Super Chick

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Super Chick Page 6

by Amber R. Polk

  “Sounds great. Talk to you soon.” Lillie winked at her then turned and walked back to the counter, no doubt to shout at the deputy some more.

  It was so unreal to imagine there was another person like her, and she was right there in Hope. Megan had always guessed she couldn’t be the lone gifted person. That would be naïve, but to think that she actually met one and knew instantly she had this power was amazing. If Drew wasn’t stuck to her like gum on a bottom of a shoe, she would run back in and not let Lillie leave until she told Megan every possible detail. She was going to have to come up with a plan to get time alone with Lillie.

  “What was that all about?” Drew escorted her out, his hand on the small of her back, causing her spine to tingle and sending her heart into a race from the simple act. He probably would the same thing if she were an old lady, but she reveled in it all the same. Probably more than she should have with a simple touch.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  Chapter Six

  “Why aren’t we looking for Laura?” Megan asked, pouring a cup of hot chocolate and handing it to Drew before pouring herself a cup and adding a large dollop of whipped cream. She watched him as she stirred the cocoa.

  Drew had been quiet since they left the police station and that was four or five hours ago. He had taken a few phone calls, but became increasingly distanced after each ended. If there was more going on, she wanted to know.

  “We’re where we need to be.” He took a sip of his cocoa and walked out of the kitchen, dragging his feet. Though it was definitely adorable seeing him sip cocoa, she didn’t like that he was blocking her out entirely.

  “What happened at the station today?” She walked up to the back of the couch as he sat down.

  “Got updates.” He yawned and rubbed his big, thick hand over his face while rolling his shoulders.

  “Well, will you at least tell me what the note said?” Megan asked again, hoping this time she would get a different response. Walking around the couch, she sat down on the chair. She never considered herself a nosy person, but not knowing was driving her half insane.

  “Will you please give it up already?” He didn’t bother turning toward her. Instead, he turned up the volume on the TV.

  “Not until you give me the answer, nope.” Megan watched Drew’s face as he ignored her. He was so unbelievably attractive. His eyes were soft, yet, if angry, they were hard and unforgiving. And when he smiled, his dimples showed, making him look almost boyish. Even the way the tip of his nose tilted ever so slight to the right was sexy and it gave him more character.

  He switch the channel from one football game to another before his shoulders dropped. “The note said I knew where the diamonds were and if I wanted my sister, I better give them up.”

  “Diamonds?” She straightened. “What diamonds?”

  Moving to the edge of the couch, Drew set the cup of cocoa on the coffee table and put his elbows on his knees. “About two months ago, I arrested a guy who had robbed a jewelry shop in Oklahoma City. After we questioned him, I took him to his cell and he had a heart attack and died before I could get the door shut.” He took a deep breath and looked at his hands. “I think these guys were in on it with him and they were all supposed to meet up later. I guess ‘cause I was the last one with him, so they think I know where the diamonds are.”

  “Well, do you?” He did buy a brand spanking new sports car a few months prior and from what Megan had heard about police salary, he would have to live in it to be able to afford a car like that.

  “Hell no! I don’t know where they are. If I did, don’t you think I’d tell them so I could get my sister back?” He stood and paced in front of her.

  “Well, you could have spent it all already,” Megan muttered before taking a sip. She leaned back in the chair, trying to make sense of an extremely confusing situation.

  He stopped and turned to her. “I know you don’t know me, but I wouldn’t do something like that. I’m not one of those sleazy cops you hear about on the news.”

  “You’re right and I’m sorry. This is all just so strange.” She placed the tips of her fingers on her temples and rubbed. “I mean, if they’re not from here, how would they know to go after Laura? Why not just take you?”

  “It’s a small town so it would be relatively easy to find out personal information around here. Plus, I carry a gun.” He pointed to the weapon strapped to his belt. “She was the easier target.”

  “True.” Megan closed her eyes and rubbed her temples more, trying to clear her head and ease the pounding inside.

  Drew’s shoes shuffled behind her and she lifted up to see what he was doing, but he pulled her back by the shoulders and brushed away her hands. At first, she stiffened, wondering what he was up to, but quickly relaxed as he massaged her temples and forehead. He ran his fingers deep into her scalp, making her entire body experience euphoria.

  If he could perform that well with just his fingers on her head, she shuddered to think of what he could to do to the rest of her body. The thought sent chills through her, raising goose bumps on her skin. Drew’s hands slowly made their way down her neck and across her shoulders until she could feel his breath next to her ear. If she turned her head, would he kiss her? Just as she half-opened her eyes and started to turn toward him, her cell phone started ringing.

  Jumping up, Megan avoided eye contact as she snagged the phone from the coffee table and rushed to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Placing the back of her hand on her forehead, she took a deep breath. She had never felt the need to kiss a man before in her life.

  “Hello?” She didn’t bother to look at who was calling, all she cared about was she was saved from… It dawned on her. Why the hell did I get up and answer the phone?

  “Hey, Megan. It’s me, Lillie.” Her voice held a raspy touch to it that Megan wished hers had.

  Looking through the wall, she made sure Drew wasn’t eavesdropping. Instead, he was laid out on the couch, feet propped up, watching football. “Lillie, I’m so glad you called.”

  “Me, too. So, do you have an extra bedroom or anything? My van was stolen and that’s where I normally sleep and with my equipment in the van, I can’t make any money to pay for a motel.” Again, she acted like they had been best friends forever. How was she supposed to know this woman wasn’t an evil-doer who would squeeze her like a tube of toothpaste while she slept? “Dear Lord, your imagination is wild.”

  “You can do that over the phone?”

  “Yep, I’m pretty amazing like that. So, what do you say?” Megan wanted to trust her, but still. “If I have to sleep in that fleabag hotel another night, I might be pushed to become an evil-doer by morning.”

  Megan couldn’t help but laugh. “Only on one condition.”

  “Name it,” she said easily enough.

  “Stay out of my head.”


  Megan gave her directions and Lillie assured her she would be able to get a ride. She let Drew know her childhood friend he had met earlier was coming to spend a few nights. He wasn’t happy about it, but in the end, he had no choice but to accept it.

  The sexual tension in the house was so thick it felt like she could reach out and grab it… or him. Her only hope was that having Lillie there would be the equivalent to taking a cold shower.

  Ten minutes later, she watched through the wall as Lillie got out of the passenger side of a red Corvette convertible, pulling the hem of her too short skirt down to a decent place and swinging an oversized purse over her shoulder. When she reached the front door, she turned to wave at the driver as he drove away. Megan had to pretend to be surprised when there was a knock.

  She began to stand, but Drew stopped her with a finger, moved from the couch, and stepped to the front door with gun in hand. Megan rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips as Drew opened the door. He rushed Lillie inside before closing the door behind her.

  “Good to see you again,” Megan said truthfully while waiting
for the zig that didn’t come.

  “Mind if I go through this?” Drew asked, pointing to her bag.

  “My purse?” He nodded and she put her hands on her hips, ready to turn him into a pretzel. “Yes, I mind that very much.”

  Megan stepped between them. “Lillie, I’m sorry. I should have told you Drew would be staying here as well, undercover.” She shrugged when Lillie angled her head.

  “What kind of mess did you get yourself into?” Lillie handed Drew the bag and turned to her as Drew unzipped the bag and searched it.

  When Drew completed his search and returned to his station on the couch, Megan led her to the upstairs spare room. It was the first time she had anyone stay in it. She had been thinking about turning it into a gym since it was never really used for anything else. Then again, a gym probably wouldn’t see much action, either. She thought she would use the office she arranged across the hall, but there was probably no less than an inch of dust on the computer screen.

  Once in the room, Megan explained the situation with Drew while they had privacy. “You have got to be shittin’ me!” Lillie exclaimed.

  “Believe it or not, life around here is usually pretty laid back and boring, this is all abnormal.”

  Lillie plopped down on the bed, kicked off her boots, and rubbed her feet. Megan didn’t know how to approach the subject of their powers, but she wanted to ask just in case they wouldn’t have another chance to be alone.

  “What do you want to know?” Lillie patted the mattress beside her and Megan sat down cautiously.

  “I don’t know. Anything, really. Do you know why we have these powers? How many of us are out there? And why do you think I’ll have more powers?”

  “I don’t know why we have these powers. I’m more inclined to believe we were born with them. I also don’t have a clue how many of us are out there, but I can tell you I’ve been all over the USA and you’re the second person I’ve meet with them, so I’m guessing there aren’t many.” Lillie opened her purse and pulled out a t-shirt and began to strip off her clothes. Some days, Megan practically lived in a dressing room so Lillie stripping didn’t faze her in the least. “I know you have more powers because I can feel it. I feel it in your subconscious.”

  “Don’t you think I would have found out what it was by now?” Megan stood and looked through the floor to make sure Drew wasn’t listening. He was on his cell phone again and didn’t look happy. “I’m twenty-seven years old.”

  “You said life’s pretty laid back here, right? Maybe you just haven’t been put into a situation to find it yet. I didn’t know I was a strong-ass woman, well, physically a strong-ass woman, until I came upon a wreck and pushed a car off of a woman who was trapped beneath.”

  Leaning back on her elbows, Megan thought about what she said and admittedly, she was probably right. Her life was sometimes insanely mundane up until recently. The majority of the time she spent her days trying to be as normal as she could, while making a name for herself and boutique in Hope.

  When she aged out of foster care, she was terrified, yet determined. Luckily, she was able to find a job and applied for every scholarship available. She graduated college with a degree in business and shortly after, applied and received a grant to open her shop. There had never been time to ponder about what could be going on in the rest of the world and what her place in it was.

  “You said you met another person with powers, right?” Lillie nodded. “What were they?”

  “The bitch was strong like me. I’d like to think I kicked her ass, but in reality, it was more of a draw.” She shrugged. “I didn’t take the time find out what else she could do.”

  “You two fought?” Megan couldn’t wrap her brain around what it would have been like to watch two people with her strength physically fighting.

  “Oh yeah, it wasn’t pretty. I was seeing this asshole in Atlanta and caught her with him. I knew the little prick was lying to me when he said he was called into work, but he didn’t know I could hear what was really going on in his alligator-sized brain. So, I followed him and caught them.” She blew her bangs out of her eyes. “Looking back, she probably didn’t know he was a lying cheater, but she sure as hell didn’t have to be such a raving bitch about it.”

  “Is Atlanta where you’re from?”

  “No, I lived in Florida with my grandmother. When she died, I moved around a lot. I’m like the Roaming Gnome.”

  “I don’t mean to get all up in your business, but did you know your parents?” Megan asked, envious that she was able to be raised by a blood relative.

  “My mom died giving birth to me and the father spot on my birth certificate says unknown. I don’t know anything other than what my grandma told me about my mom.”

  Not wanting to pry anymore, Megan checked on Drew again and didn’t see him. She stood and looked around until she spotted him in the kitchen, looking through the fridge. “Are you hungry?”

  “Famished! Do you cook?” Lillie rubbed her stomach as it growled. Megan didn’t even think to ask earlier and should have. She wasn’t going to win the title of Hostess of the Year anytime soon. If Lillie was living in the van that was stolen and couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel, she probably didn’t have the money to buy food.

  “I’m sorry. I really don’t cook, but dinner’s just a phone call away. Do you like Chinese?” Megan asked.

  Lillie nodded. “I’m a pescatarian.”

  Megan’s eyebrows went up. What religion was that? Did she have to bless the food or something first? “What’s a pescatarian?”

  “I don’t eat meat. It’s like a vegetarian, but I can have fish and eggs, too. But I prefer eggs from free-range chickens, and my fish not to be farmed.”

  “Oh, okay.” Megan had no idea fish could be farmed, but whatever. “I’ll go grab you a pair of my pajama bottoms and a robe?”

  “Sure, thanks.” Megan turned to leave, but Lillie stopped her. “Hey, do you mind if I rearrange the furniture in here? The vibe’s all wrong and I won’t be able to sleep.”

  Megan nodded her approval at the odd request. Hurrying out of the room so Lillie couldn’t pick up her thoughts, she picked out a few items for Lillie and tossed them to her, letting her know she would be downstairs when she was ready.

  Walking to the kitchen, Megan was graced with the glorious view of Drew’s backside as he dug through the almost empty refrigerator. “We’re going to order Chinese. Do you want some?”

  “Thank God,” Drew said, standing and closing the door. “We need to go grocery shopping ASAP.”

  The we in his words caused her stomach to do a backflip. Of course, he referred to them as a “we” when he was staying with her until either Laura was back home or until the men were found. It wasn’t like he was her boyfriend or anything.

  Grabbing her cell phone, Megan pulled up the number for Chinese delivery. Yes, she had their number, along with every delivery service in town, in her phone. It wasn’t that she didn’t like to cook; it was more that she was a horrible cook. Plus, she never really had anyone to cook for so she didn’t practice. If this trend kept up, she was going to have to buy a cookbook and possibly pots and pans.


  “I feel like I might explode,” Megan groaned, lying back on the couch with flakes of food littering the top of her shirt. She glanced at her one guest and one invader who were in the same gluttonous pose as she held.

  “Ten minutes and I’ll be ready for more,” Drew said with a lazy grin which she found adorable. It was odd to her that she felt so comfortable around him. After all the times she swooned over him and tried to dodge him, she realized she could have gotten to know him and possibly could’ve even been friends.

  During dinner, the three of them had gotten to know each other more. Lillie and Megan explained they briefly spent time together in the same foster home until the state found her grandmother. Lying became easy and believable since Lillie had the ability to read her thoughts and know things about Megan she possibl
y couldn’t unless they had previously met.

  They learned Lillie really was a Roaming Gnome. She literally lived in her Volkswagen van and was a massage therapist and yoga instructor who earned her keep by setting up a booth or making house calls in whatever town she happened to stop in. Megan was starting to understand her more. The more she talked, the more Megan decided Lillie was a bit of a hippie. At thinking that, Lillie glared at her before rolling her eyes. She was probably more upset that Megan was putting a label on her.

  “More?” Megan laughed. It looked like they had the entire menu on the coffee table and most of it was gone. For a Presbyterian or pescatarian—whatever she was—Lillie knew how to put away some food.

  “I’m a growing boy.” Drew rubbed his flat stomach.

  “You’re going to be growing in all the wrong places if you eat too much more,” Lillie said, pushing herself into an upright position.

  Slowly, Megan stood and wiped off her shirt. “Guess I’m going to get this cleaned up and go to bed. I’m wiped.”

  “I’ll be right behind you,” Drew said, stretching. Megan raised an eyebrow as his shirt pulled high on his waist, showing off his sculpted abs.

  “Lillie, there’s a bathroom at the end of the hall upstairs. If you want to go to the shop with me tomorrow, I’ll be leaving by seven,” Megan said, stacking paper containers on top of each other and taking them to the kitchen trash.

  “Okay.” Lillie followed behind and rinsed off the plates in the sink. “Where’s Drew going to sleep?”

  Megan’s hands stilled over the trash can and looked over her shoulder at a grinning Lillie. “He has to sleep with me, but not in the way you think.”

  “Well, are you going to turn it into the way I think?” Lillie wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  Megan felt the heat rising on her face while she lied… even to herself. “No, this is a strictly professional relationship and hopefully, things will go back to normal soon. If you need anything just let me know.”


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