Book Read Free

Super Chick

Page 23

by Amber R. Polk

  Dwayne glanced in his mom’s direction then sneered. “She’s making a fool of herself.”

  Giving him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, Megan looked to his mom. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all in fun.”

  “It wouldn’t be so fun if it was your mother,” he said, his face blank. “Anyway, I came over to see how you’re holding up. I heard about what happened last night. Good to have Laura back.”

  “Yes, it is.” Megan took a deep breath. She had been expecting this from someone. She didn’t want to talk about it with anyone, especially if that information could get back to Mrs. Webber. What that woman knew, the town would know. “I’m good, though, thank you.”

  He pushed his sliding glasses back into place. “Do they know who took her yet?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ve been told I’m not allowed to discuss anything yet. FBI and all, you know,” she said, giving him a small smile and a shrug, hoping he would get the hint.

  “Yeah, I understand.” He eyed the crowd around them then glanced at her. “Guess I better make my way through the crowd. Have a good day.”

  “You, too,” Megan replied, but he was already rushing away. She hoped she didn’t hurt his feelings. The poor guy didn’t have a friend she could think of.

  Thinking she needed to send him and his mom a cake from Black Sheep Bakery tomorrow, she turned to find Drew when something stopped her. A familiar face in the crowd caught her by surprise. Her breath caught in her throat and her head felt like it was spinning. It was him. One of the bad guys. The kidnapper. Todd.

  Drew. I need Drew now!

  Just as Megan was about to take off running for help, Todd glanced in her direction, freezing her muscles. Though he was wearing a baseball cap shading his eyes, he saw her. No doubt about it. Not knowing what to do, she stared at him opened mouthed at the audacity of showing up to her town’s festival. Who the hell did he think he was and what the hell was he doing there? Did he come back to get Laura? At that thought, Megan started toward him and he began running in the opposite direction, pushing people out of his way in the process. Her walk turned into a full-out run, despite the pain in her feet with each step. For a big guy, he could move.

  “Somebody, stop him!” Megan yelled. Instead of everyone stopping the man, they all turned to look at her like she was a crazy lady. Dang it, she was going to have to take matters into her own hands. Ignoring the increasing pain on her feet, she made a mad dash for him. If he got away there was no telling if he would ever be captured, and she didn’t want Laura to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder.

  He ran past the kissing booth, jumped over the ring toss, and weaved around the dart booth before she managed to catch up and jump on his back. They both went flying into the tables of her cakewalk booth, sending cakes crashing down around them. That alone pissed her off.

  Doing her best to put all of her weight on his upper back, Megan groaned with effort when Todd tried to move. He was twice her size and they were covered in cake frosting, making them slippery and her hold weak. Grabbing a handful of his hair, she pushed his face down in a lemon meringue pie. With her other hand, she grabbed the microphone from the ground and clicked it on. “Drew Calloway. I need your help. Drew Calloway. Help now!”

  Todd pushed himself to his hands and knees so she wrapped her legs around his waist. No way was she letting go. He bowed his back and started bucking hard. Megan held on for as long as she could, but she was no cowgirl and went flying to the side. Before he could get up and away, she grabbed his ankle and he slid to the ground. He shook his leg and kicked back, trying to free himself, but she held on even though she could feel the bruises forming all over her body.

  “Are you crazy?” Todd asked, batting at her hands. “Let go of me, you freak.”

  “I’m not a freak, asshole!” she yelled. Crazy she could handle, because admittedly she was a bit crazy at times, but this asshole didn’t have the right to call her a freak. A shadow loomed over them. She looked up to find Drew bending down to wrap Todd’s arms behind his back and whipping cuffs on him. Megan let go and sat on her butt, trying to catch her breath.

  “Where’s Lillie?” Drew growled as he came to a stand and towered over her. From the set of his jaw, he wasn’t happy with her or her friend one little bit.

  Megan wanted to say, Guess no good deed goes unpunished, but thought better of it as she looked into his blazing eyes. “She had to go to the restroom.” She stood and tried to wipe her hands on her jeans but it was no use. She was covered in cake from hair to toe and the attempt to wipe it off only rubbed the sticky mess around. “This is one of the guys who had Laura.”

  Drew leaned down and not so gently put the man in a sitting position before turning back to her. “You’re lucky he didn’t take off with you. Damn it, Megan. Are you ever going to learn?”

  “Guess not,” she murmured as she kept her head down from the crowd of people surrounding them. Megan had already made a scene wrestling with Todd that would be talked about for years to come and didn’t want a lovers’ spat added to the mix. But really, what did he expect? Did he really want her to let the man who kidnapped his sister get away to kidnap another woman somewhere?

  Within minutes, they were surrounded by uniformed officers. Lillie yelled from somewhere for people to move out of her way. Megan hoped they listened or Lillie was liable to start throwing people. She made it through the majority of the crowd and pushed her way through the police and made it to Megan. Lillie wrapped her long arms around her and squeezed. In her worry, she’d forgotten how strong she was and just as Megan’s eyes were about to roll to the back of her head, Lillie released her.

  “Sorry.” Lillie put her at arm’s length and looked her up and down. “What happened? Are you okay? Did that bastard hurt you? I’m going to kill him. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.”

  “I’m good. Really. Other than being a mess, I’m fine.” Megan shook her hands and icing flew from her fingers like a dog shaking water off his fur.

  Lillie looked down to her own clothing that was now covered in smashed desserts. She shrugged it off and turned to watch the action behind her. “Is this one of the idiots?”

  Megan nodded and Lillie leaned in to whisper. “Want me to kick his ass?”

  “No,” she laughed, “I’m sure he’ll get what’s coming to him.”

  “You two, follow me,” Drew ordered, pointing to Megan and Lillie before pulling Todd to his feet and leading him away.

  Knowing they were already in enough trouble, they hurried like little ducklings, following a step behind him. The crowd parted like the Red Sea for Drew and Megan scowled. No one moved out of her way when she needed them to. It didn’t take long to make it to the street and just as they were about to turn a corner alongside Dazzled to Drew’s car, he slammed her to the ground yelling, “Gun. Get down!”

  Holding on to each other, Lillie and Megan went to the asphalt hard as two shots rang through the air. Everything moved in slow motion as people in the crowd screamed and feet slapped against the pavement as they moved to hide. Megan’s only thought was for Drew’s safety. Lifting her head to the right, she found him bent on one knee next to Todd with his gun facing the alley. Her eyes followed the line of Drew’s gun to find a man lying motionless half in the street and half out of view. Dwayne Webster ran toward the downed man in the alley to help him while Drew moved to her side. Lillie’s eyes were as round as moons and her mouth hung open, but she didn’t seem injured in any way.

  “You okay?” he asked flipping Megan to her back and gently brushing the hair from her face.

  She raised her hand, and Drew helped her to a sitting position. “Yeah, I’m fine.” In all actuality, she was getting really tired of being in situations where she had to be asked if she was okay. Twisting to look behind her, she watched Dwayne doing chest compressions on the shooter. Police were running toward the alley with guns drawn. She was at least fifty feet away and even she could see they didn’t need to draw
their weapons. The man was dead. “Who was that?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” Drew stood and called another officer over and pointed to Todd. “Put this guy in a car and get him to the station.”

  Todd was crying out Larry’s name and she immediately knew who the dead man was. The asshole kidnapper. Lillie stood and helped her to her feet. “That’s the other man.”

  “I figured as much,” Drew said, rubbing a hand over his face. Stress lines were at the corners of his eyes and mouth that weren’t there a few minutes ago. “I have to get over there and then get to the station and sort all this shit out.”

  Without thinking, Megan rubbed the top of his arm, unable to remain distant when it was obvious he needed it. “Go do whatever you need to. We’re going back to the house.”

  He grabbed both sides of her face and his gaze bore into her eyes before giving her a no-nonsense kiss. This wasn’t a time to deny him his needs and honestly, she wanted the comfort, too. “For God’s sake, be careful.”

  She watched him walk away before Lillie grabbed her hand. Megan turned to her and gave a weak smile. “Let’s go. Is your van here?”

  “Over there.” She pointed to the other side of the square. “Think we need to stay since we’re witnesses?”

  “If they want to talk to us, they’ll find us. Right now, I want a shower and out of this crowd.” They had to walk past all the gawkers, but Megan raised her chin, even though she had to look like a freak show, and started toward Lillie’s van. The crowd parted to let them pass. Great. I’ve become the train wreck.

  “Megan, are you okay?” Trevor asked, jumping out of the crowd, grabbing her hand. In her peripheral vision, she watched as Lillie stood taller, ready to pounce. Mentally, Megan told her who he was and not to say a word. Lillie’s shoulders slouched in disappointment.

  “I’m fine, really. I just want to get home and get cleaned up.”

  “If you need anything, anything at all, call me,” he said with enough genuine sincerity it brought a smile to her lips.

  “Thank you, Trevor. I appreciate that.” And she really did. Megan gave Lillie enough time to look him over for another second before gabbing hold of her hand and moving them.

  Before they made it out of the crowd, everyone started clapping and whistling as if on cue. They turned to see what all the commotion was about and were taken aback when they realized they were looking at her. Not knowing what to do, Megan held her hand up and waved a horrible pageant wave. Lillie laughed and pulled her to the van.

  It wasn’t until they got to Megan’s place and she was in the shower that she remembered she had an appointment with the FBI not too long from then. She sighed and got out and ready in record time. Megan went to the kitchen and because she deserved it, had a few macadamia nut cookies. When she offered Lillie one, her face paled and she excused herself to the restroom.

  After almost an hour after getting home, they got back in Lillie’s van and headed to the police station for Megan’s interrogation. She sent Drew a text to let him know where she would be, but he didn’t reply with any last minute words of wisdom. He didn’t reply at all. Drew had assured her before that it was only going to be her making a simple statement of what happened, but she still felt like they were going to squeeze her until she spilled the beans. The suits she’d met the night before didn’t inspire confidence in a simple interview.

  They parked and went in together. Being nervous, the walls inside the building went down and everything that went on behind closed doors was out in the open. Much to her surprise, Megan saw Drew in a room with the agents. He was standing with a table between him and the men and if the veins protruding from his neck and the grim set of his lips were any indication, he was not a happy man.

  “Can you hear their thoughts?” she leaned in and whispered to Lillie, keeping her eyes on Drew.

  Lillie looked around. “Whose?”

  “Drew and the FBI guys.” Megan pointed toward them. Drew looked like he was telling them exactly where to stick whatever they were saying. She had never seen him that angry and it was scary. It was a side of him she hoped like hell would never be directed at her.

  “You’re pointing at the wall, honey. I don’t see them.” Lillie pulled Megan’s arm down and waved a hand in front of her face.

  She closed her eyes and when she opened them, her surroundings were back to normal. “They’re in the back of the building.”

  “Oh, wow. With everyone in here and so many screaming thoughts, there’s no way I could weave through all this and find his.” She shook her head. “There are just too many pissed off people in here.”

  With a heavy sigh, Megan said, “It’s okay. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Let’s? No way in hell I’m going back there.” Lillie shook her head.

  Megan wrung her hands. Apparently she wasn’t the only one with fears of becoming subjects of scientific research. “Okay, well… will you at least wait for me?”

  Lillie’s eyes softened and she gave a half-hearted smile. “I’ll wait in the van. If you’re not out in an hour, I’ll crash the van through the wall and break you out.”

  Megan chuckled. “So not funny.”

  “I’m not kidding. I’ll bust you out if they try anything.” Lillie gave Megan a wide-eyed look before patting her arm. It was nice to have a friend willing to go all out to save her from fates unknown.

  Megan pulled Lillie into a hug and made her way through the building to the doors she already knew they were behind. Drew’s angry voice filtered through the thick door. She waited to see if they would come out, but from the sounds inside, it didn’t seem likely. Wanting to get this over with, she knocked and took a step back.

  The door flung open and Drew’s blazing eyes were set on hers, momentarily going soft. He brushed his pinky with hers while walking past her and around the corner. Whatever had transpired in the room must have been extreme since he hadn’t bothered to say a word to her. Megan had wanted a big, reassuring hug from him more than she wanted anything else and he walked past and left her alone. If the two agents weren’t already watching her, she would have taken off in a run. Now, if she acted like she had something to hide they would start digging and there was no telling what they would find. It wasn’t just about her anymore. Lillie could inadvertently get caught up in that mess, too.

  “Ms. McAlister,” Agent Graves said, pointing to the chair. “Why don’t you come in and take a seat.”

  Tugging on the bottom of her shirt, Megan stepped through the doorway and took a seat in the uncomfortable aluminum chair. Agent Graves sat across from her, but Agent Johnson stood creepily in the corner of the room. She cleared her throat and sat, placing her handbag in her lap and gripping the handles for dear life. Agent Graves clicked on a tape recorder and listed facts about her before turning his eyes to her.

  “Start by telling us anything you can remember about the day you found Laura Calloway.”

  Megan took a deep breath and repeated everything Drew, Laura, and she had agreed on and waited in horrendous anticipation for them to call her a big fat liar and throw the book at her. When she finally finished, Agent Graves leaned back in his chair and looked over his shoulder at the other man lurking in the corner. Agent Johnson nodded and Graves turned back to her.

  “Did you see the gun Larry Tucker was supposedly carrying today?” This time his eyes were a little colder, his tone a little more brisk. All of her senses were on high alert.

  “No, I didn’t, but I was—”

  “What exactly is your relationship with Detective Calloway?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Swallowing hard, Megan fought against the urge to ask them if they knew what her relationship was with Drew, because she for one, didn’t have the slightest clue. Obviously, the two detectives had their own theories and were digging, and she needed to watch her words carefully until she understood what they were looking for.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, hoping for a
few extra seconds to come up with a decent answer.

  “What is your relationship with Detective Calloway?” he repeated, but this time he punctuated each word.

  “He has been staying at my house to keep it under surveillance just in case the kidnappers came back.” That was true. Maybe not the whole truth, but she didn’t see where Drew’s and her relationship, or lack thereof, had any prevalence to why she was there. Her shoulders began inching their way toward her ears and she fought to relax.

  “Are you saying that before the kidnapping you two were not in any form of a relationship?” He tapped his fingers on the table, waiting on her answer.

  “Other than seeing him around town, no. We were not in any form of a relationship.” Graves gave her a condescending smirk that told her exactly what he thought. “Why does my personal life have anything to do with why I’m here today?”

  “If you don’t mind, Ms. McAlister, we’ll ask the questions.”

  His snide attitude set her blood boiling, but Megan knew better than to make enemies in there. She didn’t know what they were getting at or trying to get her to say, but she did know that if she came off as stand-offish, they would want to look closer into her role in the entire thing.

  “Did you see Larry holding a gun today before Detective Calloway shot him?” This time the question came from the man in the corner. He pushed himself from the wall, flipped a chair around, and sat on it. With both of them staring at her expectantly, she felt her pulse pick up.

  “No, actually, I didn’t because I was busy being face down on the pavement.” She internally scolded herself for being smart-alecky.

  “And the man Detective Calloway was arresting… did you at any time see him give him something to drink or take any medication?”

  “Uh, no?” Megan wiggled in her chair and leaned into the table. “Look, what is it you’re not saying here?”

  They looked to each other before Agent Graves sat straight. “The man you captured today died about an hour ago while Detective Calloway was questioning him.”


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