Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy Page 23

by Mackenzie Morris

  "That's sweet."

  "I've been able to pry a bit more about his time with Hector's men here and there." Silver says. "That wasn't the first time he endured torture like that. They had only been feeding him enough to keep him alive. They made him sleep on the floor, tied to the bed. If I had my way, I would storm that place and kill every last one of them for what they did. No one else knows the true and complete story. It sickens me to know that there's still stuff he hasn't told me about it. I have tried to do everything in my power to help him move on and forget about it, but those big black eyes of his can't hide the pain he still struggles with on a daily basis. I've tried to talk to him, but he pretends to be happy and insists that it doesn't bother him."

  "Damn. He's in denial." Mistress says. "So why can't you help him? Why do you say you're part of the problem?"

  Silver's hands tighten into fists. "Paris . . . asked if I was going to hurt him like they did."

  "That doesn't make any sense. Why would he ask that? You two are so close."

  "I think that's the issue here. The other night, we were out in the desert with Orion and Troy. Paris was asking me why I didn't have a relationship with anyone. He suggested that I find a woman so I told him that I had no interest in women."

  Mistress nods her head and leans back against the wall to stare up at the lights in the ceiling. "Ah. I see. So he's scared that you'll try to be with him."

  "I guess. I thought he already knew."

  "Tell me the truth, Silver. Have you done anything that he could have taken in the wrong way? Anything at all?"

  "Dear God, no." Silver says. "You know I view him as my own son. I swear I would never even think about that. That's not me, Mistress."

  "I know. I had to make sure."

  He places his hand over his heart. "I swear on the memory of my husband that I will never hurt that boy."

  "That's good enough for me."

  Silver stares at his combat knife sticking out of the floor. "So, if we're speaking openly about things, mind telling me when you were going to let me know you sent your Elimination Squad to take out my partner?"

  "You know? How do you know?"

  "Knowing things I'm not supposed to know is my specialty. It's how I've managed to get out of prison nine times and had to flee Athens. Why are you trying to kill him?"

  "Orion killed Troy." Mistress says plainly.

  "I highly doubt that, Mistress."

  "So what? You think he's alive?"

  "There's no way to know for sure at this point, but jumping to conclusions and killing Orion can't be undone if you're wrong." Silver says. "That's why I hate capital punishment. It can't be undone."

  "Is that what you're facing for killing those two peace ambassadors?"

  "There is a very high price on my head."

  "That didn't answer my question, did it?" Mistress asks.

  "Yes. If I step one foot inside Athens or if some guards find out my true identity, I will be killed. They'll probably make me fight in the arena until I die."

  "What is it like?"


  "To know that by the law, you should be dead."

  If only she knew. "It's nothing new for me, Mistress. I grew up on Earth on the streets of Paradise. Jayce and I had nothing. We had to do whatever we could to survive. I was homeless at age twelve with nothing but a little money and my father's sniper rifle. After I met Jayce, I lost my job and we resorted to criminal activity in the under city. Am I proud of it? Not necessarily, but I'd do it again. I had to provide and survive."

  A beeping noise fills the air and Mistress presses a button on her sensor. "Hello? This is Cleopatra."

  "Can I speak to Jarred Cunningham?" The man asks.

  "Silver? He's right here. Go ahead. He can hear you."

  "Jarred . . . I have your son here. He wants to speak to you."

  * * *

  Zodiac shivers in the cold cell, wishing he hadn't left his shirt on Olympus. He looks himself over. The burns don't seem to be too bad, but the gash in his side that was stitched up by Gabriel is hurting badly. That morphine wore off a few hours ago. He gingerly touches it with his fingertips and gasps. His fingers come back bloody, that hazy shade of red he can still barely see even though it's fading. At least he's not still in handcuffs. But he's alone. Where did they take Donnie and the others? He has no way of knowing how long has passed, but it feels like hours.

  He sits down on the cold concrete floor and watches the fluorescent light on the ceiling as it flickers and quietly snaps. As the minutes pass and the silence calms him down, Zodiac's exhaustion leads his mind to wander. Did he do enough for Troy's family? Was he able to save enough of the children? No. Unless he saved every one of them, it wasn't enough. What has been lost cannot be regained. All those innocent lives . . .

  He slams his fists on the floor between his legs. Why couldn't he have done more? Why didn't he take them all out of the basement at one time? Surely he could have managed it. Somehow.

  Then he thinks about his best friend. Will he ever see Troy again? Zodiac's life is falling apart and the pieces are crumbling faster than he can pick them up. Troy as a slave terrifies him. If a noble and rightful king can fall that far, what protection do the common people have from a fate like that? None. Olympus is in turmoil as the citizens riot, calling for a republic and elections. As long as that human Evans has the power, nothing will be peaceful. What he fears most is a violent war between the IGR supporters and the Nymph citizens. While he hasn't made many friends among them, he doesn't want that to happen to those innocent people.

  The cell door slides open, scratching across the rough concrete. The man with the golden beret and red sideburns waves for Zodiac to follow him. "Here. Put this on." He tosses a plain white t-shirt to him who quickly slips it on. He waits until Zodiac joins him in the hallway before continuing to talk as they walk together. "You'll have to forgive me for leaving you in there for so long. I had some issues come up that urgently demanded my attention."

  "What do you want with me?"

  "We're going to my office so we can have a chat." He opens the door and leads Zodiac across the street to another building where paintings of landscapes line the walls and large chandeliers hang from the ceiling. The red carpet and mahogany reception desk are highlighted by the glimmer of gold accents and stained glass windows. At the end of the hall, Chancellor Samuels opens a door then sits behind a desk cluttered with paperwork. The wall behind him is covered in computer monitors and cables. "Have a seat."

  Zodiac sits across from him. "What kind of charges am I facing?"

  "Getting right down to business?"

  "I don't want to play around." Zodiac says. "It doesn't matter to me. In the end, I have nowhere to go. If I return to Athens, Evans will kill me. I have no ties to anyone, no friends, no family left. Do with me what you will. I have nothing to live for anyway."

  "I didn't bring you in here for sentencing. I know you hijacked that space transport to save those Nymphs on board. That's a heroic thing you did. I have no love for Evans so I don't care if those rogue soldiers died."

  "Rogue soldiers?"

  "I have not made any kind of alliance or agreement with Olympus. My troops have divided themselves. About a fourth of my military has abandoned their posts and gone off on their own to set up bases on Olympus. That wasn't my doing. I've lost control of my men. I brought you here because I know who you are, Zodiac Cunningham. I was a friend of your father many years ago. We were held captive in Paradise together for two months. I want to extend an invitation to you. You have many skills that I can utilize to mold you into a very important tool to be used in my arsenal."

  "So I'm just some tool to be used because I'm half android?"

  "Not at all." Samuels says. "I want to hone your abilities and help you. It has nothing to do with your race or your genetics. And I know of your xyy syndrome. Yours is even more enhanced and unique because your genes came from two men. I believe that with help from my scienti
sts, we can make that a good thing."

  He thinks back to those times with the psychologists and counselors who claimed he was going to be a serial killer. "It's never been a good thing."

  "But in my hands, it can be. We will enhance you further and turn you into a living weapon. You want to end these riots and things, do you not? Join the IGR military as my personal intelligence agent. You will answer only to me. I will provide everything you need."

  "I'd be a spy?"

  "Not just a spy. You will be my right hand man, my eyes and ears around the galaxy. You will belong to me. Blice McSage will never own a slave again."

  "Did Evans kill him?" Zodiac asks.

  "He'll wish he was dead. Some of my informants in Athens reported that Blice will be fighting in the arena every day until he dies. It's a horrible way to die."

  "I don't know how I feel about being a weapon."

  "Afraid to kill people?" Samuels asks. "Get over that. We are on the verge of war. Besides, it's not like they haven't taken anyone from you. Speaking of your friends, your guardian archon has been chained to the front of the palace in Athens where he is being constantly beaten and humiliated. Gabriel can't come rescue you anymore. You're on your own. Join me and you'll never be alone again." Samuels spins around in his chair to face the computers. "I'm calling someone who might help influence your decision."

  A woman's voice comes over the speakers. "Hello? This is Cleopatra."

  "Can I speak to Jarred Cunningham?"

  "Silver? He's right here. Go ahead. He can hear you."

  Samuels removes his beret and smoothes his frizzy hair. "Jarred . . . I have your son here. He wants to speak to you."

  "My son?" Jarred asks.

  "Yes. He can hear you. I'm trying to convince him to help the cause. I figured you could help us out."

  "You're really putting me on the spot, Samuels."

  "He's your son. Just say something. Say anything."

  Jarred sounds nervous. "It's been ten years. I don't know him anymore. I have to go. I'm dealing with other issues right now."

  "You have a chance to speak to your son and you're just going to pass it up?"

  "Yes. I'm sorry. I have a new family out here. I can't do this. It's just too complicated and painful for everyone involved."

  Samuels hits the arm of his chair with his fist. "Jarred! You can't ignore him. He's your son. He needs you."

  "Well . . . I don't need him."

  "Has being in the desert for so long fried your brain? Zodiac has no one else left. Your daughter is dead, Jarred."

  Zodiac jumps up, knocking a stack of papers from the desk. "What?"

  Samuels continues, seemingly unconcerned about his papers or Zodiac's reaction. "Nova Cunningham has been declared dead. The oracle guards found her lifeless and unresponsive last night. You've already lost one child without being in her life. Don't make the same mistake with your son!"

  "Seems like I already have." Jarred says coldly.

  "What? Is this because of Paris? Do you think you can't love them both?"

  "Apparently I can't love either of them."

  The call abruptly stops, leaving Zodiac mentally grasping for more of his father's voice. It's been ten years since he's heard that voice. Why are there tears in his eyes? He thought this would be easier, that he would be stronger or more callous to this, but he's not. He does care. "Why wouldn't he talk to me?"

  Samuels sighs and turns back to his desk. "I don't know. I'm sorry. I truly thought he would want you still. I'm as shocked as you are. Oh, your sister isn't dead. I was trying to help Jarred along, but apparently even with that, he's so distant."

  "Who is Paris?" Zodiac asks as he replays the conversation in his mind. "Surely Jarred didn't have another son."

  "Paris is his slave and like an adopted son. They are so close."

  "So he replaced me?"

  "Zodiac . . ."

  He shrugs his shoulders. "No, it's okay. I can handle the truth. I'm glad he's happy." Zodiac says it, but he doesn't mean it. He bites his tongue before he says something he will regret. How dare Jarred go off and abandon him and his sister, only to turn up ten years later with a new family? "I will never forgive him."

  "Hatred isn't the way to solve this."

  Zodiac's arms tremble as he squeezes his fists tighter. "If he had ever shown me a single scrap of love, then I would be fine. If he tried to write a letter to me or find a way to call, that would be different. But he hasn't. I told him that night that if he left, I would hate him forever. I intend to keep that promise. I will join you and your military just so I can get revenge on Jarred and everyone else who has harmed me and my sister. If you want me to kill, then I'll do it. But listen to me well. One of my bullets has Jarred's name on it."

  * * *

  Silver checks the time on his gold sensor attached to his arm. Ten in the morning. Paris should be up by now. What a horrid night that was. The two boys he counts as his sons have been hurt by him unintentionally. Well, Zodiac isn't really a boy anymore. He's a man. Silver can't think about this right now. He has to tend to Paris. He knocks on the door to his own room and waits for a response. When there's no answer, he slowly pushes the door open and peers into the room. "Paris?"

  Where is he? All the blankets have been stripped off the bed and are now pinned up and hanging from the ceiling. The mattress has been moved off the bed and leans against the headboard. The sound of cartoons on the television fills the room as the pillows are knocked back from concealing the end of the makeshift mattress cave and Paris looks out from the opening. "I'm here, Master."

  Silver laughs as he looks at the room. "What did you do in here?"

  "Built a fort. I moved the television into my fort too. No, it's a mansion now."

  "How are you feeling today?"

  Paris doesn't answer. He simply slips back into his fort and blocks the entrance with pillows.

  Silver sighs and kneels down in front of the mattress mansion. "Can you come out here for a minute?"

  A black king cobra is the only thing that greets him. "He's my butler." Paris says.

  "Snakey, can you go tell Paris that he has a guest?"

  Paris starts speaking in a humorously deep voice. "I am Sir Snakey, the head butler of this mansion. Master Paris is away on business right now. Shall I take a message?"

  "Yeah. Tell Paris that I'm sorry and that I love him very much. I only want what's best for him and for him to be happy. I know what he went through, but I'm always here to make sure it doesn't happen again. I have devoted my life to protecting him from those people. I will give my life to ensure no one touches him. He means the world to me."

  Paris makes a tiny whimpering sound as he pulls the snake back inside and the television is turned off. "Master?"


  "I'm sorry for messing up the room. I'll fix it now."

  "That's not a problem." Jarred says.

  "What do you want me to do today?"

  "Nothing. Actually, I want you to stay there in your fort and-"

  "It's my mansion!" Paris shouts.

  "Yes, your mansion. Stay there and just take it easy today. Watch cartoons, play with Snakey, and let me take care of you. Tell you what. I'll be the slave and you'll be my master today. Tell me to do anything and I'll do it. Today is all about you, buddy."

  Paris peeks out from his mansion. "Why?"

  "Because I want to see you smile. Are you hungry?"

  "I guess."

  "Want some ice cream?" Jarred asks.

  The boy's face lights up. "For breakfast?"

  "Anything you want, Master." Silver says with a smile.

  "Actually, I want something else."

  "What would you like?"

  Paris pushes his messy black bangs behind his ears. "Can you . . . can you hold me?"

  "Of course."

  He knocks down the pillows. "Come on in. It's big enough for both of us. Don't squish Snakey."


  Tiny warm hands on h
is face wake Troy out of his deep sleep. He opens his eyes and looks around the familiar room. It's Silver's room in the guild hall. How did he get here? Every breath he takes is painful and his chest feels like someone is sitting on top of him. The headache behind his eyes isn't helping anything. How long has he been asleep? Though sleep probably isn't the correct word for it. The last thing he remembers is being strapped down to a table as two people were talking about him. Now he's here?

  "Troy? Are you awake?" The little boy climbs up on the bed beside him and smiles. "You're safe now."

  "Hey, Paris." Tory manages to say with his scratchy throat.

  "I've been taking care of you." Paris picks up a cup and helps Troy sit up. "I'm sure you'd like some water."

  Troy groans as he moves, but he's grateful for the much-needed water. He looks at Paris who is eagerly staring at him as well. "Thank you for taking care of me."

  "I'm a pretty good nurse, huh? I've been tending to your wounds all alone."

  "All alone? Where are Master Silver and Master Orion?"

  "My master went to save your master from Mistress's Elimination Squad. She thought Master Orion killed you."

  "He didn't." Troy says. "It was an accident and he had no part in it. How long have I been here?"

  "Some of Mistress's agents brought you in about a week ago. That's why my master left to go save Master Orion. Don't worry. I've been a good nurse."

  "Yes, you have. Thank you."

  Paris touches Troy's cheeks. "Are you hurting?"

  "I feel very sore in my chest."

  "Lie down again and stop moving. Your ribs were broken. The nanobots were able to rebuild the parts of your lungs that were damaged and stopped the internal bleeding."

  "I've been unconscious for a week?" Troy asks.

  "Two weeks. You stayed for a week with Master Daedalus in his hideout."


  Paris fills a syringe with clear liquid from a vial and injects it into Troy's arm. "He's a nanobot expert. Some force must be protecting you, Troy."


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