Bayside Passions (Bayside Summers Book 2)

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Bayside Passions (Bayside Summers Book 2) Page 5

by Melissa Foster

  She climbed out of bed and stretched, thinking about last night. She’d had so much fun seeing everyone again, and spending time with Desiree. She couldn’t believe she already had a date lined up with…Oh gosh. What was his name? She winced and then remembered it was Dave something or other. They were meeting at the Beachcomber, an oceanside restaurant and bar. Dean had looked annoyed about her date, but he would be happy once he realized she’d heeded the advice he’d given her over the winter. Or rather, the mandate he’d given her when he’d read her the riot act about leaving a bar with some guy she’d just met to go have pizza. Safety 101, Emery! You don’t give up control to a guy you don’t know. You’re in his car. You’re under his control. No more of that shit. Got it?

  She smiled to herself with the memory. As if her older brothers hadn’t taught her enough self-defense for her to be able to protect herself if things got out of hand. Sheesh! Though she had to admit, she liked Dean’s protective nature. It was adorable. Especially when he’d sent her a mad-faced selfie afterward.

  She scrolled to one of those pictures on her phone. Austin was right; he did look like a Viking. His thick arms were crossed over his massive chest. Tattoos covered his left shoulder, pecs, and biceps. His beard was trimmed into a neat V, making him appear even more serious. His piercing blue eyes stared straight ahead, both intimidating and a turn-on. Heat tiptoed up her chest, and she blew out a breath. Don’t even go there. You suck at relationships.

  She wasn’t stupid enough to ruin their friendship or to put her job at risk. Been there, done that.

  Thinking about their dance, and the way his big, strong body had moved with the fluidity of a man half his size, she absently rubbed her head where she’d bonked his chin.

  I am such a klutz.

  She zipped off a text to him, Sorry for the headbutt, added a smiley emoticon, and then typed, You never told me you were secretly a dirty dancer. It wasn’t until after she sent it that she realized it was only six thirty in the morning. He was probably out running with Drake and Rick, like most mornings.

  She set her phone on the dresser and padded out to the kitchen to get some ice water with lemon, her go-to morning drink. She opened the fridge and was surprised to find a pitcher of ice water with sliced lemons floating in it. Warmed by the thought that Violet had remembered, she took it as a sign that today was going to be a great day.

  As she poured herself a glass of water, Violet’s bedroom door opened and a very tall, very naked man sauntered out. He had a mop of dark hair on his head, a sprinkling on his chest, and holy mother of hotness, he was perfectly manscaped below the waist.

  “Mornin’.” His lips curved up in a crooked grin that reminded her of Dermot Mulroney.

  “Morning,” she mumbled, trying futilely not to stare at his enormous, dangling cock.

  He grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge and set it on the counter as if he did it every morning. For all Emery knew, he did.

  “Watering the counter?” he asked.

  She followed his gaze to the pitcher she’d forgotten she was holding, and the water spilling all over the counter. “Oh, shit.” She grabbed a dishcloth and scrambled to clean up the mess.

  He chuckled, poured himself a glass of milk, and walked casually back into Violet’s bedroom.

  If finding the water with lemon had been the sign of a great day, what the hell kind of sign was that?

  Reeling from the encounter, she decided to skip her morning meditation and yoga in case the nude guy decided he needed more milk. After a nice long shower, she dried her hair and threw on a pair of cutoffs and a peach tank top, all the while hoping Desiree had enjoyed amazing sex last night so she’d make one of her delicious, fancy breakfasts. She assumed Violet had had a fun night, although they hadn’t made any noise that she could remember. Could Violet have had bad sex? Maybe it really isn’t the length of the sword, but how expertly they wield it. She laughed to herself, imagining if that had been the case, Violet would have kicked his butt out of the house long before morning.

  She headed over to the inn to question Desiree about long-dong naked man. Cosmos, the dog Desiree and Violet had inherited along with the house, greeted Emery at the kitchen door, yapping and trying to crawl up her legs. He was some sort of terrier mix, with pointy ears, mostly gray, wiry fur, and big brown eyes. She scooped up the scruffy pup and he licked her chin. “Hey there, matchmaker.”

  Desiree’s mother had lived in the house for a few months before tricking Desiree and Violet to come out and stay there last summer. Unbeknownst to them, as part of a grand matchmaking scheme to bring Rick and Desiree together, Lizza had trained Cosmos to climb the fence and swim in the pool at Bayside Resort. It had worked so well, and Desiree was so happy, Emery almost wished Cosmos would work some magic for her.

  That would take a miracle.

  Not a single person in her family seemed to know how to have a lasting relationship. They were a boisterous, opinionated bunch, and because of that, she knew they were not easy partners. Her brothers were constantly flirting and rarely held their tongues. She had the not-holding-her-tongue thing down pat, and as for flirting? Well, she was pretty good in that department, too. The trouble was, several men she’d gone out with had accused her of flirting with other guys even when she wasn’t.

  She stepped inside and set Cosmos on the kitchen floor. The sounds of spatulas on pans and laughter filled her ears. Desiree stood at the stove flipping pancakes. Dean, Rick, and Drake sat at the table, shirtless, their bronze physiques on display as they scarfed down breakfast. They were all athletic, but damn. Rick and Drake looked like boys next to Dean’s Adonis-like body. The way they were shoveling food into their mouths, she wondered if they’d run the entire length of the Cape. She might not find love, like Desiree had, but she knew she’d find plenty of other types of happiness here at the Cape.

  “Hey, Em,” Desiree said.

  The guys looked up, and Rick and Drake mumbled “good morning” around their food.

  Dean smiled, lifting his chin in greeting as she plucked a piece of pancake from his plate and popped it in her mouth.

  “Hey, doll. Sleep well?” Dean asked.

  “Mm-hm.” She reached around him and grabbed his coffee, helping herself to a sip. Dean intercepted the mug before she could set it back down and took a gulp. “But the naked guy in the kitchen kind of threw me for a loop.”

  Dean spit coffee all over the table. “What?”

  “Watch it!” Drake flew from his chair, causing Cosmos to bark and setting Emery and Desiree laughing.

  “Jesus, Dean.” Rick brushed coffee from his chest. “What the hell?”

  Dean grumbled something that sounded like “sorry,” his angry eyes locked on Emery. “What naked man?”

  Desiree tossed Rick a towel and said, “There was a naked guy in Violet’s kitchen?”

  Emery shrugged. “Yup. Tall guy, well hung. Des, any idea who Violet’s banging these days?”

  “No.” She handed Emery a plate of pancakes. “I know she has an old friend who lives in the area, but she refuses to tell me anything about him.”

  “Well, they didn’t make a sound, so either I slept like a log or their tryst should go down in the Guinness Book of World Records for the quietest sex ever. Do you have a tent I can borrow for the next few days?” Emery asked.

  “You’re staying at my place,” Dean said adamantly. He carried his plate to the sink and began scrubbing it clean.

  “I can’t intrude on you,” Emery said. “I’ll mess up your mojo or something.”

  He turned off the water and faced her, arms crossed, jaw tight. “My mojo is already messed up, and I’m pretty sure ‘or something’ follows you everywhere you go. You can, and you will, stay with me. It’s not safe for you to be around strange naked guys.”

  “Think it’s safe for her to be around you?” Rick asked.

  Dean glared at him.

  “Dean would never hurt me.” Emery sat down at the table and speared a
pancake from the platter Desiree set before her. “You sure you don’t mind, big guy? It’s actually perfect, considering I can walk there,” she teased. “But I have to warn you, I’m not the neatest person, and I suck at cooking, but I’ll—”

  “Keep her out of your kitchen,” Desiree warned. “I’ve seen her cook. Not only will your kitchen never recover, but neither will your stomach.”

  “Truth,” Emery said, and ate another forkful of pancake.

  “I don’t need you to cook or clean. Just stay out of my gardens and we’ll be fine.” Dean glared out the window over the sink at Violet’s cottage, looking like he was strategizing World War III.

  “Okay, thanks. I’ll get my stuff after breakfast,” she said.

  “I’ll get your stuff and take it to my place while you eat,” Dean said. “I’m working in the hospital gardens today. I’ll make you a key while I’m out and text you when I get back.”

  Before she could say a word, he stormed out the door.

  “That’s a man on a mission,” Desiree said as she sat down beside Rick.

  “I thought I left my overprotective older brothers back in Oak Falls.” She looked at Drake and Rick and said, “What is it about me that makes guys want to build a fortress and lock me away? I’m tough. I can handle myself. I don’t take shit from anyone, and there’s no guy on earth who’s going to get anything I don’t want to give. You’d think after knowing me for all this time Dean would know that.”

  The two men shared a serious glance she couldn’t read.

  “He just doesn’t want you to get hurt,” Drake said.

  “Well, we had a blast yesterday. So, whatever his reasons, I’m glad he’ll put up with me for a few days. And I’m sure Vi will appreciate her privacy.” She stabbed a piece of pancake with her fork and pointed it at Rick. “These are good, but do you think you can up your game a bit? I’d really love some of Desiree’s cranberry bliss crepes.”

  “Christ,” Rick said.

  Everyone laughed, and Emery said, “Maybe long-dong stranger can give you some tips.”

  WHILE DESIREE MADE breakfast for the customers staying at the inn, which she always offered their first morning but didn’t provide on a daily basis, Emery pulled out her phone to text Dean. She found a reply to the message she’d sent him earlier about being a secret dirty dancer, and read it on her way through the house to see her new studio.

  You never told me you were a naked man magnet.

  She smiled as she typed a reply. I’m a woman of many talents. Thanks for letting me stay at your place. Going to check out my new studios. See you tonight, Patrick Swayze.

  Her phone vibrated a minute later with his response. Forgot to tell you. I have one rule. No overnight guests.

  She gasped. Did he really think she’d do that? She zipped off a smart-ass reply. Wait, let me rethink this…

  She pictured his overprotective scowl and decided he was being too nice to torture, and sent another text. I’m KIDDING!

  A few seconds later a picture of his scowling face appeared on her screen, and she smiled. God, she loved their banter. Why couldn’t the guys she went out with be that easy and fun? Another text bubble popped up with the message, Serena has a key to my place in the office. Use that if you need to get in before I get home.

  Feeling good about staying with him, she replied—10-4, big guy—and slipped her phone into the pocket of her cutoffs as she headed into her new studio.

  The open, airy space was exactly as she’d envisioned. Worn hardwood floors led to two sets of oversized French doors that opened directly to a patio. She threw open the doors, inhaling the salty sea air, and stepped outside. The inn sat up high on a dune, giving her a gorgeous view of the sandy beach and Cape Cod Bay. In the distance, two sailboats made their way out to sea. Sounds of a young family down on the beach, gentle waves lapping at the shore, and a new life embraced her. She still couldn’t believe she’d packed up her belongings and moved away. This was her new home—not for a vacation, not for the summer, but for the foreseeable future. Tears stung her eyes, but they weren’t tears of sadness. They were tears of joy, tears of hope—and okay, maybe a few were for moving so far away from her family, but wasn’t that to be expected?

  She’d surprised herself when she’d started thinking about moving away from the only home she’d ever known. But with her best friend embarking on a wonderful new life, the voids in her life had magnified. Not only did she miss Desiree, but her friendships with Violet and Serena had quickly morphed into a sisterhood as strong as any she’d had back home. But it was Dean who had helped her make the final decision to try to make a real go of it in Wellfleet, permanently rather than just for the summer, as she’d originally planned. He pushed her to see things differently and said things that made her introspective. Even now she found herself wondering what it was about the guy at the bar that made her accept his invitation to go out with him. She’d never picked apart things like that before getting to know Dean.

  “What do you think?”

  Emery started at the sound of Desiree’s voice, taking a moment to push her thoughts away before facing her friend. Cosmos darted over, and she knelt to love him up.

  “It’s gorgeous. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you’re letting me try to get this business off the ground here with you guys.”

  Cosmos trotted into the grass tethered by his long leash.

  “Are you kidding? I’m thrilled!” Desiree joined her in the sun. “I feel like my sister has come home.”

  “Home. Do you know how weird and wonderful that sounds?”

  “I know. The very word has taken on new meaning for me. Rick feels like home to me.”

  “And you worried that I found a new BFF in Dean?” Emery was only teasing, but she couldn’t deny the sting of jealousy slipping down her back knowing she—or part of her relationship with Desiree—had been replaced by Rick. But she knew in her heart that she and Desiree were as close as biological sisters, and nothing could ever take that away. There was room in Desiree’s heart for both of them, and Violet, and probably half the town.

  “You know what I mean,” Desiree said. “I never thought I’d leave Oak Falls, and then I met Rick and got to know Violet, and you were so supportive of me starting over here. Now this has become home, because it’s where my future came together, and I’m hoping it will be the same for you.”

  “I hope so. I can’t wait to bring my things in here and get started with my classes. Are you sure you want to do a percentage of monthly income instead of my paying rent? I’m happy to do either, but if I have an off month, you might be better off taking a set amount.”

  “Like I’d ever take rent money if you had an off month?” Desiree threaded her arm into Emery’s, and they walked out to the grass, leaving the doors wide open.

  Emery loved that Wellfleet was the type of community where she didn’t have to worry about break-ins and theft. She’d never had to worry about those things in Oak Falls, and it would be a harder transition if she suddenly needed to.

  “I should go see Vi and apologize for Dean barging in this morning.”

  “I’ll walk with you,” Desiree offered.

  The sun smiled down on them as they walked toward Violet’s cottage with Cosmos in tow. Emery spotted the sign for Devi’s Discoveries, and her thoughts turned to Desiree’s mother. Besides being an artist, Lizza Vancroft had been an absentee mother. When Desiree was five years old, Lizza had divorced Desiree’s father and moved overseas with Violet, returning only for brief, uncomfortable visits. Emery had been there to pick up the pieces of Desiree’s broken heart after each one. Lizza had been visiting the weekend Desiree had gotten engaged, and it seemed as though she was making strides at keeping in better touch ever since. Emery hoped she still was.

  “What do you hear from Lizza lately?”

  “She sends postcards, and sometimes she’ll call, but she’s still Lizza. The conversations are mostly one-sided, with her sharing the details of he
r travels and me listening. But you know what? I’ll take it. At least she’s making an effort, and now I have a relationship with Vi.” She looked lovingly at Violet’s cottage, as if she could see through the walls to the sister she’d been separated from for too many years to count. “And we both know Lizza will never be the kind of mother yours is.”

  Marla Andrews was loud, opinionated, and strong in every sense of the word, but she was also loving, generous, and present in Emery’s life. She made herself available to her children at all hours of the day and night, regardless of what she had going on. Unfortunately, Emery’s father was also headstrong and opinionated, which probably explains why they’d raised four children who were not afraid to speak their minds, and why her parents fought like cats and dogs. But still, they were an affectionate family, with loads of hugs and friendly teasing between parents and children. But growing up in two homes with her big, loud family had its downfalls. They weren’t the easiest people to have relationships with. They overshared everything, from opinions and food to belongings and secrets, and that wasn’t about to change.

  The door to Violet’s cottage opened and she stepped outside wearing her black bikini and biker boots.

  “Hey,” Violet said as she clomped her way over to her motorcycle. “Your bodyguard was here to pick up your stuff.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” Emery said. “I really appreciate you letting me stay here, but—”

  “But seeing a stranger’s cock wigged you out? I get it.” Violet flipped her keys into her palm and straddled her bike. “Sorry about that. He’s an old friend, and he gave me a ride home last night.” The bike roared to life, and she ran her hand down the sleek curves.

  “You’re not going out on that thing in just a bikini, are you?” Desiree touched the handlebar. “That’s not safe. What if you have an accident?”

  Violet revved the engine with an arrogant expression. She loved to pull Desiree’s strings about as much as Emery liked to tease Dean. “Baby sister, are you ever going to stop mothering me?”


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