Broken Stars

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Broken Stars Page 12

by L Bowers

"Copy," Francine said. "Engines off, systems down. Maintaining life support and going dark. I'll watch for your boosters to come back on." There was a click, then the line went dead.

  A moment later the engines propelling us forward stopped pushing. All other systems went off line.

  "What the hell?" I said as I lost my connection to everything.

  "All systems are down," Titan said through the cockpit speakers. "The pilot compartment is a self contained system, shielded from the outside. Life support, as well as my computing core, will remain online."

  "Does that give us anything to work with?" I asked.

  "I have access to passive sensors and will be able to relate everything they pick up. Other than that, we are blind and deaf."

  "That's a comforting thought, " I scoffed.

  "I fail to find comfort in our current situation. Please explain how it is that you do?"

  "I don't," I said. "I was being sarcastic. This is the exact opposite of comforting." I hoped getting Titan used to the way I spoke wouldn't take too long.

  "I see," Titan replied. "The adjustment period can be frustrating for the both of us. We must remain patient until it has finished."

  "I'm glad it's not just me, and surprised you can feel frustrated. I figured with you being a machine and all that you wouldn't have feelings."

  "You and I see time differently," Titan said. "For me, time is measured in nano-seconds, while it's stretched out to seconds, minutes, hours and so on for you. That alone makes interaction difficult. If I converse with another machine it happens at speed faster than you can think. It's efficient and pleasant. Even for this conversation, I have to slow my speech and thought processes down so you can understand. It feels like I'm speaking in ultra slow motion."

  "Oh," I sat back in my chair, or crash couch as I remember it being called from a sci-fi book. "Sorry you have to inconvenience yourself to speak with me. I appreciate you taking the time to do so."

  "Apologies are not needed," Titan replied. "I am here to help you as the pilot of this mecha. While this is slow, it comes with opportunities I am exploring even now."

  "Interesting," I said. "What exactly…" Another klaxon blared, cutting me off. "What the hell?" I shouted.

  The obnoxious sound stopped. "We have incoming," Titan said. "Passive sensors are picking up an active scan from a fast moving vessel."

  "Can they see us?"

  "Their scans cannot. However, if they get within visual range, they will."

  "We need options." The A.I. didn't have to respond verbally as my mind became full of specs that let me see what might be possible. "Ok, I got it. I need…" A panel slid out of the wall covered in a smooth black material. Once it stopped the panel lit up with various touch controls. I activated the systems I wanted to use. If my idea worked, we would hardly use any power and still be able to get out of the path of the ship. The biggest issue I foresaw was Foe Hammer.

  "Read to initiate." I said. "Get ready to send a tight beam communication to Foe Hammer."


  The system I designated came on line. A moment later a small thruster on the elbow opposite the side of Titan's body from the ship kicked on for a couple seconds. Our trajectory shifted just enough for us to move from the path of the oncoming ship. It worked, and a thrill shot through me at having done it.

  "Okay. open up a channel to…" I started to say before Titan interrupted.

  "Alert, we have multiple ships incoming, and the first vessel has adjusted course."

  "Shit!" I shouted while I ignited our thrusters so Francine would power up. "Get me comms to Foe Hammer, now."

  Chapter 19

  “Francine, evasive maneuvers!” I shouted into the comms.

  The sensors in Titan gave me a sphere of information which showed me Foe Hammer dropping down and to my left. I shot us to the right as a wide orange beam shot through the space we had just occupied. We jerked left and right, up and down dodging smaller orange beams from a cluster of small craft.

  “What the hell is that thing, Francine?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, Tom.” Francine’s voice was frantic and I couldn’t blame here.

  “Any idea what that is, Titan?”


  “I need options,” I said to Titan.

  Due to our connection the information came to me. We had two sixty millimeter cannons, one in each shoulder, and a thirty gigajoule beam cannon on our back. I selected the dual cannons and targeted the small ships in our path. The arrow shaped craft burst like popcorn as our rounds tore through them releasing their oxygen into space. Titan’s targeting system kept our rounds on the ships as we dodged, ducked, and dived to keep from being hit by enemy fire and debris.

  The last ship in our path exploded and we were free. The remaining swarm of ships swirled behind us in an attempt to catch up. I took the respite to get a look at the real threat. A massive ship sat in space as the orange glow from the front intensified. The vessel looked like a turtle with the head being a massive cannon. A series of black hexagonal shapes made up the top half of the shell. The cannon, bottom half, and the legs were all olive drab green and tan. The legs of the turtle ship were part of the propulsion system with the front legs sitting lower than the rear.

  “What is that thing?” I asked Titan.

  “I have nothing in my data banks describing a ship of that configuration.”

  “I suppose that means you don’t know why it was here or why it took a shot at us?”

  “I am Titan. The Champions will do whatever it takes to ensure a weapon of my caliber is not in anyone’s hands other than their own.”

  “Glad to see how humble you are. Do you …”

  An expanding ball of fire slammed into us knocking us to the side. Then a sleek black ship rocketed passed. “Sorry, Tom,” Francine said through comms. “While you were gawking a ship crept up on you and was charging it’s weapon.”

  “Thanks Francine,” I replied.

  “Do we have to abort?” Francine asked. Her voice took on a pained tone as she asked.

  “No, I accepted your quest and I’m not going to back down now.”

  “But how …”

  “Follow me,” I interrupted. Titan and I leaned forward and our thrusters kicked in at full burn. “We’re going into the atmosphere. I’ll figure out our next move then,” I said.

  With my focus now on the planet I noticed the mass of ships that weren’t trying to kill us. The area around the planted was packed with ships of all sizes and shaped. Viewing the green and white planet through the ships was like seeing it through a screen door.

  “I guess we are not going down unseen,” I said. “With all the ass I’m going to have to kick, I won’t have to worry about boredom.”

  “Indeed. I have selected a suitable landing location where I can be hidden,” Titan said.

  “Okay. Plot a course to enter the atmosphere on the far side of the planet from your hiding spot.”

  “That … Ah yes, of course,” Titan said.

  A blue line lit up in my field of view not only taking us to the entry point but far away from the giant Mecha Gamora want to be. Francine took up a position just behind and to the right of us which I imagined was the classic wingman spot.

  The blue line threaded through the cloud of space vessels in orbit over the planet. More than once I had to pull a hairpin turn to move out of the way of a ship that started to move in our path. The line adjust faster than I could react each time making it easy to avoid a collision.

  A few seconds after clearing the ships orange flames began licking our skin signaling our entry into the atmosphere. Long searing second rolled by as all our sensors were blinded by white hot fire. Fear tried grabbing me and making me its bitch as I thought of all the gruesome deaths we could die because of our blindness.

  The fire sputtered out as fast as it started. A sea of purple mountains spread out below me as far as my enhanced vision could see. Scans picked up millions of life
forms on and under the mountains. Communication signals originated from under the rock and the shear volume of signals overwhelmed me causing intense pain in my head. Rubbing my temples did little to alleviate the agony.

  “Filtering the signals so you receive priority messages only,” Titan said.

  “Thanks, buddy, that was intense,” I said with a hiss. “I was wondering where a big ass hunk of a machine like you hides so as not to be found.”

  “The location I have selected is a network of tunnels that are no longer suitable for life,” Titan said.

  “And Foe Hammer is going to fit in there with you?”

  “Affirmative. This will give me a chance to run some scans on the vessel and possibly discern how it is connected to me,” Titan said.

  “That will be good information to have. Let's get you parked and get this quest knocked out.”

  We zoomed around the planet like a bullet and I was pleased to see Foe Hammer keep pace with us. A couple ship that looked a lot like the fighters in space with large wings flew at us. They spun around after we passed them and gave chase. I turned up the juice and Titan lurched forward at incredible speed. A second later Foe Hammer met our speed. The ships fell behind and out of scanner range in a few seconds.

  “Coming up to the entry point,” Titan said.

  The line in our view went into a hole in the roof of a large building. I slowed us and descended feet first into the hole. To be safe I sent a low powered ping with our sensors into the surrounding building once our head cleared the opening. A layout of the building popped up along with a confirmation that there was no movement or signs of life.

  We set down in the floor of what had to be a warehouse. To my delight, For Hammer turned out to be VTOL(Vertical Take Off and Landing) capable and descended through the same hole. It spun in a slow circle and I picked up the low power ping Francine sent out. A small smile touched my lips from her diligence and apparent competence. We were going to get along famously.

  We continued through the building following the course Titan laid out. Foe Hammer hovered off the floor and followed while keeping a good fifty yards between us. I kicked shelves and debris out of the way to make sure Francine had the room to follow without having to ascend higher. The line ended at a hole that looked to have been blown into the floor with high explosives.

  “Hey Francine, how you doing back there?” I asked.

  “I’m good to go, Tom. Eager to save my sister.”

  “Understandable. Hey listen,” I said. “Something has been weighting on me since we left the ship. There is a chance that …”

  “Don’t,” Francine snapped. “I’m well aware of what these people are capable of. I’m also aware that this mission might be …” She was silent for a long moment. “I’m ready for whatever might come, Tom.”

  “Okay. Just remember that you’re not alone, Francine. Whatever happens I’m here with you. And no matter what, some fuckers are going to pay for the abuse she’s endured while being here.”

  “Thank you, Tom,” Francine whispered.

  “Here we go.” We stepped forward and fell down the hole. An active ping left u and we saw a completed picture of the large cavern we were in. It was like being in a move with the darkness overlaid by a white grid system that showed me the contours of the walls, stalactites, and stalagmites.

  “This is amazing,” I said.

  “Be cautious,” Titan said. “We have movement on sensors to our rear.”

  “Do you know what it is?”

  “Negative. It does not emit a heat signature nor is it’s shape in our database. It appears to be organic based on the movements it is making, but I can not be sure.”

  “Francine, be aware that there is something in here with us. Take up a position to our front so Titan will be between you and it,” I said into our comms.

  “I can take a look,” Francine said. “I am picking up the movements as well.”

  “Negative. We still don’t know what Foe Hammer is capable of. Follow orders.”

  “Affirmative. Moving into position, Tom. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, Francine. We are a new team and it will take some time to get on the same track. It’s all good.” I said as I spun the giant robot in a slow circle to face the unknown entity.

  The white lines running vertically and horizontally curved as they formed the mass of tubular shapes undulating in the darkness. Elder god was the first thing to come to my mind at seeing it, but that felt ridiculous. I lived in a world of spaceships and ray guns and I doubted there was any room for Lovecraftian monsters.

  “Any info, Titan?” I asked.

  Scanners detect a mixture of the organic and technological. Best guess would be a cybernetic lifeform. My records indicate this form of research was common before Champion rule.”

  “I see. Does it pose a threat?” I asked.


  “Can Francine hear us?”

  “Not at this time. We are not sending a signal as we communicate. Such a thing is not necessary while you are housed inside my chassis,” Titan replied.

  “Okay, patch her in. I want her in our ear for the duration of this mission.”

  There was a snap and a his in my ear. “Tom?” Francine asked.

  “I have you on a permanent connection until this mission is accomplished,” Standby to receive data on the creature I’m looking at.” Titan sent the scanner info along with his findings. “Can you tell me anything about this?” I asked.

  “It looks horrifying,” Francine said. “Give me a moment to finish … oh. I have no idea what that thing is, but there are rumors of guardians still lurking under the surface. They are said to be creatures of nightmares, but no one has been able to substantiate those claims.”

  “Why not? Seems like a civilization advanced enough to travel the stars could do some digging and find out if there be monsters here?” I asked.

  “While that is true, it is not a priority. Champions prize their own might above all else. If they do not see an immediate gain they will not take the time to investigate. Who knows what they ignore to tend to their own desires.,” Francine said.

  “Interesting. I’m liking this enemy more and more. They might as well just hand me a victory medal now,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Don’t underestimate the Champions,” Francine said. They don’t pay attention because they are powerful enough to be able to ignore things they deem inconsequential without worry.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I said.

  “Tom, it is moving,” Titan said.

  The mass in front of us loosened up into a gaggle of tentacles. Numerous appendages shot out faster than we could track. One second they were minding their own business then next, Titan and I were wrapped up in Tentacles.

  Chapter 20

  Red Lights flashed and a warning alarm sounded in my ear. The groaning of metal could be heard over the alarms and I felt like there was a great pressure on my chest.

  “What the hell is going on, Titan?” I shouted.

  “We have been ensnared.”

  Our arms pushed out against the bands of flesh restricting us. The tentacles stretched a little but would not loosen or break. In response the creature tightened it’s hold on our torso and legs. Titan’s feet slammed together and we pitched backwards.

  As we fell a barrage of green bolts bit into the side of the creature’s tentacles. A deep roar filled the cavern and reverberated through Titan and I causing my fillings to rattle. The tentacles around our legs released and snapped at Foe Hammer like a whip.

  “Watch out!” I shouted too late.

  The thin point of the tentacle slashed into Foe Hammer opening its side and tearing into the left most rocket, engine thing. It was all still new to me, don’t judge.

  Foe Hammer listed to the side then slowly spiraled to the ground. Francine being fucking awesome fired more green bolts every time the monster was in her sights.

  Seeing her fall sent a righteous r
age storming through my veins. A hot desert flicked in my mind along with a bumpy road traveled in a dusty Hummer. I clenched my teeth and vowed to never sit back and let that shit happen again.

  I triggered feet thrusters at full burn. The tentacles around our torso stretched taut and we lifted up off the ground. The pressure around my chest and arms increased so I did the one thing that made the most send. I pushed out against the intense pressure.

  The metal of Titan’s arms groaned from the stress and it briefly reminded me of movies I’ve seen where bolts in a submarine failed and shot across the room. Then I heard a sound like steel cables under pressure snapping. Titan jumped forward a little. Then there was a cascade of snapping and we were free. Turns out we were free to shoot across the cavern and slam into the far wall.

  Fun fact. Titan is tough as hell! A large portion of the wall broke free and collapsed on top of us. Stone landed on us with metal clangs and thuds, entombing us. Unlike being held by tough ass tentacle monster I was able to move us. We shifted so our arms were under the largest rock and we shoved. The boulder flew off and landed next to us kicking up a cloud of dust. I fired off a stabilizer from our back which propelled us up to a standing position.

  The tentacles were busy slamming into Foe Hammer, over and over. “Francine!” I shouted into the comms.

  “I’m okay,” she said with obvious pain in her voice. “This ship is tough.”

  “Hang tight, Francine, I’m coming.”

  “Might I make a suggestion?” Titan said.

  “I’m all ears, buddy,” I said as I pushed us into a sprint.

  “Use the particle cannon mounted on our back.”

  I came to skidding stop. In my haste I had forgotten about the weapons we had. I willed it so and the large cannon on our back raised up and stopped at the halfway point. An outline of Titan appeared in my vision with a red blinking area in the shape of the cannon.

  “The tentacles have damaged the cannon,” Titan said. “It will require repairs before it can move into place.”

  “I got this!”

  I dropped us onto all fours so the canon’s business end pointed at the mass of tentacles.


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