Broken Stars

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Broken Stars Page 10

by L Bowers

  “This ship is at capacity. You are going to have to upgrade your room to a suite and give her a room there,” Bridget said. “I’m sorry you will have to give up some of your space for this.” She gave me an apologetic smile.

  “I can make my room bigger?” I asked. “How is that even possible?”

  “I believe it is a system that uses a dimensional shift to create the needed space once the points are available to make the change happen,” Ariella said.

  I raised an eyebrow at the pretty tech-head. “Huh?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Bridget said. “The tech is there to work for you. That should be enough.”

  “Right you are. I guess we should head there now to get Francine settled,” I said.

  Bridget lead the way back to the elevator and up to my room. The door slid into the wall at my approach and I stepped aside so my friends could enter. I stepped in looking at my sparse furnishings and cramped space wondering how this would work.

  It was time to find out. The screen on my console showed three icon. From left to right there was a circle with my head and shoulders. Next to it another bust this one of Titan. The last was a basic bed symbol. The most amazing thing I saw was the current balance on my points. Due to fighting the ship I was up too one hundred and twenty five thousand points.

  A low whistle escaped my lips. “Hey, Bridge, I have a fuck-ton of points now.”

  “Oh good,” She replied. “Then you can set up accommodations for Francine.”

  “You should consider some upgrades for Titan if you can swing it,” Ariella added.

  “That’s not a bad idea. I’ll look into it,” I said.

  I selected the bed icon and a list popped with the upgrades available for my living arrangements.

  Room size:

  Crew Quarters

  A single room big enough for a small bed, table, and chair with a small closet.

  Price: Already purchased.

  State Room

  A single room large enough for a queen sized bed, a medium table, desk, chair, couch, and entertainment center with a large closet.

  Price: 10,000 credits

  Captain’s Cabin

  A living room and master bedroom suite with a kitchenette. Large enough for a king sized bed, dresser, night stand, large couch, recliner, coffee table, and a large entertainment center with a large walk in closet. Addition room upgrades available.

  Price: 25,000 credits

  Additional Rooms

  Add crew quarters sized room to your Captain’s Cabin making it a Captain’s Suite.


  Price: 5,000 credits each

  I spent forty thousand credits event though it hurt my heart to do so. I mean if that were hard U.S. currency it would buy me a decent car or be one hell of a down payment on a really nice set of wheels. With a sigh I closed the window, the last thing I saw from it was the eighty five thousand credits remaining.

  The room shifted and I got an odd sense of vertigo. The world around me spun and my legs buckled at the knees. Instead of falling forward or back I fell to the side landing om my right shoulder. Then it was over.

  From my vantage on the floor I saw an ocean of space before me. As I rose to my feet and my perspective changed that ocean became a moderately sized room. The entrance was to my back and a kitchenette sat in a little nook to my left. In front of me was a door and another was off to the right. The door straight ahead was in fact set of double doors.

  “Well that was fun,” Ariella said. I looked down to see Bridget and Ariella laying on their sides. Francine was on the balls of her feet resting at a crouch with one hand on the floor and the other balled into a fist. I offered both of my hands to help the prone women back up. A slight tug and they were once again standing. Francine joined us.

  “I take it the big doors are the master suite,” I said while looking at Bridget.

  “That would be my guess, but no one has ever seen this happen. We need to investigate,” she replied.

  With a nod I made my way to the doors and threw them open. Inside was my small bed and desk with a lot of open space sitting on a plush crimson carpet. Ariella let out an excited chirp then bent to run her hands over the floor. I went to the other door opening it. It was a room the size my room had originally been with no furnishings. There was a narrow door to the right which I took for the closet.

  A sigh escaped my lips. Seeing the room I knew what had to happen next. Once again at the terminal I purchased a small bed and desk with chair for Francine’s room. Another drop in currency left me reeling.

  “Do not fret,” Titan said. “Another glorious battle will see your coffers replenished and the both of us upgraded and stronger.”

  “I know it will, buddy,” I replied.

  “You really need to work out a way to speak with Titan so we can’t hear you,” Ariella said. “All that talking to yourself just looks creepy.”

  “Going to have to second that,” Bridget said.

  “Thirded,” Francine said.

  I put my hands to my chest in mock indignation. “You too, Francine?”

  Bridget and Ariella laughed but Francine’s face took on a look of horror. “Wow,” I held up my hands and approached the pale woman. “It’s okay, Francine, I was just making a joke. You can third their sentiment or voice a different opinion. That is your prerogative and I wouldn’t discount your opinion.”

  “Really?” She asked as her eyes went wide.

  “Opinions are not allowed in the service of the one true champions,” Bridget said. ‘One is told what to do, and think.”

  “Yes,” Francine agreed.

  “That is horrid,” I said. “Francine,” I placed my hands on her shoulders. “It’s unclear what your role on this team is, but apparently you’re important. Even with that being the case, I do not require that you fight with me or do anything else you don’t want to do. I do require that you being here is voluntary.”

  “What?” Bridget asked. “Francine is a prisoner of war. If she isn’t here then she is to be locked up!” Bridget’s voice resonated with a deep anger, not that I blamed her. But according to her this was my show.

  “Sorry, Bridge, but this is how it has to be,” I said. “Listen to me Francine, because you do have a choice. You can stay and fight by my side, or you can leave. I will personally escort you to the place of your choosing as long as you promise to not give away anything you have seen or heard here. I need you to understand a couple things before you decide,” I held up my hand stopping Bridget as her mouth came open. “First, is that I am placing my trust in you with either decision. The second is that I am going to put an end to the tyranny that is the champions. You can be a part of that and ensure no one else has to live under the yolk of the champions like you have. You can take all the time you need to make your decision.”

  “I’m staying,” Francine said. “I have never felt anything like I did in the cockpit of Foe Hammer. I will not abandon him.”

  I pulled Francine into a tight hug. “Welcome to Team Titan.”

  Chapter 16

  “This is bullshit,’” Bridget snapped. “Get some rest. We have people you need to meet, Tom.” with that she stormed out slamming the door as she left.

  “Well that was all kinds of drama,” Ariella said as she stood staring at the front door. “So, I was thinking …” the alien woman spun and the look she shot me was one of hunger and need. ”Maybe we could get back to that matter we discussed earlier?” She stepped close and placed her hand on my armored chest.

  My lips turned up into a lascivious grin. “I believe we can, Ariella. First let me get Francine settled in her room.”

  “I’ll be waiting in here,” She hitched her thumb at the open door them froze. “Um, I’m cool with doing it on that tiny bed, but any chance you might spring for a larger one? Oh, and Francine will need a bed too, I bet.”

  “Shit, I didn’t think of that. I did get a bed for Francine already, though. One sec, please?”
r />   I dashed to the console and brought up the interface for the room. Ariella made an offer I wasn’t about to refuse and was eager to be about so I quickly spent thirty thousand on a king bed. When I went to place it I was given the options to sell the bed I owned for a quarter of what I paid, scrap it for components, or move it to another room. It was too bad that I already made a purchase for Francine’s room.

  “This is nice as fuck!” Ariella called out from my room.

  “Glad it passed the test,” I said. I gently grabbed Francine’s arm and lead her to her room. “This is your room now, Francine. I only have a bed and desk in there for now, but I promise to get you some more furnishings soon.”

  “A bed is all I need. You have already done more than enough,” Francine said.

  “I expect all members of Team Titan to look out for one another. While that only includes you and me as the combat arm of the team we still have Ariella and Bridget as well as the ship’s crew. Be there when we need you is all I ask.”

  “I will be,” Francine said as she threw her arms around me. She planted a quick peck on my cheek before letting go. “Thank you.” Then she ran off to her room and shut the door behind her.

  I had a brief thought of Francine sneaking into my room while I slept and cutting my throat. That lead to images of blood and shattered bodies from my past flashing before my eyes.

  “Damn it!” I snarled as I shook my head to get free of the barrage of death.

  “You okay?” Ariella asked with concern in her voice.

  “Yeah,” I said. Her words broke the spell freeing me. I turned to the door and froze.

  Before me stood the beautiful feline woman in all her nude glory. While her feet worked more like mine than a cats she stood on her toes which had the effect of pushing out her ass. Ariella stood with her side to me back arched so her arms could reach up and back to grab the door frame. A thin coat of fur covered her thin frame from head to toe with the exception of her erect nipples.

  “Better than okay, now,” I said.

  “Is that so?” Ariella smirked. “Maybe you should come over here and let me judge for myself?” Her eyes smoldered with desire as she watched me.

  With a thought my armor melted back into my streamlined chest piece. It hit the floor quickly followed by the rest of my clothing. I moved to stand in front of Ariella and wrapped my arms around her waist. Pulling her to me I moaned as my erect penis pressed against her stomach. Our mouths met and I drank her in as she thrust her pelvis against mine.

  My desire for the woman surged and I scooped her up in my arms. Kicking the door shut I went to the bed and set her down on her back.

  I slumped down on top of Ariella and we lay there panting. “I have a problem, Ariella,” I said.

  “And what is that?” She said in my ear and she purred.

  The purring took my by surprise but I found it to my liking. “I’m ready for more. I think I’m going to have to get back to work in order to fix my problem.”

  “I don’t know. I may need to think on that,” she replied in a playful tone. She didn’t protest as I started again.

  “I have to go check on things before I can get to sleep,” Ariella said after a few minutes of basking in the afterglow.

  “Awe, I was hoping you would stay. You’re so warm I don’t want to sleep without you pressed against me,” I said.

  “That’s sweet, I think. But I have responsibilities. Most of which are to ensure Titan is ready for you at a moments notice. I’ll plan better next time so we can have the night together.”

  “That works for me.”

  I sat up on my elbow and watched the feline alien woman as she dressed. While she didn’t do anything overtly sexy just seeing her lithe body move was enough to cause a stirring between my legs.

  Ariella paused with one leg in her pants and tilted her head back. Her nose wiggled back and forth as she made a sniffing sound. Her mouth became a smirk. “Good night, Tom,” Ariella said as she left. Her apparent keen sense of smell made me wonder what her other senses were like?

  I laid back down and fell into unconsciousness. At some point I felt a warm body press against me and figured she changed her mind. In the dark I couldn’t see her but I was exhausted so I fell right back to sleep.

  I awoke to soft snoring and a mess of raven hair in my face. “Ariella?” My first thought was that she was some sort of were creature, I mean aliens so why not. Then maybe that I had changed her with my prick. It is a magic-stick after all.

  The person rolled to her side giving my a clear view of Francine’s sleeping face. For the first time since I had known her she looked at ease.

  “Francine?” I gently shook her shoulder. “Hey, Francine, wakey wakey, eggs and bakey,” I said.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at me. “Good morning, Tom.” Her arms went over her head and she moaned as she stretched.

  “Good morning,” I said with a chuckle. Briefly, I worried that Francine wanted the same thing Ariella got the night before. While she was attractive, I feared what a sexual relationship would do to our working relationship.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I was lonely and I knew Ms. Ariella had left.”

  “No, I don’t mind. I think I slept better with you next to me.” I didn’t, as long as she didn’t push for more.

  “I’m glad I could help you then.” Francine shifted and sat up allowing me to see the shirt that was three sizes too big for her. “I know you have done a lot for me. Probably more than any captured enemy could expect or even hope for.” She pulled her legs up into a cross legged position. “But I was hoping you might consider helping me with something?” Her eyebrows rose giving her a sad puppy look.

  “We’re Team Titan, helping each other is standard operating procedure, or it will be once I implement my ideas on S.O.P. More to come on that front later. What is it you need from me?” I asked.

  Francine folder her hands onto her lap and looked down at them. Her face twisted into a mask of worry. “I have a sister. When I was made the embryo split and I became a we. We were both trained and lived together until we were sixteen.”

  She paused her tale for a long minute. Then a sob shook her and her hand moved to cover her face.

  “Hey, hey now,” I said. Sitting up I moved next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “When you are ready go on, I’m listening.”

  “They sent her to a pleasure den. A month later I was sat down in a room that had one chair facing a wall screen. I was shown videos of men using my sister. I saw them beat and rape her. I saw the light in her eyes dull as they broke her. And I watched a champion almost kill her.” She broke down into uncontrollable crying.

  I held Francine close as she cried into my chest. When she was able, she pulled back a little and spoke. “Will you help me free my sister?”

  “Yes. Hell yes! We’re going to free her and make those bastards pay!” I lowered my voice and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I give you my word that we are going to leave that place a smoldering ruin and make everyone in charge pay with their lives.”

  Arms wrapped around my chest and squeezed tight. We sat like that for a long time before Francine was able to get up and get dressed.

  “Titan,” I said as my armor slithered over my body.

  “Yes, Tom?”

  “Have you been armed?”

  “Yes, Tom. Technician Ariella is efficient and dedicated. My magazines are full and I am, as you would say, locked and loaded.”

  A grin spread across my face as I left my room with Francine in tow. “Good to go. Prepare to launch. We have a mission.”

  “I have not been sent a mission briefing?” Titan said in the form of a question.

  “I was told this ship and crew were here to serve me as your pilot. That being said, I am taking it upon myself to assign us a critical mission,” I said.

  “Understood, Tom. What is our destination? I will plot a route.”

  I stopped causing Francine
to bump into my back. “I never thought about FTL travel in regards to you before now,” I said. “Can you …”

  “Affirmative. I am capable of warp travel and am in fact faster than this ship,” Titan replied.

  “Sorry Francine,” I said over my shoulder. “Good to know, Titan. Why didn’t I know that like I knew other things without having to ask?”

  “When we are joined we share my knowledge. Since we are separate now you don't have access to my data banks.”

  “Makes sense,” I said.

  “What is our destination?” Titan asked.

  “I’m not sure.” I turned to face Francine halting our progress. “What planet is she on?”

  After sharing what Francine knew Titan plotted a course. “Why are we going?” Titan asked. “What are the mission parameters?”

  “First,” replied. “We have to find Francine’s sister. After, we are going to tear the place apart.” By the time we made it to the cargo hold where the black ship still sat, I’d filled Titan in on everything Francine shared. Once my teammate was settled in her cockpit, I went back to my room and Titan opened the irises. A much shorter ride than the one I took from Ariella’s work space deposited me in Titan’s cockpit.

  Chapter 17

  “Tom, why is Titan powering up and why are you in the cockpit?” Bridget asked.

  “Hey Bridget,” I said to the image hovering in front of me. “I have a mission I need to take care of. And how is it I am looking at a hologram of you now? ”

  “What? What mission? Tom, I don’t understand what’s happening. We have to go and meet with the Alliance Leadership. They want to meet you. I …”

  “Ma’am,” an unfamiliar voice said.

  Bridget looked down and to her left. Her eyes moved back and forth like she was reading something. “Tom,” she said while still looking down. “Why is the prisoner in the Foe Hammer?” She looked up then.


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