Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 26

by Susan JP Owens

  He kissed the top of her head. “Every time you don’t let me help you, won’t let me share with you, I’ll find something you can’t do for yourself.”

  She giggled. “If it’s anything like what you just did, I have a feeling, I’ll say no forever.”

  “Now, will you let me help you put on your jeans?”

  Her head still buried in the crook of his neck, she replied, “I want you, Pressley, and I don’t want you helping me with my pants. I want you to make love to me because you are the only man I want and need, only you.” Her hands traveled down and grasped the base of his shaft and stroked. His semi-erection lengthened, widened.

  His hips bucked. “You’re going to kill me woman.”

  He flipped her on her back, spread her legs with his knees and plunged, as far as she was concerned, home. The weight of his body on hers was a blanket of security. She wallowed in the knowledge that he’d always be there to protect her. He filled her core completely, taking away any emptiness, the joining tender and sweet. Soon, his thrusts ramped faster, deepened and the sound of their skin sang to her once again.

  “Kyle, I’m so close.”

  With each advance, his balls slapped her ass. She basked in the pure pleasure of him smacking her butt and his groin stroking her clit.

  “Let’s go. Kyle’s head tilted back, his eyes closed. “Baby, you’re mine.”

  As her climaxed erupted, she joined Kyle, not only in an orgasmic release but in their meadow. This time, she would pay attention instead of flipping out like she did before.

  Kyle stood in front of her with his hand extended. He looked normal, she peered down, so did she. She intertwined her fingers with his and they walked to a nearby stream. They sat on the bank, discussing whether or not the Great Spirit would give them a bonding in eternity. She wasn’t quite sure she understood it all. “Only the Father can bond us?”

  Kyle nodded. “Instead of Cameahwait, I’d like to call this place, Sacred-Spring. What do you think?”


  “I love you, Shel.”

  He hadn’t said the words, but she understood his thoughts. Could she do it, too? “If Ten-Blue-Sun’s stone lights after we are married and we’re set to be together, is this the place we’ll stay? Is this how we’ll communicate? Telepathically?”

  “Fuc- damn well amazing, isn’t it?” He smiled. “Caught myself just in time.”

  “You’re doing pretty well with the F bombs. You know, you won’t need to mind walk anymore.”

  “Except in our world.”


  “Never mind. Ready to go back?”

  Back on earth, they both shuddered as the last of their releases rippled throughout their bodies.

  Shelby’s gaze caught his. “By the way, Pressley, I love you too.”


  Shelby angled closer to Kyle’s side, greeting the guests as they entered onto the veranda. Lisa’s small get-together grew with every minute that passed. Thank heavens, Garrett had plenty of room.

  She enjoyed the moderate temperature which made for a perfect Friday evening party. Jude and Joni situated themselves across from them to intercept the talkative ones who dallied too long in the line. While soft music filtered through the air, Julia served hors d’oeuvres and Grey tended the bar keeping the men who wore tailored suits and the women dressed in designer gowns occupied.

  Shelby whispered to Kyle. “I feel out of place. Maybe I should go change.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We agreed to be informal. If no one likes my blue jeans they can leave. By the way, you look scrumptious in yours.” His hand curved over her bottom and squeezed.

  She grasped Kyle’s hand, threaded her fingers through his and drew them to her side. “How many people do you think she invited?”

  “Don’t know. But it looks like she took after her parents. Just enjoy the night.” He wrapped an arm over her shoulders and gave a reassuring embrace. “Here comes some more. In a few minutes, we’ll start mingling.”

  “I’m with you since I don’t know a soul save the wedding party.” She should’ve asked to oversee Lisa’s guest list or given her a specific count. The rest of Shelby’s family wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow morning. Hopefully, the flight wouldn’t be late or their bags lost. Then again, the limo could have a flat or get into an accident. Jeez. She exhaled and guessed she ought to chill instead of thinking about everything that could go wrong. Joni had told her not to fret. Her gaze connected with Joni’s and Shelby rolled her eyes.

  Joni winked and said something to Jude. Jude leaned toward her, his lips moved, but she couldn’t hear the conversation. Hmm, maybe that was a good thing because Joni blushed as Jude slid his hand into hers and formed a line beside them. In between guests, Jude whispered to Kyle.

  Kyle nodded and guided Shelby to the lower level. He held the chair for Shelby. “What would you like to drink?”

  “A glass of Chardonnay would be nice.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can get through Lisa’s idea of an intimate party.” Kyle smiled and kissed her cheek. “Keep my place for me.”

  Two seconds later, Alessa bounced into the seat next to her.

  “Are you having fun, Al?”

  “I really am. I’m meeting some interesting couples and then there are others who couldn’t care less if they were here or on Mars.

  “I’m glad you sat down for a while. If you didn’t, you would have blisters on your feet, then where would you be for tomorrow.”

  “Jude and Joni saved us. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but after an hour and a half of standing, I needed to sit.”

  “Can I get you anything Sis? I see Kyle trying to make his way to you.”

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks.”

  Alessa shot from the chair and zigzagged toward the bar. She interrupted the gentleman who was speaking to Kyle. Kyle acknowledged Alessa and angled his way to Shelby.

  Her sexy man handed the wine glass to her. “Alessa’s good. She knew I didn’t want to talk to him anymore about his high yield investment. There’s always a few who want to talk business during a party. Those are the very same people I try to stay away from. I don’t mind them giving me their business card and ask if they can call me. But damn, he felt it was his duty to warn me of my grand losses if I didn’t jump on his band wagon. Anyway, enough of that, I’m glad she saved me.” He grinned. His laugh lines lifted and his eyes twinkled.

  “What are you thinking? You have the devil-may-care look.” Shelby warmed at his spunky attitude.

  “By this time tomorrow night, you’ll be my wife. Right now, I’m the happiest man on earth.”

  She shivered from his gaze and wallowed in his sincerity. “And vice versa.” How could she be so lucky? When her first husband died, she’d never considered falling in love again. She grasped Kyle’s thigh and squeezed. Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

  “Shel, you okay?”

  She smiled to reassure him. “I’m fine as long as you’re beside me.”

  “I’ll always be there for you. I need to start making the rounds and thank everyone for coming. Join me when you come back.”

  She nodded and headed around the crowd. Kyle’s family and friends had opened their hearts and homes to her. Life couldn’t get much better than this. She sighed with contentment and proceeded around a table.

  Garrett canted against the bar with his right cowboy boot hooked on the bottom rail of the stool beside him, talking with Grey. She wanted to tell him thank you and see how he was holding up with all the people surrounding him.

  Lisa’s arm wrapped around Garrett’s abdomen, and laughed. She whirled to face him. “Do you like the party? I think I did a superb job considering I didn’t have much time to put it together. Of course, I couldn’t have done this without you.” She placed her other hand on his chest and hugged him.

  His eyebrows lifted several inches. “Sounds like you had one too many champ
agne cocktails.”

  “Not enough actually, I could use a few more. Grey would you be so kind and make me another?”

  Grey eyed Garrett. Garrett nodded and shifted his weight to face Lisa, swiping her palms off of him. “Why don’t we sit over here and talk a little bit? He’ll bring your drink to you, won’t you, Uncle Grey?”

  Grey’s shoulder rolled as Garrett shook his head once. Grey’s chin lifted and acknowledged Garrett’s request. No more alcohol for Lisa.

  Lisa movements were graceful and fluid even when she appeared to be three sheets to the wind.

  Shelby shifted closer.

  Garrett held the chair for Lisa as she plopped down. He chuckled.

  Shelby didn’t have any problem hearing Lisa’s question. “I noticed you increased your security.”


  “Still don’t know who is thhhrenning them?” she slurred.

  “Threatening…nope. Got any ideas?”

  Lisa laughed. “How would I know? Not that I want them to marry anyways.”


  She shook her head. “I probably shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Probably not. But you can talk to me.”

  Lisa lowered her chin, her lips pouted. “I just don’t think she’s good enough for him.”

  “We don’t have a say in that do we?”

  “No, I guess we don’t. But I’d like to. What does he see in her?”

  “We all see people differently. How do you see her?” Garrett squinted.

  “As a—I need my drink.” She hefted halfway out of her seat when Garrett gently tugged her arm and she fell into her chair.

  “Hey, don’t do that.”

  He chuckled. “Just sit here a bit and talk to me.”

  “Oh Garrett, what’s wrong with me?”

  “A loaded question, pun intended.”

  Lisa exhaled loudly and scrunched her face, missing the play on words. “Why doesn’t Kyle like me?”

  “You’re asking the wrong man. Besides, aren’t you engaged to a guy back east?”

  “My fiancé is the perfect man according to my parents. His heritage is politically correct and just like our parents, he comes from old money. Old for us that is, I know we are still considered new money across the pond.”

  “Do you love him?”

  Lisa’s voice quivered. “Yes, I do…Kyle means everything to me…more than you know.”

  Garrett shifted toward Lisa and his eyes narrowed to slits. “I meant your fiancé. I’m not one to preach, but maybe it’s time to take inventory of your own life and get yours straightened out first.”

  She bolted upright and hissed. “I have my life in order. You have no right—”

  Garrett raised his palm. “You’re right. I don’t.” He stood and waited for her drunken gaze to connect with his. “Don’t do anything stupid, Lisa. I’ve known you too many years and seen you pull too many stunts. They ended badly…for everyone.”

  Lisa waved him off and teetered as she rose. “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “You usually do.”

  Shelby eased back into the crowd and shuddered. A bad feeling snaked to the pit of her tummy, coiling as if ready to strike.

  The last of the guests had left. Kyle and Shelby slumped into a love seat.

  Kyle shoved a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think anyone would leave.”

  Shelby peered at her watch. “Two thirty in the morning, no wonder I’m so tired.”

  “I can remember someone saying to me the party was almost over at midnight. There was a time when two thirty meant the party was just getting started.”

  Heat surged to Shelby’s cheeks remembering what she’d told Kyle at the stream while making love. “Yeah, maybe during our college days when we were know it all teenagers and a foolhardy twenty something.”

  “Ah, I lasted longer than you.”

  “So what age were you when the night seemed to extend into infinity?”

  “By nineteen, I had received my undergraduate degree, that sheepskin came easy to me.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I challenged and passed most of my courses. But, it was when I was twenty, going to school for my masters, working full time, engaged, nights and days were just a blur to me. I grabbed forty winks here and there and kept on going. That’s when I found Christine in my bed with…I slept for several days straight after that…not like Rip Van Winkle, but long enough to start a good beard.” He scratched his jaw and chin.

  “I can see you running like the proverbial energizer bunny, but I’ve never seen you sleep for that long. Just know if you ever do, I’ll be there whenever you wake up.”

  His eyes shifted and glinted with humor. “Now that I’m older and wiser, want to head for the bedroom and sleep with this old man?”

  Shelby grinned. “I’d love to.”


  The light from the morning sun brightened the room and the rays glimmered across their bed. Shelby stirred and spun toward Kyle. While he slept, the stress lines around his eyes were nonexistent and with the morning shadow of his beard, he appeared peaceful and masculine all rolled into one. She smiled at her soon-to-be husband. His right arm stretched above his head and the other still lay over her waist. She drank in his appearance and played with the wispy hair on his forearm.

  This was the beginning of another chapter of her life. Excitement coursed through her and at the same time, butterflies tickled the inside of her tummy in anticipation of a new beginning with Kyle. He always seemed to know how to sooth her, love her and therein lay her contentment. She smiled again.

  “Are you happy this morning?” Kyle murmured.


  “Today is the day. You’ll become Shelby Pressley, my wife.”

  She burrowed under the covers. “Hmm.”

  “Come here.” He gently drew her back to his chest and held her. “Let’s go take a shower.”

  “I will in a minute.”

  He wrapped his muscular leg over her hip. “Don’t overanalyze this day.” He rocked her with his legs and arms. “Come on, time to wash the sleep from us.”

  “I wasn’t analyzing today.”

  Kyle roared. His indignant laughter echoed in the room. “Oh, yes, you were. You were going over your mental to-do list and plotting out the next few hours. By the time we meandered into the shower, you would’ve completed your whole day. Am I right?”

  She grinned and didn’t say a word.

  This time he shook her whole body bouncing both of them on the bed. “Am I right?”

  She groaned.

  “Ah-huh, I knew it.” He tickled her.

  She twisted in the sheets, spinning to the edge of the mattress.

  “Oh no, you can’t get away from me.” With one hand on her belly, he scooted her derriere against his groin. He embraced her from his chest to his feet. He whispered in her ear, “I want to hold you for the rest of my life…just like this, every morning that the Great Spirit gives us.”

  “Same here.”

  “You know it will be our last?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “It’ll be our last shower as Shelby Littleton and Kyle Pressley.”

  “You’re getting sentimental.”

  “That I am, baby…that I am.”

  They retreated into the tiled bath, stroked, caressed, and loved each other not once, Kyle made sure she climaxed several times. They stood holding one another, letting all the nozzles spray over their bodies. With their desires slaked, their souls intertwined, they grew closer…deeper yet again.

  Bam! Bam! Bam!

  They both jumped and then laughed.

  Kyle yelled, “Who’s there? I’ll go see who it is and what they want.” He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

  Shelby ogled his fine frame. As he trotted off, the water drops ran down his broad back from his hair to his muscular thighs and calves. Yep, and his ass was st
ill yummy. Shelby turned the nozzles, stepped out of the shower and donned her robe. Nearby, Kyle talked with someone and she smiled not because of what she could hear, but knowing he made her happy…very happy. She’d have this expression on her face all day long.

  He sauntered into the bathroom. “It was Julia bringing your breakfast tray. She said she’d be right back with another one. I think I surprised her.”

  “How sweet of her. Be sure and help her when she brings up the other.”

  “Nope. No, ma’am. It’s your turn to get the evil eye from her. I felt like I was schoolboy caught with my pants down.”

  “Well, you were caught, with your pants off and I can vouch you’re certainly not a young boy. Go ahead and get ready, I’ll watch for her.”


  Kyle had leased the entire building of the five-star restaurant for the day and evening. Shelby panned the first level entrance. The open floor plan invited guests in to an old-fashioned bar that stretched the entire length of the wall. Tables and chairs surrounded the dais for live music. Normally, the musicians ranged from concert pianists to country and western bands.

  The grand staircase to the second floor reminded her of old grandiose times. The interior decorator had an eye for exquisite detail. Wonderful smells met her at the top of the stairs, her stomach growled, but truthfully, she’d be surprised if she could eat. The restaurant buzzed with activity, everyone bustling to make their day perfect.

  As she stepped onto the third level balcony, her heart warmed. In another hour, she’d be standing at the altar saying her vows to Kyle. The phalaenopsis orchids with live bamboo graced the entrances, each table, the support columns and wedding arch which matched her bouquet. The white canopies fluttered in the Wyoming zephyr. This was perfect. She’d favored the idea that less was more and Joni had pegged the concept beautifully.

  The rooms off to the side were for meetings, gatherings, and each had dressing rooms. Joni had decorated both the men’s and women’s areas with white roses in honor of their parents.

  Alessa, Joni, and Rain had helped Shelby dress. Shelby examined her image in the mirror. Her tea length, cream satin, A-line bridal gown gathered at the bodice adorned with seed pearls fit her frame to perfection. Although, the twenty-two dainty mother of pearl buttons fastened in the back were a beautiful addition, they were a pain in the butt. A gal from the local salon had her hair swept in an up-do with phalaenopsis orchids placed throughout. Kyle had requested those particular flowers. The beautician left a few tendrils of curled hair to feather around her face, giving her an ethereal air.


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