Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy Page 33

by Mackenzie Morris

  Orion picks Paris up and kisses his forehead. "What are you doing here? How did you get out?"

  "I killed Hector."

  "You killed him?"

  Troy looks up at the tall tan man in a dark blue suit with a short beard and mustache. "And who is this?"

  "My new friend. He helped me escape. He has a ship to get us out of here."

  Troy holds out his hand to the stranger. "I'm Troy Lifestone. Thank you for all you've done."

  The man takes Troy's hand. "Dax Nero. I'm just doing what's best."

  "I'm Orion Lifestone." Orion shakes his hand. "You a Nymph or what?"

  "Human. All human. I'm from Friedhof. I'm just a merchant. I saw what Hector was doing to the boy and I had to stop it."

  Paris turns to him. "But you said-"

  "No. Listen to me, Paris. I'm just a travelling merchant, right?"

  "Oh. Yes. Dax is a merchant. Let's go before they come looking for me. Come on, guys."

  Troy shakes his head. "Orion and I can't go with you. We have these slave collars that will electrocute us if we go past the walls."

  "I can fix that." Zodiac extends another nanoarrow and slips the tip under the edge of Orion's collar. "Be very still." In one smooth slice, the thick leather falls to the ground. He repeats the process with Troy's as well. "There. We need to get moving before those guards hunt us down."

  Troy picks up Paris to carry him on his back. "Lead the way. We can't leave anyone behind."

  Paris suddenly jumps off of Troy's back. "Go without me."

  "Why? We're all going together."

  "We can't leave anyone behind!" Paris takes off running back towards the palace. "I can't leave her. I have to bring Nyx!"

  "Paris, stop!" Dax calls out to him. "Come back."

  Orion sprints after him and tackles him to the ground before he reaches the road. He picks up the struggling boy. "Calm down. We have to go."

  "No! Put me down. She took care of me. I can't leave her. I can't!"

  "Stop this. You're being crazy. You're not thinking clearly."

  "I hate you!" Paris screams at the top of his lungs and punches Orion. "Stop! I'm not going! You can't make me. Nyx needs to leave too. I have to get her."

  He throws Paris over his shoulder. "You're coming with us. I don't care how much you scream or hit me. I have to do what's best for you. Silver will never forgive me if I had you this close to freedom and I let you run off. You're a child. You don't know what's best for you. You're going to obey and get on the ship. That's final."

  "You're not my master! You don't get to tell me what to do."

  "No? But Silver is and he has entrusted you to my care when he's not around. He wants you to get back safe and sound. I know he's been worried sick about you. I'm not going to be the one to disappoint him by letting you do something stupid. I will do whatever I have to in order to get you back to him. Stop being a spoiled brat."

  "I'm not a spoiled brat, Orion!" Paris shouts.

  "Shut up." Orion joins the group again as they sneak across town, as best as they can sneak with a constantly screaming boy on his shoulder.

  "I hate all of you!"

  Orion smacks Paris's leg hard.

  Paris squeals as he squirms on Orion's shoulder. "That hurt, you big meanie!"

  "Paris, shut the hell up."


  Orion digs his fingers into the boy's thigh. "I swear to the gods. If you scream one more time, I'm going to beat you until you stop. You're not helping anyone by doing this. You're putting us in danger."

  Paris mocks him. "You're putting us in danger."

  "Stop that."

  "Why? You're an asshole."

  "Really?" Orion raises his hand again. "One more. Say one more word and I will beat the hell out you."

  "Do it. I dare you."

  Orion spanks him until he starts to cry.

  Troy stops behind a building as a group of guards rushes past. That was too close. "Will you two stop it? Orion, stop hurting Paris. He's tired and scared. Paris, stop being stupid. You always say how you want to be a man. Act like it. You're twelve years old. You're not a baby anymore."

  As they reach the space transport parked outside the city walls, Paris scratches Orion's back with his fingernails.

  "Damn it, kid! I'm going to kill you." Orion throws the boy down inside the open door. He takes Paris's septum ring in his fingers and twists it brutally.

  Paris cries out as he kicks at him. "You're hurting me."

  "Good. When we get back home, I'll make sure Silver whips you. If you're going to act like an animal, then I'll treat you like an animal."

  "Get off me!"

  "Stop screaming."

  When Orion pulls on the rings in Paris's nipples that are still healing, the boy yelps in pain then kicks him in the groin.

  Orion doubles over and moans. His hands tighten into fists. "Why you little bitch!"

  Troy joins them inside as Dax takes a seat at the controls. "Are we ready to leave?"

  Orion pins the screaming boy to the metal floor. "Go before Paris pushes me to do something I don't want to do."

  Troy glares at Orion. "You shouldn't be treating Paris like this, Orion. You don't know what all he's been through. You have to remember that he's a child."

  "Firing up the engines now." Dax says. "Donnie, you fill them in on the situation."

  A large man in brown cargo pants and an apron enters the room and sits in a chair next to them all. "Hey, guys. It's good to see you all in one piece. I work with Silver and other agents on special missions like this. If you need to know anything, just ask."

  As the doors begin to close, Paris suddenly bites Orion's arm.

  "Ouch. Hey, Paris, stop!"

  "No!" Paris kicks at him then jumps from the ship, landing in the sand. He disappears into the crowds of people in the street.

  "Paris! Dax, stop the ship." Orion orders. "Open the doors. I'm going after him."

  "No." Donnie says. "We have to leave now."

  "You can't do this. We can't leave him here."

  Dax flips a few switches on the console. "The antiaircraft grid just came back online. We don't have any more time. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

  Troy shakes Dax's shoulders. "Damn it, Dax. Take us back down. I don't care if we're in danger. If we leave Paris here, he could die."

  "Why would he run off?" Orion asks.

  "It's your fault." Troy says. "Is that how you think you should treat children? No wonder he ran off to get away from you. Gods forbid you ever have a kid."

  Donnie shakes his head and wipes his sweaty face on his brown apron. "Dax has his orders from higher up. He can't do it. Dax and I are going back to Himmel where some of our contacts are waiting for a report. As for you two Nymphs, he's taking you down to Delphi."

  "What's in Delphi?" Orion wipes the blood from his arm where Paris bit him.

  "It's a secluded nomadic Nymph colony completely isolated from the rest of the galaxy. What little is known about the place comes from insiders who tell us it is like time forgot the place and technology passed it by without a second glance. We can't risk taking you back to the Eremos Excavation Guildhall. The premises have been locked down to threats from Evans's soldiers. Mistress contacted me and wanted me to get rid of you."

  "Mistress wanted you to kill us?" Troy asks.

  "Well, we have to fake your deaths. If Evans's men find out that Troy is alive, they will ransack everything to find him. Troy, you are an immediate threat to the safety of everyone we work with. Not only that, but the agents of the guild have scattered. No one knows who is an ally or a foe. It is best if we divide up where they can't track everyone down. We have things in planning and we will come for you once it is ready."

  This sounds bad. "And how long will that take?"

  "Projected completion will be in five years."

  "Five years? What are we supposed to do for five years?"

  "Try to fit in."

  Troy watches out the window as the
ship takes off, leaving the sandy streets of Kyro behind. Paris. How could he just leave like that? "What about Paris?"

  "There's nothing we can do for the boy. We gave him a chance for freedom, but he threw it away. Children get an idea in their heads then are too stubborn to realize how stupid it is."

  "Are you going to explain this to Silver?" Orion asks.

  "I will handle everything." Donnie says. "You won't have any access to communications while you are out in Delphi. This is for the best. I only regret that we couldn't save Paris."

  * * *

  Donnie hands Troy and Orion each a small leather messenger bag. "Here are your supplies for the trip to Delphi. It should be enough for the four day hike. I also gave you a hand drawn map. Good luck."

  "If you're leaving us here without any communications, how are we supposed to know when the plan is finished?" Orion asks as he looks through the contents of his bag.

  "We will come get you. Though, I wouldn't be expecting that anytime soon. So get used to your surroundings and attempt to find a place in their society."

  Troy looks out through the doorway of the ship at the blowing sand and heat waves. "This isn't some kind of cruel joke, is it?"

  "Nope." Donnie pushes Troy and Orion out of the ship. "Get walking!"

  Troy stands and brushes off the sand from his clothes. "Are you serious?"

  "Absolutely. Farewell. Don't get used to those clothes, though. You'll be introduced to the clothing of the natives soon enough. I will see you two in five years." Donnie waves as the doors close and the engines fire up again.

  Troy watches the ship take off and disappear high in the sky. "So this is it, then. Orion?"

  Orion spits out sand as he stands. He looks to be on the verge of tears.

  "So what now?" Troy asks.

  "Holy hell." Orion spins around to take in the expansive emptiness of the far-stretching sand dunes and tiny cacti dotting the shaded areas around the red rocks jutting out of the sand. "I can't do this. I can't stay out here for the rest of my life. I can't be away from society. What about Silver? He's my partner. How can he do this to us?"

  "Don't think like that. I know this isn't the ideal situation, but-"

  "Shut up! I'm tired of you and your optimism. Sometimes things in life are bad. Accept it. Our lives are over."

  "Think about Paris!" Troy screams as loud as he can and shakes Orion's shoulders. "Paris's life is over. Those guards are bound to find out what he did. If Hector somehow managed to survive, what do you think he's going to do to Paris? I don't give a damn about us. I do care about that little boy. He hasn't had a chance to live life yet. We have. We're the ones who screwed up, not him. He shouldn't have to pay the price for our transgressions. I don't want to hear your self-serving, pathetic, egotistical selfishness. If all you're going to do is whine and bitch about this, then I can strangle you now and put you out of your misery. I'd be a lot better off without you!"

  * * *

  The sand has collected in the bottom of the bathtub. Zodiac steps out of the shower feeling only a bit better than he did on the way here. Why are things falling apart? No matter what they try to accomplish, things never go the way they are supposed to. He stops in front of the foggy mirror and wipes it clean with his towel before running his hand over his short black beard. He looks down at his razor, but decides to keep it. It makes him look older. Plus, it apparently worked to keep his true identity hidden. Even Troy didn't recognize him. Well, there are many reasons for that. Zodiac turns to look himself over. The only thing he still recognizes about himself is the Scorpio shaped birthmark on his chest. His skin is darker now than it ever has been, he has muscles, and he has gained thirty pounds in the past month. He had to in order to keep up with the grueling training Samuels puts him through. Maybe being someone else is for the best.

  When he steps out of the bathroom and into the bedroom of his apartment, Zodiac spots the woman in the dark green cotton dress. "You look pretty, Leto."

  She smiles as she brushes her long black hair while sitting at the vanity. "Thank you, Master. What will you have me do today?"

  Zodiac finds his clothes in his dresser and begins to dress, no longer embarrassed for her to see him naked. "Take it easy. I don't need much. If you feel like it, you can finish unpacking our bags. I'll bring in dinner later after my meeting. What are you in the mood for? I don't feel like eating out. I'm thinking about finding a movie and relaxing."

  "I would like that very much. Maybe we could get some fried rice?"

  "That's a plan, then. I should be back before midnight. Thanks for being supportive. It's nice to have someone here to talk to."

  Leto sets her hairbrush down on the vanity. "Are you really that lonely, Master?"

  Zodiac zips up his studded leather shirt. "I've lost a lot of people who were my friends. I've never been this alone."

  "Why are you dressed like that?"

  "I'm a spy, Leto. I have to be ready for combat at any time."

  "I knew you weren't a merchant. You're too nice."

  Zodiac laughs as he pulls on his leather fingerless gloves. "Too nice? I'm not quite sure that's a good thing."

  "It is. The galaxy needs more nice people."

  "Where are my boots?"

  "Forgive me. I was polishing them." Leto retrieves his combat boots from under the edge of the bed. She kneels down in front of him and helps him put them on his feet. "There you go."

  "Thank you. You really don't have to do all this for me. I'm used to being independent."

  "As your slave, it is my duty to make sure you are taken care of. I like feeling useful."

  Zodiac sighs as he cinches down his belt and slides his combat knife into place. "Do what you will. While I'm out, do you need anything from the store?"

  "If I may . . ." She hands him a handwritten list. "Your apartment isn't very well furnished for a woman."

  He scans over it and blushes. Oh. "I see. I don't know what these things are."

  "You've never had a girlfriend or a sister?"

  "I . . . I just never asked my sister about this stuff."

  "Just ask someone at the store. They'll be able to help you find them."

  Great. That's exactly what he wants to have to do after work. Shopping for women's hygiene products. What has he gotten himself into? He knew a male slave would be easier. But he can't let her down. "I'll find it."

  "Thank you." Leto retrieves a bottle of iced tea from the refrigerator. "I meant to ask you something else, if I may."

  "Go ahead."

  "Aren't you going to mark me?"

  "Mark you?" Zodiac asks.

  "Slaves are usually pierced or branded by their owners in order show who they belong to. You should probably figure out something for me."

  "That sounds unnecessarily painful and unpleasant. But if I have to, I'll figure out something. I'll ask Samuels what he thinks I should do." Zodiac slings his bag over his shoulder and heads to the door. "I'm off. I'll be back later."

  "Goodbye, Master."


  Zodiac walks into Samuel's burgundy-colored office where Samuels is speaking with another man and bows. "I have returned, sir."

  "Ah. Dax Nero. Come in. I have someone I'd like for you to meet." He motions to the muscular blonde man wearing camouflage tan cargo pants and a black t-shirt. "This is Jarred Cunningham. Call him Silver."

  Zodiac can't breathe. He swears his heart stopped. How is this happening now? For the first time in ten years, he is in the same room as his father.

  Silver stands and holds out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nero."

  He looks into his father's hazel eyes, the same color as his own. It's him. After so long of searching for answers and believing he was dead, here he is. It's a surreal moment when Zodiac reaches out and shakes hands with his father. "I . . . we . . . um . . ."

  Samuels laughs as he pours a cup of coffee and slides it across the desk to Zodiac. "You'll have to forgive Dax's social ineptitudes. Sometimes he fi
nds it difficult to speak when under pressure."

  "That doesn't seem ideal for a spy."

  "It's usually only around certain people. Well, shall we get down to business?"

  Zodiac sits next to Jarred, still in complete shock.

  Samuels flips through a binder of papers and folders. "You two will be working together as partners."

  Partners? He's going to be working with Jarred? "But-"

  "No buts. Put aside any emotional issues you have and get to know your partner. Silver, you will return to the guild under the cover of darkness tonight. If things go poorly, you have clearance to eliminate anyone who gets in your way. I want you to get Cleopatra out of there and salvage any important data that is stored on the computers there. We can't risk working out of that place with so many enemy forces lurking around. You, Cleopatra, Atlas Adonis, and all of the agents who are still loyal to our cause will be relocated on this planet where we can better communicate and work together. You will have full security support by the IGR military."

  "Sounds good to me. I will let Mistress . . . I mean Cleopatra know as soon as possible. What about you, Dax?"

  "Uh . . . sure."

  Samuels closes the binder and holds up a note card. "Now, Dax, I just received some troubling information from Donnie and Isidore regarding your recent mission in Kyro."

  Oh, great. This is going to be awful. "I didn't-"

  "Do not interrupt me. As I was saying, I know about you blatantly disregarding my orders and compromising the mission. You knew you were putting everything at risk when you decided to help that slave boy. I have discussed this with Jarred and Cleopatra. We all agreed that your behavior was reckless . . . but justified. You have all of our gratitude for attempting to save him. While you were ultimately not successful in any of the mission objectives, I do have to commend you on your sense of compassion. You did the right thing, Dax."

  Silver pats him on the shoulder. "I'd like to personally thank you for what you did to help Paris. He is my slave and as close to my adopted son as is legally possible. I love him like he was my own child. Thank you for not hurting him or taking advantage of the situation like you could have. You're a good man."


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