Super Chick

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Super Chick Page 9

by Amber R. Polk

  While Megan was lost in thought, Drew ambled into the room. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  Megan was already on her side of the bed, facing the bathroom, when Drew walked past and shut the door, so to show a last act of willpower, she rolled to her back and listened to the shower start. How amazing was it that she had watched him from afar for at last two years and thought she would never get the courage to talk to him and now he had slept in her bed for the past two nights and she’d even kissed him? Megan smiled at the potential there. Then again, was there really? Drew was only there for the sake of his sister and in noticing him over the past few years, she knew he wasn’t the type of guy to get tied down. The longest she heard of him dating someone was a month and still, even if he was a relationship type, she couldn’t do it. Not when her secret controlled her life.

  A sound echoed in the dark room. Megan opened her eyes and sat up to find a dim light shining on top of the dresser. Drew’s cell phone was vibrating. She yelled for him, but he didn’t respond. He probably couldn’t hear her over the shower. Pulling herself up, she went to the phone and looked at the display window. Laura’s name showed on the screen. In a panic, she picked up the phone and answered it.

  “Laura?” Megan asked, breathing heavily, not sure what to say.

  “Who the hell is this?” a deep voice asked.

  “No! Who the hell is this?” she demanded with false bravado. “I want to speak with Laura now!”

  “Who do you think you are?”

  “Your worst freaking nightmare if you so much as touch a single hair on that girl’s head.” Her hands shook, but she meant each word with every ounce of her being.

  “Oh yeah? Listen here, little lady, I’m the one in charge.” Each word came out harsher.

  Megan bit the inside of her mouth, feeling like a complete idiot. What if they hurt Laura because she was acting like a bitch? She watched enough movies to know she had to make sure Laura was alive and not injured. “Yes, I know. I’m just… I’m just worried about her. Can I please speak with her?”

  There was rustling in the background and a door opened, then closed. “You have five seconds.”


  “Who is this? Where’s my brother?” Laura didn’t sound as scared as Megan had expected her to be. She sounded more perplexed that Drew wasn’t the one on the phone.

  “Drew is… indisposed. This is Megan McAlister. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t know where I am.” Megan heard the man tell her not to give any details.

  “Answer yes or no. We don’t have much time.” She spoke as fast as she could because at any moment, he could yank the phone back. “Have they hurt you?”

  Laura chuckled. “No.”

  “Did you drive for a long time before you got there?”

  “No.” There was silence while Laura tried to think of what to ask next. “Where’s Drew?”

  “Hmm.” Megan really didn’t want to tell her he was in her shower because that could imply something was going on when it wasn’t.

  There was a scuffling on the other end of the phone and Megan heard the man yell. “Ouch! Stop kicking me!”

  “Freakin’ idiots!” she heard Laura yell. Megan wanted to laugh at Laura’s tenacity, but it also scared her. She didn’t want her to do anything that could make them angry and cause them to hurt her.

  “Tell Calloway he has three days to come up with the diamonds.”

  Then the phone was dead.

  Running to the bathroom door, Megan beat on it while hopping from one foot to the next. She turned to see Lillie in the doorway. She must have heard everything that happened. “Drew! Drew! Open the damn door!”

  Drew slung open the door wearing only a towel hanging low on his waist. “What the hell?”

  Megan’s mind was instantly drawn to what was beneath the towel. It took a moment to get her concentration back and it was Lillie’s chuckle that brought her back to the situation at hand. “I just talked to Laura.”

  “What?” Drew grabbed both of her shoulders and gave her a light shake.

  “Yeah, I talked to her and one of the kidnappers.” Megan took a step back and out of his grip to get distance between them so she could keep the details straight. Drew stepped forward.

  “Drew, calm down,” Lillie said, walking to him and putting a hand on his forearm. “Get dressed and we’ll be waiting in the living room.”

  It was as if he just realized what he was wearing and grabbed the top of the towel to keep it secure. “I’ll be right out. Don’t talk about it until I get out there.”

  “Come on,” Lillie said, taking Megan and pulling her into the living room. Her mind was going ninety to nothing and it dawned on her that to Lillie, it probably sounded like constant screaming. Sitting back, she took a deep breath and tried to calmly remember every detail of what was said on the phone. “Don’t worry. She sounded like she was just fine.”

  “I know. I just hope I didn’t make things worse.” Megan gripped the hem of her shirt and said a silent prayer. She had already screwed things up so badly when it came to Laura that she didn’t think she could forgive herself if something happened.

  Drew came in wearing jeans and a worn college t-shirt and sat on the coffee table in front of her. “I called some people who are going to be coming over.” She nodded her understanding. “Go ahead and tell me what happened.”

  Megan started from the beginning and told him the story with as much detail as she could, concentrating on the sounds she heard in the background. Much to her surprise, when she finished, Drew was smiling.

  “She was kicking him?”

  Megan smiled, too. “Yeah.”

  “That’s my girl.” He stood and shook his head. “She may be little, but she’s mighty.”

  “Sounded to me like she was fine. She didn’t sound scared at all, more like annoyed,” Lillie said and Drew looked at her with a slight tilt to his head.

  “How do you know?”

  “I was standing next to the phone while Megan talked to them.” Lillie sat back, calm and collected, where Megan would have been a babbling fool trying to explain how she knew things she shouldn’t have.

  “We know from the video camera at the robbery that these guys are fumbling idiots. They had plenty of chances to hurt people inside, but they didn’t, and really didn’t seem to know what the hell they were doing.” He stretched his arms over his head. “They won’t hurt her.”

  “I still think we need to do something,” Megan stood and declared, pounding her fist into an open hand.

  “What do you mean?” Lillie asked, putting her elbows on her knees.

  Megan began pacing back and forth in front of them. Drew and Lillie took a seat on the couch and watched her, waiting to hear what she had to say. “I mean, we have to do something. We have to find her. I asked her if they drove for a long time and she said no. So we know she’s somewhere in the area and they’re going to need things like groceries and stuff, right?”

  “So? What is it you think we should be doing that we’re not already?” Drew ran a hand through his hair and arched an eyebrow, making his little scar look even sexier than normal. Megan could see the exasperation all over him, but he would just have to deal with it.

  “Let’s do a stakeout,” she said, snapping her fingers and pointing to Drew.

  “Leave the police work to the police,” Drew said in a warning tone. “We already have officers from all over the county staking out different locations.”

  “Okay then.” Megan swallowed hard. “Use me as bait to draw them out.”

  Drew’s eyebrows flew up and he started laughing and Lillie nudged him and said, “That’s a great idea.”

  “What do you think we’ve been doing?” He laughed some more. “It doesn’t seem to be working.”

  Little did he know that if she could get him out of the way, they would be able to find Laura much easier. She looked at Lillie and she nodded her head in agreement w
ith Megan’s thoughts. First things first, they had to get away from Drew. “Okay, you’re right, stupid idea. I just hate not doing something.”

  Standing, he moved directly in front of her, pulling her hands into his and rubbing her palms with his thumbs. “You may not realize it, but you already are doing something. You’re staying out of the way.”

  Pulling her hand from his, Megan glared at him. A knock came at the door, stopping her from calling him an asshat. “I’ll get it.”

  “It’s for me. You two need to get some rest. I’ll be busy for a while.” With that, he dismissed them and went out the front door, leaving Lillie and Megan alone. Exactly what they wanted.

  “What’s the plan?” Lillie asked while walking into the kitchen with Megan following closely behind.

  “Well, I’m thinking I could go to work in the morning, call Brandy in, and you and I can get to work.” Megan pulled a Dr. Pepper out of the fridge and popped the top. Lillie looked at the soda with disgust and opened a bottled water. “That’s if you want to help.”

  “Hell yeah, I want to help. Two super chicks bringing justice to two villains. Sounds like my kind of fun.”

  Chapter Nine

  After their sunrise yoga, Megan explained to Drew that Lillie really needed her car for the day and asked to catch a ride with him. He was more than happy to take her because that meant she would be stuck at work all day. Little did he know she would be everywhere except at work. She hadn’t expected him to walk her in the shop and do a quick search of the area. Before he left, he stared at her for a moment, like he wanted to say or do more, but walked out instead.

  Drew was barely out of view when Megan called Brandy, who was more than happy to come and clock more hours for her paycheck. As soon as Brandy arrived, Megan gave Lillie the all clear and waited behind the building to be picked up. Admittedly, her nerves were shot all to hell from worry that Drew would catch them, but then again, what could he really do? She was a grown-ass woman and didn’t have to have permission to come and go.

  And what the hell was going on between the two of them? She wasn’t sure but needed to find out. Ever since the kiss, he had been… different. He seemed to touch her more—simple little touches which made her feel giggly inside. Just last night when he thought she was asleep, he kissed her on the temple when he climbed into bed. She was utterly confused. Did he consider them a couple now or what? She didn’t think they were, but what did she know?

  No, she was overreacting like a teenager girl. They weren’t a couple.

  Were they?

  Just as she thought she might pull her hair out, her thoughts were interrupted by a car horn. Megan jumped like a cat being spooked and Lillie rolled down her window, laughing. “You ready to fight some crime?”

  Megan smiled as she got into the passenger side of her own car. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Lillie wore a pair of skinny jeans with a long turquoise sweater and a pair of chunky boots, and, as always, she looked like a radiant bohemian goddess. No matter what time of day or what she was wearing, Lillie had a traveled, care-free vibe Megan envied. One day, Megan hoped she would get her chance to know the world.

  She just didn’t want to do it alone.

  “Where to first?” Lillie asked, backing out of the alley.

  “Let’s go to the pharmacy. I bet they will remember what the guy who almost ran me over bought.” She hoped it would lead them in the right direction. She wasn’t a detective by any means, but something had to give. It wasn’t like there were many places to hide around Hope and someone had to have a clue. They just had to find it.

  “Good thinking.” Lillie turned the corner and the pharmacy was only a block away. “I love this town. It’s so pretty.”

  Megan took in the shops, each sporting pots of different colored mums perched in front of each business. Most had Halloween decorations hanging in store windows. She was proud of what Hope had accomplished in the downtown area. There was still a lot to be done, but progress was progress. The majority of the shop owners made a great effort to keep the sidewalks clean and the buildings in good shape. “I know. We really work to keep it nice.”

  “I love passing through small towns, but I get the big city itch, too.” Once stopped, Lillie gave Megan a mischievous grin and they left the car and went inside. The overwhelming smell of disinfectants burned Megan’s nose as they bypassed the aisles of over the counter products to reach the back of the store.

  Millie Webber, the pharmacist’s mother, stood behind the window in a protected, germ-free environment. The Plexiglas was probably more for protection from the drug addicts who thought they could come in and rob the place of all their narcotics, but Megan tried to keep an optimistic view. Megan was pretty sure Dwayne kept his mother working there because she was so old he was afraid to leave her alone. The immature side of her always called her Mrs. Cobwebs. “Hello, Mrs. Webber. How are you doing?”

  “Just fine, Megan. How are you?” Mrs. Webber smiled. She had that you-may-be-grown-but-I-can-still-tan-your-hide look about her that always frightened Megan a little. Everyone knew to stay on her good side or suffer her wrath.

  “I’m doing just fine, thank you.”

  “I’s wonderin’, seeing as you almost got yourself killed the other day,” Mrs. Webber said, pointing a boney finger at Megan, effectively making her feel like a school girl. “You should know better than to run out in front of a car like that, young lady.”

  “Actually, that’s why I came in here to see you. Do you remember the guy who came in that day and almost hit me?” Megan bent to speak through the small cutout in the glass so she didn’t have to yell.

  “Yes, I sure do. He bought a bunch of bug spray and some itch cream.” She eyed Lillie and tapped the side of her head. “See, I remember these things cause I never seen him before.”

  “Do you remember if he happened to have paid with a credit card?” Megan hoped beyond all hope he had because they would at least have a name and a place to start.

  “No, he paid cash.” Mrs. Webber pinched her face together, making her eyes barely visible behind the wrinkles. “Squirrely man, if you ask me.”

  “Why do you say that?” Megan leaned in even further, ready for the big break they needed.

  “He gave me a handful of wadded up ones.” She shook her head in disgust. “Didn’t even bother to straighten them out. Rude, if you ask me.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, that is rude.” She didn’t dare laugh for fear Mrs. Webber would get angry and have a heart attack. “Well, we gotta get going now. Thanks for talking with us, Mrs. Webber. Tell Dwayne I said hello.”

  “Megan, didn’t you tell me about Dwayne?” Lillie didn’t move and winked at her.

  Megan tilted her head slightly, not knowing what Lillie was up to, but afraid to find out. “Uh, yeah, I guess I did.”

  Lillie leaned into the glass like she had a secret. “You see, Megan here is on a husband hunt.”

  “Lillie…” Megan warned. Too late. Mrs. Webber was grinning from ear to ear and looking at Megan’s hips. No doubt to see if she had birthing hips. Megan was going to kill her new friend. Don’t you dare! she yelled mentally, knowing Lillie could hear her. All she got in response was a chuckle.

  “No need to be shy with me, dear. I know my boy’s a catch. You do want babies, don’t you?” Mrs. Webber’s smile was so wide, Megan worried her teeth were going to pop out at any second.

  “Um, well, yes, one day, I guess. Listen, we’re really busy today so we better get going. Thanks for your time.” Megan pulled Lillie by the arm and glared at her.

  Before they were able to get out of the place, Mrs. Webber ended up talking both of them into items they didn’t need, but couldn’t tell her no. When they got into the car, Lillie asked, “What am I going to do with a bottle of kerosene? And what pharmacy carries kerosene?”

  “I cannot believe you did that! She made me buy diapers! We’re going to use that kerosene to burn these.” Megan tossed the diapers in the
back seat. “Do you have any idea what’s going to happen now? She’s going to be doing her best to get us together.”

  “Oh, come on, that was really funny.” Lillie laughed as she opened the kerosene, sniffing, and quickly closing the lid. “This smells horrible.”

  “I will get you back for this,” Megan promised with her arms crossed over her chest and her mouth pulled tight.

  “Trust me, I only said something because she was already thinking it.” Lillie waved her off and put the kerosene in the back seat along with the imaginary child Megan was going to have.

  Megan looked skyward and said, “Please help me.”

  “Well, at least we got some information. Don’t really know if it’ll help, though.” Lillie started the car. They both thought it would be best if Lillie drove so Megan could duck down in the seat if Drew happened to drive by. “Where to now?”

  “She said he bought bug spray and itch cream, so I’m thinking they’re somewhere close, but in the country.” There were so many country homes around Hope, it would take days to look through them all. Megan checked her watch. “We have three hours before I have to get back to the shop for my lunch with Drew, so let’s get moving.”

  “Show me the way,” Lillie said, whipping out of the parking spot and flying down the street.

  Megan started them on the back roads on the south side of town. If they were lucky, they could get the south side done in one day then start on the west the next day. That was if Diabolical Drew didn’t find out and put a stop to their plans. Pushing thoughts of Drew to a far back corner of her mind, Megan concentrated at the task at hand. Lillie used her ears when they came close to a farm or house and Megan used her eyes. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on with any of them, not even an affair. Though they came up empty handed, Megan thought the two of them made a great pair.

  Seeing family after family in their homes gave her a gnawing in the pit of her stomach. Would she ever know what it would feel like to feed a child lunch and wait for a husband to come home from work, or have a husband waiting on her to come home? “Do you think we can have a normal life with our abilities?”


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