Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 13

by Susan JP Owens

  “It’s past five, I thought you were leaving.”

  “I’ll wait.”

  Shelby rose from the floor. “Okay.” Then, she grabbed the receiver. “This is Shelby, how can I help you?”

  “This is Jude Pressley, Kyle’s brother.”

  She lowered to the edge of the leather chair. “Yes?”

  “Kyle’s been in an accident.”

  Shelby’s sharp intake filled her lungs and her nerves jangled. “What happened? How is he?”

  “The authorities think he fell asleep at the wheel. His truck plunged down an embankment and he fractured his ankle and a few ribs. He’s still unconscious and—”

  “Oh my God, is there anything I can do?”

  Jude cleared his throat. “Could you come up here…to the hospital?”

  Shelby let out a whoosh of air. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You may not know this…Kyle asked me to leave. No, that’s not true, he demanded. I’m the last person you would want around him, unless you’re looking for an adverse reaction like anger to pull him out.”

  One memory continued to haunt her, Kyle retracting his hand and his eyes…“He loathes me. Truly, I want to help, but I don’t think I’m the best choice. I’m sure Garrett or Uncle Grey would be more advantageous and probably safer, then there’s Lisa too.”

  “Kyle told me what happened. I’m making a bold statement, but I don’t think he wants to come to without you and the doctors are concerned that he has stopped fighting. For the few seconds he’s conscious, he calls your name. When he realizes you’re not there, he falls back into a comatose state…You may be our answer.”

  Shelby hesitated. “Are you sure?” Was it possible Kyle still liked her?

  “Yes, I am.”

  Kyle had called out her name? “Okay, if you think I can make a difference.”

  “Thanks. I’ll have a company jet pick you up in Waco. Do you remember Garrett?”

  Of course she did. Garrett was taller than Kyle and his shoulders were wider. According to Kyle, Garrett was an accomplished rancher, an astute pilot, and an exceptional horseman. Her hands shook because the last trip hadn’t turned out well. “Yes, I do.”

  “He’ll get you here and I’ll set up a rental car for you at the airport.”

  Animosity barreled through her veins. “That’s not necessary. I can get my own ticket and transportation. All, I need is the name and address of the hospital.”

  Jude never answered.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound…spiteful.”

  “Accepted, here’s the information.”


  Shelby tensed as the automatic doors opened into the hospital. What if he doesn’t make it through this? She stopped in her tracks and her whole body trembled. Nervous, she spotted the restroom, ran through the door and splashed water on her face. God, what if Jude is wrong? What if her presence makes his condition worse? If he fell further away from life because of her, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  She cupped her hands under the spigot then drenched her face allowing the moisture to cool her forehead and temples. Composure, Littleton. She dabbed the cold droplets with the paper towel. Her eyes weighed the reflection in the mirror and she drew in a deep breath for strength, then exhaled for courage. Just do what you have to do, one step at a time.

  On the way to the ICU wing, a chapel caught her attention and she entered the octagon-shaped room. A sleeved quote from Emily Dickinson gifted those who took the time to read it. “Sometimes when I consider the tremendous consequences from little things…a chance word…a tap on the shoulder…or a wink of an eye, I am tempted to think there are no little things.”

  She panned the room taking in the altar which had a kneeling bench, a cross, the Star of David, and two flat glass dishes containing smoothed pebbles and stones. A small bookshelf perched on top of the piano held a cross section of inspirational books encompassing nearly every religion.

  Shelby settled into one of the chairs against the wall and peered at a stained glass window. Hummingbirds drew nectar from the flowers, a depiction of being fed…She bowed her head and prayed.

  Shelby shoved the ICU room door open, then let the hydraulics close it quietly. She tiptoed to Kyle’s bedside. She bit her lower lip to keep from gasping out loud as she studied his ragged body. Cuts and contusions marred his face, arms, and what she could see of his chest. Butterfly stitches arced across his shoulder. His right foot and lower leg was encased with a boot similar to a cast.

  Her gaze followed the intravenous lines taped on his left arm to the hanging plastic bags filled with fluids.

  She cradled his chafed and bruised right hand in hers. Tears welled and blinking to rid the moisture, she spoke in hushed tones, “Kyle. I know you can hear me. Can you wake up…for me?”

  Her stomach twisted. Struggling for composure, her ragged breaths burned her lungs. She couldn’t hold back and lost the battle. Tears flowed down her cheek, she cried for what could’ve happened to Kyle, mourned for what might have been between them and maybe, she sobbed for herself.

  A flute played the familiar soft whispery notes then She-Who-Smiles’ words centered. “Brave-One, all is not what it appears.”

  She’d beg to differ.

  After a few minutes and back under control, Shelby whispered. “Come back to us. You need to for Jude, Garrett, Uncle Grey, and Lisa. Don’t forget about Bridger, Mosey, and Annie, they’ll be waiting for you too.”

  Her temples pounded with every heartbeat. She lowered the bed rail, scooted a chair close to his bedside and sat. Her hand lightly clasped his, refusing to let go, she braced her forearms against the mattress and waited.

  Her head drifted down and nestled in the crook of her arm. From this position, she could still see Kyle’s face. She fought to keep awake.

  When Shelby woke, she straightened in the seat and blinked the haze from her eyes. Her gaze found a handsome man sitting across the room watching her. Still groggy, she licked her lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in. I can leave.”

  The legs scraped against the floor when she rose.

  “You don’t have to leave.” The man trailed her lead, unfolding his tall frame and stood. “You needed some rest and I didn’t want to disturb you. I’m Jude.”

  Jude and Kyle could have been identical twins except he had cobalt-blue eyes and hair the color of espresso. The aura that surrounded him was exactly the same as his brother’s.

  “I’m Shelby. Nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure’s mine.” Jude nodded once.

  “What have the doctors said?”

  His thumbs rested in his jean pockets. “Nothing’s changed.”

  Shelby’s gaze traveled to Kyle, then back to Jude. “He’s groaned a couple of times as though he was hurting. Are they giving him anything for pain?”

  “They have him on medication that doesn’t interfere with coming around.” Jude shuffled his feet. “I want to thank you for getting here so fast. I believe you’ll make a difference.”

  “I hope you’re right. If Kyle gets worse or anything happens to him because I’m here…I don’t know if I could cope with that.” She had handled Kyle’s withdrawal from her life, but losing him in death would be a road too soon traveled.

  “My hunch is you’ll be the one to pull him through.”

  “You keep saying that.” She shook her head. “You weren’t there. Truly, I don’t think I’m the wisest choice. Surely, Garrett would have more of a positive impact or Uncle Grey.”

  Jude reflected for a moment. “We talked the day you left.” He cleared his throat. “Kyle may not admit it, but he’s fallen in love with you and those same feelings scare him. Like everyone, he has a lot of history. Are you willing to work through it with him?” His right hand rose as if to stop her. “I’m not the one who deserves your answer.”

  Jude paused. His gaze took in Kyle’s listless form then met hers. “I received the news about the accident from our personal p
hysician, Andrew Humphreys. I canceled my business meetings and Garrett flew me back from Korea.”

  His hand glided through his short hair. “When I arrived, Andy explained his injuries will heal, none of them are bad, but he’s choosing not to come to. It’s possible he won’t respond to your presence, but I’m betting on the scenario he will. You’ll be the wake-up meds…so to speak.”

  “I’ll do whatever I can to help. I need to find the ladies’ room, excuse me.” She grabbed her purse and left.

  Once inside, Shelby rested against the closed door. Jude thought she could make a difference with his brother’s prognosis. She knew better. The last memories of Kyle replayed again. She winced. Wow, no pressure from the Pressley men.

  She plodded to the basin and swiped her fingers across the infrared motion detector. She cupped her hands under the flow and splashed her face. The refreshing water strengthened her resolve to continue her doomed mission. Each stroke of the wet paper towel across her skin helped bring positive thoughts and a renewed determination to support Kyle and his brother in every way possible.

  Shelby returned to Kyle’s side. Jude told her Kyle had become aware again but slipped back. He slid the chair closer to the bed for her to sit and Jude returned to the recliner in the corner.

  “Shel?” Kyle fingertips curled as though looking for her hand.

  She threaded her fingers with his. “Yes, it’s me.”

  Kyle relaxed. A slight smile crossed his face, and he mouthed, “Baby.”

  Shelby peered over to Jude and grinned, then Kyle’s hand went limp.

  He hadn’t moved for several hours. When Kyle awakened and said her name, she assumed his status had changed. But now, she wasn’t sure.

  The door clicked softly when Jude left to make a few phone calls.

  “Kyle?” She whispered, “Please fight this. I need to talk to you...We need to have a heart-to-heart conversation. I’ve been thinking…You don’t have to carry your burdens by yourself. If we communicate to each other, share our thoughts and concerns, then maybe we can mend or even fix them.”

  She-Who-Smiles’ words entered the forefront of her mind. “Maybe you need to learn to lean on me.”

  She feather kissed Kyle’s palm. Talking might make a connection and help rouse him. “What would you like to do when you get out of the hospital? You said you had a gym and you ran. You may have to wait for a while and let your body heal. What else do you do? You must read a heck of a lot. Your library was jammed packed with books. What’s your favorite kind? Fiction? Non-fiction? Do you have a garden? I don’t remember seeing one. Do you mow your lawn? No, I bet you don’t. I’m pretty sure you’d have it hired out.”

  Shelby waited a few seconds, still no movement. “I mow mine and the weed whacker is the worst part of the whole chore. I enjoy working in my flower garden, that is, if I haven’t killed them by over fertilizing, watering too much or sometimes the lack of. Overall, my thumbs are a light green.”

  A grin crossed Kyle’s face. The corner of his mouth split open, then he moaned.

  “Let me help you.” She retrieved lip emollient from her purse and gingerly applied the wax.


  Not seeing any, Shelby hustled toward the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  When she returned to his room, his eyes were closed, had he drifted back? “Kyle, you ready?”

  “Yeah,” he rasped.

  “I’m going to move you up a little.” She mashed the directional button, the motor hummed lifting the head of the bed. She supported his shoulders, held the insulated container directing the straw. He drew several small sips. When he had his fill, she braced her feet and gently lowered him. He relaxed on the pillow with a sigh. He found and slid his hand in hers. “Shel. I’m glad you’re here.”


  “Uh-huh, yeah.” His voice was hoarse and his thumb rubbed a circle in her palm. He licked his lips. “Is this St. John’s? What day’s this? How long have I been here?”

  “Yes, you’re in St. John’s. Jude said you wrecked Jalopy last Sunday. Today’s Friday.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “Your brother called me yesterday.”

  Kyle smiled. “He got you up here faster than I could. Did you fly in? How’s Garrett?”

  Shelby answered part of the question and changed the subject. “Yes, I flew here. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain? Do I need to get a nurse or doctor? Can I do anything for you?”

  He smiled again. “Some more water.” She held the container steady. He drank more this time.

  The nurse barged in with bright smiles, congratulated Kyle for joining them today and shooed Shelby out of the room. The RN spoke over her shoulder. “It’s going to take a few minutes if you want to grab something to eat.”

  Pausing at the doorway, Shelby glanced at Kyle, his gaze had pursued her steps. She answered his question. “I’ll be back.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Shelby breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor released Kyle the following Monday. Jude briskly took over the orderly’s job and wheeled his little brother out of the hospital.

  Jude latched the brakes on the wheelchair. “Shelby, mind watching him while I get his new truck…the one he never drove.”

  He winked at Kyle. “And no wheelies or races with the other patients.”

  “The Pressley boys…didn’t think the attending would release Kyle this fast.”

  The older man pumped Jude’s hand then Kyle’s. “You look a dang sight better than a week ago.”

  “Doc, good to see you today, this is Shelby Littleton. Shelby, I’d like you to meet Dr. Andrew Humphreys, our family physician.” Kyle nodded in her direction.

  Dr. Humphreys extended his hand. “Good morning, nice to make your acquaintance.”

  Shelby reciprocated. “Same here, Dr. Humphreys.” His aura shined sweetly.

  “I’ll have none of that, call me Andy.”

  Kyle repositioned the leg with the boot. “How’s the family?”

  “My wife is as ornery as ever and that honey-do list just keeps on getting longer.” Andy barreled out a contagious laughter. “My boy decided to go in partnership with me so when I retire, he’ll be taking over my general practice. Funny thing, his specialty is sports medicine.” Again, he chortled. “Imagine my surprise and delight.”

  Kyle grinned. “Now you can take your beautiful wife on that elusive vacation.”

  Andy reflected for a moment. “That would be nice indeed. Well, I better skedaddle. Shelby, nice meeting you. Kyle, you have any problems call me and stay away from fights. You’re not as young as you use to be. Jude enjoyed our visit a couple of days ago. I’ll be seeing you.”

  Jude spun toward the parking lot. “I’ll be right back.”

  Kyle’s eyes squinted. “Where’s your car?”

  “At your place. I didn’t think you’d like climbing in and out.”

  “Your Porsche is a nice ride, but I’m glad you thought better of it. I’m going to miss ol’ Jalopy.”

  Jude coasted to a stop curbside. He helped Kyle settle into the passenger seat and closed the door.

  Kyle rolled the window down. “Shel, are you getting in?”

  Shelby stepped closer. “I should head back to Texas. You’re doing great and I’m proud of you.”

  “Is that what you want to do?”

  Shelby hesitated. “I’ve finished helping−”

  “Is that what I am to you… a job?”

  “Jude called me to…” She lowered her voice. “No.”

  “I assumed you’d hang around and I shouldn’t have. Will you stay with me? In my home?”

  When she didn’t answer right away, he lifted her chin with his finger and caressed her lower lip with his thumb. “Baby?”

  For the second time, she gave in to his gentle touch and his endearment. “Okay. I have to check out of my hotel.”

  Kyle’s fingertips glossed over her cheek. “You remember how to get t
o my place?”

  “Yes, I’ll see you there.”

  “Come here.”

  She angled toward him.

  “Closer.” He guided her to him.

  His hand cradled her face and his lips brushed over hers. “Thank you.” His mouth opened and bathed her in his moisture.

  Jude cleared his throat. “We’re blocking the flow of traffic, we should head out.”


  Shelby rang the doorbell.

  Jude’s muffled voice echoed from inside. “The door’s open, come in.”

  She entered Kyle’s house, set her suitcase on the floor and tracked the masculine conversation into the kitchen.

  Kyle raised his sandwich in the air. “Want some lunch? Jude will make it for you.”

  “I’ll have some ice tea. Tell me where the glasses are and I can get it.”

  Jude volunteered. “Top cabinet, to the right of the double sink. Are you going stay with Kyle?”

  Kyle swallowed his food. “Yes. She is. What do you need?”

  “Not a thing.” He turned his attention to Shelby. “If you need help, let me know.”

  Shelby savored the refreshing drink and set the glass on the counter. “Don’t worry, I can handle him. But if he gets unruly, I promise, you’ll be the first one I call.”

  Kyle straightened in the seat. “Me? Not a chance. I’m a good patient.”

  Jude ignored Kyle and swiveled back to her. “Thanks. I appreciate your time and effort.”

  Getting up from the stool, Jude stuffed the last bite into his mouth, finished the remnants of his tea and stowed the dishes in the washer. “I need to get back to work.” He slapped Kyle’s back. “Glad you’re better. Need anything, call me.”

  After Kyle finished his turkey club, Shelby coaxed him. “You should put your leg up and relax. I’ll clean up here.”

  “Leave it for Hilda.”


  “My housekeeper. She’s not here today but−”

  “I can handle a plate, two glasses and a knife. Do you need help?”

  He slid off the barstool and balanced on his crutches. “No. I’ll be in the library.”

  Shelby smiled. “Give me a few, then I’ll join you.”


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