Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue

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Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue Page 1

by Paula Harrison


  Will you answer

  the call for adventure?


  For James, Abby, and Megan—P. H.

  To my parents, who always let me roam free.

  And to Murre, the best cat.—J. L.



  Title Page


  Meet Kitty & Her Cat Crew

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Super Facts About Cats

  Excerpt from Kitty and the Tiger Treasure

  Back Ads

  About the Author and Illustrator


  About the Publisher

  Meet Kitty & Her Cat Crew


  Kitty has special powers—but is she ready to be a superhero just like her mom?

  Luckily, Kitty’s cat crew has faith in her and shows Kitty the hero that lies within.


  A stray ginger kitten who is utterly devoted to Kitty.


  Wise and kind, Figaro knows the neighborhood like the back of his paw.


  Pixie has a nose for trouble and whiskers for mischief!


  Sleek and sophisticated, Katsumi is quick to call Kitty at the first sign of trouble.



  Kitty bounded into her mom and dad’s bedroom as gracefully as a cat. She was wearing her stripy pajamas, and her dark hair bobbed around her face as she ran. Flipping head over heels, she landed neatly on the bed.

  Her mom smiled. “Slow down, Kitty! It’s nearly bedtime. Aren’t you sleepy yet?”

  “No, I’m not tired at all!” Kitty watched her mom take a sleek black superhero outfit out of her wardrobe and put it on.

  Kitty’s family had a special secret. Her mom had catlike superpowers, and every night she went on adventures. Her mom could see in the dark, climb walls, and balance on rooftops. Her superpowered senses meant she could always tell when trouble was near. Best of all, she could talk to cats and share their secrets!

  Kitty wanted to be a superhero just like her mom one day. She loved playing rescue in the cat outfit her dad had made her. She could leap all the way from the window seat to her bed without touching the floor.

  But when she looked out the window at bedtime, there were so many mysterious shadows and odd noises out there. It was safe and snuggly in her room, and the thought of going out into the dark made her shiver. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be ready to be a superhero like her mom. “Why don’t you brush your teeth and wash your face, Kitty?” suggested Mom. Her dad came in, carrying her little brother. “It’s time for you to brush your teeth too, Max. Let’s find your toothbrush.”

  Kitty followed them to the bathroom, but Max giggled and scampered away at lightning speed.

  Mom caught him and brought him back to the sink. “Be a good boy and do what your dad says, Max.” She looked in the mirror and straightened her superhero mask. “It’s getting late! I really must go.”

  “Can you read me a bedtime story first?” asked Kitty.

  “I’m sorry, honey.” Mom kissed Kitty on the forehead. “Maybe tomorrow night.”

  “I’ll read you a story, Kitty,” said Dad.

  Kitty’s shoulders slumped. She knew being a superhero was important, but she wished Mom didn’t always rush off at bedtime. “But I want Mom to tuck me in. I like our bedtime talks.”

  “Why don’t we have a little talk now?” Mom took Kitty to her bedroom, and they sat on the window seat together.

  It was growing dark outside, and a bright full moon was rising over the rooftops. An owl hooted in the distance.

  “Having superpowers is a very special gift,” said Mom, stroking Kitty’s hair. “On a night like this, when the moon comes out, you can feel magic in the air. Then you know it’s the perfect time for an adventure.”

  Kitty stared at the darkening sky and shivered. The orange streetlamps were blinking on one by one, but strange shadows lingered at each corner. “It looks creepy out there. I don’t think I could ever be a superhero and go out into the dark like you,” Kitty said.

  Mom hugged her tight. “You can choose to be whatever you want to be. But don’t let fear hold you back. You’re braver than you think!”

  Kitty hugged her mom. “I will try to be brave! I just wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “I know, but there are people out there who might need my help. Tomorrow we’ll have pancakes for breakfast, and I’ll tell you all about it.” Mom smiled and gave her a kiss. “Sleep tight, darling. Remember, I won’t be far away.”

  Kitty smiled back. “Night, Mom.” She watched her mom climb out the window and run along the rooftops into the dark.

  Dad read Kitty a bedtime story. Then she snuggled down and pulled the blanket up to her chin. Her bed was warm and comfortable, but she didn’t feel ready to go to sleep yet. She wriggled onto her side and stared out the window.

  The moon had risen high in the black sky, and shadows flickered on the rooftops. The wind whispered, and Kitty’s heart beat faster. She turned on her bedside lamp and peeped over the top of her blanket. There’s nothing to be scared of, she told herself.

  Her mom’s words spun around inside her head: “Don’t let fear hold you back. You’re braver than you think!” Maybe she should put on her cat outfit and see if it made her feel any braver?

  Jumping out of bed, she pulled her superhero costume over her head. Then she swung the silky black cape onto her shoulders and tied the ribbon carefully. Last of all, she put on her cat tail and velvety cat ears before turning to look in the mirror. She did a perfect spin, and the cape flew out behind her. She loved the way the cat costume looked, and she did feel a tiny bit braver.

  Suddenly there was a scratching noise right outside her window. Kitty turned around, her eyes wide. The scratching grew louder, and then a shrill meow made her jump. She rushed to the window and peered into the dark.

  A sleek black cat with a white stripe on his face and white paws was waiting on the window ledge. Kitty opened the window, and the cat sprang into the room with a flick of his tail.

  “Good evening! My name is Figaro.” He smoothed his jet-black whiskers. “I must speak to your mother at once.”

  Kitty’s heart skipped. Had she just understood what the cat said? “Hello, I’m Kitty,” she managed.

  “Lovely to meet you!” Figaro gave a theatrical bow. “Please take me to your mother, Kitty. There’s an emergency, and I must get her help!”

  Kitty’s stomach did a somersault. “I’m sorry—my mom’s already gone out. She left a little while ago.”

  Figaro clutched his cheek with one paw. “This is dreadful . . . but wait!” He stared at Kitty’s cat costume. “You’re a superhero too, so you can save us from this terrible disaster!”

  “Oh, I can’t really,” said Kitty. “I wouldn’t know what to do!”

  “You are a superhero, though,” insisted Figaro. “Who will help us if you don’t?”

  Kitty looked nervously at the night sky. She’d only been pretending when she had dressed up in the costume, but now this cat believed she really was a superhero. How could she tell him that she didn’t dare go out into the dark?



  Kitty looked into the night. The thought of venturing outside made her feel wobbly inside, but how could she explain that to Figaro? He was expecting her to be a brave superhero. “What’s happened?” she asked. “Is somebody hurt?”

  Figaro leaped onto Kitty’s bed
and flicked his tail impatiently. “There’s an awful noise coming from the clock tower, and the animals in the neighborhood are in great distress! We have no idea what’s making this dreadful racket. You must help!”’

  Kitty leaned her head out the window. The clock tower was a long way from her house, but she could hear a terrible, high-pitched howling. It sent a shiver down her back.

  “The clock tower is very tall, and the walls are too slippery for any of us to climb. There is panic out on the rooftops tonight, and we need your help.”

  Kitty’s stomach lurched. The noise could be anything! Did she really want to go and find out?

  Figaro leaped neatly off the bed. He placed his paw on her knee, his face solemn. “Please, Kitty! We need you.”

  Kitty gulped. She wanted to help, and there was also a tiny part of her that wanted to see what it was like to have an adventure. She took a deep breath. “I’ll go to the clock tower if you help me find the way.”

  Figaro’s whiskers perked up. “Thank you, Kitty! Every cat in Hallam City will be forever grateful.” He skipped to the window, his white paws flashing. “Follow me, and I’ll take you there at once.”

  Kitty’s heart pounded as she climbed onto the windowsill. Clouds moved to hide the bright full moon, and the darkness thickened. For a second, Kitty nearly turned back inside. Then she took a deep breath and clambered through the window. She scrambled up from the windowsill and balanced on the roof, her heart racing.

  The shadows seemed to stretch toward her. She shivered as she gazed around, trying to spot the places she knew. There on the corner was Mr. Harvey’s shop with all the cards and magazines in the window. Beyond that was the park, with its tall trees and duck pond. The clock tower looked very small in the distance.

  The wind stirred and touched the back of Kitty’s neck like a cold finger. A creature with wide wings swooped past with a terrible shriek. Kitty froze—her breath stuck in her throat.

  “Don’t worry, it’s only a screech owl,” said Figaro, bounding away across the rooftops.

  Kitty couldn’t move. She clutched the chimney, and the bricks felt rough under her hands. She was just about to tell Figaro she wasn’t really a superhero when suddenly there was a break in the clouds.

  Moonlight poured over the rooftops, turning everything soft and silver. Kitty felt her magical superpowers tingling. She narrowed her eyes and turned on her nighttime vision. Then she listened carefully and found she could hear lots of tiny nighttime sounds, from insects chirping to the whispering of the wind in the trees.

  Kitty let go of the chimney and felt her super balance kick in. It felt amazing! She skipped across the rooftops, light as a moonbeam.

  “Come on—this way!” called Figaro, leaping from one roof to the next.

  Kitty jumped across easily. Then she tried a somersault and landed on her toes. Figaro nodded approvingly. Kitty smiled at him.

  The wind changed direction, and the terrible howling from the clock tower grew louder.

  Figaro shook his head. “It’s getting worse. We have to hurry!”

  They ran along the next rooftop. Then Figaro stopped suddenly, scratching his ear. “This is no good! That’s much too far to jump,” he said.

  Kitty crept onto a narrow ledge. “I think I can see a way across.” She climbed up the gutter and ran past a row of chimneys. A strange shape moved on the opposite roof. Kitty swallowed. It looked like a monster with two heads. It’s just a shadow, she told herself. Remember . . . you’re braver than you think! When she looked again, she realized it was only the shadow of an oddly shaped tree.

  She bent her knees and got ready to jump to the opposite roof.

  “Help me!” called a little voice. “Somebody please help me!”

  Kitty zoomed in on the sound with her super hearing. “Wait, Figaro! Someone’s in trouble. I think it’s coming from the park.” She clambered down the drainpipe and ran to the park entrance.

  “Dear, dear!” Figaro puffed a little as he reached the ground. “What a terrible night we’re having!”

  Leaving the city streets behind, Kitty and Figaro raced along the winding path that led through the park. The darkness wrapped around them like a blanket, and there was a crackling in the bushes. Kitty swallowed. It was dark so far away from the streetlights and the houses.

  The path forked. Kitty hesitated, listening again for the cry.

  “I’ll search this way.” Figaro waved a paw before disappearing in the direction of the pond.

  Kitty took the other path, her night vision sharpening. As she dashed around a bend, she caught a glimpse of orange fur. A fox with a white-tipped tail lurked at the bottom of a tree. It glanced at Kitty and raised its black nose to sniff the air. Kitty backed away. The fox had a sharp glint in its eyes.

  “Help me!” called a tiny voice from the branches above.

  Kitty’s heart raced. Someone was trapped up there! She ran forward and the fox dashed away, its tail flashing in the moonlight.

  Kitty peered up into the dark web of leaves. “It’s all right! I’ve come to help you.”

  There was no answer. Hairs prickled on the back of Kitty’s neck.

  “My name’s Kitty. Are you okay?”

  The silence thickened.

  A fluttery feeling grew in Kitty’s chest. Even superpowered sight wouldn’t let her see through the tangle of leaves. Who was up there, and why wouldn’t they speak to her?

  Kitty gulped. There was only one way to learn who had been calling for help. Finding a foothold in the trunk, she pulled herself onto the lowest tree branch and began to climb.



  Kitty swung from one branch to the next, and the leaves above her moved wildly. No matter how quickly she climbed, someone else was climbing away from her even faster.

  “Wait! I came to help you,” called Kitty.

  The rustling stopped, and a pair of bright eyes blinked over the edge of a thick branch. “Are you sure you’re not a monster?” said a little voice.

  Kitty realized she was speaking to a cat. “I promise I’m not a monster. I’m just a girl who can talk to cats. It’s a special talent that runs in my family,” she explained. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “Oh!” The eyes blinked again. “My name’s Pixie.” The leaves shook, and a small cat with fluffy white fur jumped onto Kitty’s branch.

  “What happened? Did the fox scare you?” asked Kitty.

  “I was up here in the tree, imagining I was a magical cat with wings. Then that horrible howling started. Can you hear it? I think it’s a g-g-ghost!” Pixie’s whiskers trembled.

  “Figaro says it’s coming from the clock tower. I’m on my way to investigate right now,” said Kitty.

  Pixie clutched Kitty’s arm with her paw. “You mustn’t! What if the ghost sees you?”

  Kitty swallowed. “I’m sure it isn’t a ghost,” she said firmly. “Why don’t you come with us and see for yourself? The fox is gone, so it’s quite safe to climb down.”

  Pixie followed Kitty down the tree, still muttering about ghosts and monsters. Kitty was starting to wonder if the little cat had a very strong imagination. They scrambled through the bushes to find Figaro scampering toward them. At his side was a tabby cat with serious amber eyes.

  “There you are, Kitty!” Figaro twirled his whiskers. “I was getting so worried! Pixie, what on earth are you doing here?”

  “I was up a tree dreaming of becoming a cat with wings! But now Kitty says I should come and look for the clock tower ghost,” replied Pixie.

  Figaro tutted. “Dear me! I see you’re full of wild ideas, as usual.” He waved to the cat with the amber eyes. “Kitty, I’d like you to meet my friend Katsumi. She’s brought some news about the clock tower emergency.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” the tabby cat said, bowing her head. She had a beautiful honey-colored coat and a long, elegant tail.

  “Hello, Katsumi!” Pixie bounced up to the tabby cat, and they touched noses.
/>   “Katsumi, this is my new friend Kitty,” said Figaro. “She has special superpowers just like her mother, so I asked her to help us.”

  Kitty’s stomach lurched. “I’m not really a superhero—”

  “Of course you are!” Figaro interrupted, turning to Katsumi. “Well, what is the news from the clock tower?”

  “An owl friend told me there’s a creature on the tower,” explained Katsumi. “He didn’t get close enough to see what it was, but he seemed quite shaken. The noise was overwhelming!”

  Kitty listened. She didn’t need super senses to detect the sound coming from the clock tower anymore. The wailing noise was growing louder and sharper.

  “I know a shortcut,” said Katsumi. “Follow me.”

  Kitty and the others followed Katsumi across the park. It was strange seeing the place at night. Moonlight glinted on the swings and the slide, and the duck pond shined like a silver coin.

  Leaves crackled, and a little owl with white and brown feathers flew down to perch on the branch of a tree. Katsumi nodded to the bird. The owl hooted before spreading its wings and flying away into the dark.

  Leaving the park, they passed a row of shops. Figaro stopped outside a seafood store and licked his lips. “Goodness me! That haddock looks delicious.” His stomach gave a deep rumble.

  Just then, the crying from the clock tower rose into a sharp wail. The noise was so sad and lonely that it made Kitty’s heart ache. “Quickly!” she called to the cats. “We’re nearly there.” She raced down a little alley that took her into a small square surrounded by houses.

  The clock tower was right in front of her, pointing into the clouds. The huge clockface was as round and pale as the full moon hanging in the sky. The hands on the clock pointed to five minutes to midnight.

  Kitty’s night vision grew stronger as she stared at the tower’s smooth stone walls. She focused on the terrible noise and spotted a tiny ball huddled on a narrow ledge. It wasn’t a ghost or a terrifying monster. It was a little ginger kitten. Its tail was curled around its body and its blue eyes were wide with fright.


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