand, instead.

  “Pryce Welker. Please call me Pryce. And you are?”

  “This is Ms. Glory Danvers,” Tal said.

  The transformation was instant. Pryce Welker peered at her face and broke out in a huge grin. “Not the Glory Danvers of Chasing Glory?”

  The name of her blog and this man’s enthusiasm brought a warm flush to Glory’s face. “Guilty as charged,” she said.

  “I’m PRW100,” he replied.

  She recognized the signature of one of her most frequent commenters. The picture that accompanied his screen name was of a man in full snow ski gear standing in front of a posh hotel. “Nice to put a face to the name,” she said, rescuing her hand from his grip.

  Glory glanced at Tal. He seemed totally surprised by the exchange, but held out his hand. “Tal Kingston.”

  Pryce Welker raised an eyebrow as he shook Tal’s hand. “Head of Research and Development? Ms. Hartford didn’t mention you were coming.” His gaze returned to Glory. “Nor that you would be bringing such a lovely, and famous in her own right, companion.”

  Tal edged slightly closer to her and Glory almost giggled at the male posturing. She sobered as Alyssia saw them and inserted herself between Pryce and Tal, a half-smile in place.

  “Tal. I didn’t realize you’d be joining us.”

  What? They were crashing the event?

  “I mentioned at the pre-presentation meeting that I planned to attend,” he said. “I thought I’d be able to answer any product questions Mr. Welker might have. I twisted Glory’s arm to come along and take notes.”

  Glory held up the small pen and notebook, trying to look ready for business.

  Alyssia’s glance left ice crystals in its wake. “Glory doesn’t report to you.”

  “Who cares?” Pryce said smoothly to Alyssia. “She’s here and I’m a big fan. Please see to it that two extra seatings are provided. One of them for Ms. Danvers, next to me.”

  A pale blue vein throbbed in Alyssia’s temple. “Fan?”

  She made it sound like Glory was a stripper.

  Pryce grinned. “Indeed. She’s one of the best travel bloggers on the internet.”

  Glory smiled as Alyssia and Tal processed Pryce Welker’s compliments. Alyssia’s jaw tightened, but a slow grin spread across Tal’s face. “No, kidding?” he said. “That’s great.”

  Alyssia was not ready to give ground. “I’ve read her personnel folder. I don’t remember anything like that.”

  Tal gave Alyssia an assessing gaze and the compelling personality Glory had witnessed at their first meeting surfaced.

  “We can discuss this later if you want,” he said. “Right now let’s take advantage of the nice event you’ve created.”

  Pryce took Glory’s arm and steered her toward the display of products.

  “I have a few questions,” he said.

  Glory turned to shoot a look of desperation at Tal, but she needn’t have bothered. He was right behind them. Why was he right behind them? He should be hanging around Alyssia.

  “Glory won’t be able to help you, much,” he said. “She’s a fairly new employee. I’m your man when it comes to questions about our products.”

  “Pryce smiled. “The questions I have are of a personal nature. My father’s the one who’ll want to talk products.” At that point, he turned and effectively shut Tal out.

  Glory reached past Pryce and picked up a jar of mint sauce, pretending to examine the label. She caught Tal’s glance and tipped her head toward Alyssia. He spared a frown at the back of Pryce’s head and walked off.

  Beyond the display, the room opened onto a string quartet in black tie, seated beside a portable dance floor. The floor was placed in front of the beautiful view.

  Pryce held out his hand. “My parents are very fond of dancing and Ms. Hartford has seen to it that every possible whim of theirs is anticipated. Luckily for me, an opportunity to hold a beautiful woman has presented itself.”

  Glory accepted his offer, but harbored no illusions. She was being fawned over because she was available at the moment. May
be if she kept Pryce busy for a while, Tal could sit next to Alyssia and soak up some of her wonderfulness.

  Glancing at Pryce through her lashes, Glory considered the possibility that she could arrange for Catherine to meet the tall, dark, and handsome, not to mention rich, new bachelor-about-town. She took his measure. Let’s see, about six two, thick dark hair and kind, grey eyes. Oh, and he was wearing a midnight blue suit. No brown here.

  Pryce was a very good dancer. Her ex-fiancé had been too, so Glory felt confident she was keeping up. This was her first dance since her breakup and she was really enjoying it.

  “May I call you Glory?” he asked as they moved around the floor. “The name fits. And please tell me you aren’t seeing anyone.”

  Temporary flirtation or not, it had been a long time since any man had paid this much attention to her, and Glory was flattered. “That would be fine. And no, I’m not.”

  “I know you’re an excellent blogger. What do you do at Kingston Limited?”

  “I’m an executive assistant.”

  He smiled. “So, if I made a surprise visit tomorrow, you’d greet me?”

  “Why would you visit tomorrow?”

  “Two reasons,” he said. “First, so I can take you to lunch. Second, to sign the contract Ms. Hartford is working so hard to sell my father.”

  Glory stopped. “I don’t understand. Why are you signing the contract?”

  Pryce walked her to the edge of the floor. “My parents live here and my father runs east and west coast operations. I oversee the Mediterranean routes. When he contracted with a line that covers the Asian Pacific Rim, he suddenly became semi-retired. He plans on my taking over the west coast as well as the new contract responsibilities. The real reason is to get me to move back to the U.S. and settle down. Now you know my secret. Can I trust you to keep it until lunch tomorrow?”

  Glory nodded, then Pryce looked over her shoulder, his lips twitching.

  “Your knight is riding to the rescue.”

  She turned and saw Tal striding toward them. He fixed her with a narrowed gaze before speaking to Pryce. “Your parents are talking contract terms and would like you to sit in. I’ll keep Glory company.”

  Pryce took her hand. “Remember, you’re sitting by me at dinner.”

  As soon as he was out of earshot, she asked Tal, “Did you get a chance to speak to Alyssia?”

  He frowned. “I thought that’s what I was paying you for. Not to spend the evening dancing with some player.”

  Glory held his gaze. “I get it that Pryce is a player. He’s also a single, good-looking, successful professional. Alyssia is a single, beautiful, successful professional.” She leaned in. “What I don’t get is why you’re over here, when she’s over there? I thought if I kept Pryce busy, you could watch Alyssia at work. She’s very good at what she does. You could use those observations to compliment her later.”

  She thought Tal might get defensive when she called him on his actions, but saw an apology forming before he spoke.

  “Sorry,” he said, glancing toward Pryce. “You didn’t have much choice when Junior dragged you off, did you?”

  Junior? She clamped her lips and shook her head. Tal was acting like a jealous boyfriend, not someone who wanted to get to know another woman. And as much as it was an ego boost, she needed to help him redirect. “Okay, forget Pryce. Let’s revisit your goal for this evening.”

  Tal took a deep breath. “I wanted this to be the first step in getting to know her better and so far, it’s not working.”

  Glory laid her hand on his arm. “We’ve only been here ten minutes.”

  “Yeah. You’d think with all the hours I clock testing the same ingredients over and over, I’d be used to waiting for results, wouldn’t you?”

  “This is different,” she said, smiling encouragement. “Give it a little while. Maybe she’ll relax.”

  “You’re a good sport.” One corner of his mouth went up. “Would you help me with something before dinner starts?”

  Glory pulled out her pen and notebook. “Fire away.”

  “Not what I had in mind,” he said. “I want to dance with Alyssia but my skills are rusty.” He nodded toward the floor. “Care to take a spin?”

  Glory thought briefly about the hazards of consulting in open-toed shoes, then held her arms out.

  Tal pulled her comfortably close, moving to the music. His hand felt warm against her bare circle of skin. Um, something she hadn’t even noticed when she’d danced with Pryce. After a few missteps, they did very well. She was beginning to enjoy herself when she heard, “Nice. Nice fit.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  He winced. “A side effect of working long hours alone. I have a tendency to talk to myself. I was observing that we fit together nicely. It wasn’t a line or anything.”

  She nodded, but leaned back slightly. Maybe she was getting too relaxed with Tal Kingston. He was easy to talk to, smart, very easy on the eyes … Whoa! He was also paying her to help him get close to another woman. Back off, girl. This is not a date.

  • •

  Glory’s chair had been inserted between Pryce and his father. Tal was sitting across from them, looking hopeful. If she had any diplomatic skills, now was the time to drag them out. She tried to listen and respond to Pryce and tune in to Alyssia’s conversation with Philip Welker at the same time. Right now, they were talking business.

  She had barely begun the spinach and pine nut salad with Kingston’s raspberry blueberry vinaigrette, when Pryce leaned in and spoke quietly.

  “I’ve only been to Seattle for short visits. It looks like I’ll be setting up new offices here. Can you suggest a good real estate broker? One who handles commercial and residential? I’d value your opinion.”

  Where was Catherine when you needed her? Glory thought. She would have been able to answer that in a heartbeat. “I’m afraid I don’t. But I know someone who might. Let me check into it for you.”

  Pryce shifted his gaze forward to Alyssia and back to her. “I suppose I could ask Ms. Hartford. To be honest, though, I don’t find her company very stimulating. She’s pleasant, but too businesslike.”

  Glory was surprised. “How do you expect the vice president of marketing to act at a business-sponsored function?”

  He smiled boyishly. “I’m afraid that sounded rude. Frankness is a habit I’ve picked up living in Europe. I forget it’s not quite as acceptable here. What I meant is, she seems to be business through and through, you know?

  “On the other hand, could you arrange for the real estate broker to be beautiful, with a passion for life? Someone who has more color, and flesh on her bones than Ms. Hartford?”

  “Absolutely,” Glory said.

  When the server brought the next course, she leaned back in time to hear Alyssia tell Philip Welker that she loved to dance and thought the navy and cream Welker logo was very stylish. Those were her favorite colors.

  Glory wavered on whether to give Tal this snippet. Alyssia no doubt used flattery as part of her campaign to get prospects to sign contracts. So it was anybody’s guess as to whether either of her assertions was true.

  Philip Welker engaged Glory in a conversation about Seattle, then asked how she liked working for Kingston Limited. He was charming and knowledgeable and Glory liked him.

  Her attention returned to the pumpkin soup with a dollop of whipped mint sauce. It was one of Kingston’s best sellers.

  Yes, indeed. Alyssia knew her business.

  Chapter Seven

  Junior was annoying. Tal had no idea he’d be here, much less that he’d monopolize Glory’s time. He couldn’t blame the guy. She was beautiful and intelligent. Plus, as he’d told her, a good sport. Nevertheless, Tal hoped Junior would go back to wherever he came from as soon as the evening ended.

  Mrs. Welker asked Tal a question about pineapples, and after answering, he ate his soup and looked at Alyssia. He’d never seen her in anything but a suit. Tonight she was wearing a pretty black
dress with shiny beading across the top. Her earrings and matching necklace were ice blue gemstones and complemented her eyes. Still, she seemed too thin and he wondered if her fragile appearance was the result of an eating disorder.

  She wasn’t touching her food but seemed animated in her conversation with Philip Welker. Tal smiled. As soon as they were a couple, he’d cook for her and bring out the soft roundness and coloring Glory had.

  He slumped. He was doing it again. Letting his thoughts slide from Alyssia, who was his perfect companion, to Glory, who messed with his emotions and libido. Maybe choosing her to help him had been a mistake. No, he just had to get back in control of his plan. He would not end up like his father.

  As he focused on Alyssia, he realized she looked more agitated as the meal progressed. And she was still not eating. When dinner was over, some guests stood and headed for the dance floor, while others chatted in groups. Alyssia excused herself. Glory followed her, starting a conversation.

  The VP stopped and spoke, her face a mask of annoyance. Glory stiffened, pressing her lips together, spots of red high on her cheeks.

  Curious, Tal approached the two women. Alyssia glanced at him, then stopped speaking to brush past Glory and enter the ladies room.

  Glory turned toward him, her gaze not connecting. “I’m sorry Tal, but I’m very tired and I’ve developed a headache. Would it spoil your evening too much if we left now?” She clutched her bag and walked away, not waiting for an answer.

  What the heck was going on?

  He followed her, clueless. Glory stopped to ask the attendant for her wrap, her spine stiff. Tal’s experience with comforting women was nil, but he wasn’t stupid. Something unpleasant had transpired. “Hey, what happened?”

  She brought up her chin, a weak smile in place. “Just a misunderstanding.”

  “Can I help?”

  Her smile turned brittle and she shook her head. “It’ll be fine.”

  The attendant brought her wrap and Tal glanced back at the party, his aim to spend time with Alyssia unfulfilled. He also wanted to know why Glory was upset.

  She put her hand out, palm up. “Oh. You didn’t get your dance. I can wait at least that long.”


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