The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee

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The Ballad of Mitch and SoHee Page 11

by Paul Ormond

  Before anyone had a chance to respond, a squeal filled the air as an animal rose into the air above a large tree. Wrapped in a long green limb, a thick-bodied creature with a tusked head and a short tail writhed and kicked as SoHee dropped to the ground.

  “I believe this is what you were looking for,” she said before the limb extended toward the group of shocked onlookers offering the malwut.

  “Thank the gods,” a man said.

  “You can start by thanking me,” SoHee said while a woman came forward and wrapped a steel ring around the creature's neck. A jolt of energy ran through the malwut’s body as the ring locked in place and the animal stopped thrashing. Unwrapping itself, the limb let the animal loose, and the malwut stood before its captors, docile and subdued.

  “The Gods have truly blessed us with your presence,” the leader of the people said while the woman led the animal away. “How can we ever repay you?”

  “You can repay us by providing us with information,” SoHee said. “First, I must know your name.”

  “They call me Jofru,” the man said. “And I am in your debt for eternity.”

  “Well, Jofru, Kalis needs to find her father. How can we reach him?”

  “Not without danger, I’m afraid,” Jofru said. “The palace is more like a prison now than ever.”

  “So then you’ll understand what I meant,” Kalis said.

  “Perhaps, but it does not change the fact that your father is a captive within his own Kingdom,” Jofru said. “Master Brogun controls all happenings on Thylocene.”

  “And where can we find this Master Brogun?” SoHee asked.

  “He rules from within the royal palace” Jofru said. “It is known all across Thylocene, that whenever the King speaks he is but a puppet of Master Brogun.”

  “Then we know where we must go,” SoHee said. “If Master Brogun is in the Royal Palace, I must have a word with him. When will the ancestral day celebrations begin?”

  “They will begin tonight,” Jofru said. “After we sacrifice the malwut at the altar of the ancients.”

  “Tell your people tonight will be a special night and that this malwut is blessed by the Goddess,” SoHee said. “Make sure that everyone is in attendance. Soon they will see the will of the gods come into fruition.”

  “I will see it done, Great Goddess,” Jofru said before he turned to join his people.

  “What the hell was all that?” Mitch asked while they watched the group lead the animal away.

  “Setting the stage, Mitch Mythic,” SoHee said as the orb packed down into a cube and placed itself under her chin. “I’m sure you’ve realized by now that some element of spectacle is necessary for any of our plans to work.”

  “For someone that was concerned about upsetting local tradition you’re certainly enjoying your role.”

  “I’m just following the example set by the Most Dangerous Mitch in the Multi-verse.”

  “Not you too,” Mitch said, shooting SoHee a look.

  “You’ve got to admit it has a certain ring to it,” SoHee said. “Wouldn’t you agree, Kalis?”

  “It’s hard to deny,” Kalis said.


  “I’M NOT SURE if that’s the kind of move we need to make right now,” Gerald said, leaning against a table in the warehouse.

  “If we don’t do it now, we will never get another chance,” Gaelin said.

  “These people may have helped us come home, but returning the favor by breaking the leader of a terrorist organization out of a maximum security prison is not an option. I’m going to reach out to my contacts and find out if it is safe to come in. After we’re sure we won’t be compromised, this party is going to race to the nearest military base and inform the proper chain of command what we’ve been through and the imminent threat this planet is facing,” Gerald said.

  “That might work if things were a little different, but it is safe to say that the government has already been compromised,” Ramon said from Gaelin’s side as he brought up a holographic screen from his device. “This was recorded a day ago within DeathWorld.”

  With a wave of his hand, Ramon started the video, bringing the pixilated face of Mitch Mythic to life alongside President Edwards.

  “... Our enemies want us divided and fighting amongst each other. This is why they are sowing the seeds of distrust among us, but you, true believers gathered here before me will not be swayed by false narratives, will you?” Mitch said as the crowd cheered.

  “What the hell is all this?” Gerald asked after Ramon stopped the video.

  “It is proof that they are manipulating the truth. They want to hunt down anyone that opposes their point of view. Using Mitch Mythic as a rallying point, the President is trying to convince the people that they should surrender their freedom and turn against each other,” Ramon said.

  “It’s quite a brilliant tactic,” Christine said. “By seizing the character of Mitch Mythic and claiming that there are imposters threatening our safety, she has created her own truth. Her reasons for doing so remain to be seen, but we can assume she has more knowledge of the situation than she admits.”

  “That is very astute of you, Dr. Bentley,” Gerald said. “I’ll admit I was more than shocked to find you amongst these terrorists, but you’ve always been a Maverick. Regardless, you’re still going to have to turn yourself in.”

  “You may be a highly regarded member of the intelligence community, but right now you are not allowing yourself to see the truth before you,” Christine said. “I have no idea what you have been through on your journey, and I am sure you would like to believe you have returned to a normal world and that your fight is over, but that is simply not the case. This display and dozens of other reports only confirm that the United States government and untold others are under the control of an outside influence. Reporting to the authorities will amount to nothing more than surrender.”

  “She’s got a point, Gerald,” Robert said, cutting in. “This whole thing goes right to the core. We have to assume that nothing is safe at this point.”

  “Parts of the government may be compromised, but I’ve got connections that run deep,” Gerald said. “We could reach out to the intelligence community and find a safe haven.”

  “We cannot trust anyone,” Ramon said. “We’ve already had traitors on our own side pop up. As far as we can tell, there is a task force dedicated to apprehending us that uses advanced inReal technology, and they grow stronger by the day. As we speak, more ordinances are being drawn up by the government to limit access to technology and Congress has approved a military budget that will see all personnel outfitted with inReal weapon systems effective immediately.”

  “It is safe to say that the Masters are already here and preparing to take control of the planet. This Mitch Mythic narrative proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt,” Gaelin said.

  “I’m not convinced,” Gerald said. “This all seems like a matter of this man’s opinion. Don’t let your love interest cloud your judgement, Gaelin.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Gaelin asked. “I just presented you with a series of facts backed by evidence and you are brushing it aside as if it doesn’t matter. Although you act the part, I don’t recall anyone electing you the leader of this party.”

  “I am the leader of this party because nobody else stepped up to do the job,” Gerald said. “It’s a difficult task holding this thing together.”

  “No one is questioning your leadership ability, Gerald,” Gaelin said. “There is no way we could have managed to get through all of that without you. You are a born leader, and we all look to you when difficulties arise. But right now you are wrong. I think we should put it to a vote. Doesn’t everybody agree?”

  “Fine,” Gerald said. “Let’s be democratic about it. Who thinks we should chuck in with these terrorists, and who thinks we should join up with the military might of the United States?”

  “You might be loading the question a bit,” Rob
ert said. “But I think turning ourselves in would be suicide.”

  “Of course you would say that,” Gerald said. “You only care about saving your own skin. Davis, Babcock, what about you?”

  “As crazy as it sounds, I don’t think reporting in right now would be a good idea,” Davis said.

  “He’s right,” Babcock said. “We can’t trust anyone right now. Judging from that video, the government is up to its neck in the Masters’ influence.”

  “Jamison? TJ? Are you guys buying all this too?” Gerald said.

  “I’ve seen enough propaganda to recognize it when I see it,” TaeJun said. “If the Masters haven’t seized control already, then it must be just a matter of time.”

  “My boyfriend is right,” Kate said. “And You know I’m ready for some terrorism, especially cause it will piss Gerald off.”

  “Got to admit it’s pretty convincing,” Jamison said. “Judging by our past experience we have to assume the worst.”

  “Even though nobody seems to value my opinion, I think turning ourselves in is a bad idea,” Allan said from across the room.

  “So everybody wants to join the terrorists, huh?” Gerald said.

  “Stop calling us terrorists,” Gaelin said. “If not for my people, who knows where we would be right now. You haven’t even heard the whole plan yet, and you’ve already decided against what we are doing. People have died trying to put all of this together. The least you can do is hear it out.”

  “We’ve all lost something in all of this,” Gerald said. “And we’re talking about the future of the planet right now. But I’m going to need a little more than a few peoples’ opinions before I decide to go and commit an act of terrorism.”

  “We may not know each other very well, but I can tell you are a man that appreciates a well thought out plan,” Ramon said, looking Gerald in the eye. “You may consider our organization a terrorist group, but you will be shocked to discover that we have some of the finest minds on the planet within our fold.”

  “If that’s what you’d like to believe, fine,” Gerald said. “But I still haven’t heard what this plan of yours is.”

  “A lot of it has already been implemented. It seems that the government is catching onto our undertakings, hence the need to initiate this propaganda campaign,” Ramon said. “But over the last year, we’ve been developing and testing a prototype device ready for mass consumption.”

  “A prototype of what?” Gerald asked.

  “A prototype inReal device,” Ramon said. “You are looking at the development team right here in this room.”

  “This is why I’m calling you all terrorists,” Gerald said. “Putting these things in the hands of the wrong people is only asking for trouble. Look what happened when Robert Chapman got a hold of them.”

  “Hey, I’m right here,” Robert said.

  “That’s right, and you’re still on the hook for what you did,” Gerald said before he turned back to Ramon. “This technology is dangerous in the hands of a few. Just think what will happen if it gets out there.”

  “We’ll find out soon enough,” Ramon said. “We’ve already sent out over 10 million units across the planet.”

  “Are you insane?” Gerald said. “We’re talking about worldwide chaos.”

  “That is one way of looking at it,” Gaelin said. “But an armed population will be much more difficult to subdue. With these items in the hands of the people, we will be able to mount a resistance in time to counter the Masters efforts to take the planet.”

  “Is that what you think is going to happen?” Gerald asked. “What happens if your plan backfires on you? Perhaps somebody else gets the idea to team up with the Masters. There are so many things that could go wrong in this situation.”

  “But there are a lot of ways it could go right,” Gaelin said. “Of course there is a tremendous amount of risk involved, but it is a risk we needed to take if we wanted to stand a chance against an armed conquest of the planet.”

  “He is right, Gerald,” Babcock said. “Isn’t this what the second amendment is all about?”

  “I can’t believe I’m going along with this,” Gerald said. “But I still don’t see why busting O’Dell Grimes out of prison is going to help.”

  “We’re in a difficult position,” Gaelin said. “If the government has already seized Mitch Mythic as a defect figurehead for their propaganda machine, it will be difficult for us to counter their message with the real Mitch Mythic considering that he isn’t here. That leaves our movement without a leader. The only person with enough sway in the underground community to rally the right people to our cause is currently locked up in ADX Florence.”

  “And you want us to go and bust him out,” Gerald said.

  “There’s no other way to put it,” Ramon said. “It’s a bold move, but it will put us out ahead of this war of words. They may believe they can sway the court of public opinion by trotting out a digital version of an internet folk hero, but if we can re-install O’Dell Grimes as the head of the Cell that will send a clear message that we mean business and we have the capability to fight back.”

  “But as soon as this you bust him out, assuming that you can even do that, they will be all over you,” Gerald said. “If the Cell takes responsibility for this act, you can consider it an act of war. They will come at you with everything they’ve got.”

  “We’re going to have to get this party started eventually,” Gaelin said. “It is better to strike while we still have the element of surprise.”

  “Who is going to be carrying out this act of war?” Gerald asked.

  “We are,” Gaelin. said. “There are other operatives out there using our devices, but the people in this room represent the most seasoned veterans of inReal combat on the planet. We may not have Mitch, and SoHee’s firepower, but we are a pretty effective team. Ramon and company have spent the last year training themselves with this equipment in preparation for an undertaking such as this.”

  “So we get to be the ones that go and do this?” Gerald said. “That is just typical.”

  “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” Gaelin said.

  “And have you screw it all up and wind up in jail,” Gerald said. “I don’t think so. Has anyone here besides TaeJun broken someone out of prison? Well, I have, and it is not an easy task even if we have all this fancy gear. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right.”

  “Does this mean you want to be the leader?” Gaelin asked.

  “You’re damn right I do,” Gerald said. “Against my own judgement, I have just taken control of this operation. I can’t believe I’m about to say this: Let’s go bust O’Dell Grimes out of prison.”


  HOVERING IN THE air at the center of the room, the cube pulsed in a slow and rhythmic pattern as Sage and his companions stared at it in silence.

  “So it just showed up in your room?” Shaundra said.

  “Yeah, it was one of the strangest things I ever seen, and things have been pretty weird lately, so that is saying something,” Sage said.

  “And Mitch Mythic told you to do what exactly?” Candace asked.

  “He told me something about leading a division,” Sage said. “I’m not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean. But once again, that is not Mitch Mythic. It is a computer program.”

  “So a holographic effigy of Mitch Mythic told you to lead a division,” Gareth said. “What kind of division?”

  “It said there are units identical to this cube being sent all over the world,” Sage said. “I don’t know what to make of that, but it also said that the upgrades to our DeathWorld builds are to act as simulators for live combat or something.”

  “That’s pretty smart,” Gareth said. “But what else did it say?”

  “It said that I would be receiving more information as things progressed,” Sage said. “I have no idea what kind of progress they are talking about, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” />
  “So the Cell sends out the packages to whoever found Easter eggs in the game, and now they expect us all to fight in their underground army?” Candace said after she stood up from the couch in Shaundra’s living room. “Are we sure we can trust any of this?”

  “It’s totally insane,” Shaundra said. “How many Mitch Mythics are there now?”

  “There is only one Mitch Mythic,” Sage said. “But there are at least two imitators as we speak. The one that appeared to us from the Easter egg and the one that is working with the President.”

  “But which one do we trust?” Shaundra asked.

  “The real one, obviously,” Sage said.

  “But the real one isn’t here,” Candace said. “We don’t even know if he is even alive. He could have been torn apart in a Blackhole for all we know.”

  “Don’t talk like that,” Sage said. “Dead or alive, he’s still our friend. If he were here right now, he would want us to do the right thing.”

  “But what is the right thing?” Gareth asked.

  “The right thing to do is sit tight,” Candace said. “We don’t have all the information yet, so we can’t make a call on what to do. If the government is really tied in with some off-world bad guys, then we are in for a fight, but we might also be getting caught up in somebody’s twisted fantasy world.”

  “I get the whole fanatic thing,” Gareth said. “You read about this stuff all the time. Kids like us getting sucked into these cults and terrorist groups, but there is just too much going on here to ignore. If it is not really happening, this whole invasion thing, then why is the President involved with it all. Either we’re in the midst of a mass hallucination, or we are on the brink of war with an external force that has infiltrated our own government.”

  “It’s too early to make a call on anything right now,” Sage said. “We’ll just have to wait for the next info dump and take it from there.”

  “I just don’t understand what the hell we’re supposed to do with all of this stuff,” Shaundra said. “Like how are we going to fight off a bunch of aliens?”


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