His Unexpected Love

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His Unexpected Love Page 6

by Anya Summers

  Jenna unraveled as she came. Her body shuddered and her pussy quaked. Yet still Carter thrust, proving that he intended to use every drop of energy and time at his disposal today. Sweat slicked their bodies as he pounded her pussy and ass.

  “Please let me touch you,” she begged, straining against her wrist restraints. He never stopped fucking her as he undid first one and then the other.

  But his control began to slip as her hands slid over his broad shoulders. He pistoned his hips, pushing her body up a cliff of pleasure. Jenna came again, screaming his name as his tempo increased and he unleashed his control, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She held him close as he hammered inside her.

  The world coalesced into bright, shiny exploding stars as her pussy and ass erupted in a climax so profound it launched her body off planet.

  “Carter,” she wailed.

  He stiffened in her arms. His cock plunged, and hot streams of semen filled her quaking sheath. “Jenna,” he roared in her ear, thrusting like mad as his seed filled her.

  He lay supine over her, still buried balls deep inside her. They were both breathing heavily as their heartrates returned to normal. She thrilled at the feeling of his weight on top of her. The way her body cradled the hard planes of his and how he held her close.

  As if she mattered.

  It was a pipe dream. She knew that. But she let herself imagine it was real. It wouldn’t hurt, right?

  Then Carter leaned up on his elbows, his handsome face inches from hers as she opened her eyes. His gaze searched hers and she didn’t know what he sought or what he saw when he looked at her. His thumb traced her lower lip.

  And then he lowered his mouth, brushed his lips over hers tenderly, and she had to fight back the tears. As fierce and as heated as their lovemaking tended to become, it was this, right here, that moved her more than anything.

  Then he withdrew his semi-hard shaft and the beaded dildo. He moved about, undoing her ankle restraints and then left her on the bed. Which was fine. She could barely lift her limbs and could feel the edges of her consciousness slipping.

  He returned with a warm washcloth and cleaned her up between her legs. When he’d finished, he pulled the bedcovers up over her.

  “Sleep,” he ordered, and turned to leave her alone in his bed. But she shot her hand out and placed it on his strong forearm.

  “Don’t leave me,” she said, her voice a hesitant whisper.

  Carter glanced at her hand, his expression tender, then tossed the washcloth onto the nightstand. He slid in beside her and gathered her close. “Wouldn’t dream of it, darlin’.”

  She snuggled against his firm chest and shut her eyes, not questioning her actions or potential consequences for once in her life. Just enjoying being surrounded and held by Carter.

  Chapter 7

  Carter was more relaxed than he had been in an age as he got himself prepared for a hike around the island while awaiting Jenna’s return.

  She was the reason his stress levels had plummeted. There was no other explanation for it. And not one of his orgasms with her had been perfunctory—rather, epic and world-altering. Carter was an experienced Master and had been with his fair share of submissives, but not one of them had ever engendered this much relaxation and simple deep in the bone satisfaction.

  Which meant the calm and peace he felt was her. She did something to him.

  Jenna was fiercely independent, wildly intelligent, and a damn hard worker. Perhaps it was that combination, along with her shocked pleasure over yesterday morning’s breakfast. Or the way she clutched at him after sex, asking him not to leave, like she didn’t want to let him go, that continued to capture his attention.

  It didn’t hurt that the sex between them was on the next level. Jenna was a rare jewel of a submissive—open and willing to accede to a Dom’s every wish and fantasy.

  At least in bed.

  Her defiance was just another one of those things about her that seemed to fuel his hunger and lust for her. That she could be so circumspect and unwilling to back down as she went toe to toe with him. Yet it made her surrender beneath his hands all the more captivating, not to mention getting the chance to swat her cute ass.

  If he were a believer in the occult, he’d say she had ensorcelled him.

  The elevator door opened and pleasure seeped into his soul. He turned and was sucker punched at her beauty. She’d braided her hair this morning and golden wisps had escaped while she’d been out, framing her beautiful face. But it was her eyes that drew him in. Those large cornflower blue orbs were expressive. She hid what she felt in every line of her body but her eyes gave her away. And they were looking at him now with heat and consternation.

  His little sub appeared to be as confounded by their connection as he.

  “How was work?” he asked.

  “Long,” she replied, a hint of exhaustion in her voice.

  “If you don’t want to go, we don’t have to. We can stay here.”

  “No. I do, but would you mind if we stop at my apartment? I need some things,” she said, approaching him.

  “Yeah. What things do you need?” he asked, tugging her the rest of the way until he had her in his arms.

  “Well, for one, I’m running out of clean clothing.”

  “Since you’re not wearing them here, I don’t see how that’s a problem,” he replied.

  “Let me rephrase that: attire for work so that I’m not having to constantly run from here to my place to change and then try to make it across the island for my shift,” she said.

  He hadn’t realized that was what she’d been doing. Christ, there was a lot about her he didn’t know. He knew precisely what it took to send her body over the edge of ecstasy, but otherwise he had no idea about her.

  “Ah, well. While I think you should always be naked, I can see how that’s an issue. Let’s get a move on,” he said.

  She was studying him intently, her gaze burning into him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You just look different without your jeans and cowboy boots, that’s all. I like it, I just didn’t expect you to own something that wasn’t jeans,” she teased.

  “Well now, darlin’, just because I live and work on a ranch doesn’t mean my wardrobe is strictly that. You’ve not seen me in leather pants either,” he responded. He realized the tank top and basketball shorts were not his typical gear, but it was hotter than blue blazes outside. While he lived and worked outdoors, in rain, snow, bitter cold or scorching heat, the humidity here was a killer.

  Her gaze traveled over his body and he felt it all the way down to his sneakers. “I’d like to see that.”

  He leaned down and nipped her bottom lip. “That can be arranged.”

  Carter ran his knuckles down her cheek and she leaned in to his caress. Her fingers curled into his chest. Her passionate gaze sucked him in and pulled him under. Her forthright stare was filled with desire and hunger yet he spied more, something deeper, and it rocked him. Then she blinked, broke the heated spell as she retreated, and said, “Maybe when we return, big guy. We should get going before it gets too much hotter today.”

  She disentangled herself from his hold and he let her, wholly unprepared for the emotions she engendered inside him. “Certainly.”

  He escorted her out of his lodgings, enjoying the way the sun illuminated her tan skin and golden tresses. They headed off in the cart, with Jenna pointing out various locations. Trails that could take them to the greenhouse or the airstrip.

  The westward side of the island was less tame. Other than the set of apartment buildings on one corner, the rest was wild and unspoiled. He loved that. It reminded him more of his ranch; the open expanse of land remote and natural.

  Carter followed Jenna into her first-floor apartment. The pre-furnished dwelling was not overly large, and contained furniture and a design similar to those in the villas. But there were touches of her everywhere; bright candles, a vase on the pinewood dining table with flow
ers that looked like she had picked them from the island. It smelled like her, that unique, exotic jasmine fragrance. Jenna’s place was little more than a studio apartment with an open floor plan. A queen-sized bed covered with ivory sheets stood across from the living room with a single leather sofa and chair. Beside her television stand was a small desk with a tablet computer. He checked out her place as she moved around the same way she did everything—as if she were a tornado, opening her dresser and closet and tossing items into a bag.

  There were picture frames she’d hung on the walls near her desk. Candid shots of her with another blonde. She seemed younger, but her features were similar enough in appearance form him to guess that they had to be related. Then there was one with an older gentleman, his hair fully white but his eyes the same as Jenna’s as he smiled into the camera.

  “My father, Dale,” Jenna said beside him.

  “And who’s this?” he asked, pointing at the one with the other blonde.

  “My sister, Meghan. That was taken a few years ago, at a birthday party, if I remember correctly.”

  “She seems young,” he commented.

  “And I’m not, is that what you’re saying?” she asked with a spark of fire in her gaze.

  “No. Not at all. You just… ah, hell—”

  “Relax, big guy, I’m just yanking your chain. She’s six years younger than me. Mom and Dad had trouble conceiving so she was a surprise baby for them after years of trying,” she murmured.

  “And what about your mom? You don’t have any recent photos of her up,” he said and saw her entire demeanor change.

  “She died when I was young,” Jenna said, but her lips were compressed. A slash of pain flashed in her gaze briefly before she replaced it with a bland smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. Both of my parents died a few years back. I know it’s something you never truly get over. Once my mom passed, dad just couldn’t seem to continue living without her and died in his sleep,” Carter said, giving her waist a squeeze.

  “It depends on the manner in which they choose to leave and whether it was from natural causes,” she murmured and then tried to turn away from him.

  “What do you mean by that? Talk to me, Jenna, how did your mom die?”

  “Suicide. I was eight. Meghan was only two at the time,” she said, her voice a pained whisper.

  “Jesus, Jenna. Sorry doesn’t begin to cut it.” He wrapped her in his arms. She sighed brokenly against him, fisting her hands in his shirt and burying her face in his chest. It was clear that this was sore spot. One that, if they had more time together, he would draw out of her. As it was, he didn’t want to make her sad and prod at a scar that obviously still hurt her.

  “It happened a long time ago,” she murmured, muffled against his chest.

  “I’m still sorry for it,” he mumbled against her temple.

  “It’s fine. Can we get out of here?” she asked, shifting her head to look up at him, her gaze beseeching.

  “Absolutely,” he replied. Carter looped her bag over his shoulder and then escorted her back to the cart. He wanted to put excitement back in her eyes and make her smile again.

  In the cart, he asked, “Where should we go from here?”

  “Um, get back on the path and then take the first left. You can’t come to the island and not see the view from the overlook,” she said.

  He did as she suggested, watching her from the corner of his eye as he drove them over the path. It ascended in gentle waves, the verdant green jungle vegetation lining the path.

  “So what do you do, Carter?”

  “I own a ranch outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming,” he replied and cast a glance her way.

  “And what do you do on your ranch?”

  “Breed and raise quarter horses.”

  “Really? What’s that like?” she asked.

  “A lot of hard work, early mornings spent waking before the sun even crests the horizon. But it’s good, honest work and I can’t imagine doing anything else. Have you ever ridden?” he asked her, thinking she’d make quite the picture astride one of his mares.

  “A horse? No. We didn’t have extra for frivolities like that.”

  “Well if you ever get a hankering for it, I’d be happy to teach you,” he murmured.

  “Maybe. One day. I don’t know that I see myself leaving the island anytime soon. Unfortunately,” she muttered and then blushed at the admission.

  “You don’t like it here, on the island?” he asked, surprised by her response. Yet it also planted the seed of an idea.

  “No, I do,” she said hastily.

  “But?” There was no way he was letting her out of this one. If she was unhappy here, he wanted to know why, for a number of reasons.

  “There’s a difference between wanting to be at a place and needing to, is all. My life hasn’t been my own, well, not for twenty years or so. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s here where I am and here where I will stay,” she said and looked in the opposite direction.

  Twenty years or so, which meant ever since her mother had passed. He couldn’t imagine growing up with that specter, that ghost crowding everything one did. His parents, while not perfect, had never made him doubt for one second that they loved him. Wanting to diffuse the lines of tension in her, he said, “You should come for a visit. You can relax on the back patio with a cup of coffee with a clear view of the Grand Tetons. Not to diss on the mountain here, but there’s nothing quite like the mountains back home.”

  “You love it there,” she said.

  “Yeah, I do. It’s about forty-five minutes or so from downtown Jackson Hole. There’s not the hustle of the big cities. And you can see the stars come out every night.”

  “It sounds nice.”

  “It is. Now there’s a sight you don’t see every day,” he murmured, pulling up near the abutment. There was one of the outdoor stations that had been erected. And, out beyond that, from this precipice, one could see the beach and ocean beyond.

  “It’s my favorite spot here. Up away from everyone. I don’t have to worry about anything and can just be,” Jenna said rather wistfully.

  There were layers of herself that she was hiding. It went deeper than just her mother’s suicide. He rubbed a hand down her back, wanting to replace her frown with happiness and pleasure. Christ, she made him want to stand as her guardian, protect her from whatever it was that put that helpless look on her face.

  “Want to make it an even better spot?” he asked, giving her a seductive grin.

  She shifted her gaze to his. He thrilled at her audible intake of breath as he watched her pupils dilate and her pale pink tongue dart out to wet her bottom lip.

  “How?” she asked.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  And Carter knew, coming from this woman with her fierce independence and simmering passion, that was a victory.

  “Good. Come with me,” he murmured, the hint of command in his voice.

  Carter led her over to the overlook station, replete with a padded leather fuck bench: one of his favorites, as it put a sub at his mercy.

  When they reached the bench, he directed, “Disrobe for me.”

  While she slid out of the short shorts, tank top and her lingerie—which made him hard as a rock to see every time, as she was pure perfection—he went to the small waterproof trunk and withdrew some ankle restraints.

  He headed back over to her. She was submissive in every cell in her body, but she was also defiant as hell and stood proud, her head up and gaze on him. He didn’t know if she would ever truly submit fully. But Christ, he wanted to be the one she gifted with it.

  He tugged her into his arms, his hand on her nape, tilting her face toward his. Carter claimed her mouth, his tongue invading her warm recesses. He kissed her unleashing his primitive caveman, who wanted nothing more than to claim her, mark her as his. Jenna’s hands slid up his chest and he felt the caress down to the soles of h
is feet. Her hands scorched a trail up to grip the back of his neck, making her press her hot fucking body against him.

  He growled into her mouth at the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest. He was drowning in Jenna. Grenades could be exploding around them and he wouldn’t know it—or care, for that matter. She took him out of his headspace, made the rest of the world recede, and shredded the very foundation of his vaunted control.

  By the time he ended the kiss, it was he who was trembling, he who felt perilously close to murmuring words that he wasn’t ready to utter. He wanted to keep her, wanted her to belong to him.

  His breathing was heavy as he stared at her. And the desire blazing in her gaze nearly brought him to his knees. She was precious to him as he lifted her up, then proceeded to strap her on her hands and knees to the bench. It gave him a deep in the bone thrill that his cuffs were on her wrists.

  What bowled him over was that he wanted them to stay there permanently. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had the urge to claim a submissive as his. It had been years. But one look at Jenna restrained on the horse and a part of him simply decreed: mine.

  He caressed her cheek with a finger and said, “Just pleasure with this session, darlin’, but use your safeword if you need to.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

  Carter walked around to her tail end. The pretty puffy lips of her pussy glistened with dew. He couldn’t help himself. He had to taste her. He bent down on one knee. With his hands he spread her folds farther apart, then tongued her slit from her clit all the way to her anus.

  At Jenna’s sharp cry of pleasure, he grinned, then latched his mouth around her clit, flicking the nub with measured strokes. He loved the way she tasted. And at the little mewls she made when he plunged his tongue inside her pussy, he felt pre-cum seep from his rock-hard erection.

  “Carter,” she moaned. The breathy sound went straight to his cock and made it twitch.

  As much as he wanted to slam inside her and feel her heat envelop his dick, he wanted to send her body over the edge first. Carter ate her pussy, driving her body toward climax. He reveled in her moans and the way she cried his name.


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