The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee

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The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee Page 2

by Paul Ormond

  “Lead the way, Silver Queen.”

  “I could get used to that,” Candace said. “We still need to work on a handle for you. Saginator never worked for me.”

  “That’s the only handle I will ever have. I could change it to the Silver Saginator.”

  “Somehow that is worse.”

  “I’m not surprised you would say that. You just can’t help but try to wrap me around your finger.”

  “You want me to wrap you around my finger. You know you are a beta. Just look at you and Mitch.”

  “That is not true. He and I were always equal.”

  “But he just happens to be the hero of the story.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re trying to pull here, but I don’t think I would want to be in Mitch’s shoes. Famous or not, nobody needs to suffer like that. I don’t understand how such a talented guy has such bad luck.”

  “He does have terrible luck. I couldn’t imagine being the most famous person on the internet and never getting a moment to enjoy it.”

  “I guess it’s lonely at the top.”

  “So you admit it, then?”

  “Admit what?”

  “That he is the Alpha.”

  “I did not.”

  “You just said he is at the top.”

  “But that was a metaphor. And you just said he is the most famous person on the internet. Is this another one of your tricks?”

  “I can’t help it if I’m smarter than you.”

  “You are not.”

  “Then how was I able to trick you into agreeing with me?”

  “You did not trick me.”

  “You just said I did.”

  “You are impossible.”

  “And you are too easy to tease, Silver Saginator.”

  “Just stick the knife in a little deeper, Queen Candace.”

  “I though you said I was the Silver Queen.”

  “You can be whatever you want. You’re just going to manipulate me, anyway.”

  “You don’t have to go and get all passive aggressive.”

  “That’s not passive aggressive, I’m pointing out the facts.”

  “You’re so cute when you’re angry. I’m just winding you up. It’s so easy to bug guys about their manhood. You’re all so sensitive,” Candace said after she stepped out onto the ledge overlooking the lake. The sun hung low on the horizon, highlighting her hair as she removed her silver helmet.

  “You know why you are able to manipulate me so easily?” Sage said as he came up behind her.

  “Because I’m a mega-babe?”

  “That’s right,” Sage said. “Even digitized, low-poly you gets my blood boiling.”

  “Well, you’ll have to wait a little longer,” Candace said before she shoved him away. “I’ve got something important to show you.”

  “Is it a low-poly bikini?”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter. What I’ve got to show you will blow your mind.”

  “A low-poly bikini would blow my mind.”

  “This is important.”

  “Bikinis are important to me.”

  “But they aren’t important right now,” Candace said before she stepped to the edge of the cliff. “It’s a long way down, isn’t it? Do you think I’d make it to the water if I dove?”

  “Are you getting suicidal on me now? If you die, you might lose all your status.”

  “So you don’t think I’d make it?” Candace said. “Let’s see what happens.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. What are you doing?” Sage shouted as Candace dropped off the ledge.

  Rushing forward, Sage looked down expecting to see her pixilated corpse rolling into the water, but there was no bloodstain to be found.

  “You look so worried,” Candace’s said from above.

  “Messing around with your spells again, I see,” Sage said as he looked up to see Candace hovering in the air.

  “This is no spell, Sage,” Candace said after she dropped to the ground. “When I dropped in and noticed the armor, I went straight away to the panel and checked this stuff out. Everything was really vague, but the last sentence in the text just shook me: Be true to thyself and in real will follow.”

  “What does that mean?” Sage asked.

  “That’s what I thought, but what else could in real mean other than inReal.”

  “No way. That stuff is all banned.”

  “Banned in real life, but not in Deathworld. After I read that, I crossed my arms over my chest, and it activated just like that. Try it out for yourself.”

  “You’re kidding me,” Sage said.

  “I’m not kidding.”

  “If it’s all about Mitch Mythic and the Cell, then why am I surprised if inReal popped up,” Sage said before he stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Upon contact, a pulse of light ran the length of his suit and he felt electric currents crackling in his limbs.

  “It’s just like before,” Sage said, examining his torso.

  “And it all operates the same. Try it out. It’s just like riding a bike.”

  “You mean like fly around? Here?”

  “What, are you scared?”

  “The last time we took flight, a dragon almost toasted us. And I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to be seen like this.”

  “The suns almost set. I think you’ll be fine. Don’t be a baby. We’ll take a quick lap of the lake and get out of sight. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “Dragons. And we don’t know who might be watching. They’ve probably got all kinds of government goons planted in Deathworld, waiting for any terrorist related stuff.”

  “When did you get so paranoid? They aren’t looking for inReal devices in the game. They are probably looking for people trying to join terrorist groups, but not this.”

  “You don’t know that. We know that this all has something to do with the Cell. And if the Cell are involved then the government will have eyes on it for sure. We better keep this under wraps. We are probably the only people that actually used this stuff in live combat. I’m going to bet they keep our files handy, should anything come up.”

  “Well, then they already know where we are and what we are doing. As we speak, they are probably closing the net. We’ll be prisoners before we know it, so we might as well take one lap to enjoy our last taste of freedom.”

  “Now you’re being melodramatic.”

  “I’m being melodramatic? You’re the one spouting paranoid delusions.”

  “It’s not paranoid if it already happened.”

  “This is going nowhere. If you don’t want to join me, fine, but I’m going to go for a cruise. I might need the Silver Saginator to protect me from the dragons.”

  “Fine, let’s go, but make it quick,” Sage said before he dropped his hands to his side and jumped into the air. “Hey, you’re right. It is like riding a bike.”

  “Told you,” Candace said. “Come on. I’ll race you to the top of the ridge. Loser buys dinner.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair, you didn’t say, three, two, one,” Sage said, racing after her.

  He pushed against the air, changing directions as he pursued Candace, her armor shining in the twilight. The feeling was identical to his experience the year before, even if it was a simulation, and he smiled in spite of himself while he raced over the open air.

  “That was cheating,” Sage said after he landed next to Candace at the top of the ridge.

  “I don’t think it matters,” Candace said with her eyes fixed on the distance.

  “What are you talking about?” Sage said before he looked out across the plain.

  “That is what I am talking about,” Candace said, pointing at an enormous spire of smoke rising into the sky.

  “That wasn’t there before,” Sage said, peering ahead. “And it seems like it caught everyone’s attention. That looks like a mass migration of people moving toward it.”

  “We’d better get a closer look,” Candace
said as crowds of players stormed across the plain riding animals of all shapes and sizes.


  “SO YOU’RE TELLING me that this whole operation backfired on us,” General Vargas said, looking up at a holographic screen.

  “We gathered more intel than we could possibly use, and our assets are still intact,” Lieutenant Barshall said as he looked back at his commanding officer. “But the targets managed to break free once again.”

  “You had them under surveillance the entire time, and a guy on the inside,” Vargas shouted. “How the hell can you let them slip out of your fingers?”

  “It’s a sensitive operation, sir. We needed to stay hands off for as long as possible to ensure we had all that we needed. We also had to apprehend the suspects when the materials were in transit, so we could stick the distribution charge against them.”

  “But you got your asses blown off by a flying truck. I read the report, Barshall, and it sounds like science fiction to me. Fortunately for you, that isn’t the strangest thing I’ve had to deal with in the last few days. But how the hell am I going to explain all of this? You’ve really put me in a difficult position here.”

  “I understand how you feel, sir, but it’s possible that this is a blessing in disguise. We believe these operatives plan to distribute the items globally. Instead of taking down a few operatives, we may be able to take down their entire network.”

  “Are you trying to turn your mistake into some kind of win? You just let millions of illegal weapons pass right by you, and you are telling me that this is a good thing. Even if we can track every single one, it will take a lifetime just to sort through it all. Lucky for you, we’ve been handed a budget the size of the moon, so maybe we’ll be able to handle this colossal screw up. I’m not blaming you for what happened. The whole operation came from upstairs, but if you ask me, we should’ve nabbed them when we had them.”

  “I agree, sir, but from my vantage it appears the security council wanted to make sure they had the most damning evidence possible to get their plan pushed through congress.”

  “I know how it works. They make it all up and we get to put it into play. Everything rolls downhill around here. You guys did everything you could, and you followed orders. I just hate getting my ass handed to my by third rate terrorists. You’re one of the best operatives I’ve ever seen, Barshall. I’ll make sure you don’t get thrown under the bus for this one.”

  “I appreciate that, sir. On the bright side, our inside man is still with us and he is more than willing to tell us everything.”

  “We need to bring him in and have him properly debriefed.”

  “We are en route as we speak. ETA 7 hours. It wasn’t the most successful field work I’ve done, but not bad for our first time with this equipment.”

  “I’m just happy that you are all in one piece. It looks like we’re just getting started with all this insanity. I’ll send what you just told me upstairs. After you get back here, we’ll put everything we know into taking these guys down. They may have gotten away with it once, but we’ll make sure it won’t happen again.”

  “Agreed, sir. I’m gutted that we couldn’t bring them in, but we’ve got to stay focused on the big picture. We learned a ton putting this gear to the test, and we’ll be ready for them next time.”

  “That’s what I want to hear. You know me, I don’t like to get beat, and when I do I always go looking for a rematch. Don’t let this get you down. Like I said earlier, I’ve got your back on this one. If anybody tries to pin the blame on you, I’ll stuff it down their throats so far they’ll think they’re getting an endoscopy.”

  “Thank you, sir. The team will be glad to hear that. We’re all dedicated to the cause and ready for our next mission.”

  “We’ll leave it there, Lieutenant Barshall.”

  “Over and out, Sir,” Barshall said before the transmission ended.

  “The things we’ve got to put up with to get anything done around here,” Vargas said as he turned away from the display and stepped out of the Command center.

  “They’re expecting you in Deathland Command, sir,” an aide said, following after the General.

  “Is that what we’re calling it now?” General Vargas said while two soldiers swung open the door.

  “Somebody said it once, and it has managed to stick. I think everyone likes the way it sounds.”

  “It doesn’t matter what we call it. It’s a bunch of grown men playing video games on the tax payers dollar.”

  “From what I have heard they are making extraordinary progress.”

  “If you call living in a fantasy world progress, then I suggest you have your priorities assessed.”

  “I understand your apprehension toward this operation, but it is still our best chance to keep up with our enemies.”

  “I know how it works. I just don’t like it, but I’m old and don’t know what I am talking about. I’ve got soldiers flying around using alien tech on one hand, and a bunch of spooks playing video games on the other. If you had’ve told me I’d be doing this five years ago, I would’ve laughed in your face. Now it’s become the new normal.”

  “It is a bit much to get your head around, but it’s all for the greater good, right?”

  “I wish I could say that with certainty. The things we’ve seen in the last while make me question my sanity. Now let’s go check in on dimension Death.”

  “It’s DeathWorld, sir,”

  “I know what it’s called. I’m just having some fun. If everyone else can go and make up names, so can I,” General Vargas said as he marched toward a set of double doors manned by two guards. “GateKeepers of Death Dimension, may we pass through your portal?”

  “I am unsure of your suggestion, sir,” the shorter of the guards said.

  “Neither am I, Jackson. But this is what happens when you go through the looking glass,” General Vargas said before he stopped and looked the soldier in the eye. “If you’re done pondering my request, would you please open the door?”

  “Of course, sir” the guard said as he stepped aside and hit a button embedded in the wall.

  “You better keep your wits about you, soldier,” General Vargas said while he passed by. “Things aren’t what they seem around here.”

  "Yes, sir,” the soldier said, snapping to attention. “I’ll be on my guard.”

  “It’s not what’s out there you need to watch out for. It’s what’s up here that should give you concern,” General Vargas said, tapping his head. “Take it from me, I’ve already lost it. Now where the hell is our puppet master, Agent Daniels.”

  “Right where you left me, sir,” Daniels said after he jumped up from behind a wall of screens. “And you’re just in time. We’re about to pull off the spectacle of spectacles.”

  “It sounds spectacular,” General Vargas said. “But I should warn you, I’ve already been disappointed once today. I’m not sure if I’m in the mood to do it all over again.”

  “We’ll try our best to live up to your expectations,” Agent Daniels said before he stepped out from behind his workstation and saluted the General.

  “At ease, Daniels,” General Vargas said. “Well, as at ease as you can be. I understand we are about to witness the climax of your storyline.”

  “That is one way of looking at it. But it would be more fitting if we were to say we are about to begin the second act. All the setup has taken place, and we have created more than enough buzz. It’s all everyone is talking about online these days, as far as we can tell.”

  “So they bought it, is that what you’re telling me?”

  “They’ve bought into the story. Now we have to convince them that it is real.”

  “And how exactly do you plan on pulling that off?”

  “I’m not sure if I want to ruin the surprise, sir.”

  “There is nothing more disappointing than a surprise. Didn’t I tell you I am fed up with being disappointed? I need the details, and I need them now. I’m
the guy that has to report all of this upstairs. I can’t go telling the joint chiefs that I didn’t know what was going on because my officers wanted to surprise me.”

  “Understandable, Sir.”

  “You’re damn right, it’s understandable. Now spit it out, Daniels. I’m getting a little tired of having to stand here and spar with you.”

  “As you are well aware, we have been pushing the Mitch Mythic story line had for the last few weeks, and we have drawn in a vast swathe of players from all across the globe. All of whom appear to have gobbled up our story line.”

  “Remind me, what exactly is our story line?”

  “That Mitch Mythic is back, sir.”

  “I got that, but how is he back if he isn’t back.”

  “Although Mitch Mythic’s location remains a mystery, he still has a firm grip on the psyche of the internet. By pumping the game with manufactured information, we have created what is known as an illusory truth. The more often you repeat a lie, the more likely people are to believe it.”

  “I’m well aware of this. Politicians do it all the time.”

  “Precisely, sir. With that in mind, we have been flooding the game with hints and rumors about the return of Mitch Mythic. This tactic has worked in the field before, and it appears to have done the trick in DeathWorld. After spreading the message for the last few weeks, we are about stage the second coming.”

  “You’re not comparing this punk to Jesus, are you?”

  “Not exactly, but it is a resurrection of sorts.”

  “So how do you plan on resurrecting Mitch Mythic?”

  “The best way to disrupt anything is to make a big bang, and we’ve done exactly that, sir. Earlier today we set off a massive explosion in the center of the DeathWorld map. Anyone who witnessed this event would have seen a large object falling out of the sky. We made sure to have more than enough eyes on the event to capture it from all angles. This explosion caught the attention of every player across the planet. We are currently witnessing the single largest congregation of online personas in history,” Daniels said before he hit a button on his desk and the DeathWorld landscape appeared on the big screen before the command center. “Have a look for yourself, sir. This crowd is mind-boggling in size. It is amazing that the servers are able to handle it.”


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